This subhuman couple killed a cat

Most humans are scum
Plus we are animals too
So what?
Humans can be useful, animals provide literally nothing except a slight boost of dopamine.
"muh cute kitty :love::love:!! so much better than evil hooman!!:feelsuhh::feelsuhh:"

Also, with that second statement I slightly disagree.
There's a distinct difference between humans & animals, it's just most modern people are more animal than human.
So what?
Humans can be useful, animals provide literally nothing except a slight boost of dopamine.
"muh cute kitty :love::love:!! so much better than evil hooman!!:feelsuhh::feelsuhh:"

Also, with that second statement I slightly disagree.
There's a distinct difference between humans & animals, it's just most modern people are more animal than human.
Useful to what? Humans are a plague and play no useful role in the ecosystem anymore, just harm. I think it's justifiable to say most humans are worthless scum. It wouldn't matter if there weren't so many humans, but there are

Anyway, no, I'm saying biologically humans are animals. We're not plants or fungi
  • JFL
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Useful to what? Humans are a plague and play no useful role in the ecosystem anymore, just harm. I think it's justifiable to say most humans are worthless scum. It wouldn't matter if there weren't so many humans, but there are
Useful to society?
What did you expect me to say :forcedsmile:

You say we play no useful role in the ecosystem, but why should we have one in the 1st place?
We're naturally greedy & parasitic. Caring for the environment is just virtue signaling, no one actually gives a shit.

And yes, most humans are worthless like you said but that doesn't reflect everyone.
But guess what, there's nothing you can do about it. It doesn't change the fact humans are still more useful than animals.
What's the kitty gonna do?
Anyway, no, I'm saying biologically humans are animals. We're not plants or fungi
Biologically, sure.
But you were comparing people to animals. The amount of delusion you must put yourself through to think a cat/dog are as useful/valuable as a human is insane.
  • JFL
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Useful to society?
What did you expect me to say :forcedsmile:

You say we play no useful role in the ecosystem, but why should we have one in the 1st place?
We're naturally greedy & parasitic. Caring for the environment is just virtue signaling, no one actually gives a shit.

And yes, most humans are worthless like you said but that doesn't reflect everyone.
But guess what, there's nothing you can do about it. It doesn't change the fact humans are still more useful than animals.
What's the kitty gonna do?

Biologically, sure.
But you were comparing people to animals. The amount of delusion you must put yourself through to think a cat/dog are as useful/valuable as a human is insane.
How can you say humans are useful to society as a reason for why humans are useful?:feelshaha: I'm talking about humanity as a whole. It can't be useful because it's useful to itself. All organisms are meant to play a useful role in the ecosystem. Humans don't. We don't even have any predators anymore.

"No one gives a shit" speak for yourself. Many people care about human destruction of the environment, just like you (pretend to) care about other humans. Besides, I don't think anyone sane would want to live on a planet even more dominated by humans than currently, with disgusting pajeets and niggers and fat females never escapable on most settlements. We are made to live in nature

Again, humans are not more "useful" than animals. Useful to the terrible state that modern society is? Yes. Useful to wageslaving for money (a social construct)? Yes. Useful to the natural world which is why we are here in the first place? No
  • JFL
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How can you say humans are useful to society as a reason for why humans are useful?:feelshaha: I'm talking about humanity as a whole. It can't be useful because it's useful to itself. All organisms are meant to play a useful role in the ecosystem. Humans don't. We don't even have any predators anymore.
What else will humans be useful for?
Nature? The one thing that is constantly out for our throats? :feelshaha:

Caring for muh ecosystem & muh nature when all it wants is us gone is so cucked.
"No one gives a shit" speak for yourself. Many people care about human destruction of the environment, just like you (pretend to) care about other humans. Besides, I don't think anyone sane would want to live on a planet even more dominated by humans than currently, with disgusting pajeets and niggers and fat females never escapable on most settlements. We are made to live in nature
Made to live in nature? Hmm?
Did I just catch you saying that shit whilst the only reason you & your entire bloodline still exist is because of human intervention?

Stop watching that slav on youtube, it’s for the better.
Again, humans are not more "useful" than animals. Useful to the terrible state that modern society is? Yes. Useful to wageslaving for money (a social construct)? Yes. Useful to the natural world which is why we are here in the first place? No
Again, why would humanity be useful to nature when it has always been against us?
It’s like helping out some cartel member cut your head off.

Your only argument against humanity is the mass amount of subhumans, please notice what that word actually means.

The people who would actually be considered humans do not consider the masses as humans for obvious reasons, you’re not special with this kind of mindset, get off your high horse.
  • JFL
Reactions: optimisticzoomer
What else will humans be useful for?
Nature? The one thing that is constantly out for our throats? :feelshaha:

Caring for muh ecosystem & muh nature when all it wants is us gone is so cucked.

Made to live in nature? Hmm?
Did I just catch you saying that shit whilst the only reason you & your entire bloodline still exist is because of human intervention?

Stop watching that slav on youtube, it’s for the better.

Again, why would humanity be useful to nature when it has always been against us?
It’s like helping out some cartel member cut your head off.

Your only argument against humanity is the mass amount of subhumans, please notice what that word actually means.

The people who would actually be considered humans do not consider the masses as humans for obvious reasons, you’re not special with this kind of mindset, get off your high horse.
Against us = regulating our population level so we don't have 8 billion people? That's a good thing it's against us then. You say muh why care about the environment :feelsuhh: but seem to care about billions of other people which the world (and humanity) would be much better off without.

Which slav are you referring to? Sv3rige? I don't watch him. Anyone else u mean I don't watch either

Never said I was special jfl. I literally said others care which you try and claim they don't with "no one cares". Are you a pajeet by chance?
Against us = regulating our population level so we don't have 8 billion people? That's a good thing it's against us then. You say muh why care about the environment :feelsuhh: but seem to care about billions of other people which the world (and humanity) would be much better off without.
When I say against us I meant humanity, not the common person nowadays.
You should’ve been able to figure that out from previous context instead of nitpicking on my messages.

I don’t care for the billions as the billions are useless.
I care for humanity. Before you also pick on this point, my definition of humanity excludes subhumans (the masses).
Which slav are you referring to? Sv3rige? I don't watch him. Anyone else u mean I don't watch either
Okay, just assumed since every naturalcel on this forum is a retard who binged a few too many of his videos.
Never said I was special jfl. I literally said others care which you try and claim they don't with "no one cares". Are you a pajeet by chance?
If you take what other people say at face value it’s no surprise you ended up this way.
I guarantee you no one actually cares about it deeply.

Also, no.
I am not a pajeet, what makes you think so?
When I say against us I meant humanity, not the common person nowadays.
You should’ve been able to figure that out from previous context instead of nitpicking on my messages.

I don’t care for the billions as the billions are useless.
I care for humanity. Before you also pick on this point, my definition of humanity excludes subhumans (the masses).

Okay, just assumed since every naturalcel on this forum is a retard who binged a few too many of his videos.

If you take what other people say at face value it’s no surprise you ended up this way.
I guarantee you no one actually cares about it deeply.

Also, no.
I am not a pajeet, what makes you think so?
I know you meant humanity. I'm saying nature is "against" humanity, but that's not a bad thing. It regulates the population, which is why human population has exploded recently, which is not a good thing. Humanity was not at risk of dying out when we were living more naturally, and nature was "against us", aside from extinction events every few million years, which we can't prevent even with our modern lifestyle. Besides, nature is "against us" is not a fair statement, as it provides us with all that allows us to exist in the first place.

And can I ask why do you care for humanity? This is less reasonable than caring about the greater earth functioning and species balance I'd say. It's one thing to be selfish and say you don't care about other animals, forests, other people etc, but makes no sense to question caring about environment but then say you care about humanity.

I asked because there are so many pajeets and they are by and large a stain on the earth, but you seem to think their existence is a positive
  • +1
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I know you meant humanity. I'm saying nature is "against" humanity, but that's not a bad thing. It regulates the population, which is why human population has exploded recently, which is not a good thing. Humanity was not at risk of dying out when we were living more naturally, and nature was "against us", aside from extinction events every few million years, which we can't prevent even with our modern lifestyle. Besides, nature is "against us" is not a fair statement, as it provides us with all that allows us to exist in the first place.
Sure, it does regulate humanity but it does so in such a way that humanity is stuck on the same level as any other animal.
We would be very primitive.

The more intelligent a human gets the more they stray away from nature, humanity is just incompatible with nature hence it’s expected destruction.
And can I ask why do you care for humanity? This is less reasonable than caring about the greater earth functioning and species balance I'd say. It's one thing to be selfish and say you don't care about other animals, forests, other people etc, but makes no sense to question caring about environment but then say you care about humanity.
I care for humanity because there is nothing else to really care about.
I am human and so I will care for humanity.
You could say that I could care about animals, nature, ecosystem etc etc but what purpose is there?

No gain, just loss for us.

And like I said in my earlier post, we are innately greedy, explains the above point a bit better & I also just want more for humanity instead of being stagnant.
I asked because there are so many pajeets and they are by and large a stain on the earth, but you seem to think their existence is a positive
No, I don’t think their existence is a positive.

I see absolutely zero potential from them, they’ll be nothing more than a slave class for as long as they exist.
  • Hmm...
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Sure, it does regulate humanity but it does so in such a way that humanity is stuck on the same level as any other animal.
We would be very primitive.

The more intelligent a human gets the more they stray away from nature, humanity is just incompatible with nature hence it’s expected destruction.

I care for humanity because there is nothing else to really care about.
I am human and so I will care for humanity.
You could say that I could care about animals, nature, ecosystem etc etc but what purpose is there?

No gain, just loss for us.

And like I said in my earlier post, we are innately greedy, explains the above point a bit better & I also just want more for humanity instead of being stagnant.

No, I don’t think their existence is a positive.

I see absolutely zero potential from them, they’ll be nothing more than a slave class for as long as they exist.
Well you care about humanity just as I care about other species and the environment and ecosystem (which humanity can be a part of, just not in our current state).

Animals are vulnerable nowadays, where so many are at risk due to hunting but more so now habitat loss. It is good to care about the vulnerable. Hence I care about animals.

Anyway, you should at least agree there are too many people. Chimpanzees survive with only a few hundred thousand. Humanity can easily survive with the same, or a few million. So while you can care about humanity's survival, it's important to strike a balance and not have too many. Legit the world would be a much better place with 8 million rather than 8 billion people. It's not as though you can't enjoy society with that. It just means less cities, less population density (very good), no one in Asia etc
  • +1
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slave morality=let the police deal with it
master morality=torture and kill them for being subhuman, then steal their valuables and empty their bank account

Well you care about humanity just as I care about other species and the environment and ecosystem (which humanity can be a part of, just not in our current state).
Humanity will never be a part of the ecosystem.
You realise to be part of it we’d have to give, right?

All we do is take, all we have done is take & all we will do is take.
Animals are vulnerable nowadays, where so many are at risk due to hunting but more so now habitat loss. It is good to care about the vulnerable. Hence I care about animals.
Why is it good to care for the vulnerable?
It’s a dog eat dog world.

I can understand if you say that in the sense of protecting a woman/child but from the context it seems to be about animals.

You can’t just say caring for vulnerable things is good then say that’s the reason for caring for animals.
Shelter is also good right? I doubt you’d take in random strays into your house though.
Anyway, you should at least agree there are too many people. Chimpanzees survive with only a few hundred thousand. Humanity can easily survive with the same, or a few million. So while you can care about humanity's survival, it's important to strike a balance and not have too many. Legit the world would be a much better place with 8 million rather than 8 billion people. It's not as though you can't enjoy society with that. It just means less cities, less population density (very good), no one in Asia etc
Literally every post I wrote here was hinting at the fact that Earth is overpopulated.
I’ve written my opinion on this a lot already.

But it’s not just black & white like you think.
The best route is not to just rid of whatever race you personally don’t like, that’s just stooping down to the level of the people you want to get rid of.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: optimisticzoomer
Humanity will never be a part of the ecosystem.
You realise to be part of it we’d have to give, right?

All we do is take, all we have done is take & all we will do is take.

Why is it good to care for the vulnerable?
It’s a dog eat dog world.

I can understand if you say that in the sense of protecting a woman/child but from the context it seems to be about animals.

You can’t just say caring for vulnerable things is good then say that’s the reason for caring for animals.
Shelter is also good right? I doubt you’d take in random strays into your house though.

Literally every post I wrote here was hinting at the fact that Earth is overpopulated.
I’ve written my opinion on this a lot already.

But it’s not just black & white like you think.
The best route is not to just rid of whatever race you personally don’t like, that’s just stooping down to the level of the people you want to get rid of.
Why is it different for a woman/child compared to an animal? The woman or child doesn't care about you either, and is only concerned about themselves. Unless you're referring to your family which isn't a fair comparison (and even then my previous sentence applies to an extent, but that's a whole other blackpill).

And you care for the vulnerable because compassion is a good trait to have and is a trait associated with a functioning society. In the human context, it's like caring about disabled people. They are the vulnerable ones of society, but everyone hates someone who makes fun of or abuses them. Same logic should (and does, to an extent) apply to animals. Fortunately in most (and certainly the somewhat respectable societies) we are against animal cruelty, until it comes to slaughterhouses but whatever. With punishments for it, and bans on hunting endangered animals etc
  • Hmm...
Reactions: raleqtambrobret
Why is it different for a woman/child compared to an animal? The woman or child doesn't care about you either, and is only concerned about themselves. Unless you're referring to your family which isn't a fair comparison (and even then my previous sentence applies to an extent, but that's a whole other blackpill).
Because one is human & the other is an animal.
If you’re going to be so picky about this segment, just think of it in this way.

Woman/child & the animal both start with 0 points.
Neither truly care about you, so +0 points to both.
One is a human, so as a human you give +1 to the woman/child

One has potential to contribute to humanity, whilst the other is an insentient animal, +1 to the human.
I could go on all day with this shitty analogy but I fucking hate typing on a phone..

Just understand, even if there are no emotions nor biases involved, just think logically.
If your logic still says that the animal is worth more then there’s something wrong up there.
And you care for the vulnerable because compassion is a good trait to have and is a trait associated with a functioning society. In the human context, it's like caring about disabled people. They are the vulnerable ones of society, but everyone hates someone who makes fun of or abuses them. Same logic should (and does, to an extent) apply to animals. Fortunately in most (and certainly the somewhat respectable societies) we are against animal cruelty, until it comes to slaughterhouses but whatever. With punishments for it, and bans on hunting endangered animals etc
Compassion is a good trait, I won’t deny that.
It’s just there’s too much of it nowadays.

Said excess of compassion is the reason for overpopulation, the existence of subhumans & pretty much every other man-made ailment.

Also, just to make sure you know, I am not for nor against animal cruelty.
I simply don’t care.
The life of an animal does not affect me at all.

Whilst typing this post an unimaginable amount of animals have died & yet I could not care less.
I know what you’re trying to type though, “ muh same thing happn to hooman bro”…. I know.

But I am not going to specify again on what I consider a human worth caring for.
Because one is human & the other is an animal.
If you’re going to be so picky about this segment, just think of it in this way.

Woman/child & the animal both start with 0 points.
Neither truly care about you, so +0 points to both.
One is a human, so as a human you give +1 to the woman/child

One has potential to contribute to humanity, whilst the other is an insentient animal, +1 to the human.
I could go on all day with this shitty analogy but I fucking hate typing on a phone..

Just understand, even if there are no emotions nor biases involved, just think logically.
If your logic still says that the animal is worth more then there’s something wrong up there.

Compassion is a good trait, I won’t deny that.
It’s just there’s too much of it nowadays.

Said excess of compassion is the reason for overpopulation, the existence of subhumans & pretty much every other man-made ailment.

Also, just to make sure you know, I am not for nor against animal cruelty.
I simply don’t care.
The life of an animal does not affect me at all.

Whilst typing this post an unimaginable amount of animals have died & yet I could not care less.
I know what you’re trying to type though, “ muh same thing happn to hooman bro”…. I know.

But I am not going to specify again on what I consider a human worth caring for.
Jfl at calling animals insentient. Most mammals mourn loss of offspring or family members.
Also I don't give a point just for being human because I see how cruel and destructive humanity is. And I hate most people, it's as simple as that.

I have a different approach to you. I have never been treated badly or embarrassed or teased etc by an animal, but I have by humans. So from my perspective I value animals much more than I do humans who aren't close to me.

Many times I would come home from school feeling like shit and just lie next to my guinea pigs and feel better and not judged, even talk to them. And obviously they don't understand but they were sweet and needed me
  • JFL
Reactions: raleqtambrobret
@raleqtambrobret fuck you laughing. You said something as dumb as animals (of which humans are) are insentient and have the nerve to jfl react to me. Fuck you cuck
  • JFL
Reactions: raleqtambrobret
Jfl at calling animals insentient. Most mammals mourn loss of offspring or family members.
Also I don't give a point just for being human because I see how cruel and destructive humanity is. And I hate most people, it's as simple as that.

I have a different approach to you. I have never been treated badly or embarrassed or teased etc by an animal, but I have by humans. So from my perspective I value animals much more than I do humans who aren't close to me.

Many times I would come home from school feeling like shit and just lie next to my guinea pigs and feel better and not judged, even talk to them. And obviously they don't understand but they were sweet and needed me
Then clearly you are not one of the people I consider a human.
All of these negative experiences happen only to subhumans.

Your arguments are on par with the man vs bear those women on TT have though :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
“animals never treated me bad like evil hooman!!”

You’d get eaten alive in nature, but it’s whatever.
Our life experiences are completely & utterly different, there’s no way we’d have similar ideologies.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: optimisticzoomer
@raleqtambrobret fuck you laughing. You said something as dumb as animals (of which humans are) are insentient and have the nerve to jfl react to me. Fuck you cuck
Yes bro me sweetie kitten so sentient
Then clearly you are not one of the people I consider a human.
All of these negative experiences happen only to subhumans.

Your arguments are on par with the man vs bear those women on TT have though :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
“animals never treated me bad like evil hooman!!”

You’d get eaten alive in nature, but it’s whatever.
Our life experiences are completely & utterly different, there’s no way we’d have similar ideologies.
Broaden your horizons son. You seem to think humans are so special but then seem to lack the thinking ability to critique that viewpoint, which therefore suggests maybe humans aren't so special after all
  • JFL
Reactions: raleqtambrobret
Yes bro me sweetie kitten so sentient
View attachment 3004034
Yes, jfl @ you if you think the first two don't apply to mammals. It doesn't have to fit all definitions. Words have different definitions, and are all described by humans anyway to fit a human centric approach
  • JFL
Reactions: raleqtambrobret
Broaden your horizons son. You seem to think humans are so special but then seem to lack the thinking ability to critique that viewpoint, which therefore suggests maybe humans aren't so special after all
Abused dog ramblings…

If you’re so subhuman that you’ve been bullied & put down for all of your life then your opinion matters not to me.
Abused dog ramblings…

If you’re so subhuman that you’ve been bullied & put down for all of your life then your opinion matters not to me.
I haven't been bullied. I am just acutely aware of how pathetic and self absorbed most people are. You fit right in though and don't register this as you're clearly IQ mogged by the chimpanzees you don't consider "sentient"
  • JFL
Reactions: raleqtambrobret
Yes, jfl @ you if you think the first two don't apply to mammals. It doesn't have to fit all definitions. Words have different definitions, and are all described by humans anyway to fit a human centric approach
dairy cow tongue GIF by UC Davis

Wow! Look at this sentient mammal on par with human intelligence! This cow is definitely self-aware!
  • Ugh..
Reactions: optimisticzoomer
I haven't been bullied. I am just acutely aware of how pathetic and self absorbed most people are. You fit right in though and don't register this as you're clearly IQ mogged by the chimpanzees you don't consider "sentient"
Calling others low IQ whilst hating humans for what they are naturally inclined to do is VERY ironic.

What’s next? Gonna shit on people who are hungry?
It’s no one elses fault but yours that you’re such a subhuman that others cant help but kick you while you’re down.

Accept it & move on.
dairy cow tongue GIF by UC Davis

Wow! Look at this sentient mammal on par with human intelligence! This cow is definitely self-aware!
You're embarrassing yourself now, pal. Of course it's self aware. Jfl @ your human centric ideas. Are you a bluepilled religious cuck by any chance? Your takes align with theirs.

I hope your family are some of those who are removed from this earth to reduce the human population. You're about to get ignored too

Your video and subsequent message doesnt even make sense. It's just a video of a cow. I could send a video of a human and say the exact same thing? Pathetic nigger. You are a subhuman abomination who thinks he's the shit
  • JFL
Reactions: raleqtambrobret
@raleqtambrobret congrats! You're only the third person in 4 years to get ignored by me (I reserve it for the hopelessly idiotic and those lacking self awareness to a seriously unfortunate degree)
Screenshot 2024 06 29 01 21 40 09 40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12

Any subsequent messages by you shall not be read
  • JFL
Reactions: raleqtambrobret
You're embarrassing yourself now, pal. Of course it's self aware. Jfl @ your human centric ideas. Are you a bluepilled religious cuck by any chance? Your takes align with theirs.
Wow.. so organisms responding to pain/pleasure stimulus is considered self-awareness now?
Someone get this guy a Nobel Prize!!
I hope your family are some of those who are removed from this earth to reduce the human population. You're about to get ignored too
Oh no… did I hurt your feelings..? :forcedsmile:

I hope you realise I am not actually taking anything you type here seriously, you’ve lost that right a few arguments ago when you yourself considered yourself as a subhuman who, for the sake of humanity, should not breed… :feelshaha:
Your video and subsequent message doesnt even make sense. It's just a video of a cow. I could send a video of a human and say the exact same thing? Pathetic nigger. You are a subhuman abomination who thinks he's the shit
View attachment 3004041
Just ignore all the other posts in this thread where I’ve mentioned that some people are not humans in my PoV….. did you forget?

You should get a checkup at the doctor, old man.

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