This world is literally hell (EXPLAINED)

You can still enjoy it here and enjoy the food, music, fucking, sports or whatever you like. But once you're gone, you need to let go of them and take a step back and look at tbe bigger picture.

Living like a monk is close to impossible unless you are born or get reincarnated as one in those sorts of countries

Also what do you think meditation is good for to escape reincarnation? To achieve better awareness? Calm your thoughts that aren't yours?
I was on mushrooms at new years eve party and went to the bathroom as I needed to pee pee. I looked in the mirror and I had a thought crop into my head. This world is literally hell.

I don't mean that as in "this world sucks ughhh its hell". No I thought that it is LITERALLY hell.

Let me explain:

You are given a choice once you arrive on the earth to do good or to do evil. To become attached to material possessions or to become detached from them. As I mentioned before in another thread, Satan offered Jesus all of the kingdoms on the earth if he but fall down and worship him. It was a genuine offer. He therefore must own all the kingdoms of the earth, which means? This is his realm.

Material reality is the realm of satan/wetiko/force of evil.

But that doesn't mean that there isn't good in this world either. People are brought here to choose and therefore there will be good things in this world but there will also be bad things. The good comes from transcending base animalistic desires and acting according to a higher principle, evil comes from satisfying primal urges.

I have thought before whilst merely smoking weed, that eating is a disgusting activity that all life needs to do. We need to consume animal and plant life to continue ourselves. Now I am unable to eat whilst smoking weed because I automatically want to vomit. The feelings I get consuming any food whatsoever becomes absolutely horrendous to me and feels very uncomfortable. I can visualise the processes of digestion etc if I get too high. Don't get this feeling when I'm sober though which is odd. It's as if a veil is lifted in my mind and I can see it for what it really is.

It also doesn't make sense that a human soul should burn eternally in hellfire for temporal sins. It does however, make sense that this place is actually hell and you are recycled over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to everything in this world.

All of the yogi's, monks, early christians, east asian religions all knew this. This is why they spend a life of solitude and meditate. Physical reality is HELL.

Final conclusion to think about:
If this world is actually hell and you are reincarnated over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to this world, then the concept of transhumanism should be something to never pass off as nonsense.
We all know the controllers of this world are nefarious in nature. Trapping human consciousness inside of machines is the only way to prevent anyone from escaping material reality. The promise that you will 'live forever' is merely playing on the human fear of death. A fear we were given so that can we truly ascend of our own volition if it is our time to leave the reincarnation cycle.

If you really want to kill gods creation (Mankind), then trapping their souls inside of machines is the only way to do it. Never take any transhumanist
How do u face evil?
I was on mushrooms at new years eve party and went to the bathroom as I needed to pee pee. I looked in the mirror and I had a thought crop into my head. This world is literally hell.

I don't mean that as in "this world sucks ughhh its hell". No I thought that it is LITERALLY hell.

Let me explain:

You are given a choice once you arrive on the earth to do good or to do evil. To become attached to material possessions or to become detached from them. As I mentioned before in another thread, Satan offered Jesus all of the kingdoms on the earth if he but fall down and worship him. It was a genuine offer. He therefore must own all the kingdoms of the earth, which means? This is his realm.

Material reality is the realm of satan/wetiko/force of evil.

But that doesn't mean that there isn't good in this world either. People are brought here to choose and therefore there will be good things in this world but there will also be bad things. The good comes from transcending base animalistic desires and acting according to a higher principle, evil comes from satisfying primal urges.

I have thought before whilst merely smoking weed, that eating is a disgusting activity that all life needs to do. We need to consume animal and plant life to continue ourselves. Now I am unable to eat whilst smoking weed because I automatically want to vomit. The feelings I get consuming any food whatsoever becomes absolutely horrendous to me and feels very uncomfortable. I can visualise the processes of digestion etc if I get too high. Don't get this feeling when I'm sober though which is odd. It's as if a veil is lifted in my mind and I can see it for what it really is.

It also doesn't make sense that a human soul should burn eternally in hellfire for temporal sins. It does however, make sense that this place is actually hell and you are recycled over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to everything in this world.

All of the yogi's, monks, early christians, east asian religions all knew this. This is why they spend a life of solitude and meditate. Physical reality is HELL.

Final conclusion to think about:
If this world is actually hell and you are reincarnated over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to this world, then the concept of transhumanism should be something to never pass off as nonsense.
We all know the controllers of this world are nefarious in nature. Trapping human consciousness inside of machines is the only way to prevent anyone from escaping material reality. The promise that you will 'live forever' is merely playing on the human fear of death. A fear we were given so that can we truly ascend of our own volition if it is our time to leave the reincarnation cycle.

If you really want to kill gods creation (Mankind), then trapping their souls inside of machines is the only way to do it. Never take any transhumanist technology.
read the law of one
High iq until you said this
A room can only get dirtier over time if left alone, not cleaner. Random chance does not create order only more and more chaos and error. Someone has to step in and clean the room up.
This is erroneous but you're not initiated into the mysteries so you get a pass
Any works you could give me to take a look at
A room can only get dirtier over time if left alone, not cleaner. Random chance does not create order only more and more chaos and error. Someone has to step in and clean the room up.
If you think there was a real Adam and Eve or that humans came to life because a creator spawned them, don't mention the Bible or any other mystical text in the same paragraph. It's ignorant.
Any works you could give me to take a look at
Paul Foster Case is a good intro
If you think there was a real Adam and Eve or that humans came to life because a creator spawned them, don't mention the Bible or any other mystical text in the same paragraph. It's ignorant.
I do think there was a real adam and eve. I used to think evolution was real until I really processed it and researched it.

Natural Selection and therefore macroevolution cannot exist because every selection pressure minimizes biodiversity in the genepool as it specializes. Eventually you reach a point where only the best suited genes/cells would survive which means - no more evolution.

I don't deny that micro evolution/adaptation is a real thing. It absolutely is. A bird may have big feathers, or small feathers, a big beak or a small beak. But it will always remain a bird. A bird will never transform into something else and there is no evidence whatsoever for interspecies remains. There has never been a remain found on the earth that is between species, only fully formed ones with slight variation due to environmental adaptation.
Paul Foster Case is a good intro
I'll check him out.
Seek existentialism not nihalism this is self indulgent mental masturbation not the kind I indulge in
Seek existentialism not nihalism this is self indulgent mental masturbation not the kind I indulge in
This isnt nihilism at all. If anything it should be hopeful because there is a way out.
pretty sure there was a deviation of christianity that has been claming this for a while
I was on mushrooms at new years eve party and went to the bathroom as I needed to pee pee. I looked in the mirror and I had a thought crop into my head. This world is literally hell.

I don't mean that as in "this world sucks ughhh its hell". No I thought that it is LITERALLY hell.

Let me explain:

You are given a choice once you arrive on the earth to do good or to do evil. To become attached to material possessions or to become detached from them. As I mentioned before in another thread, Satan offered Jesus all of the kingdoms on the earth if he but fall down and worship him. It was a genuine offer. He therefore must own all the kingdoms of the earth, which means? This is his realm.

Material reality is the realm of satan/wetiko/force of evil.

But that doesn't mean that there isn't good in this world either. People are brought here to choose and therefore there will be good things in this world but there will also be bad things. The good comes from transcending base animalistic desires and acting according to a higher principle, evil comes from satisfying primal urges.

I have thought before whilst merely smoking weed, that eating is a disgusting activity that all life needs to do. We need to consume animal and plant life to continue ourselves. Now I am unable to eat whilst smoking weed because I automatically want to vomit. The feelings I get consuming any food whatsoever becomes absolutely horrendous to me and feels very uncomfortable. I can visualise the processes of digestion etc if I get too high. Don't get this feeling when I'm sober though which is odd. It's as if a veil is lifted in my mind and I can see it for what it really is.

It also doesn't make sense that a human soul should burn eternally in hellfire for temporal sins. It does however, make sense that this place is actually hell and you are recycled over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to everything in this world.

All of the yogi's, monks, early christians, east asian religions all knew this. This is why they spend a life of solitude and meditate. Physical reality is HELL.

Final conclusion to think about:
If this world is actually hell and you are reincarnated over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to this world, then the concept of transhumanism should be something to never pass off as nonsense.
We all know the controllers of this world are nefarious in nature. Trapping human consciousness inside of machines is the only way to prevent anyone from escaping material reality. The promise that you will 'live forever' is merely playing on the human fear of death. A fear we were given so that can we truly ascend of our own volition if it is our time to leave the reincarnation cycle.

If you really want to kill gods creation (Mankind), then trapping their souls inside of machines is the only way to do it. Never take any transhumanist technology.
Satan rules all the kingdoms on this earth. He has the authority to give them to anyone he chooses (promotion). But you gotta understand that he is still completely bound by God. And God still protects certain people here on earth, which Satan cannot do anything about.

Look in the book of Job. Notice how Satan mentions to God how God's servant Job has a hedge of protection around himself and his family? And how Satan had to go to God to ask His permission every time he wanted to afflict Job further?

This life is not hell. Babylon is ruled by Satan, but here you can still choose to serve God. In hell you don't have that choice. And in he lake of fire you will be separated from God. That's something that you cannot begin to fathom.
legit theory
Give me a reason to believe in god when he never helped me in My darkest days
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I was on mushrooms at new years eve party and went to the bathroom as I needed to pee pee. I looked in the mirror and I had a thought crop into my head. This world is literally hell.

I don't mean that as in "this world sucks ughhh its hell". No I thought that it is LITERALLY hell.

Let me explain:

You are given a choice once you arrive on the earth to do good or to do evil. To become attached to material possessions or to become detached from them. As I mentioned before in another thread, Satan offered Jesus all of the kingdoms on the earth if he but fall down and worship him. It was a genuine offer. He therefore must own all the kingdoms of the earth, which means? This is his realm.

Material reality is the realm of satan/wetiko/force of evil.

But that doesn't mean that there isn't good in this world either. People are brought here to choose and therefore there will be good things in this world but there will also be bad things. The good comes from transcending base animalistic desires and acting according to a higher principle, evil comes from satisfying primal urges.

I have thought before whilst merely smoking weed, that eating is a disgusting activity that all life needs to do. We need to consume animal and plant life to continue ourselves. Now I am unable to eat whilst smoking weed because I automatically want to vomit. The feelings I get consuming any food whatsoever becomes absolutely horrendous to me and feels very uncomfortable. I can visualise the processes of digestion etc if I get too high. Don't get this feeling when I'm sober though which is odd. It's as if a veil is lifted in my mind and I can see it for what it really is.

It also doesn't make sense that a human soul should burn eternally in hellfire for temporal sins. It does however, make sense that this place is actually hell and you are recycled over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to everything in this world.

All of the yogi's, monks, early christians, east asian religions all knew this. This is why they spend a life of solitude and meditate. Physical reality is HELL.

Final conclusion to think about:
If this world is actually hell and you are reincarnated over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to this world, then the concept of transhumanism should be something to never pass off as nonsense.
We all know the controllers of this world are nefarious in nature. Trapping human consciousness inside of machines is the only way to prevent anyone from escaping material reality. The promise that you will 'live forever' is merely playing on the human fear of death. A fear we were given so that can we truly ascend of our own volition if it is our time to leave the reincarnation cycle.

If you really want to kill gods creation (Mankind), then trapping their souls inside of machines is the only way to do it. Never take any transhumanist technology.
Very smart
Give me a reason to believe in god when he never helped me in My darkest days
God doesn't perform a deus ex machina at every little trifle human being goes through. No doubt you have become much more aware of things because of what you went through, no?
God doesn't perform a deus ex machina at every little trifle human being goes through. No doubt you have become much more aware of things because of what you went through, no?
Yes I became more aware and cold hearted with no emotions I don't Even smile
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