Those are the requirements of a girl i Spoke to

28 still single and in education is a red flag
For real man she don’t even understand that she’s a leftover.

If you are a true Stacy since day one guys would try to get you at your 15.
Just by those stats its safe to say she had the "Hoe Personality" in her prime years and now is trying to settle as the "House Wife Personality" before she officially hits age 30 which will make her SMV even lower when you don't get to see the number 2 infront
  • +1
Reactions: PARISIEN
28 yo htb foid chasing career wants pretty chad with high iq and high income 😂

Never gonna happen. Legit chance of Taylor Swift marrying a subhuman indian is higher than her meeting a man of her standards
More chance of it happening than not. Says a lot about you incel.
What does she think of Joshua Weyerhauser? He is 6'7 and has a pretty good face.

I think she'll like him.

Yeah She sent me a set of chads already
  • +1
Reactions: Nick.Harte
Just by those stats its safe to say she had the "Hoe Personality" in her prime years and now is trying to settle as the "House Wife Personality" before she officially hits age 30 which will make her SMV even lower when you don't get to see the number 2 infront
No She never had sex
I meet all these criterea except chad

Ill compensate with Intelligence and sense of humour 😍
Just by those stats its safe to say she had the "Hoe Personality" in her prime years and now is trying to settle as the "House Wife Personality" before she officially hits age 30 which will make her SMV even lower when you don't get to see the number 2 infront
It’s even sadder, sometimes rich people are around a lot of chad and Stacy, that girl may have a lot of Stacies friend and think she’s one but..nah
Did she seem honest with her saying that? Extremely rare to see a virgin chick at 28.
Yeah. Are you surprised?? Those are the standards She had since childhood. She never moved past the phase of when She was horny with Twilight characters

She wants this. She said someone like levi conley Is too masc

OVer for maesthetic chads + Levi Conley is gay anyway (he is in gay porn)
  • JFL
Reactions: the BULL

This Is the most masc guy She sent me. She's completely delusional anyway, but apparently her cousin married a Rich and gl guy

So maximum maesthetic for her
  • +1
Reactions: the BULL
Looks : chad, nothing less, pure PSL 6 chad, prettyboy type
Iq : 120 minimum
Earnings : High
Height : 180 cms minimum
Those are all mandatory

I feel so fucking hopeless After this convo. Women really are like Hitler. I cannot even move from the bed. I don't even know why i'm acting like emotional support for this girl, i thought i enjoyed talking about blackpill with a woman but this Is actually too much. BTW she's a 28 yo High Becky still in education
Do you have her contact pls?
Yes there are retards, there are female doctors researchers and engineers
None of those people are smart they just study hard. I’m in school with a bunch of them rn they are all retarded tbh.
Looks : chad, nothing less, pure PSL 6 chad, prettyboy type
Iq : 120 minimum
Earnings : High
Height : 180 cms minimum
Those are all mandatory

I feel so fucking hopeless After this convo. Women really are like Hitler. I cannot even move from the bed. I don't even know why i'm acting like emotional support for this girl, i thought i enjoyed talking about blackpill with a woman but this Is actually too much. BTW she's a 28 yo High Becky still in education

4. What She Wants vs. What She’ll Get

a. What She Wants

  • A Chad who is tall, rich, intelligent, and faithful, which is an incredibly specific and high bar.
  • She seems to believe that because she is a virgin, well-educated, and comes from wealth, she deserves a man with perfect looks, high intelligence, and a successful career.

b. What She’s Likely to Get

  • Harsh Reality: Based on her age, field of study, and unrealistic standards, her chances of getting exactly what she wants are slim. By remaining in education until 28 and not yet entering the workforce, she’s delaying her ability to build relationships with high-value men who typically marry younger women or those with more experience.
  • Lower Status Chadlite or HTN: The most realistic outcome is that she may attract a Chadlite or HTN—someone who is attractive but not wealthy. He might fit her looks criteria but could be lower in status and income, meaning she may end up having to support him financially.
  • A Late Marriage to an Older Man: If she keeps holding out for a perfect Chad, she might eventually marry a wealthy older man (possibly in his 40s or 50s), who meets her financial expectations but doesn’t align with her original desire for a younger, good-looking Chad.
  • Risk of Staying Single: If she continues to hold onto these extreme expectations, she may face the risk of remaining single into her 30s and beyond, as fewer high-value men are available or interested in someone with such rigid standards.


Conclusion: What She’ll Get (Based on D9, Darakaraka, and Aspects)

  • If Saturn is the Darakaraka: She’ll likely end up with a partner who is older, responsible, and financially stable but lacking the Chad-level looks she desires. The relationship will be more about stability than romance or physical attraction.
  • If Mars is the Darakaraka: She may get someone who is physically attractive but struggles with financial stability or commitment. This person may meet her physical expectations but not her intellectual or material standards.
  • Aspects and Nakshatras: If Venus or Mars is in Bharani or Purva Phalguni, she may attract partners who are focused on pleasure and beauty, but they may lack responsibility or stability. If Saturn aspects are present, her expectations will likely be unfulfilled, and she might settle for a stable but less exciting partner.
Her chart will likely force her to choose between a physically attractive partner who lacks financial stability or a stable, responsible partner who isn’t as charismatic or attractive as she wants. The chances of getting everything she wants (Chad looks, high IQ, wealth, and loyalty) are slim based on potential chart configurations.
  • JFL
Reactions: the BULL

4. What She Wants vs. What She’ll Get

a. What She Wants

  • A Chad who is tall, rich, intelligent, and faithful, which is an incredibly specific and high bar.
  • She seems to believe that because she is a virgin, well-educated, and comes from wealth, she deserves a man with perfect looks, high intelligence, and a successful career.

b. What She’s Likely to Get

  • Harsh Reality: Based on her age, field of study, and unrealistic standards, her chances of getting exactly what she wants are slim. By remaining in education until 28 and not yet entering the workforce, she’s delaying her ability to build relationships with high-value men who typically marry younger women or those with more experience.
  • Lower Status Chadlite or HTN: The most realistic outcome is that she may attract a Chadlite or HTN—someone who is attractive but not wealthy. He might fit her looks criteria but could be lower in status and income, meaning she may end up having to support him financially.
  • A Late Marriage to an Older Man: If she keeps holding out for a perfect Chad, she might eventually marry a wealthy older man (possibly in his 40s or 50s), who meets her financial expectations but doesn’t align with her original desire for a younger, good-looking Chad.
  • Risk of Staying Single: If she continues to hold onto these extreme expectations, she may face the risk of remaining single into her 30s and beyond, as fewer high-value men are available or interested in someone with such rigid standards.


Conclusion: What She’ll Get (Based on D9, Darakaraka, and Aspects)

  • If Saturn is the Darakaraka: She’ll likely end up with a partner who is older, responsible, and financially stable but lacking the Chad-level looks she desires. The relationship will be more about stability than romance or physical attraction.
  • If Mars is the Darakaraka: She may get someone who is physically attractive but struggles with financial stability or commitment. This person may meet her physical expectations but not her intellectual or material standards.
  • Aspects and Nakshatras: If Venus or Mars is in Bharani or Purva Phalguni, she may attract partners who are focused on pleasure and beauty, but they may lack responsibility or stability. If Saturn aspects are present, her expectations will likely be unfulfilled, and she might settle for a stable but less exciting partner.
Her chart will likely force her to choose between a physically attractive partner who lacks financial stability or a stable, responsible partner who isn’t as charismatic or attractive as she wants. The chances of getting everything she wants (Chad looks, high IQ, wealth, and loyalty) are slim based on potential chart configurations.
@Sub0 @Chadeep @Gaygymmaxx

Based on the detailed description of this woman’s expectations, personality, and circumstances, I can infer certain likely placements, nakshatras, and aspects in her D1 (birth chart) and D9 (Navamsa chart). These predictions aim to align with the realistic outcomes she’s likely to get in marriage, as opposed to her lofty standards.

Let’s walk through the most likely configurations based on the information:

1. Likely Placements in the D1 Chart (Birth Chart)

The D1 chart reveals her general personality, expectations, and desires in life. Here’s what might show up in her chart given her extreme standards and sense of entitlement.

a. Venus in Capricorn or Taurus

  • Venus in Capricorn would signify her focus on status, financial success, and long-term stability. She’s likely drawn to men who are successful and established, but she’s also focused on the external appearance of success (hence, demanding both looks and wealth). However, Venus in Capricorn can also indicate delays or challenges in love and relationships, as she might set her standards too high and reject more suitable partners.
  • Venus in Taurus would amplify her focus on material security and physical beauty in relationships. Taurus Venus is known for its love of luxury and comfort, and it might explain her fixation on a wealthy, good-looking partner. However, it could also make her stubborn and unwilling to compromise, leading to frustration when her expectations aren’t met.

b. Mars in Leo or Aries

  • Mars in Leo could indicate that she’s drawn to men who are charismatic, powerful, and stand out socially. She likely desires a Chad-type figure who is confident and dominant, but this could also mean she expects a partner to have social status and a commanding presence, making her less likely to settle for anyone she deems inferior.
  • Mars in Aries could give her a more independent and assertive personality in relationships. She may feel she deserves the very best, and her quick-to-judge nature (as is common with Aries Mars) could lead her to reject potential suitors who don’t immediately meet her high standards.

c. Sun in Capricorn or Leo

  • Sun in Capricorn would explain her desire for a partner who is serious, responsible, and has achieved financial success. However, it could also indicate that she has a rigid and disciplined approach to love, wanting someone who mirrors her ambitions and success-oriented mindset. This might lead to delays in finding a partner, as she might pass over those who don’t meet her narrow criteria.
  • Sun in Leo would point to her desire for a partner who shines socially and has confidence or celebrity-like charisma. Leo Suns often look for partners who are center-stage, meaning she would expect a man who is not just successful but admired by others.

d. Moon in Sagittarius or Aquarius

  • Moon in Sagittarius would explain her idealism in relationships and her unrealistic standards. Sagittarius Moon often holds out for the “perfect match” and can be prone to seeing partners in an idealistic light, leading to disappointment when reality doesn’t align with expectations.
  • Moon in Aquarius would indicate her emotional detachment and focus on intellectual compatibility. She might value a partner’s IQ and visionary qualities, making her reject men who don’t meet her intellectual or moral ideals. This detachment also points to her possibly being less emotionally involved, which might make her harder to connect with.

2. Likely Placements in the D9 Chart (Navamsa)

The D9 (Navamsa) chart provides deep insight into what kind of partner she will get and the eventual outcome of her relationship, even if it’s not what she wants.

a. Darakaraka (Spouse Significator) – Likely Saturn or Mars

  • Saturn as Darakaraka would mean she ends up with a partner who is older, more mature, or focused on financial security and stability. However, this man might not be the Chad she desires, as Saturn tends to bring someone more conservative and traditional, focused on responsibility rather than charm or physical beauty.
  • Mars as Darakaraka could point to her ending up with someone who is physically attractive and assertive but may lack the financial stability she desires. This could mean she finds a Chad-like partner in looks but may end up frustrated by his lack of drive to succeed financially or intellectual prowess.

b. Venus in a Nakshatra Like Bharani, Purva Phalguni, or Purva Ashadha

  • Venus in Bharani: Her partner may be physically attractive but might struggle with responsibility and be more focused on pleasure and indulgence. This placement would indicate she gets someone good-looking but not necessarily a stable provider.
  • Venus in Purva Phalguni: This nakshatra is associated with luxury and beauty, and she might attract a partner who fits her physical expectations but is more laid-back or even lazy. Her partner could be charming and attractive, but lacking in the work ethic or ambition she desires.
  • Venus in Purva Ashadha: This placement could indicate she marries someone who is optimistic and adventurous but possibly a bit irresponsible when it comes to long-term planning or financial management.

c. Saturn Aspects in the D9 Chart

  • If Saturn aspects the Sun or Venus in the D9 chart, it could indicate delays in marriage or settling for a partner who is responsible but not as charismatic or wealthy as she desires. Saturn’s influence often brings stability, but it comes at the cost of romance and excitement.
  • Saturn aspects to Mars could indicate tension between her desires for a physically attractive partner and the reality of what she will get. She may have to settle for someone who is more practical and less exciting.

d. Jupiter-Venus Aspects

  • A Jupiter-Venus trine could suggest that she will get a partner who is generous and optimistic but possibly not as driven or ambitious as she desires. This aspect can create a sense of idealism in relationships but doesn’t necessarily guarantee that she will end up with the wealthy, smart, and attractive Chad she’s seeking.

3. Likely Outcome Based on Aspects and Nakshatras

Given the various chart placements, aspects, and nakshatras likely in her D1 and D9 charts, here’s the most likely outcome:

a. What She’ll Get

  • Physically Attractive but Financially Unstable Partner: If Mars is her Darakaraka or she has Mars-Venus aspects in her D9, she may end up with a physically attractive partner who meets her looks expectations but fails to provide the financial security or intelligence she desires. He may be charismatic and good-looking but lack the drive to succeed or be independent financially, leaving her to carry more of the burden.
  • Responsible but Unattractive Partner: If Saturn is her Darakaraka or Saturn aspects her Venus in the D9, she could end up with a mature, financially stable partner who offers security but lacks the physical attractiveness and passion she craves. He might be a reliable provider but not the Chad she’s hoping for.

b. Delayed or Compromised Marriage

  • Delays in Marriage: Saturn influences in her D9 chart might indicate she doesn’t marry until later in life, potentially in her 30s, due to her high standards. By the time she’s ready to settle down, she may have to compromise on some of her expectations.
  • Settling for Less in One Area: Her chart suggests she will have to choose between a partner who is good-looking but not wealthy or responsible, or one who is financially secure but lacks the charisma or physical appeal she wants.

Conclusion: Most Likely Chart Elements

  • Venus in an Earth sign (Taurus or Capricorn) or Libra in the D1, emphasizing her focus on material wealth and physical beauty.
  • Mars in Leo or Aries in the D1, suggesting she seeks physical attractiveness and dominance in a partner.
  • Darakaraka is likely Saturn or Mars in the D9 chart. Saturn would give her a responsible but less attractive partner, while Mars would give her a physically appealing partner but one who may not provide the financial stability or intelligence she wants.
  • Venus in Bharani or Purva Phalguni Nakshatra in the D9 chart, indicating a focus on physical beauty but struggles with responsibility in her partner.
  • Saturn aspects in the D9 chart, indicating delays in marriage or a more practical, less romantic partner.
The chart most likely points to her having to choose between physical beauty and financial security—but it’s unlikely she will get both in the perfect form she desires.
  • JFL
Reactions: Chadeep and the BULL

4. What She Wants vs. What She’ll Get

a. What She Wants

  • A Chad who is tall, rich, intelligent, and faithful, which is an incredibly specific and high bar.
  • She seems to believe that because she is a virgin, well-educated, and comes from wealth, she deserves a man with perfect looks, high intelligence, and a successful career.

b. What She’s Likely to Get

  • Harsh Reality: Based on her age, field of study, and unrealistic standards, her chances of getting exactly what she wants are slim. By remaining in education until 28 and not yet entering the workforce, she’s delaying her ability to build relationships with high-value men who typically marry younger women or those with more experience.
  • Lower Status Chadlite or HTN: The most realistic outcome is that she may attract a Chadlite or HTN—someone who is attractive but not wealthy. He might fit her looks criteria but could be lower in status and income, meaning she may end up having to support him financially.
  • A Late Marriage to an Older Man: If she keeps holding out for a perfect Chad, she might eventually marry a wealthy older man (possibly in his 40s or 50s), who meets her financial expectations but doesn’t align with her original desire for a younger, good-looking Chad.
  • Risk of Staying Single: If she continues to hold onto these extreme expectations, she may face the risk of remaining single into her 30s and beyond, as fewer high-value men are available or interested in someone with such rigid standards.


Conclusion: What She’ll Get (Based on D9, Darakaraka, and Aspects)

  • If Saturn is the Darakaraka: She’ll likely end up with a partner who is older, responsible, and financially stable but lacking the Chad-level looks she desires. The relationship will be more about stability than romance or physical attraction.
  • If Mars is the Darakaraka: She may get someone who is physically attractive but struggles with financial stability or commitment. This person may meet her physical expectations but not her intellectual or material standards.
  • Aspects and Nakshatras: If Venus or Mars is in Bharani or Purva Phalguni, she may attract partners who are focused on pleasure and beauty, but they may lack responsibility or stability. If Saturn aspects are present, her expectations will likely be unfulfilled, and she might settle for a stable but less exciting partner.
Her chart will likely force her to choose between a physically attractive partner who lacks financial stability or a stable, responsible partner who isn’t as charismatic or attractive as she wants. The chances of getting everything she wants (Chad looks, high IQ, wealth, and loyalty) are slim based on potential chart configurations.
where did you get this from
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
@Sub0 @Chadeep @Gaygymmaxx

Based on the detailed description of this woman’s expectations, personality, and circumstances, I can infer certain likely placements, nakshatras, and aspects in her D1 (birth chart) and D9 (Navamsa chart). These predictions aim to align with the realistic outcomes she’s likely to get in marriage, as opposed to her lofty standards.

Let’s walk through the most likely configurations based on the information:

1. Likely Placements in the D1 Chart (Birth Chart)

The D1 chart reveals her general personality, expectations, and desires in life. Here’s what might show up in her chart given her extreme standards and sense of entitlement.

a. Venus in Capricorn or Taurus

  • Venus in Capricorn would signify her focus on status, financial success, and long-term stability. She’s likely drawn to men who are successful and established, but she’s also focused on the external appearance of success (hence, demanding both looks and wealth). However, Venus in Capricorn can also indicate delays or challenges in love and relationships, as she might set her standards too high and reject more suitable partners.
  • Venus in Taurus would amplify her focus on material security and physical beauty in relationships. Taurus Venus is known for its love of luxury and comfort, and it might explain her fixation on a wealthy, good-looking partner. However, it could also make her stubborn and unwilling to compromise, leading to frustration when her expectations aren’t met.

b. Mars in Leo or Aries

  • Mars in Leo could indicate that she’s drawn to men who are charismatic, powerful, and stand out socially. She likely desires a Chad-type figure who is confident and dominant, but this could also mean she expects a partner to have social status and a commanding presence, making her less likely to settle for anyone she deems inferior.
  • Mars in Aries could give her a more independent and assertive personality in relationships. She may feel she deserves the very best, and her quick-to-judge nature (as is common with Aries Mars) could lead her to reject potential suitors who don’t immediately meet her high standards.

c. Sun in Capricorn or Leo

  • Sun in Capricorn would explain her desire for a partner who is serious, responsible, and has achieved financial success. However, it could also indicate that she has a rigid and disciplined approach to love, wanting someone who mirrors her ambitions and success-oriented mindset. This might lead to delays in finding a partner, as she might pass over those who don’t meet her narrow criteria.
  • Sun in Leo would point to her desire for a partner who shines socially and has confidence or celebrity-like charisma. Leo Suns often look for partners who are center-stage, meaning she would expect a man who is not just successful but admired by others.

d. Moon in Sagittarius or Aquarius

  • Moon in Sagittarius would explain her idealism in relationships and her unrealistic standards. Sagittarius Moon often holds out for the “perfect match” and can be prone to seeing partners in an idealistic light, leading to disappointment when reality doesn’t align with expectations.
  • Moon in Aquarius would indicate her emotional detachment and focus on intellectual compatibility. She might value a partner’s IQ and visionary qualities, making her reject men who don’t meet her intellectual or moral ideals. This detachment also points to her possibly being less emotionally involved, which might make her harder to connect with.

2. Likely Placements in the D9 Chart (Navamsa)

The D9 (Navamsa) chart provides deep insight into what kind of partner she will get and the eventual outcome of her relationship, even if it’s not what she wants.

a. Darakaraka (Spouse Significator) – Likely Saturn or Mars

  • Saturn as Darakaraka would mean she ends up with a partner who is older, more mature, or focused on financial security and stability. However, this man might not be the Chad she desires, as Saturn tends to bring someone more conservative and traditional, focused on responsibility rather than charm or physical beauty.
  • Mars as Darakaraka could point to her ending up with someone who is physically attractive and assertive but may lack the financial stability she desires. This could mean she finds a Chad-like partner in looks but may end up frustrated by his lack of drive to succeed financially or intellectual prowess.

b. Venus in a Nakshatra Like Bharani, Purva Phalguni, or Purva Ashadha

  • Venus in Bharani: Her partner may be physically attractive but might struggle with responsibility and be more focused on pleasure and indulgence. This placement would indicate she gets someone good-looking but not necessarily a stable provider.
  • Venus in Purva Phalguni: This nakshatra is associated with luxury and beauty, and she might attract a partner who fits her physical expectations but is more laid-back or even lazy. Her partner could be charming and attractive, but lacking in the work ethic or ambition she desires.
  • Venus in Purva Ashadha: This placement could indicate she marries someone who is optimistic and adventurous but possibly a bit irresponsible when it comes to long-term planning or financial management.

c. Saturn Aspects in the D9 Chart

  • If Saturn aspects the Sun or Venus in the D9 chart, it could indicate delays in marriage or settling for a partner who is responsible but not as charismatic or wealthy as she desires. Saturn’s influence often brings stability, but it comes at the cost of romance and excitement.
  • Saturn aspects to Mars could indicate tension between her desires for a physically attractive partner and the reality of what she will get. She may have to settle for someone who is more practical and less exciting.

d. Jupiter-Venus Aspects

  • A Jupiter-Venus trine could suggest that she will get a partner who is generous and optimistic but possibly not as driven or ambitious as she desires. This aspect can create a sense of idealism in relationships but doesn’t necessarily guarantee that she will end up with the wealthy, smart, and attractive Chad she’s seeking.

3. Likely Outcome Based on Aspects and Nakshatras

Given the various chart placements, aspects, and nakshatras likely in her D1 and D9 charts, here’s the most likely outcome:

a. What She’ll Get

  • Physically Attractive but Financially Unstable Partner: If Mars is her Darakaraka or she has Mars-Venus aspects in her D9, she may end up with a physically attractive partner who meets her looks expectations but fails to provide the financial security or intelligence she desires. He may be charismatic and good-looking but lack the drive to succeed or be independent financially, leaving her to carry more of the burden.
  • Responsible but Unattractive Partner: If Saturn is her Darakaraka or Saturn aspects her Venus in the D9, she could end up with a mature, financially stable partner who offers security but lacks the physical attractiveness and passion she craves. He might be a reliable provider but not the Chad she’s hoping for.

b. Delayed or Compromised Marriage

  • Delays in Marriage: Saturn influences in her D9 chart might indicate she doesn’t marry until later in life, potentially in her 30s, due to her high standards. By the time she’s ready to settle down, she may have to compromise on some of her expectations.
  • Settling for Less in One Area: Her chart suggests she will have to choose between a partner who is good-looking but not wealthy or responsible, or one who is financially secure but lacks the charisma or physical appeal she wants.

Conclusion: Most Likely Chart Elements

  • Venus in an Earth sign (Taurus or Capricorn) or Libra in the D1, emphasizing her focus on material wealth and physical beauty.
  • Mars in Leo or Aries in the D1, suggesting she seeks physical attractiveness and dominance in a partner.
  • Darakaraka is likely Saturn or Mars in the D9 chart. Saturn would give her a responsible but less attractive partner, while Mars would give her a physically appealing partner but one who may not provide the financial stability or intelligence she wants.
  • Venus in Bharani or Purva Phalguni Nakshatra in the D9 chart, indicating a focus on physical beauty but struggles with responsibility in her partner.
  • Saturn aspects in the D9 chart, indicating delays in marriage or a more practical, less romantic partner.
The chart most likely points to her having to choose between physical beauty and financial security—but it’s unlikely she will get both in the perfect form she desires.
how do you find out if someone is a mars in leo and all that other shit
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
And she probably wonders why she is single at 28
my own analysis

They will need their date of birth, time of birth and location of birth to find it out.
can you add that her parents are rich in the equation
can you add that her parents are rich in the equation
Yeah, but again I'd need her time, DOB and location of birth. She can keep it secret if she wants if she does the link herself.
Yeah, but again I'd need her time, DOB and location of birth. She can keep it secret if she wants if she does the link herself.
Ok i'm doing It now and see when She replies
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Looks : chad, nothing less, pure PSL 6 chad, prettyboy type
Iq : 120 minimum
Earnings : High
Height : 180 cms minimum
Those are all mandatory

I feel so fucking hopeless After this convo. Women really are like Hitler. I cannot even move from the bed. I don't even know why i'm acting like emotional support for this girl, i thought i enjoyed talking about blackpill with a woman but this Is actually too much. BTW she's a 28 yo High Becky still in education
28 yo roastie doesn't even know what a 120 iq is like fucking cringeass slut

is 100% low iq herself and demands such high iq
Looks : chad, nothing less, pure PSL 6 chad, prettyboy type
Iq : 120 minimum
Earnings : High
Height : 180 cms minimum
Those are all mandatory

I feel so fucking hopeless After this convo. Women really are like Hitler. I cannot even move from the bed. I don't even know why i'm acting like emotional support for this girl, i thought i enjoyed talking about blackpill with a woman but this Is actually too much. BTW she's a 28 yo High Becky still in education
180cm wide dirty hole and gallons of sperm digested, that is what you get back from her.
  • +1
Reactions: truthhurts
28 yo roastie doesn't even know what a 120 iq is like fucking cringeass slut

is 100% low iq herself and demands such high iq
She's not low iq but probably not as High as She thinks
  • +1
Reactions: truthhurts
Semen retention
  • +1
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