Three men are arrested after raping intoxicated LSU sorority student, 19, who was hit and killed by car when they dumped her afterwards: College pres

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they're all chadlites
Chadlites 404.

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I’m not sure how that’s far fetched I’ve done anal with sober chicks with nothing but spit and ass licking as prep. One of them was 30 minutes after meeting her off Tinder same day I matched with her. She also showed up drunk, not incoherent but definitely drunker than me who was completely sober. She ended up becoming a fuck buddy of mine for a few months. Did I sexually assault her because she was drunk and I wasn’t? She didn’t seem to think so.

I’ve also hooked up with chicks who willingly got super drunk to have the courage to be slutty. I remember one time in particular I went over to a get together with friends and there was a girl there who really liked me at the time. She was drunk by the time I got there but her friend took me to the side and said she really wanted to hook up with me which was why she was drinking so much. I wanted to hook up with her too so I proceeded to get drunk myself. We ended up hooking up but she was more drunk than me, however I was completely aware of that the reason behind her drunken state was to make herself comfortable enough to have sex. She ended up passing out halfway through the act so I stopped but am I now a rapist because she was drunk? Even if I knew the only reason she drank so much was to have sex with me? Was I supposed to tell her “no, you can’t get drunk for the purpose of having sex because then you can’t consent to sex.” I got drunk because I wanted to have a good time but would I be a rapist if I didn’t get drunk, even though I knew she only got drunk to fuck me?

Saying this is odd behavior is an underestimation of the sheer degree of debauchery some women willingly seek out and engage in.

Injuries around the anal cavity is also a meaningless statement that sounds worse than it actually is. Anal sex is going to cause some degree of injury in most cases or atleast it’s more likely to leave some degree of injury than vaginal sex. Gay bottoms are at higher risk of HIV for this exact reason, even if they are willing participants.

You can’t assume she didn’t want to have dry anal sex just because she was drunk. You also can’t assume she didn’t want to engage in prostitute tier levels of whoredom on that night. Maybe she was getting so drunk because she wanted to act like a giga whore and felt being sauced out of her mind was the best way to go about it. For all you know she was getting blasted for the sole purpose of having an extreme sexual encounter with multiple strangers. These guys didn’t find a drunk sleeping woman and assault her, they were all getting drunk and had sex with an even drunker woman who in that moment wanted it. They also didn’t leave her passed out in the middle of the street, from what I read, she left their car still able to walk. Had she not ended up getting herself killed, these men wouldn’t be facing charges, there is a chance she would have just woken up the next day and gone about her life not feeling as if she was assaulted in any way. It very well could have ended up being a crazy story she told about how slutty she was in college.

If everyone was drinking how are we to hold the men accountable but not the woman? Where do we draw the line on who is or isn’t too drunk to understand consent?

She also had sex with a 17 year old, now she’s dead so it doesn’t matter but tell me where in the world a guy can get super drunk and have sex with a 17 year old girl and it’s just brushed under the rug as not his fault due to intoxication? If this woman didn’t die she could be facing charges for raping a minor (who was drinking under the legal age) but because she died now a minor is being held responsible for sex with an adult?

If I’m looking at this situation honestly BBC plays a role here but not for the reasons you assume. A few drunk black guys had sex with a drunk white girl who ended up dead and we all know dead college age white girls are the biggest tragedy on earth in the US, especially if minorities are involved.

Either way this does nothing to my point that under the law a drunk person is held responsible for some actions and not others, it’s a contradiction.
FEDD69C6 AD7D 4E59 94AC 23EAE7317CB7
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I personally like being black. On here it's generally considered the 2nd highest SMV race.
It is. But i'm still high inhib
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I personally like being black. On here it's generally considered the 2nd highest SMV race.
its 2023 blacks have the highest smv. dont believe me Harvard in their requirement said this:
  • Hmm...
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its 2023 blacks have the highest smv. dont believe me Harvard in their requirement said this:
Talk about twisting facts.
its 2023 blacks have the highest smv. dont believe me Harvard in their requirement said this:
I doubt this tbh.But there are benefits where women are more willing to be slutty/do a ONS with a random black guy bc of fetishes/us being seen as more sexual beings.

He actually denied having sex with her in the affidavit. But the white guy ratted him out and the medical examiner found injuries around her anus consistent with penetration. Even if she wanted BBC, it seems far fetched that she would soberly agree to dry anal sex with 2 guys she didn't know while being watched by 2 other guys she didn't know. That's prostitute tier levels of whoredom. But he did admit to the cops she was very drunk
18-19yo jbs are doing BBC anal gangbangs

the prime stacies that incels are afraid to make eye contact with are walking around with anal fissures

@ConspiracyTheory is the only one who's truly blackpilled and knows how badly we need an asteroid
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18-19yo jbs are doing BBC anal gangbangs

the prime stacies that incels are afraid to make eye contact with are walking around with anal fissures

@ConspiracyTheory is the only one who's truly blackpilled and knows how badly we need an asteroid
Sure. But the problem here, legally, is that she was wasted when it happened. Two of the defendants, including 1 who had sex with her claim she was drunk. Kaivon Washington, one of the guys who had sex with her said and I quote "like when I tell you drunk, drunk, she was drunk" like he was trying to emphasize to the detective about how drunk she was. Even if she was down for it, they should have gotten her number and did it another time. But based on what we know she was drunk as hell when it happened.

That, plus the footage inside the bar that shows her falling down and stumbling around and her blood alcohol level basically seals the doom of the defendants.

Now, you can speculate and claim she got drunk to lower her inhibition because she wanted to be gangbanged. But, that would not fly in a court of law. And no defense attorney would dare mention that unless he had solid evidence to that effect or unless he was actively trying to sabotage his clients.

What I think will happen is that the guys who watched will make a deal with the prosecution to testify against the other 2 in exchange for having their charges dropped or pled down to lesser charges.
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the specifics of this case don't matter, i was talking more generally

this case only reveals what blackpillers already know, that by 18-19 some incel's oneitis is already doing gangbangs with monster cocks while he tries to think of a witty line to text her
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she had bbc pheno and she paid the toll. lol at being unarmed and oblivious within 1 mile of niggers as a white person
It’s a strange precedent to set. How exactly is one supposed to know when someone else is too drunk to consent?

Maybe they weren’t as drunk as her but they very well could have been drunk or atleast drinking themselves enough to blur their judgement. If they didn’t drink anything than maybe but even then this is strange to me. Can a sober person not have sex with a drunk person? Can a person only have sex with a drunk person if they themselves are drunk? What if they are drunk but slightly less drunk? What if they are both too drunk to be wary of consent but one is more drunk? I went to a party with my ex once and got blasted, couldn’t walk straight, slurring my words, etc. she was also drinking but not as much as me. When we got back to my apartment I wanted to have sex but ended up passing out instead. If I didn’t pass out we would have had sex, would she be considered a rapist because she was obviously less drunk than me but still willing to have sex? Even if she didn’t drink I still would have wanted to have sex, and she would have obliged, would that make her a rapist? I’ve seen tons of memes by women talking about waiting for drunk henny dick from their boyfriends after he get back from the club. Are all these women rapists?

Like I said before in my story, if I didn’t drink and the girl still wanted to have sex would I be obligated to say no even though she got drunk with intention of having sex and consented?

Or when I did anal with the girl shortly after meeting, how exactly would I know if she only consented because she was drunk? Would the appropriate response be to tell her to go home because she was drunker than me, even though she might have been drinking for the sole purpose of having sex?

what if me and a girl are both drinking but she’s 5’2 and skinny and I’m 6’2 200lbs. She would get drunk much faster than me. Am I supposed to decline to have sex with her until I’m equally drunk? How exactly would I know if I’m equally drunk? What if I’m not equally drunk but drunk enough to not really be aware of how much more drunk she is?

If I go to a house party and I don’t drink and there’s a bunch of girls there drinking with the sole intention of getting fucked, am I not allowed to have sex with them? At what point does someone’s judgement become too impaired to consent? After 2 shots, 4 shots, 8 shots?

If a person says they are ok with having sex how exactly am I supposed to know if they are too drunk to give an honest answer? How exactly would I know if having drunk sex wasn’t their intention?

The problem is there is no way to draw this line unless the person was passed out. Saying this woman was too drunk to consent even though she apparently did is pure conjecture. No one knows what her intentions for that night were and no one knows if she would have felt it was assault. Even then I have a hard time sympathizing with women who get drunk and regret having sex. Binge drinking is more common in males and you don’t see men going to the police to press charges after hooking up with some land whale they wouldn’t have touched with a 10 foot pole while sober.

Fucking some passed out woman is definitely rape but fucking some woman who is sloppy drunk is rape? I don’t think so.

It seems the law gives discretion to woman to decide when it’s considered rape based on how they feel about the situation afterwards and that doesn’t sit right with me.

And again, how exactly can the state hold people accountable for drunk driving but not drunk sex?
Good comment this will set precedent if these guys are charged, their being targeted because their black and some white women died and someone needs to be held responsible for the death. They can't get them on her death so their going after rape charges. Now rape/sexual assasult now its about feelings after the act. Its young people getting drunk and having sex, these laws are stupid and put all the responsibility on men. If the man is also drunk the courts don't care and will blame him for sex happening and call it RAPE. If your a women and you get drunk and fuck another man willing you were not RAPED.
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Notice the content of their character
why tf would 2 prime bbcs have to resort to this should have rizzed up her drunk ass
why tf would 2 prime bbcs have to resort to this should have rizzed up her drunk ass
No one raped Shawty. She was a hoe made for the streets. She fucked them. One of the guys turned her down as she was reverse cowgirling after finishing off another. That pissed her off to the where she called him a faggot. What kind of rape victim calls a man that refuses to rape her a faggot? She got run over because she was a dumb intoxicated hoe that didn't know how to properly cross the street. Ah, such arrogant privilege can get you killed, Creamy Nigga Bean Soup.
this doesnt make sense every race of men do this
violent crime statistics are disproportionately higher among niggers. obviously you can usually tell when the person is a criminal by their demeanor, prison tattoos, and ugly face, street clothes, etc and avoid them in that case, but in those cases where they are outside of their street wear and essentially wearing a disguise, the chance of them being a criminal is higher for blacks. the difference might be negligile in certain areas, but in places like luisiana, chicago, new york, san francisco, etc you are basically retarded if you don't watch your back among blacks
violent crime statistics are disproportionately higher among niggers. obviously you can usually tell when the person is a criminal by their demeanor, prison tattoos, and ugly face, street clothes, etc and avoid them in that case, but in those cases where they are outside of their street wear and essentially wearing a disguise, the chance of them being a criminal is higher for blacks. the difference might be negligile in certain areas, but in places like luisiana, chicago, new york, san francisco, etc you are basically retarded if you don't watch your back among blacks
i think regardless of muh stats it is common sense that every race of man is sexually degenerate and rapes women. low iq if you think white men rape women less jfl
crime stats
i think regardless of muh stats it is common sense that every race of man is sexually degenerate and rapes women. low iq if you think white men rape women less jfl
the specifics of this case don't matter, i was talking more generally

this case only reveals what blackpillers already know, that by 18-19 some incel's oneitis is already doing gangbangs with monster cocks while he tries to think of a witty line to text her
Even after being blackpilled, this still makes me wince lol

never had an "oneitis" but everybody's had a crush or two
Good comment this will set precedent if these guys are charged, their being targeted because their black and some white women died and someone needs to be held responsible for the death. They can't get them on her death so their going after rape charges. Now rape/sexual assasult now its about feelings after the act. Its young people getting drunk and having sex, these laws are stupid and put all the responsibility on men. If the man is also drunk the courts don't care and will blame him for sex happening and call it RAPE. If your a women and you get drunk and fuck another man willing you were not RAPED.
It doesn't look good for them. The grand jury charged Desmond Carter with 1st and 3rd degree rape. The other,Kaivon Washington has been charged with 3rd degree rape and the grand jury will add a charge of 1st degree rape. If you read the Louisiana statute on the issue, it looks like they violated the law.

If you're drunk, under the law, you can't consent to sex. Those laws are written in the same spirit as age of consent laws. In one case, you cannot consent due to age, in the other, due to intoxication.

So for example, in my state, the age of consent is 16. So let's say I meet a 15 year old Stacy. And let's say she really wants to have sex with me. Let's say that we have sex and she has multiple orgasms and squirts all over the bed. And after, she tells me how good it was. Was she raped? Under our state law, yes. Yes she was. Why? Because she couldn't give legal consent. So if the law finds out that I had sex with her, it doesn't matter how much she wanted it, I still will be charged and convicted if there's enough evidence. I couldn't use "she liked it" or "she wanted it" as a legal defense. Even if it's 100 percent true that she wanted it.

Well, the same thing is true in this case. Rather than age, its intoxication and she couldn't LEGALLY consent. And legally is what's important here. So if she was intoxicated, then she couldn't LEGALLY give consent according to Louisiana law. Therefore, they can be charged and convicted under the letter of the law. I mean, you can argue about whether it should or shouldn't be a law, but it is a law and it looks like they violated it.

What I think happens is that instead of going to trial, they offer to plead guilty to the 3rd degree rape charges in return for dropping the 1st degree rape charges. 1st degree rape carries a life sentence in Louisiana. I don't think they will gamble with taking it to trial. Especially since even if they are acquitted of 1st degree rape, they can still be convicted of 3rd degree rape at trial. And statistically, defendants lose at trial. That's why the grand jury charged them with both.

Now, Kaivon Washington already admitted to the police that she was very intoxicated before she got into the car. The driver of the car also admitted that she was so drunk she didn't know her address.
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was it rape or did JBW just want a good ride
Good comment this will set precedent if these guys are charged, their being targeted because their black and some white women died and someone needs to be held responsible for the death. They can't get them on her death so their going after rape charges. Now rape/sexual assasult now its about feelings after the act. Its young people getting drunk and having sex, these laws are stupid and put all the responsibility on men. If the man is also drunk the courts don't care and will blame him for sex happening and call it RAPE. If your a women and you get drunk and fuck another man willing you were not RAPED.
Exactly it’s sets a precedent based in a contradiction. We as humans have a hard time holding women accountable and this is just another example of that.
imagine how much this happens without the dying part so it never gets on the news
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you know humanity is doomed when petite jb white girls prefer to have sex with ugly gorillamaxxed looking black subhumans rather than their own men
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you know humanity is doomed when petite jb white girls prefer to have sex with ugly gorillamaxxed looking black subhumans rather than their own men
And I mog both of them

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These are the 2 guys
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Veey very true @forevergymcelling
imagine how much this happens without the dying part so it never gets on the news
this is the whole point of the thread

the case exposes the fact that the average 19yo jb is already doing anal gangbangs

incels are incapable of comprehending this because their perception of reality is based on their personal experience, so to them everyone is a khhv and sex does not exist

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