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Fuck off bro. I don’t need ur advice anymore
  • JFL
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I hate doing this but @JamesHowlett what do you think i should do?
I hate doing this but @JamesHowlett what do you think i should do?
How old are you? If you’re young unfortunately you might just have to wait.

I only really ascended in my 20’s
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im 17. why?
A lot of ethnics are unattractive when that young I’ve realised. Your face needs to mature more
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What do I do in the meantime tho?
- Stay Lean
- Get a better haircut. Same length all over is doing you no favours, keep top length and get a fade.
- Try stubble if you can grow it

Anything else should wait until you’re older.
- Stay Lean
- Get a better haircut. Same length all over is doing you no favours, keep top length and get a fade.
- Try stubble if you can grow it

Anything else should wait until you’re older.
I can’t get a stubble for some reason. Also I’m unferweight so I’m working on building muscle/ gaining weight. And I also have a skincare routine and I’m chewmaxxing. Do you think I should try and get a gf or should I wait ?
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I can’t get a stubble for some reason. Also I’m unferweight so I’m working on building muscle/ gaining weight. And I also have a skincare routine and I’m chewmaxxing. Do you think I should try and get a gf or should I wait ?
Good stuff, yeah deffo add muscle. Also the haircut, that’s important.

Just work on yourself, do your school work and importantly try and make as many friends as possible and be social. Doing this you will girls and things will just happen. If you’re getting the opportunities then yeah get a gf.
Doing this you will meet girls*
Good stuff, yeah deffo add muscle. Also the haircut, that’s important.

Just work on yourself, do your school work and importantly try and make as many friends as possible and be social. Doing this you will girls and things will just happen. If you’re getting the opportunities then yeah get a gf.
ill also ask my doctor if i can get HGH, if he wont prescribe it for me then I will just buy mk677. Being social doesnt help a lot either, if ur ugly then no amounts of NT or being extroverted will help
ill also ask my doctor if i can get HGH, if he wont prescribe it for me then I will just buy mk677. Being social doesnt help a lot either, if ur ugly then no amounts of NT or being extroverted will help
Don’t know much about drugs.

No that’s just what blackpill basement dwellers say. I was a fat and ugly ethnic in school, within a white area. I had no trouble making friends and was very social. I had friends that were girls too (obviously they had no sexual attraction though).

People who say you need to be good looking to have friends are usually autistic or have no life experience.
nigga you just proved my point.
Can you read? We’re talking about friends, not attraction. Looks matter in attraction but not in making friends.
Can you read? We’re talking about friends, not attraction. Looks matter in attraction but not in making friends.
You smart man. The reason Im asking all this... heck the reaosn Im on here is for attraction, idgaf about making friends rn. JFL
You smart man. The reason Im asking all this... heck the reaosn Im on here is for attraction, idgaf about making friends rn. JFL
You should give a fuck about making friends/being social.

Because being social/NT matter a lot when you’re at least average looking.

You aren’t fat and ugly like I was, being NT benefits average the people the MOST.
Because being social/NT matter a lot when you’re at least average looking.
avg ppl yeah. But BA ethnics idk. Could be possible but still, chad doesnt need any of that :lul:
avg ppl yeah. But BA ethnics idk. Could be possible but still, chad doesnt need any of that :lul:
You are average.

Again more blackpilled brainwashing. Good looking people do need social skills.

The type of chad you’re thinking about, the one that needs 0 social skills purely due to looks, is so fucking rare that it’s not worth even thinking about. You’ve been over-exposed to gigachads on this forum and it’s warped your perception.
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You are average.

Again more blackpilled brainwashing. Good looking people do need social skills.

The type of chad you’re thinking about, the one that needs 0 social skills purely due to looks, is so fucking rare that it’s not worth even thinking about. You’ve been over-exposed to gigachads on this forum and it’s warped your perception.
Avg + 5’11-6’0 should be easy to get girls but apparently not one asked me out, and I know that if I tried my ass would be rejected. Also, some people on this forum said it’s completely over like my man Korea who’s supposedly the best rater on here.
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Avg + 5’11-6’0 should be easy to get girls but apparently not one asked me out, and I know that if I tried my ass would be rejected. Also, some people on this forum said it’s completely over like my man Korea who’s supposedly the best rater on here.
Getting girls is never “easy” unless you’re chad.

You sound very entitled, why would a girl actively choose you over others? You have to actually try, you aren’t going to get things handed to you on a plate.

Don’t listen to people who says it’s over, you aren’t ugly or deformed.

- Looksmax (you will look better as you age too)
- Be social and work on your mentality
- Talk to more girls and try to pursue a gf/hookup
You sound very entitled
So women are allowed to be hypergamous and be chad only but when all i want is for a girl to approach me im entitled? bluepill logic

Look man. Thanks for the advice, ill def take it.
Getting girls is never “easy” unless you’re chad.

You sound very entitled, why would a girl actively choose you over others? You have to actually try, you aren’t going to get things handed to you on a plate.

Don’t listen to people who says it’s over, you aren’t ugly or deformed.

- Looksmax (you will look better as you age too)
- Be social and work on your mentality
- Talk to more girls and try to pursue a gf/hookup
btw bro, a few months ago i sent my pic to a girl on discord and she blocked me right away. now you see why im like this? anyway what other looksmaxxes should I do?
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So women are allowed to be hypergamous and be chad only but when all i want is for a girl to approach me im entitled? bluepill logic

Look man. Thanks for the advice, ill def take it.
When did I say women are allowed to be entitled? Women do it because they can, doesn’t mean I approve. Men copying women won’t get the same results as we both have completely different dynamics.
btw bro, a few months ago i sent my pic to a girl on discord and she blocked me right away. now you see why im like this? anyway what other looksmaxxes should I do?
So 1 girl has sent you into such a downward spiral?

Seriously just move on and live. I have chad friends who’ve been left on read, you have no idea what the girl’s situation is.
btw bro, a few months ago i sent my pic to a girl on discord and she blocked me right away. now you see why im like this? anyway what other looksmaxxes should I do?
Did you send her a pic unsolicited? Without even saying hi?
Did you send her a pic unsolicited? Without even saying hi?
no. I said hi and got to know her. then she asked for a selfie and then blocked me as soon as i sent it. Then i went on another account and messaged her because I was confused, I asked her why and she straight up said im unattractive and that she was scared I wanted her for sexual reasons. I was so ugly that I made a girl block me, I made her SCARED just by sending a selfie. An "avg" looking guy should not be getting this treatment.
lol if chad gets left on read then theres no hope left for me. why arent u understanding?
You’re completely reading this the wrong way. Chad getting left on read means that anyone can get ignored or blocked, you just can’t let it get you down because there will be other girls that like you.

Imagine if chad followed you logic and just gave up after getting ignored by one girl, is it over for him?
  • Hmm...
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You’re completely reading this the wrong way. Chad getting left on read means that anyone can get ignored or blocked, you just can’t let it get you down because there will be other girls that like you.

Imagine if chad followed you logic and just gave up after getting ignored by one girl, is it over for him?
chad getting left on read is as rare as a blue moon. Have you seen the way women swoon over chad? that nigga can say the dumbest shit and theyd still laugh. Anyway Im not gonna approach until I looksmax properly and only then will I approach.
chad getting left on read is as rare as a blue moon. Have you seen the way women swoon over chad? that nigga can say the dumbest shit and theyd still laugh. Anyway Im not gonna approach until I looksmax properly and only then will I approach.
Fine, approach girls after you’ve looksmaxxed but atleast try to make friends and be social beforehand.
Fine, approach girls after you’ve looksmaxxed but atleast try to make friends and be social beforehand.
bruh why u sayin fine like im in the wrong here. Do you at least understand why I dont have the confidence for this stuff yet?

Anyway ill try my best to be social, but im glad that im moving on from HS tbh. College will basically be a fresh start for me.
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bruh why u sayin fine like im in the wrong here. Do you at least understand why I dont have the confidence for this stuff yet?

Anyway ill try my best to be social, but im glad that im moving on from HS tbh. College will basically be a fresh start for me.
Go to bars.
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bruh why u sayin fine like im in the wrong here. Do you at least understand why I dont have the confidence for this stuff yet?

Anyway ill try my best to be social, but im glad that im moving on from HS tbh. College will basically be a fresh start for me.
Yeah my bad, was just a bit frustrated about how all this blackpill stuff has gotten to you, I sympathise.

Yeah College will be a good time, get into social groups early on and you’ll be fine
Yeah my bad, was just a bit frustrated about how all this blackpill stuff has gotten to you, I sympathise
You’re not wrong though, it can be damage to one’s mental health. Idk if the blackpill is completely right or if you’re right, but I do know that I should try and stay away from it a bit.
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You’re not wrong though, it can be damage to one’s mental health. Idk if the blackpill is completely right or if you’re right, but I do know that I should try and stay away from it a bit.
No ideology is 100% correct, life has nuance.
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Being social doesnt help a lot either, if ur ugly then no amounts of NT or being extroverted will help
I know you hate me :)lul:) but i feel happy for you.

It's not that easy to accept these kind of stuff, as during our whole life we are told blupilled stuff, and people make us believe that we're TOTALLY ok and we justa gotta be cool to find someone.

I wish good results during your ascending journey tbh.
I know you hate me :)lul:) but i feel happy for you.

It's not that easy to accept these kind of stuff, as during our whole life we are told blupilled stuff, and people make us believe that we're TOTALLY ok and we justa gotta be cool to find someone.

I wish good results during your ascending journey tbh.
I know you hate me ( :lul: ) but i feel happy for you *
I know you hate me :)lul:) but i feel happy for you.

It's not that easy to accept these kind of stuff, as during our whole life we are told blupilled stuff, and people make us believe that we're TOTALLY ok and we justa gotta be cool to find someone.

I wish good results during your ascending journey tbh.
Yeah you too bozo
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