Tomorrow starts my fasting journey.If I fail,I'll squeeze lemons in my eyes and post It here.



Norwoodmatched with b̶o̶o̶m̶e̶r̶s̶ millenials
Jan 21, 2019
Right now I weigh 86.5 kgs


My goal is to get down to 76kgs.
7 days of fasting should be more than enough time to lose all the weight.
I've made my phone and pc wallpaper a reminder about my fast.Ive spent the last money I had on in on vodka and the last money in my bank account on manga.
There should be no distractions except the food that my legal guardian cooks.This will be the hardest to avoid.But I'll try to do It,by engaging in my Tekken 7 addiction for hours with water next to me,so that I don't break.Wish me luck boyos.If I fail I promise to upload a Ideo of me squeezing a lemon in my eyes and the after effects of me possibly freaking the fuck out.Someone pls bump this thread a week from now.If I don't post pictures of my success with a hand gesture of the persons choise,to prove that it's me,(since I will be censoring my face).
Also @jefferson I'm not sure how mod privileges work.But If possible,if I do fail,ban me for a week.(not sure if it's possible,considering I haven't really done anything,but still,you get the idea)
That's It.Wish me luck.
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ban if u don't keep promise
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Good luck boyo
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You won't burn 23lb in 7 days from just fasting.

Your resting metabolic rate probably puts your maintenance calories at 2700.
7 days of not eating would mean you'd burn 2700*7 days = 18900 cals/3500 = 5.25lb.

Starving yourself over 24-36h means no protein amino acid stores left and causes catabolism so your muscles will also be burned as fuel.. so that 5.25lb will include a decent amount of muscle loss.

Oh and you'll probably have to lose 35-40lb before you have ripped abs. You're overweight by more than just 23lb.
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You won't burn 23lb in 7 days from just fasting.

Your resting metabolic rate probably puts your maintenance calories at 2700.
7 days of not eating would mean you'd burn 2700*7 days = 18900 cals/3500 = 5.25lb.

Starving yourself over 24-36h means no protein amino acid stores left and causes catabolism so your muscles will also be burned as fuel.. so that 5.25lb will include a decent amount of muscle loss.
I don't have a lot of muscle to begin with.Im
190cm tall and weigh 86kg and am skinny fat.I don't have a lot to lose.Also,I tend to lose weight really easily and I'll be doing my daily cardio.Last time I lost 10kg in 9 days without fasting.I think I'll be good.
Boyo, drink a lot of water. It helps the hunger between meals.
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I don't have a lot of muscle to begin with.Im
190cm tall and weigh 86kg and am skinny fat.I don't have a lot to lose.Also,I tend to lose weight really easily and I'll be doing my daily cardio.Last time I lost 10kg in 9 days without fasting.I think I'll be good.

OK. Some people do have much quicker metabolism than others so it is indeed possible.. just rare.

But you need to lose at least 35lb to get lean. Probably 40.

So keep a realistic timeframe or you'll get discouraged.
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Boyo, drink a lot of water. It helps the hunger between meals.
I already prepared It.I even prepared what watercbottle I'm gonna drink out of,at which time.
You can do it mate.

If you care about not wasting muscle, I advise you work out and get 100g of protein from shakes at least.

Store up on sugar free energy drinks. Get dat caffeine.
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OK. Some people do have much quicker metabolism than others so it is indeed possible.. just rare.

But you need to lose at least 35lb to get lean. Probably 40.

So keep a realistic timeframe or you'll get discouraged.
...not really.Bro I'm 190cm.I would look anorexic at 70kg.
Good luck. 87 kg for 190cm is actually not too bad tho if you gymmmax.
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You can do it mate.

If you care about not wasting muscle, I advise you work out and get 100g of protein from shakes at least.

Store up on sugar free energy drinks. Get dat caffeine.
I'll try to not drink any energy drinks.I don't care about muscle that much,I just want to be lean.The last time in my life,which I've been lean was when I was 6.My grandmother started force feeding me and it created horrible habits.I'll never forgive the stupid whore for ruining my body,just to fulfill her sick desire to feel loving.
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Good shoulder width btw. I hope your hips narrow down as you lose fat.

Def should gymmaxx
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I know.I just don't have a lot of muscle it seems.

I doubt my hips will become narrow,they're quite wide.
Bro you’d be a mogging machine with your height and bideltoid if you gymaxxed
Also good luck yeh
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I'll try to not drink any energy drinks.I don't care about muscle that much,I just want to be lean.The last time in my life,which I've been lean was when I was 6.My grandmother started force feeding me and it created horrible habits.I'll never forgive the stupid whore for ruining my body,just to fulfill her sick desire to feel loving.
Lmao. That's grandmas for you. I once told mine I want to lose weight. A week later, I could be like 1-2kg down and she started telling me I look sickly and scrawny.

Grandmas know fuck all
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thats why you go to the gym :feelshmm:
I'm incapable of focusing my efforts on more than one thing at once.If I do both now,I'll end up not finishing either.Maybe I'll hit the gym after I finish my weight loss.
Bro you’d be a mogging machine with your height and bideltoid if you gymaxxed
Also good luck yeh
Thanks man.
Lmao. That's grandmas for you. I once told mine I want to lose weight. A week later, I could be like 1-2kg down and she started telling me I look sickly and scrawny.

Grandmas know fuck all
Yes,she keeps telling me I'm getting slimmer and slimmer.Meanwhile my weight has stated the same for 2 weeks.
My weight fucked with my facial development as well.Ill never forgive her.
You won't burn 23lb in 7 days from just fasting.

Your resting metabolic rate probably puts your maintenance calories at 2700.
7 days of not eating would mean you'd burn 2700*7 days = 18900 cals/3500 = 5.25lb.

Starving yourself over 24-36h means no protein amino acid stores left and causes catabolism so your muscles will also be burned as fuel.. so that 5.25lb will include a decent amount of muscle loss.

Oh and you'll probably have to lose 35-40lb before you have ripped abs. You're overweight by more than just 23lb.
Btw,I literally burn 5pounds in two and a half days,by skipping 1-2 meals.
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good luck champ

consider taking some electrolytes if you feel like shit, just do standard snake juice recipe its cheap and easy

itll get pretty easy after the first two days ime and if you feel good just keep going until you get the true hunger response
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you wont loss fat if you starve yourself need to eat atleast 1500kcal
  • Hmm...
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You will start losing muscle after a few days.
And most of your lost weight will be water, you recover that after eating properly again.

And 7 days is not enough to lose that much weight.

Good luck anyways brah, you'll make it after doing that a few times
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Instantgratificat(i)o(n )(c)(e)(l)
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You will start losing muscle after a few days.
And most of your lost weight will be water, you recover that after eating properly again.

And 7 days is not enough to lose that much weight.

Good luck anyways brah, you'll make it after doing that a few times
Bro.I've done this before.I know how much weight I can lose.
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Instantgratificat(i)o(n )(c)(e)(l)
Nah I'm kidding about that but don't look for instant gratification or a quick fix. Fasting may help you lose weight faster than other routines but don't you plan on looksmaxing and dietmaxing forever and not just for a limited amount of time like it's some sort of gimmick? Or are you required to lose weight fast for some competition? I don't really understand why you don't consider time as a factor and why you think all the extra stress of fasting for so long is worth it unless you literally NEED to be under a certain weight at a given date with time working against you. Lemon juice won't be the only thing in your eyes when you shed tears after realising that this isn't a good strategy when it blows up in your face. Instead of this gimmick, why not do the right things, forever.

Again, I'm actually trying to give you the best advice I can. I'm not trying to come off like a jerk but I hope you can understand that this will be in vain as it shows your unwilling to let things take time.
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Nah I'm kidding about that but don't look for instant gratification or a quick fix. Fasting may help you lose weight faster than other routines but don't you plan on looksmaxing and dietmaxing forever and not just for a limited amount of time like it's some sort of gimmick? Or are you required to lose weight fast for some competition? I don't really understand why you don't consider time as a factor and why you think all the extra stress of fasting for so long is worth it unless you literally NEED to be under a certain weight at a given date with time working against you. Lemon juice won't be the only thing in your eyes when you shed tears after realising that this isn't a good strategy when it blows up in your face. Instead of this gimmick, why not do the right things, forever.

Again, I'm actually trying to give you the best advice I can. I'm not trying to come off like a jerk but I hope you can understand that this will be in vain as it shows your unwilling to let things take time.
I don't live by myself,yet.I cannot chose what type of food,ends up on the dinner table.When I can.I will do my best to develop healthy habits.But living with overweight people makes It virtually impossible to be on a stable diet.As they themselfs cannot maintain one.
I don't live by myself,yet.I cannot chose what type of food,ends up on the dinner table.When I can.I will do my best to develop healthy habits.But living with overweight people makes It virtually impossible to be on a stable diet.As they themselfs cannot maintain one.
That sucks. I'm in a similar situation tbh. Lighter than my Dad now even though he's 7 inches shorter than me. I plan on doing at least 1 48 or 72hour fast over HIT+HIIT at the gym and sometimes using yohimbine fasted which really helps me but also fucks me up.... so I use that sporadically. Ate a ton of carbs recently but the main aim is to stay away from carbs and optimise my insulin sensitivity.. have curcumin, spirulina, ashwagandha to help with that and just try to eat infrequently and gradually work myself up into some IF routine. Doing weights and cardio fasted in the morning (especially when on yohimbine too) is really helping. Then not eating for a few hours after to allow lipolysis to occur.

SiimLand is a really good YouTube channel as a resource. But really, you can't just jump balls deep into the deep end. I can't do 16/8 fasting or any routine based IF yet but I'm working my way there. Eating infrequently really helps. And when you're hungry, eat eggs and tuna and foods like that.
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OP has bought himself a one way ticket to skinny fat town.

I did this once. Ended up 55kg at 23% bodyfat, and that was measured by an actual body scan, not calipers or any other gypsy shit.

Eat 0.8g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight and lift weights while you cut or enjoy whining on here in 3 months that your face is still bloated and your muscle definition is non existant.

Inb4 'I dont have any muscle to lose bro'. You do. Your body built it to carry your fat ass around all day. Guess what's gonna happen when you lose weight and the body thinks that muscle is no longer needed...
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Bro don't fast. Exercise. That way you will lose weight and look fit
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Good for you then bro
Also.I don't think I mentioned this,but I do about
OP has bought himself a one way ticket to skinny fat town.

I did this once. Ended up 55kg at 23% bodyfat, and that was measured by an actual body scan, not calipers or any other gypsy shit.

Eat 0.8g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight and lift weights while you cut or enjoy whining on here in 3 months that your face is still bloated and your muscle definition is non existant.

Inb4 'I dont have any muscle to lose bro'. You do. Your body built it to carry your fat ass around all day. Guess what's gonna happen when you lose weight and the body thinks that muscle is no longer needed...
> 0.8g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight.
Elaborate please.1lb of what bodyweight?I don't understand.
Bro don't fast. Exercise. That way you will lose weight and look fit
I don't think I mentioned this,but I excesise a lot,by longboarding and doing pushups/bodyweight exercises at home.
> 0.8g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight.
Elaborate please.1lb of what bodyweight?I don't understand.

Lets say you weigh 150lbs. 0.8*150 = you need to eat 120g of protein per day.

Scale that up or down according to what weight you actually are.
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Lets say you weigh 150lbs. 0.8*150 = you need to eat 120g of protein per day.

Scale that up or down according to what weight you actually are.
I want to finish this fast and If It doesn't turn out the way I want It to.I will use this.
Or potentially I could incorporate It,into the fast.What do you think?
Just looked up protein.Would you recommend I use fish as a source of protein?Since It looks like It could work.
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I want to finish this fast and If It doesn't turn out the way I want It to.I will use this.
Or potentially I could incorporate It,into the fast.What do you think?
Just looked up protein.Would you recommend I use fish as a source of protein?Since It looks like It could work.

Anything will 'work' so long as it's a complete protein (i.e. meat, eggs, fish).

You obviously still need to be in a calorie deficit. If you insist on this fast (which is utterly insane and you WILL end up cucking yourself), then at least eat your protein.

The best way to get your protein in at as low calories as possible is chicken breast. It contains around 21g protein per 100g chicken breast (raw), and that's about 110kcal. Eat 700g of that a day and you'll have enough protein for 770kcal.

You'll still end up cucking yourself unless you go to the gym and eat a few carbs to power through those workouts, but eating enough protein will mitigate the damage somewhat.
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Anything will 'work' so long as it's a complete protein (i.e. meat, eggs, fish).

You obviously still need to be in a calorie deficit. If you insist on this fast (which is utterly insane and you WILL end up cucking yourself), then at least eat your protein.

The best way to get your protein in at as low calories as possible is chicken breast. It contains around 21g protein per 100g chicken breast (raw), and that's about 110kcal. Eat 700g of that a day and you'll have enough protein for 770kcal.

You'll still end up cucking yourself unless you go to the gym and eat a few carbs to power through those workouts, but eating enough protein will mitigate the damage somewhat.
Okay.I'll get a gym membership and do it.(can I instead do bodyweight excersises t home?)
I prepared eggs and I have some chicken breasts in he fridge.I'll do this.
Okay.I'll get a gym membership and do it.(can I instead do bodyweight excersises t home?)
I prepared eggs and I have some chicken breasts in he fridge.I'll do this.
No. Get the gym membership.
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ur not gonna get to 76 but you'll get under 80
don't forget to get ur electrolytes in
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ur not gonna get to 76 but you'll get under 80
don't forget to get ur electrolytes in
You're the second person telling me that I need electrolytes.I googled it,but nothing conserning diet comes up.
What is It?
  • JFL
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look up snake juice on yt
basically what you need is sodium chloride and potassium chloride, magnesium and baking soda are optional
without electrolytes you'll start to feel like death past day 3-4 and it can even become a real health problem once you start eating again (refeeding syndrome)
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You failed yet?
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You failed yet?
No.Im still going.Today wasn't hard.Only thing hat made me consider stopping was some really sharp pain in the lower right side of my stomach.Besidea that.Im good.Today was easy
No.Im still going.Today wasn't hard.Only thing hat made me consider stopping was some really sharp pain in the lower right side of my stomach.Besidea that.Im good.Today was easy
Good. Keep going.
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