Too much competition is going to get you insane



Taking a break from the autism
May 29, 2019
That's why I'm going to leave this forum again. You can't be satisfied with your life when you are in a consant competition against everyone. The amount of cortisol I release is insane and so do you probably. Think a second about what is happening here:
- your brain is put under constant stress because you' re believing that you aren't going to find a female for copulation, thus not being able to pass on your genes;
-you compare yourself to the genetic elite, in which way they mog you and what you can do to reach them (surgery, looksmaxing in general, etc) , basically a form of bargaining in a desperate situation;
-you have put yourself in a desperate competition against Chad to the point where you are paranoid, "Chad is going to steal my oneitis" ,"I might try talking to that cute girl... nah, she is obviously already taken by Chad", "If I go out to that party Chad is going to mog me";
- because of the previous point you also realize Chad is better looking than you because of features you have little to no control over, your brain now is in a constant 'flight or fight' response where fighting is almost impossible and fleeing would mean giving up on girls and accepting that Chad is going to mog you, so your brain is going insane by the day.
So I say just looksmax to be the best version of yourself and don't overstress it. Looksmax to lead a happier life , not to constantly fight against a phanton. Finally , my advice is to leave incel forums. Once you have read all important informations you need and successfully looksmaxed, it's time to be more optimistic and positive and go out there like a low inhibition slayer.
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I am too insane to rd
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Read it fully and agree with you op.
youll return, everyone does
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see you tomorrow
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Someone should make a thread on not-give-a-shit maxxing.
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Someone should make a thread on not-give-a-shit maxxing.
Idk, in my head, looksmaxxing and not-giving-a-shit maxxing are oxymorons. They literally contradict each other for me
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Idk, in my head, looksmaxxing and not-giving-a-shit maxxing are oxymorons. They literally contradict each other for me
not-giving-a-shitmaxxing = i've decided i'm going to cope
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only idiots keep destroying themselves for the opposite sex
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Idk, in my head, looksmaxxing and not-giving-a-shit maxxing are oxymorons. They literally contradict each other for me
There is a subtle difference between not giving a fuck and LDARing. Maybe "Chad mentality" is a better description. Just letting shit pass instead of getting all amped up and frustrated about life. Seeing life as a game. Doesn't really matter if you lose we're all going to die and rot in the ground anyway, but playing to win is more interesting than doing nothing.
not-giving-a-shitmaxxing = i've decided i'm going to cope
I'm thinking more like uninvest internally in life. I think it improves your performance in life rather than decreases it. Makes you more low inhib and NT.
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Let me tell you this:
If you looksmax only because of foids, you lost imho.
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Chad Phantom, I like this name
I'm thinking more like uninvest internally in life. I think it improves your performance in life rather than decreases it. Makes you more low inhib and NT.
there's a silver lining to it. you absolutely need to give a shit, but you also need to make sure you stay on track in the macro-terms of things and not get lost/hyperfocus on details
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there's a silver lining to it. you absolutely need to give a shit, but you also need to make sure you stay on track in the macro-terms of things and not get lost/hyperfocus on details
Yeah there's some golden zone between complete apathy and neuroticism that I'm trying to find. Obviously you can't legitimately not give a shit because then you will not give a shit about succeeding at all which will lead to suboptimal strategy. I think best way to describe is the way I feel when I'm in the zone playing a difficult vidya. I'm trying my absolute best but in a stress-free zen-like state where the reason I'm trying is just because I want to see how far I can go. I don't really care that much if I die.
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There is a subtle difference between not giving a fuck and LDARing. Maybe "Chad mentality" is a better description. Just letting shit pass instead of getting all amped up and frustrated about life. Seeing life as a game. Doesn't really matter if you lose we're all going to die and rot in the ground anyway, but playing to win is more interesting than doing nothing.

I'm thinking more like uninvest internally in life. I think it improves your performance in life rather than decreases it. Makes you more low inhib and NT.
Fucking legit lol, most people here dont have that chad mentality. There was something @x30001 said , where to truly decrease inhibition and grasp that mentality, you have to improve and develop yourself in a way, that goes further + deeper than the superficial stuff such as looksmaxxing and moneymaxxing. Thats why he said drugs such as phenibut wont help in the long run.
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Tbh literally me , losing collagen from cortisolmaxxing nfl
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It is what it is, this site is too addictive to stop.

Did not read comment but still replied
You are correct, take some time off bro.

CHAD or death
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13437240 207487842979736 694626402 n
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I agree, always remember we cam moneymax and fuck prostitutes... We’ll still be mad, frustrated and possibly cryin over night, but at least well do that shit with our penis in a vagina

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