Top 100 sacred tips/advices from Scientist (HIGH EFFORT)

Deleted member 14854

Deleted member 14854

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Aug 6, 2021
Top 100 sacred tips/advices from a greycel Scientist (Based On Experience & Knowledge)

Play this while reading for a maximum experience.


1. Bald looks works very well on masculine facial bone structure. Do not attempt to try to shave your head if you got low t facial structure.:forcedsmile:

2. Do not gamble your "testosterone" on the TRT Devil. (Only do so if you're low T genetically)

3. You can increase(frauding bone structure) your wrist size by doing ultra high repition + low weight wrist exercise.

4. If you're balding because of DHT, do not rope. But if it's because of soy & estrogen, go ahead.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

5. It is true that high testosterone = high pheromones. However, it depends on your shbg levels too. The lower your shbg, the higher your chance on attracting fertile women(depends on pheromones). But, the higher your shbg = gets treated like a subhuman if ugly. (Note: Low Shbg usually appears in a fat women(and men), thus making their estrogen hormone roam freely inside their fat body. Which will cause attraction towards high testosterone person. As a result, you can refer to fat girls who likes Tyrone. Debunked.):soy::soy:

6. Thyroid supplements can cause high shbg but higher testosterone concertration. (Suifuel + Lifefuel):feelshah:

7. The fact about fat people with deep voiced means low shbg + High prenatal testosterone.:soy::soy:

8. Synthetic pheromones do not work. Natural pheromones released from your body 100x more effective than that.

9. Synthetic DHT do not work past puberty if you're intended to use it for voicemaxxing or penismaxxing. But it can cause facial bone structure masculinization if that's what you want. However, if you're sub 8.. the effect remain unchanged but it's cope btw.

10. Keep your Estrogen level balanced/low but not lower.


11. Do not fall for the dermarolling meme (Dermarolling works at the beginning & it will brainwash you thinking it's not cope until you realize it will cause some specific infections. Some poor bastard summoned a collagen rapist after doing this so-called "Collagen Inducer Device":feelswhy::feelswhy:).

12. Before doing such a dangerous skin treatment, make sure to Detox your body to helps you to think twice before doing such action + to minimize future problems.:feelshah:

13. Go ahead, pop your acne. There's always a product that can fade your acne scars.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

14. Collagenmax before doing dangerous skin treatment helps.

15. If there's someone telling you slapping your face will induce collagen in your face. You're welcomed to do it just don't do it if your face is full of acne.

16. The best way to stop oil & facial acne production is to destroy the sebaceous glands in your face via Electrocauterization. (ugly richcel lifefuel)

17. White or tanned skin matters. Black skin will works too but depends on the subject. (I am not racist:feelswah:)

18. While skin matters, phenos are even more important.:feelswah:

19. Some specific facial scars on specific facial area can increase your face halo.:soy:

20. Jacking off can cause facial & body acne if you're prone to it. While detoxing your body can reduce the chance of you getting it.:soy:


21. HGH will still work past puberty. However, the chance of you getting taller are very low.:feelswah:

22. The "jumping to cause height growth" will more likely to cause an ankle tendonis than actual height growth.:eek:

23. Fasting will cause height growth during puberty just don't be malnourished.

24. No, lifting weight won't stunt your growth but lifting while malnourished will. (Most normie articles don't state this kind of information:feelswah:)

25. Sleeping 10 Hours a day works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

26. Lowering your cortisol works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

27. Pray 5 times a day.

28. No Vegan Diet.

29. Eat Meat(Protein), destroy vegan behavior. Become taller, & dominate vegancucks.

30. The only thing that works to increase your height past puberty is to do spinal stretch everyday. Do not do it if you got spinal related problem, short legs, & short arms. Must do if you got a short torso. Just make sure your body is proportionate.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


31. As I said, synthetic DHT past puberty is cope. However, low cortisol = deeper voice.

32. Screaming too much can cause scarring in your vocal throat, but not really effective on deepening your voice. The raspy voice will be gone after a few days.

33. Try having a stomach acid problem or GERD(Refer to Corpse Husband):feelshah:

34. Try saying "ZzzZZ" loudly just like screaming while your head facing upward. It's way faster than screaming too much. + Growly singing voice halo. (Doing it, will make you look like an autist. So, do it in somewhere soundproof area. Doing it for 1 hours, will change your voice temporary if I'm not mistaken.):soy::soy:

Do not listen to the guy named "Elliott Hulse" on youtube saying bouncing like a bitch while forming your mouth like a donut & start saying "OoOoOoOoO" will make your voice deeper. It's like being a bitch thirsty for a blowjob moment.

36. Semen retention works, it will makes your voice deeper IF ONLY your testosterone is high. It is indeed over for lowTcels thinking nofap will works for them.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

Do not listen to normies on youtube like CharismaOnCommand. Like, really? It's even the soy-looking-like people who controls that channel. Do not trust people with soy low t voice just like CharismaOnCommand when it comes to voicemaxxing. They might be High IQ on analysis but judging on their voice & saying bunch of stuff that involves voicemaxxing are not trustworthy enough. How can you give people voicemaxxing advices when you, yourself are not voicemaxxed enough?

38. Always work on your articulation.
There's one time where my english teacher doesn't even understand what I'm talking during a presentation. It's like using alien language. Her reponses always like this "What?/Come again?/Speak Clearly" It's such a ragefuel. I'm a scientist not an english learner!

39. Try learning some foreign accents. It will helps especially if you got a deep voice.

40. Voice frauding for a long period of time will cause you to subconsciously frauding your voice without even realizing it since it's subconscious.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


41. The best way to get a strong big abs is to work it with slow eccentric movement. Unless, you want "explosive abs" that are not big enough by recruiting the fast twitch muscle that responds very well when it comes to explosive movement.

42. Doing the slowest eccentric will cause a very significant muscle growth for size.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

43. Try to balance slow + fast twitch muscle for a better muscle experience.

44. If you want a bigger muscle growth, try "extremestretching" it. Refer to the "Doggcrapp extreme stretching".:feelsshh::feelsshh:

45. To achieve a steroid-like body without using steroid, try having a good genetic.
(I just hate it supremely when normies in the internet keeps saying steroid-like body cannot be achieved without steroid. I can imagine them commenting on youtube saying steroid this, steroid that & as a result they got thousands of likes while, in real life they just cannot achieve these kind of thing so they just cope. I think most of them gymbros must be some reddit users. I say, try training for 5-10 years naturally to achieve a steroid-like body without having a good genetic. But must have high testosterone naturally, atleast 1000ng/dL:feelshah::feelshah::feelshah:)

46. If you're richcel just stick to supplements for easy protein, while poorcel can go search up "How to make homemade mass gainers indian tutorial".:feelswhy:

47. The long rest is the best rest. If you rest 2-3(48-72h) times day, without a doubt you'll see significant gains.(Must train hard) Unless you're a steroid user that can train everyday + rest once a week. But I wonder, what will happens if a steroid user starts doing the long rest.:unsure:

48. The best actual way to get strong is to get the halotestin effect without actually using halotestin.:unsure:

49. Grunting can motivate you to push harder.:feelsshh:

50. Train legs even harder & rest more (2-3 days) if you're born with chicken legs (not chicken legs). If your legs are thicker naturally, makes sure it's not fat. Lean tree trunk legs can halo you.


51. Sleep at 9pm, wake up at 6-7am. (Easy 10 hours sleep).

52. Punish yourself everytime you messed up with your disciplinemax.:feelswah:

53. Doing the uncomfortable things everyday can turn it into comfortable. You'll get used to it.

54. Always plant a delusional mindset in your mind to achieve what seems impossible to normies.:soy:

55. Listen to your parents while they are still alive. (Hardest for the most if you got a bad parents:feelswhy:)

56. Focus on your subject. (Refer to tip number 100)

57. Stop or rarely using Social Media. (I do not own any social media) (You can however, LDAR on for learning purpose) (It is always the bad jews who controls the media, while the good jews are the one blamed for it.:feelswhy: JFL.:forcedsmile:)

58. Always write a journal/task of the day. (It's cope for most people)

59. Set a correct time if you're intended to play a video-game. (Many won't do this)

60. Life is worth every second. While for subhumans, it's 0 . :forcedsmile:


61. I do not do surgery.:eek::eek::eek:


62. I do not own a beard.

63. The Norwood reaper is not here yet.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

64. Just massage your hair to reduce balding & stimulate hair growth.

65. Fapping will cause hairloss.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


66. Fix your recessed gums.

67. Fix your yellow teeth. "But yellow teeth means stronger teeth!!!:soy::soy:" - Sure but it depends on what color it is, if it's stained yellow color bri'ish edition kys. If it's natural yellow then it is strong.

68. Bonesmash works. However, mentally ill Astrosky got weird nose.:feelswhy:

69. If you look like crap in.. front camera pictures, you most likely are ugly. The simple way to enhance your picture is to collagenmax.

70. It is best to leanmax your neck IF it's muscular enough to look like a tree trunk. Do not leanmax if your neck is small, you will achieve that weak looks.

71. Always @GripMaxxing for that confident handshake.:forcedsmile:

72. Masseter for me, it's not really that important as long as you own a wide jaw.:feelshah:

73. Get a good orbital area coloring. It can halo you as long as you don't own that prey/cuck eyes. (Most people won't really care about your orbital color since it's not very significant in a distance):feelsshh::feelsshh:

74. Grow thicker palm & fingers. I just can't cope with Henry Cavill's baby hands.

75. You can get better eye shape with specific eye exercise. I do not know about prey/cuck eyes though.:feelsshh:

76. Facial exercise is cope. Will cause nasolabial folds as well.


77. Just drink enough water.:eek:


78. The actual fast way to lose weight is to not eat for few weeks - few months. (Refer to the Christian Bale Black Coffee Fasting Method except there's no coffee.) However, it is not healthy in a long term.

79. Every week, just reduce your calories intake by 500 calories. If you're usually eat 500 calories a day(poorcel), that means 0. Brutal!:feelswhy::feelswhy:

80. Just boost your thyroid hormone, if you're too lazy to start some little exercise everyday.:feelshah:


81. It's really hard to survive the anklepill at first, until it's cope.

82. Lurking on for over 10+ months without creating an account has saved me.:feelshah:

83. Overthinking can cause autism among looksmaxer.:forcedsmile:

84. "Talk to her" theory, usually works.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

85. One does not became ugly mostly because of it's genetics, but because of it's enviroment. If you live in a high cortisol inducer enviroment. It is best to leave the place as soon as possible while you're still young.

86. Most subhumans are cortisol inhaler. Easy to get mad. (Just a theory)

87. Writing a looksmax thread for hours & finally posting it hoping for more will likely cause zero reply problem. Brutal!:feelswhy: (Does not appeal to high effort post)

88. It is very hard to argue with people who doesn't understand the concept of a "specific arguement".:feelswah:


89. Increased memory recall, increased sensory perception, increased focus can be achieved via gamma brainwave.

90. People with high gamma brainwave activity are naturally happier, calmer and more at peace. This is Nature’s best anti-depressant (people suffering from depression typically have very low gamma activity).

91. If you want more vivid/lucid dreams, try inducing gamma brainwave into your brain. Gamma waves are present during REM sleep and visualization.

92. Overworking your pituitary gland will cause vivid/lucid dreams.

93. Most unsuccessful people in the world got lower gamma brainwave activity.

94. High IQ = High Gamma Brainwave Activity.

95. It is true that you can turn darkest eye color into brightest blue/green eye color by just decreasing the melanin level in your eye.

96. The Lower your "Jing"/Essence, the lower your mind & energy can work in a masculine way.

97. Water can capture memory. Hence, it's not good saying bad things in front of a water you're about to drink since it will cause even more negative behavior after drinking it. It's best saying good delusional things in front of a water before you drink it. (Most people think it's cope)

98. You can change "something" with just vibration + energy.

99. A mild electric stimulation on your brain ( 1.5 mA ) can cause it to work better.

The most important Tip:

100. If you got something to do while browsing nonstop, press Alt + F4 & go do the thing you wanna do. (Very Useful):feelsshh::feelsshh::feelsshh:

Note: I do not provide proof since I'm a greycel.
Note 2: I do not care if you found any grammatical errors in this thread since I'm a greycel.
Note 3: Holy shit, do not share these kind of knowledge to normies. Especially, if you are a normie.

Note+: I do not approve that bonesmashing your forehead will create & active your 3rd eye.

TLDR: Try reading it. It takes atleast 5-10 minutes of reading time to finish it while the writing process took me 7+ hours of critical thinking. It's some sacred knowledge that I've experienced.
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Top 100 sacred tips/advices from a greycel Scientist (Based On Experience & Knowledge)

Play this while reading for a maximum experience.


1. Bald looks works very well on masculine facial bone structure. Do not attempt to try to shave your head if you got low t facial structure.:forcedsmile:

2. Do not gamble your "testosterone" on the TRT Devil. (Only do so if you're low T genetically)

3. You can increase(frauding bone structure) your wrist size by doing ultra high repition + low weight wrist exercise.

4. If you're balding because of DHT, do not rope. But if it's because of soy & estrogen, go ahead.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

5. It is true that high testosterone = high pheromones. However, it depends on your shbg levels too. The lower your shbg, the higher your chance on attracting fertile women(depends on pheromones). But, the higher your shbg = gets treated like a subhuman if ugly. (Note: Low Shbg usually appears in a fat women(and men), thus making their estrogen hormone roam freely inside their fat body. Which will cause attraction towards high testosterone person. As a result, you can refer to fat girls who likes Tyrone. Debunked.):soy::soy:

6. Thyroid supplements can cause high shbg but higher testosterone concertration. (Suifuel + Lifefuel):feelshah:

7. The fact about fat people with deep voiced means low shbg + High prenatal testosterone.:soy::soy:

8. Synthetic pheromones do not work. Natural pheromones released from your body 100x more effective than that.

9. Synthetic DHT do not work past puberty if you're intended to use it for voicemaxxing or penismaxxing. But it can cause facial bone structure masculinization if that's what you want. However, if you're sub 8.. the effect remain unchanged but it's cope btw.

10. Keep your Estrogen level balanced/low but not lower.


11. Do not fall for the dermarolling meme (Dermarolling works at the beginning & it will brainwash you thinking it's not cope until you realize it will cause some specific infections. Some poor bastard summoned a collagen rapist after doing this so-called "Collagen Inducer Device":feelswhy::feelswhy:).

12. Before doing such a dangerous skin treatment, make sure to Detox your body to helps you to think twice before doing such action + to minimize future problems.:feelshah:

13. Go ahead, pop your acne. There's always a product that can fade your acne scars.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

14. Collagenmax before doing dangerous skin treatment helps.

15. If there's someone telling you slapping your face will induce collagen in your face. You're welcomed to do it just don't do it if your face is full of acne.

16. The best way to stop oil & facial acne production is to destroy the sebaceous glands in your face via Electrocauterization. (ugly richcel lifefuel)

17. White or tanned skin matters. Black skin will works too but depends on the subject. (I am not racist:feelswah:)

18. While skin matters, phenos are even more important.:feelswah:

19. Some specific facial scars on specific facial area can increase your face halo.:soy:

20. Jacking off can cause facial & body acne if you're prone to it. While detoxing your body can reduce the chance of you getting it.:soy:


21. HGH will still work past puberty. However, the chance of you getting taller are very low.:feelswah:

22. The "jumping to cause height growth" will more likely to cause an ankle tendonis than actual height growth.:eek:

23. Fasting will cause height growth during puberty just don't be malnourished.

24. No, lifting weight won't stunt your growth but lifting while malnourished will. (Most normie articles don't state this kind of information:feelswah:)

25. Sleeping 10 Hours a day works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

26. Lowering your cortisol works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

27. Pray 5 times a day.

28. No Vegan Diet.

29. Eat Meat(Protein), destroy vegan behavior. Become taller, & dominate vegancucks.

30. The only thing that works to increase your height past puberty is to do spinal stretch everyday. Do not do it if you got spinal related problem, short legs, & short arms. Must do if you got a short torso. Just make sure your body is proportionate.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


31. As I said, synthetic DHT past puberty is cope. However, low cortisol = deeper voice.

32. Screaming too much can cause scarring in your vocal throat, but not really effective on deepening your voice. The raspy voice will be gone after a few days.

33. Try having a stomach acid problem or GERD(Refer to Corpse Husband):feelshah:

34. Try saying "ZzzZZ" loudly just like screaming while your head facing upward. It's way faster than screaming too much. + Growly singing voice halo. (Doing it, will make you look like an autist. So, do it in somewhere soundproof area. Doing it for 1 hours, will change your voice temporary if I'm not mistaken.):soy::soy:

Do not listen to the guy named "Elliott Hulse" on youtube saying bouncing like a bitch while forming your mouth like a donut & start saying "OoOoOoOoO" will make your voice deeper. It's like being a bitch thirsty for a blowjob moment.

36. Semen retention works, it will makes your voice deeper IF ONLY your testosterone is high. It is indeed over for lowTcels thinking nofap will works for them.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

Do not listen to normies on youtube like CharismaOnCommand. Like, really? It's even the soy-looking-like people who controls that channel. Do not trust people with soy low t voice just like CharismaOnCommand when it comes to voicemaxxing. They might be High IQ on analysis but judging on their voice & saying bunch of stuff that involves voicemaxxing are not trustworthy enough. How can you give people voicemaxxing advices when you, yourself are not voicemaxxed enough?

38. Always work on your articulation.
There's one time where my english teacher doesn't even understand what I'm talking during a presentation. It's like using alien language. Her reponses always like this "What?/Come again?/Speak Clearly" It's such a ragefuel. I'm a scientist not an english learner!

39. Try learning some foreign accents. It will helps especially if you got a deep voice.

40. Voice frauding for a long period of time will cause you to subconsciously frauding your voice without even realizing it since it's subconscious.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


41. The best way to get a strong big abs is to work it with slow eccentric movement. Unless, you want "explosive abs" that are not big enough by recruiting the fast twitch muscle that responds very well when it comes to explosive movement.

42. Doing the slowest eccentric will cause a very significant muscle growth for size.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

43. Try to balance slow + fast twitch muscle for a better muscle experience.

44. If you want a bigger muscle growth, try "extremestretching" it. Refer to the "Doggcrapp extreme stretching".:feelsshh::feelsshh:

45. To achieve a steroid-like body without using steroid, try having a good genetic.
(I just hate it supremely when normies in the internet keeps saying steroid-like body cannot be achieved without steroid. I can imagine them commenting on youtube saying steroid this, steroid that & as a result they got thousands of likes while, in real life they just cannot achieve these kind of thing so they just cope. I think most of them gymbros must be some reddit users. I say, try training for 5-10 years naturally to achieve a steroid-like body without having a good genetic. But must have high testosterone naturally, atleast 1000ng/dL:feelshah::feelshah::feelshah:)

46. If you're richcel just stick to supplements for easy protein, while poorcel can go search up "How to make homemade mass gainers indian tutorial".:feelswhy:

47. The long rest is the best rest. If you rest 2-3(48-72h) times day, without a doubt you'll see significant gains.(Must train hard) Unless you're a steroid user that can train everyday + rest once a week. But I wonder, what will happens if a steroid user starts doing the long rest.:unsure:

48. The best actual way to get strong is to get the halotestin effect without actually using halotestin.:unsure:

49. Grunting can motivate you to push harder.:feelsshh:

50. Train legs even harder & rest more (2-3 days) if you're born with chicken legs (not chicken legs). If your legs are thicker naturally, makes sure it's not fat. Lean tree trunk legs can halo you.


51. Sleep at 9pm, wake up at 6-7am. (Easy 10 hours sleep).

52. Punish yourself everytime you messed up with your disciplinemax.:feelswah:

53. Doing the uncomfortable things everyday can turn it into comfortable. You'll get used to it.

54. Always plant a delusional mindset in your mind to achieve what seems impossible to normies.:soy:

55. Listen to your parents while they are still alive. (Hardest for the most if you got a bad parents:feelswhy:)

56. Focus on your subject. (Refer to tip number 100)

57. Stop or rarely using Social Media. (I do not own any social media) (You can however, LDAR on for learning purpose) (It is always the bad jews who controls the media, while the good jews are the one blamed for it.:feelswhy: JFL.:forcedsmile:)

58. Always write a journal/task of the day. (It's cope for most people)

59. Set a correct time if you're intended to play a video-game. (Many won't do this)

60. Life is worth every second. While for subhumans, it's 0 . :forcedsmile:


61. I do not do surgery.:eek::eek::eek:


62. I do not own a beard.

63. The Norwood reaper is not here yet.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

64. Just massage your hair to reduce balding & stimulate hair growth.

65. Fapping will cause hairloss.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


66. Fix your recessed gums.

67. Fix your yellow teeth. "But yellow teeth means stronger teeth!!!:soy::soy:" - Sure but it depends on what color it is, if it's stained yellow color bri'ish edition kys. If it's natural yellow then it is strong.

68. Bonesmash works. However, mentally ill Astrosky got weird nose.:feelswhy:

69. If you look like crap in.. front camera pictures, you most likely are ugly. The simple way to enhance your picture is to collagenmax.

70. It is best to leanmax your neck IF it's muscular enough to look like a tree trunk. Do not leanmax if your neck is small, you will achieve that weak looks.

71. Always @GripMaxxing for that confident handshake.:forcedsmile:

72. Masseter for me, it's not really that important as long as you own a wide jaw.:feelshah:

73. Get a good orbital area coloring. It can halo you as long as you don't own that prey/cuck eyes. (Most people won't really care about your orbital color since it's not very significant in a distance):feelsshh::feelsshh:

74. Grow thicker palm & fingers. I just can't cope with Henry Cavill's baby hands.

75. You can get better eye shape with specific eye exercise. I do not know about prey/cuck eyes though.:feelsshh:

76. Facial exercise is cope. Will cause nasolabial folds as well.


77. Just drink enough water.:eek:


78. The actual fast way to lose weight is to not eat for few weeks - few months. (Refer to the Christian Bale Black Coffee Fasting Method except there's no coffee.) However, it is not healthy in a long term.

79. Every week, just reduce your calories intake by 500 calories. If you're usually eat 500 calories a day(poorcel), that means 0. Brutal!:feelswhy::feelswhy:

80. Just boost your thyroid hormone, if you're too lazy to start some little exercise everyday.:feelshah:


81. It's really hard to survive the anklepill at first, until it's cope.

82. Lurking on for over 10+ months without creating an account has saved me.:feelshah:

83. Overthinking can cause autism among looksmaxer.:forcedsmile:

84. "Talk to her" theory, usually works.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

85. One does not became ugly mostly because of it's genetics, but because of it's enviroment. If you live in a high cortisol inducer enviroment. It is best to leave the place as soon as possible while you're still young.

86. Most subhumans are cortisol inhaler. Easy to get mad. (Just a theory)

87. Writing a looksmax thread for hours & finally posting it hoping for more will likely cause zero reply problem. Brutal!:feelswhy: (Does not appeal to high effort post)

88. It is very hard to argue with people who doesn't understand the concept of a "specific arguement".:feelswah:


89. Increased memory recall, increased sensory perception, increased focus can be achieved via gamma brainwave.

90. People with high gamma brainwave activity are naturally happier, calmer and more at peace. This is Nature’s best anti-depressant (people suffering from depression typically have very low gamma activity).

91. If you want more vivid/lucid dreams, try inducing gamma brainwave into your brain. Gamma waves are present during REM sleep and visualization.

92. Overworking your pituitary gland will cause vivid/lucid dreams.

93. Most unsuccessful people in the world got lower gamma brainwave activity.

94. High IQ = High Gamma Brainwave Activity.

95. It is true that you can turn darkest eye color into brightest blue/green eye color by just decreasing the melanin level in your eye.

96. The Lower your "Jing"/Essence, the lower your mind & energy can work in a masculine way.

97. Water can capture memory. Hence, it's not good saying bad things in front of a water you're about to drink since it will cause even more negative behavior after drinking it. It's best saying good delusional things in front of a water before you drink it. (Most people think it's cope)

98. You can change "something" with just vibration + energy.

99. A mild electric stimulation on your brain ( 1.5 mA ) can cause it to work better.

The most important Tip:

100. If you got something to do while browsing nonstop, press Alt + F4 & go do the thing you wanna do. (Very Useful):feelsshh::feelsshh::feelsshh:

Note: I do not provide proof since I'm a greycel.
Note 2: I do not care if you found any grammatical errors in this thread since I'm a greycel.
Note 3: Holy shit, do not share these kind of knowledge to normies. Especially, if you are a normie.

Note+: I do not approve that bonesmashing your forehead will create & active your 3rd eye.

TLDR: Try reading it. It takes atleast 5-10 minutes of reading time to finish it while the writing process took me 7+ hours of critical thinking. It's some sacred knowledge that I've experienced.

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ah there is it PURE COPIUM
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I tried reading but i can't. How else can i get sacred knowledge?
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4. If you're balding because of DHT, do not rope. But if it's because of soy & estrogen, go ahead.
Estrogen is actually good for hair.
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dicksucking love

*Steve throws a diamond pickaxe at a block of TNT and it explodes.* *Instrumental starts*

[Verse 1]

I came to dig, dig, dig, dig

I'll build a city, oh so big, big, big, big

Wait, just a sec, gotta kill this pig, pig, pig, pig

Cook me some bacon, take a swig, swig, swig, swig

There must be something I can craft

To ease the burden of this task (Yeah!)


I shoot my arrows in the air sometimes, saying ay-o, creepers K. O.'d.

Loot his remains and now his sulfur's mine, saying ay-o, not today-o

And then I go to work

Under the birch tree

And I make myself

Tons of TNT

Cause I'll use these blocks

To build a big city

And I'll mine it all

Using TNT

[Verse 2]

I came to blow, blow, blow, blow

Up everything you've ever known, known, known, known

Expell you out of house and home, home, home, home

Biome to biome you shall roam, roam, roam, roam (Yeah, Yeah)

'Cause I'm a creeper; I will rob

All of your items; that's my job (Yeah!)


I shoot my arrows in the air sometimes, saying ay-o, creepers K.O'D

T-bag his ghosts and now his sulfur's mine, saying ay-o, MLG pro

And then I'll head back home

Where I'll smile with glee

Now that I can make

Tons of TNT

Cause I'll rule my world

Made in three by three

Imma blow stuff up

With TNT


I'm gonna blow it all up

Every mountain, every valley

Ruler of the world, yup

All of the animals will fear me

'Cause TNT

is awesome


is just really cool

It's just really cool

I'm gonna shoot my arrows in the air, shoot my arrows in the air, shoot my arrows in the air, air, air, air

(Nice bridge, a parody of the Dynamite version. In this part, Dr. Zomboss is hitting pressure pads!)


I shoot my arrows in the air sometimes, saying ay-o, creepers K.O'D

T-bag his ghosts and now his sulfur's mine

Saying ay-o, MLG pro

And then I'll head back home

Where I'll smile with glee

Now that I can make

Tons of TNT


Cause I'll rule my world

Made in three-by-three

I'mma blow stuff up

With my TNT
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*Steve throws a diamond pickaxe at a block of TNT and it explodes.* *Instrumental starts*

[Verse 1]

I came to dig, dig, dig, dig

I'll build a city, oh so big, big, big, big

Wait, just a sec, gotta kill this pig, pig, pig, pig

Cook me some bacon, take a swig, swig, swig, swig

There must be something I can craft

To ease the burden of this task (Yeah!)


I shoot my arrows in the air sometimes, saying ay-o, creepers K. O.'d.

Loot his remains and now his sulfur's mine, saying ay-o, not today-o

And then I go to work

Under the birch tree

And I make myself

Tons of TNT

Cause I'll use these blocks

To build a big city

And I'll mine it all

Using TNT

[Verse 2]

I came to blow, blow, blow, blow

Up everything you've ever known, known, known, known

Expell you out of house and home, home, home, home

Biome to biome you shall roam, roam, roam, roam (Yeah, Yeah)

'Cause I'm a creeper; I will rob

All of your items; that's my job (Yeah!)


I shoot my arrows in the air sometimes, saying ay-o, creepers K.O'D

T-bag his ghosts and now his sulfur's mine, saying ay-o, MLG pro

And then I'll head back home

Where I'll smile with glee

Now that I can make

Tons of TNT

Cause I'll rule my world

Made in three by three

Imma blow stuff up

With TNT


I'm gonna blow it all up

Every mountain, every valley

Ruler of the world, yup

All of the animals will fear me

'Cause TNT

is awesome


is just really cool

It's just really cool

I'm gonna shoot my arrows in the air, shoot my arrows in the air, shoot my arrows in the air, air, air, air

(Nice bridge, a parody of the Dynamite version. In this part, Dr. Zomboss is hitting pressure pads!)


I shoot my arrows in the air sometimes, saying ay-o, creepers K.O'D

T-bag his ghosts and now his sulfur's mine

Saying ay-o, MLG pro

And then I'll head back home

Where I'll smile with glee

Now that I can make

Tons of TNT


Cause I'll rule my world

Made in three-by-three

I'mma blow stuff up

With my TNT
really? :eek:
  • JFL
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what a fucking shit thread by a shit greycel
Last edited:
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  • WTF
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Top 100 sacred tips/advices from a greycel Scientist (Based On Experience & Knowledge)

Play this while reading for a maximum experience.


1. Bald looks works very well on masculine facial bone structure. Do not attempt to try to shave your head if you got low t facial structure.:forcedsmile:

2. Do not gamble your "testosterone" on the TRT Devil. (Only do so if you're low T genetically)

3. You can increase(frauding bone structure) your wrist size by doing ultra high repition + low weight wrist exercise.

4. If you're balding because of DHT, do not rope. But if it's because of soy & estrogen, go ahead.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

5. It is true that high testosterone = high pheromones. However, it depends on your shbg levels too. The lower your shbg, the higher your chance on attracting fertile women(depends on pheromones). But, the higher your shbg = gets treated like a subhuman if ugly. (Note: Low Shbg usually appears in a fat women(and men), thus making their estrogen hormone roam freely inside their fat body. Which will cause attraction towards high testosterone person. As a result, you can refer to fat girls who likes Tyrone. Debunked.):soy::soy:

6. Thyroid supplements can cause high shbg but higher testosterone concertration. (Suifuel + Lifefuel):feelshah:

7. The fact about fat people with deep voiced means low shbg + High prenatal testosterone.:soy::soy:

8. Synthetic pheromones do not work. Natural pheromones released from your body 100x more effective than that.

9. Synthetic DHT do not work past puberty if you're intended to use it for voicemaxxing or penismaxxing. But it can cause facial bone structure masculinization if that's what you want. However, if you're sub 8.. the effect remain unchanged but it's cope btw.

10. Keep your Estrogen level balanced/low but not lower.


11. Do not fall for the dermarolling meme (Dermarolling works at the beginning & it will brainwash you thinking it's not cope until you realize it will cause some specific infections. Some poor bastard summoned a collagen rapist after doing this so-called "Collagen Inducer Device":feelswhy::feelswhy:).

12. Before doing such a dangerous skin treatment, make sure to Detox your body to helps you to think twice before doing such action + to minimize future problems.:feelshah:

13. Go ahead, pop your acne. There's always a product that can fade your acne scars.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

14. Collagenmax before doing dangerous skin treatment helps.

15. If there's someone telling you slapping your face will induce collagen in your face. You're welcomed to do it just don't do it if your face is full of acne.

16. The best way to stop oil & facial acne production is to destroy the sebaceous glands in your face via Electrocauterization. (ugly richcel lifefuel)

17. White or tanned skin matters. Black skin will works too but depends on the subject. (I am not racist:feelswah:)

18. While skin matters, phenos are even more important.:feelswah:

19. Some specific facial scars on specific facial area can increase your face halo.:soy:

20. Jacking off can cause facial & body acne if you're prone to it. While detoxing your body can reduce the chance of you getting it.:soy:


21. HGH will still work past puberty. However, the chance of you getting taller are very low.:feelswah:

22. The "jumping to cause height growth" will more likely to cause an ankle tendonis than actual height growth.:eek:

23. Fasting will cause height growth during puberty just don't be malnourished.

24. No, lifting weight won't stunt your growth but lifting while malnourished will. (Most normie articles don't state this kind of information:feelswah:)

25. Sleeping 10 Hours a day works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

26. Lowering your cortisol works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

27. Pray 5 times a day.

28. No Vegan Diet.

29. Eat Meat(Protein), destroy vegan behavior. Become taller, & dominate vegancucks.

30. The only thing that works to increase your height past puberty is to do spinal stretch everyday. Do not do it if you got spinal related problem, short legs, & short arms. Must do if you got a short torso. Just make sure your body is proportionate.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


31. As I said, synthetic DHT past puberty is cope. However, low cortisol = deeper voice.

32. Screaming too much can cause scarring in your vocal throat, but not really effective on deepening your voice. The raspy voice will be gone after a few days.

33. Try having a stomach acid problem or GERD(Refer to Corpse Husband):feelshah:

34. Try saying "ZzzZZ" loudly just like screaming while your head facing upward. It's way faster than screaming too much. + Growly singing voice halo. (Doing it, will make you look like an autist. So, do it in somewhere soundproof area. Doing it for 1 hours, will change your voice temporary if I'm not mistaken.):soy::soy:

Do not listen to the guy named "Elliott Hulse" on youtube saying bouncing like a bitch while forming your mouth like a donut & start saying "OoOoOoOoO" will make your voice deeper. It's like being a bitch thirsty for a blowjob moment.

36. Semen retention works, it will makes your voice deeper IF ONLY your testosterone is high. It is indeed over for lowTcels thinking nofap will works for them.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

Do not listen to normies on youtube like CharismaOnCommand. Like, really? It's even the soy-looking-like people who controls that channel. Do not trust people with soy low t voice just like CharismaOnCommand when it comes to voicemaxxing. They might be High IQ on analysis but judging on their voice & saying bunch of stuff that involves voicemaxxing are not trustworthy enough. How can you give people voicemaxxing advices when you, yourself are not voicemaxxed enough?

38. Always work on your articulation.
There's one time where my english teacher doesn't even understand what I'm talking during a presentation. It's like using alien language. Her reponses always like this "What?/Come again?/Speak Clearly" It's such a ragefuel. I'm a scientist not an english learner!

39. Try learning some foreign accents. It will helps especially if you got a deep voice.

40. Voice frauding for a long period of time will cause you to subconsciously frauding your voice without even realizing it since it's subconscious.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


41. The best way to get a strong big abs is to work it with slow eccentric movement. Unless, you want "explosive abs" that are not big enough by recruiting the fast twitch muscle that responds very well when it comes to explosive movement.

42. Doing the slowest eccentric will cause a very significant muscle growth for size.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

43. Try to balance slow + fast twitch muscle for a better muscle experience.

44. If you want a bigger muscle growth, try "extremestretching" it. Refer to the "Doggcrapp extreme stretching".:feelsshh::feelsshh:

45. To achieve a steroid-like body without using steroid, try having a good genetic.
(I just hate it supremely when normies in the internet keeps saying steroid-like body cannot be achieved without steroid. I can imagine them commenting on youtube saying steroid this, steroid that & as a result they got thousands of likes while, in real life they just cannot achieve these kind of thing so they just cope. I think most of them gymbros must be some reddit users. I say, try training for 5-10 years naturally to achieve a steroid-like body without having a good genetic. But must have high testosterone naturally, atleast 1000ng/dL:feelshah::feelshah::feelshah:)

46. If you're richcel just stick to supplements for easy protein, while poorcel can go search up "How to make homemade mass gainers indian tutorial".:feelswhy:

47. The long rest is the best rest. If you rest 2-3(48-72h) times day, without a doubt you'll see significant gains.(Must train hard) Unless you're a steroid user that can train everyday + rest once a week. But I wonder, what will happens if a steroid user starts doing the long rest.:unsure:

48. The best actual way to get strong is to get the halotestin effect without actually using halotestin.:unsure:

49. Grunting can motivate you to push harder.:feelsshh:

50. Train legs even harder & rest more (2-3 days) if you're born with chicken legs (not chicken legs). If your legs are thicker naturally, makes sure it's not fat. Lean tree trunk legs can halo you.


51. Sleep at 9pm, wake up at 6-7am. (Easy 10 hours sleep).

52. Punish yourself everytime you messed up with your disciplinemax.:feelswah:

53. Doing the uncomfortable things everyday can turn it into comfortable. You'll get used to it.

54. Always plant a delusional mindset in your mind to achieve what seems impossible to normies.:soy:

55. Listen to your parents while they are still alive. (Hardest for the most if you got a bad parents:feelswhy:)

56. Focus on your subject. (Refer to tip number 100)

57. Stop or rarely using Social Media. (I do not own any social media) (You can however, LDAR on for learning purpose) (It is always the bad jews who controls the media, while the good jews are the one blamed for it.:feelswhy: JFL.:forcedsmile:)

58. Always write a journal/task of the day. (It's cope for most people)

59. Set a correct time if you're intended to play a video-game. (Many won't do this)

60. Life is worth every second. While for subhumans, it's 0 . :forcedsmile:


61. I do not do surgery.:eek::eek::eek:


62. I do not own a beard.

63. The Norwood reaper is not here yet.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

64. Just massage your hair to reduce balding & stimulate hair growth.

65. Fapping will cause hairloss.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


66. Fix your recessed gums.

67. Fix your yellow teeth. "But yellow teeth means stronger teeth!!!:soy::soy:" - Sure but it depends on what color it is, if it's stained yellow color bri'ish edition kys. If it's natural yellow then it is strong.

68. Bonesmash works. However, mentally ill Astrosky got weird nose.:feelswhy:

69. If you look like crap in.. front camera pictures, you most likely are ugly. The simple way to enhance your picture is to collagenmax.

70. It is best to leanmax your neck IF it's muscular enough to look like a tree trunk. Do not leanmax if your neck is small, you will achieve that weak looks.

71. Always @GripMaxxing for that confident handshake.:forcedsmile:

72. Masseter for me, it's not really that important as long as you own a wide jaw.:feelshah:

73. Get a good orbital area coloring. It can halo you as long as you don't own that prey/cuck eyes. (Most people won't really care about your orbital color since it's not very significant in a distance):feelsshh::feelsshh:

74. Grow thicker palm & fingers. I just can't cope with Henry Cavill's baby hands.

75. You can get better eye shape with specific eye exercise. I do not know about prey/cuck eyes though.:feelsshh:

76. Facial exercise is cope. Will cause nasolabial folds as well.


77. Just drink enough water.:eek:


78. The actual fast way to lose weight is to not eat for few weeks - few months. (Refer to the Christian Bale Black Coffee Fasting Method except there's no coffee.) However, it is not healthy in a long term.

79. Every week, just reduce your calories intake by 500 calories. If you're usually eat 500 calories a day(poorcel), that means 0. Brutal!:feelswhy::feelswhy:

80. Just boost your thyroid hormone, if you're too lazy to start some little exercise everyday.:feelshah:


81. It's really hard to survive the anklepill at first, until it's cope.

82. Lurking on for over 10+ months without creating an account has saved me.:feelshah:

83. Overthinking can cause autism among looksmaxer.:forcedsmile:

84. "Talk to her" theory, usually works.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

85. One does not became ugly mostly because of it's genetics, but because of it's enviroment. If you live in a high cortisol inducer enviroment. It is best to leave the place as soon as possible while you're still young.

86. Most subhumans are cortisol inhaler. Easy to get mad. (Just a theory)

87. Writing a looksmax thread for hours & finally posting it hoping for more will likely cause zero reply problem. Brutal!:feelswhy: (Does not appeal to high effort post)

88. It is very hard to argue with people who doesn't understand the concept of a "specific arguement".:feelswah:


89. Increased memory recall, increased sensory perception, increased focus can be achieved via gamma brainwave.

90. People with high gamma brainwave activity are naturally happier, calmer and more at peace. This is Nature’s best anti-depressant (people suffering from depression typically have very low gamma activity).

91. If you want more vivid/lucid dreams, try inducing gamma brainwave into your brain. Gamma waves are present during REM sleep and visualization.

92. Overworking your pituitary gland will cause vivid/lucid dreams.

93. Most unsuccessful people in the world got lower gamma brainwave activity.

94. High IQ = High Gamma Brainwave Activity.

95. It is true that you can turn darkest eye color into brightest blue/green eye color by just decreasing the melanin level in your eye.

96. The Lower your "Jing"/Essence, the lower your mind & energy can work in a masculine way.

97. Water can capture memory. Hence, it's not good saying bad things in front of a water you're about to drink since it will cause even more negative behavior after drinking it. It's best saying good delusional things in front of a water before you drink it. (Most people think it's cope)

98. You can change "something" with just vibration + energy.

99. A mild electric stimulation on your brain ( 1.5 mA ) can cause it to work better.

The most important Tip:

100. If you got something to do while browsing nonstop, press Alt + F4 & go do the thing you wanna do. (Very Useful):feelsshh::feelsshh::feelsshh:

Note: I do not provide proof since I'm a greycel.
Note 2: I do not care if you found any grammatical errors in this thread since I'm a greycel.
Note 3: Holy shit, do not share these kind of knowledge to normies. Especially, if you are a normie.

Note+: I do not approve that bonesmashing your forehead will create & active your 3rd eye.

TLDR: Try reading it. It takes atleast 5-10 minutes of reading time to finish it while the writing process took me 7+ hours of critical thinking. It's some sacred knowledge that I've experienced.

Damn man why u gotta write all that shit??
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 14854
Amazing post
  • +1
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will low weight high rep really make wrists bigger?
how did u come to the conclusion synthetic pheromones don’t work compared to natural?
  • +1
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will low weight high rep really make wrists bigger?
Yes, after 6 months. But do remember, to increase the reps from 100x - 1000x - and so on.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6423
I will make a thread about it in the future.
damn bro pm at least?

i’m just tryna learn how to natural pheromone max because ik it’s in sweat and i’m not tryna be sweaty everywhere I go
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 14854
damn bro pm at least?

i’m just tryna learn how to natural pheromone max because ik it’s in sweat and i’m not tryna be sweaty everywhere I go
"Oops member limit"

  • +1
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Do you have studies demonstrating that high rep low weight wrist exercises increases wrist bone size?
  • +1
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Do you have studies demonstrating that high rep low weight wrist exercises increases wrist bone size?
bra there r daily life worker vs bodybuilder
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 14854
Top 100 sacred tips/advices from a greycel Scientist (Based On Experience & Knowledge)

Play this while reading for a maximum experience.


1. Bald looks works very well on masculine facial bone structure. Do not attempt to try to shave your head if you got low t facial structure.:forcedsmile:

2. Do not gamble your "testosterone" on the TRT Devil. (Only do so if you're low T genetically)

3. You can increase(frauding bone structure) your wrist size by doing ultra high repition + low weight wrist exercise.

4. If you're balding because of DHT, do not rope. But if it's because of soy & estrogen, go ahead.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

5. It is true that high testosterone = high pheromones. However, it depends on your shbg levels too. The lower your shbg, the higher your chance on attracting fertile women(depends on pheromones). But, the higher your shbg = gets treated like a subhuman if ugly. (Note: Low Shbg usually appears in a fat women(and men), thus making their estrogen hormone roam freely inside their fat body. Which will cause attraction towards high testosterone person. As a result, you can refer to fat girls who likes Tyrone. Debunked.):soy::soy:

6. Thyroid supplements can cause high shbg but higher testosterone concertration. (Suifuel + Lifefuel):feelshah:

7. The fact about fat people with deep voiced means low shbg + High prenatal testosterone.:soy::soy:

8. Synthetic pheromones do not work. Natural pheromones released from your body 100x more effective than that.

9. Synthetic DHT do not work past puberty if you're intended to use it for voicemaxxing or penismaxxing. But it can cause facial bone structure masculinization if that's what you want. However, if you're sub 8.. the effect remain unchanged but it's cope btw.

10. Keep your Estrogen level balanced/low but not lower.


11. Do not fall for the dermarolling meme (Dermarolling works at the beginning & it will brainwash you thinking it's not cope until you realize it will cause some specific infections. Some poor bastard summoned a collagen rapist after doing this so-called "Collagen Inducer Device":feelswhy::feelswhy:).

12. Before doing such a dangerous skin treatment, make sure to Detox your body to helps you to think twice before doing such action + to minimize future problems.:feelshah:

13. Go ahead, pop your acne. There's always a product that can fade your acne scars.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

14. Collagenmax before doing dangerous skin treatment helps.

15. If there's someone telling you slapping your face will induce collagen in your face. You're welcomed to do it just don't do it if your face is full of acne.

16. The best way to stop oil & facial acne production is to destroy the sebaceous glands in your face via Electrocauterization. (ugly richcel lifefuel)

17. White or tanned skin matters. Black skin will works too but depends on the subject. (I am not racist:feelswah:)

18. While skin matters, phenos are even more important.:feelswah:

19. Some specific facial scars on specific facial area can increase your face halo.:soy:

20. Jacking off can cause facial & body acne if you're prone to it. While detoxing your body can reduce the chance of you getting it.:soy:


21. HGH will still work past puberty. However, the chance of you getting taller are very low.:feelswah:

22. The "jumping to cause height growth" will more likely to cause an ankle tendonis than actual height growth.:eek:

23. Fasting will cause height growth during puberty just don't be malnourished.

24. No, lifting weight won't stunt your growth but lifting while malnourished will. (Most normie articles don't state this kind of information:feelswah:)

25. Sleeping 10 Hours a day works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

26. Lowering your cortisol works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

27. Pray 5 times a day.

28. No Vegan Diet.

29. Eat Meat(Protein), destroy vegan behavior. Become taller, & dominate vegancucks.

30. The only thing that works to increase your height past puberty is to do spinal stretch everyday. Do not do it if you got spinal related problem, short legs, & short arms. Must do if you got a short torso. Just make sure your body is proportionate.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


31. As I said, synthetic DHT past puberty is cope. However, low cortisol = deeper voice.

32. Screaming too much can cause scarring in your vocal throat, but not really effective on deepening your voice. The raspy voice will be gone after a few days.

33. Try having a stomach acid problem or GERD(Refer to Corpse Husband):feelshah:

34. Try saying "ZzzZZ" loudly just like screaming while your head facing upward. It's way faster than screaming too much. + Growly singing voice halo. (Doing it, will make you look like an autist. So, do it in somewhere soundproof area. Doing it for 1 hours, will change your voice temporary if I'm not mistaken.):soy::soy:

Do not listen to the guy named "Elliott Hulse" on youtube saying bouncing like a bitch while forming your mouth like a donut & start saying "OoOoOoOoO" will make your voice deeper. It's like being a bitch thirsty for a blowjob moment.

36. Semen retention works, it will makes your voice deeper IF ONLY your testosterone is high. It is indeed over for lowTcels thinking nofap will works for them.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

Do not listen to normies on youtube like CharismaOnCommand. Like, really? It's even the soy-looking-like people who controls that channel. Do not trust people with soy low t voice just like CharismaOnCommand when it comes to voicemaxxing. They might be High IQ on analysis but judging on their voice & saying bunch of stuff that involves voicemaxxing are not trustworthy enough. How can you give people voicemaxxing advices when you, yourself are not voicemaxxed enough?

38. Always work on your articulation.
There's one time where my english teacher doesn't even understand what I'm talking during a presentation. It's like using alien language. Her reponses always like this "What?/Come again?/Speak Clearly" It's such a ragefuel. I'm a scientist not an english learner!

39. Try learning some foreign accents. It will helps especially if you got a deep voice.

40. Voice frauding for a long period of time will cause you to subconsciously frauding your voice without even realizing it since it's subconscious.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


41. The best way to get a strong big abs is to work it with slow eccentric movement. Unless, you want "explosive abs" that are not big enough by recruiting the fast twitch muscle that responds very well when it comes to explosive movement.

42. Doing the slowest eccentric will cause a very significant muscle growth for size.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

43. Try to balance slow + fast twitch muscle for a better muscle experience.

44. If you want a bigger muscle growth, try "extremestretching" it. Refer to the "Doggcrapp extreme stretching".:feelsshh::feelsshh:

45. To achieve a steroid-like body without using steroid, try having a good genetic.
(I just hate it supremely when normies in the internet keeps saying steroid-like body cannot be achieved without steroid. I can imagine them commenting on youtube saying steroid this, steroid that & as a result they got thousands of likes while, in real life they just cannot achieve these kind of thing so they just cope. I think most of them gymbros must be some reddit users. I say, try training for 5-10 years naturally to achieve a steroid-like body without having a good genetic. But must have high testosterone naturally, atleast 1000ng/dL:feelshah::feelshah::feelshah:)

46. If you're richcel just stick to supplements for easy protein, while poorcel can go search up "How to make homemade mass gainers indian tutorial".:feelswhy:

47. The long rest is the best rest. If you rest 2-3(48-72h) times day, without a doubt you'll see significant gains.(Must train hard) Unless you're a steroid user that can train everyday + rest once a week. But I wonder, what will happens if a steroid user starts doing the long rest.:unsure:

48. The best actual way to get strong is to get the halotestin effect without actually using halotestin.:unsure:

49. Grunting can motivate you to push harder.:feelsshh:

50. Train legs even harder & rest more (2-3 days) if you're born with chicken legs (not chicken legs). If your legs are thicker naturally, makes sure it's not fat. Lean tree trunk legs can halo you.


51. Sleep at 9pm, wake up at 6-7am. (Easy 10 hours sleep).

52. Punish yourself everytime you messed up with your disciplinemax.:feelswah:

53. Doing the uncomfortable things everyday can turn it into comfortable. You'll get used to it.

54. Always plant a delusional mindset in your mind to achieve what seems impossible to normies.:soy:

55. Listen to your parents while they are still alive. (Hardest for the most if you got a bad parents:feelswhy:)

56. Focus on your subject. (Refer to tip number 100)

57. Stop or rarely using Social Media. (I do not own any social media) (You can however, LDAR on for learning purpose) (It is always the bad jews who controls the media, while the good jews are the one blamed for it.:feelswhy: JFL.:forcedsmile:)

58. Always write a journal/task of the day. (It's cope for most people)

59. Set a correct time if you're intended to play a video-game. (Many won't do this)

60. Life is worth every second. While for subhumans, it's 0 . :forcedsmile:


61. I do not do surgery.:eek::eek::eek:


62. I do not own a beard.

63. The Norwood reaper is not here yet.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

64. Just massage your hair to reduce balding & stimulate hair growth.

65. Fapping will cause hairloss.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


66. Fix your recessed gums.

67. Fix your yellow teeth. "But yellow teeth means stronger teeth!!!:soy::soy:" - Sure but it depends on what color it is, if it's stained yellow color bri'ish edition kys. If it's natural yellow then it is strong.

68. Bonesmash works. However, mentally ill Astrosky got weird nose.:feelswhy:

69. If you look like crap in.. front camera pictures, you most likely are ugly. The simple way to enhance your picture is to collagenmax.

70. It is best to leanmax your neck IF it's muscular enough to look like a tree trunk. Do not leanmax if your neck is small, you will achieve that weak looks.

71. Always @GripMaxxing for that confident handshake.:forcedsmile:

72. Masseter for me, it's not really that important as long as you own a wide jaw.:feelshah:

73. Get a good orbital area coloring. It can halo you as long as you don't own that prey/cuck eyes. (Most people won't really care about your orbital color since it's not very significant in a distance):feelsshh::feelsshh:

74. Grow thicker palm & fingers. I just can't cope with Henry Cavill's baby hands.

75. You can get better eye shape with specific eye exercise. I do not know about prey/cuck eyes though.:feelsshh:

76. Facial exercise is cope. Will cause nasolabial folds as well.


77. Just drink enough water.:eek:


78. The actual fast way to lose weight is to not eat for few weeks - few months. (Refer to the Christian Bale Black Coffee Fasting Method except there's no coffee.) However, it is not healthy in a long term.

79. Every week, just reduce your calories intake by 500 calories. If you're usually eat 500 calories a day(poorcel), that means 0. Brutal!:feelswhy::feelswhy:

80. Just boost your thyroid hormone, if you're too lazy to start some little exercise everyday.:feelshah:


81. It's really hard to survive the anklepill at first, until it's cope.

82. Lurking on for over 10+ months without creating an account has saved me.:feelshah:

83. Overthinking can cause autism among looksmaxer.:forcedsmile:

84. "Talk to her" theory, usually works.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

85. One does not became ugly mostly because of it's genetics, but because of it's enviroment. If you live in a high cortisol inducer enviroment. It is best to leave the place as soon as possible while you're still young.

86. Most subhumans are cortisol inhaler. Easy to get mad. (Just a theory)

87. Writing a looksmax thread for hours & finally posting it hoping for more will likely cause zero reply problem. Brutal!:feelswhy: (Does not appeal to high effort post)

88. It is very hard to argue with people who doesn't understand the concept of a "specific arguement".:feelswah:


89. Increased memory recall, increased sensory perception, increased focus can be achieved via gamma brainwave.

90. People with high gamma brainwave activity are naturally happier, calmer and more at peace. This is Nature’s best anti-depressant (people suffering from depression typically have very low gamma activity).

91. If you want more vivid/lucid dreams, try inducing gamma brainwave into your brain. Gamma waves are present during REM sleep and visualization.

92. Overworking your pituitary gland will cause vivid/lucid dreams.

93. Most unsuccessful people in the world got lower gamma brainwave activity.

94. High IQ = High Gamma Brainwave Activity.

95. It is true that you can turn darkest eye color into brightest blue/green eye color by just decreasing the melanin level in your eye.

96. The Lower your "Jing"/Essence, the lower your mind & energy can work in a masculine way.

97. Water can capture memory. Hence, it's not good saying bad things in front of a water you're about to drink since it will cause even more negative behavior after drinking it. It's best saying good delusional things in front of a water before you drink it. (Most people think it's cope)

98. You can change "something" with just vibration + energy.

99. A mild electric stimulation on your brain ( 1.5 mA ) can cause it to work better.

The most important Tip:

100. If you got something to do while browsing nonstop, press Alt + F4 & go do the thing you wanna do. (Very Useful):feelsshh::feelsshh::feelsshh:

Note: I do not provide proof since I'm a greycel.
Note 2: I do not care if you found any grammatical errors in this thread since I'm a greycel.
Note 3: Holy shit, do not share these kind of knowledge to normies. Especially, if you are a normie.

Note+: I do not approve that bonesmashing your forehead will create & active your 3rd eye.

TLDR: Try reading it. It takes atleast 5-10 minutes of reading time to finish it while the writing process took me 7+ hours of critical thinking. It's some sacred knowledge that I've experienced.

explain phenomena of labido..its caused by estrogen ?
  • Hmm...
  • +1
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based, bookmarked and bumped
  • Love it
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this is legit one of the greatest things I've ever read on this site.
  • +1
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Who am i praying 5 times a day to... Gandy?
  • +1
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Top 100 sacred tips/advices from a greycel Scientist (Based On Experience & Knowledge)

Play this while reading for a maximum experience.


1. Bald looks works very well on masculine facial bone structure. Do not attempt to try to shave your head if you got low t facial structure.:forcedsmile:

2. Do not gamble your "testosterone" on the TRT Devil. (Only do so if you're low T genetically)

3. You can increase(frauding bone structure) your wrist size by doing ultra high repition + low weight wrist exercise.

4. If you're balding because of DHT, do not rope. But if it's because of soy & estrogen, go ahead.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

5. It is true that high testosterone = high pheromones. However, it depends on your shbg levels too. The lower your shbg, the higher your chance on attracting fertile women(depends on pheromones). But, the higher your shbg = gets treated like a subhuman if ugly. (Note: Low Shbg usually appears in a fat women(and men), thus making their estrogen hormone roam freely inside their fat body. Which will cause attraction towards high testosterone person. As a result, you can refer to fat girls who likes Tyrone. Debunked.):soy::soy:

6. Thyroid supplements can cause high shbg but higher testosterone concertration. (Suifuel + Lifefuel):feelshah:

7. The fact about fat people with deep voiced means low shbg + High prenatal testosterone.:soy::soy:

8. Synthetic pheromones do not work. Natural pheromones released from your body 100x more effective than that.

9. Synthetic DHT do not work past puberty if you're intended to use it for voicemaxxing or penismaxxing. But it can cause facial bone structure masculinization if that's what you want. However, if you're sub 8.. the effect remain unchanged but it's cope btw.

10. Keep your Estrogen level balanced/low but not lower.


11. Do not fall for the dermarolling meme (Dermarolling works at the beginning & it will brainwash you thinking it's not cope until you realize it will cause some specific infections. Some poor bastard summoned a collagen rapist after doing this so-called "Collagen Inducer Device":feelswhy::feelswhy:).

12. Before doing such a dangerous skin treatment, make sure to Detox your body to helps you to think twice before doing such action + to minimize future problems.:feelshah:

13. Go ahead, pop your acne. There's always a product that can fade your acne scars.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

14. Collagenmax before doing dangerous skin treatment helps.

15. If there's someone telling you slapping your face will induce collagen in your face. You're welcomed to do it just don't do it if your face is full of acne.

16. The best way to stop oil & facial acne production is to destroy the sebaceous glands in your face via Electrocauterization. (ugly richcel lifefuel)

17. White or tanned skin matters. Black skin will works too but depends on the subject. (I am not racist:feelswah:)

18. While skin matters, phenos are even more important.:feelswah:

19. Some specific facial scars on specific facial area can increase your face halo.:soy:

20. Jacking off can cause facial & body acne if you're prone to it. While detoxing your body can reduce the chance of you getting it.:soy:


21. HGH will still work past puberty. However, the chance of you getting taller are very low.:feelswah:

22. The "jumping to cause height growth" will more likely to cause an ankle tendonis than actual height growth.:eek:

23. Fasting will cause height growth during puberty just don't be malnourished.

24. No, lifting weight won't stunt your growth but lifting while malnourished will. (Most normie articles don't state this kind of information:feelswah:)

25. Sleeping 10 Hours a day works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

26. Lowering your cortisol works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

27. Pray 5 times a day.

28. No Vegan Diet.

29. Eat Meat(Protein), destroy vegan behavior. Become taller, & dominate vegancucks.

30. The only thing that works to increase your height past puberty is to do spinal stretch everyday. Do not do it if you got spinal related problem, short legs, & short arms. Must do if you got a short torso. Just make sure your body is proportionate.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


31. As I said, synthetic DHT past puberty is cope. However, low cortisol = deeper voice.

32. Screaming too much can cause scarring in your vocal throat, but not really effective on deepening your voice. The raspy voice will be gone after a few days.

33. Try having a stomach acid problem or GERD(Refer to Corpse Husband):feelshah:

34. Try saying "ZzzZZ" loudly just like screaming while your head facing upward. It's way faster than screaming too much. + Growly singing voice halo. (Doing it, will make you look like an autist. So, do it in somewhere soundproof area. Doing it for 1 hours, will change your voice temporary if I'm not mistaken.):soy::soy:

Do not listen to the guy named "Elliott Hulse" on youtube saying bouncing like a bitch while forming your mouth like a donut & start saying "OoOoOoOoO" will make your voice deeper. It's like being a bitch thirsty for a blowjob moment.

36. Semen retention works, it will makes your voice deeper IF ONLY your testosterone is high. It is indeed over for lowTcels thinking nofap will works for them.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

Do not listen to normies on youtube like CharismaOnCommand. Like, really? It's even the soy-looking-like people who controls that channel. Do not trust people with soy low t voice just like CharismaOnCommand when it comes to voicemaxxing. They might be High IQ on analysis but judging on their voice & saying bunch of stuff that involves voicemaxxing are not trustworthy enough. How can you give people voicemaxxing advices when you, yourself are not voicemaxxed enough?

38. Always work on your articulation.
There's one time where my english teacher doesn't even understand what I'm talking during a presentation. It's like using alien language. Her reponses always like this "What?/Come again?/Speak Clearly" It's such a ragefuel. I'm a scientist not an english learner!

39. Try learning some foreign accents. It will helps especially if you got a deep voice.

40. Voice frauding for a long period of time will cause you to subconsciously frauding your voice without even realizing it since it's subconscious.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


41. The best way to get a strong big abs is to work it with slow eccentric movement. Unless, you want "explosive abs" that are not big enough by recruiting the fast twitch muscle that responds very well when it comes to explosive movement.

42. Doing the slowest eccentric will cause a very significant muscle growth for size.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

43. Try to balance slow + fast twitch muscle for a better muscle experience.

44. If you want a bigger muscle growth, try "extremestretching" it. Refer to the "Doggcrapp extreme stretching".:feelsshh::feelsshh:

45. To achieve a steroid-like body without using steroid, try having a good genetic.
(I just hate it supremely when normies in the internet keeps saying steroid-like body cannot be achieved without steroid. I can imagine them commenting on youtube saying steroid this, steroid that & as a result they got thousands of likes while, in real life they just cannot achieve these kind of thing so they just cope. I think most of them gymbros must be some reddit users. I say, try training for 5-10 years naturally to achieve a steroid-like body without having a good genetic. But must have high testosterone naturally, atleast 1000ng/dL:feelshah::feelshah::feelshah:)

46. If you're richcel just stick to supplements for easy protein, while poorcel can go search up "How to make homemade mass gainers indian tutorial".:feelswhy:

47. The long rest is the best rest. If you rest 2-3(48-72h) times day, without a doubt you'll see significant gains.(Must train hard) Unless you're a steroid user that can train everyday + rest once a week. But I wonder, what will happens if a steroid user starts doing the long rest.:unsure:

48. The best actual way to get strong is to get the halotestin effect without actually using halotestin.:unsure:

49. Grunting can motivate you to push harder.:feelsshh:

50. Train legs even harder & rest more (2-3 days) if you're born with chicken legs (not chicken legs). If your legs are thicker naturally, makes sure it's not fat. Lean tree trunk legs can halo you.


51. Sleep at 9pm, wake up at 6-7am. (Easy 10 hours sleep).

52. Punish yourself everytime you messed up with your disciplinemax.:feelswah:

53. Doing the uncomfortable things everyday can turn it into comfortable. You'll get used to it.

54. Always plant a delusional mindset in your mind to achieve what seems impossible to normies.:soy:

55. Listen to your parents while they are still alive. (Hardest for the most if you got a bad parents:feelswhy:)

56. Focus on your subject. (Refer to tip number 100)

57. Stop or rarely using Social Media. (I do not own any social media) (You can however, LDAR on for learning purpose) (It is always the bad jews who controls the media, while the good jews are the one blamed for it.:feelswhy: JFL.:forcedsmile:)

58. Always write a journal/task of the day. (It's cope for most people)

59. Set a correct time if you're intended to play a video-game. (Many won't do this)

60. Life is worth every second. While for subhumans, it's 0 . :forcedsmile:


61. I do not do surgery.:eek::eek::eek:


62. I do not own a beard.

63. The Norwood reaper is not here yet.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

64. Just massage your hair to reduce balding & stimulate hair growth.

65. Fapping will cause hairloss.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


66. Fix your recessed gums.

67. Fix your yellow teeth. "But yellow teeth means stronger teeth!!!:soy::soy:" - Sure but it depends on what color it is, if it's stained yellow color bri'ish edition kys. If it's natural yellow then it is strong.

68. Bonesmash works. However, mentally ill Astrosky got weird nose.:feelswhy:

69. If you look like crap in.. front camera pictures, you most likely are ugly. The simple way to enhance your picture is to collagenmax.

70. It is best to leanmax your neck IF it's muscular enough to look like a tree trunk. Do not leanmax if your neck is small, you will achieve that weak looks.

71. Always @GripMaxxing for that confident handshake.:forcedsmile:

72. Masseter for me, it's not really that important as long as you own a wide jaw.:feelshah:

73. Get a good orbital area coloring. It can halo you as long as you don't own that prey/cuck eyes. (Most people won't really care about your orbital color since it's not very significant in a distance):feelsshh::feelsshh:

74. Grow thicker palm & fingers. I just can't cope with Henry Cavill's baby hands.

75. You can get better eye shape with specific eye exercise. I do not know about prey/cuck eyes though.:feelsshh:

76. Facial exercise is cope. Will cause nasolabial folds as well.


77. Just drink enough water.:eek:


78. The actual fast way to lose weight is to not eat for few weeks - few months. (Refer to the Christian Bale Black Coffee Fasting Method except there's no coffee.) However, it is not healthy in a long term.

79. Every week, just reduce your calories intake by 500 calories. If you're usually eat 500 calories a day(poorcel), that means 0. Brutal!:feelswhy::feelswhy:

80. Just boost your thyroid hormone, if you're too lazy to start some little exercise everyday.:feelshah:


81. It's really hard to survive the anklepill at first, until it's cope.

82. Lurking on for over 10+ months without creating an account has saved me.:feelshah:

83. Overthinking can cause autism among looksmaxer.:forcedsmile:

84. "Talk to her" theory, usually works.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

85. One does not became ugly mostly because of it's genetics, but because of it's enviroment. If you live in a high cortisol inducer enviroment. It is best to leave the place as soon as possible while you're still young.

86. Most subhumans are cortisol inhaler. Easy to get mad. (Just a theory)

87. Writing a looksmax thread for hours & finally posting it hoping for more will likely cause zero reply problem. Brutal!:feelswhy: (Does not appeal to high effort post)

88. It is very hard to argue with people who doesn't understand the concept of a "specific arguement".:feelswah:


89. Increased memory recall, increased sensory perception, increased focus can be achieved via gamma brainwave.

90. People with high gamma brainwave activity are naturally happier, calmer and more at peace. This is Nature’s best anti-depressant (people suffering from depression typically have very low gamma activity).

91. If you want more vivid/lucid dreams, try inducing gamma brainwave into your brain. Gamma waves are present during REM sleep and visualization.

92. Overworking your pituitary gland will cause vivid/lucid dreams.

93. Most unsuccessful people in the world got lower gamma brainwave activity.

94. High IQ = High Gamma Brainwave Activity.

95. It is true that you can turn darkest eye color into brightest blue/green eye color by just decreasing the melanin level in your eye.

96. The Lower your "Jing"/Essence, the lower your mind & energy can work in a masculine way.

97. Water can capture memory. Hence, it's not good saying bad things in front of a water you're about to drink since it will cause even more negative behavior after drinking it. It's best saying good delusional things in front of a water before you drink it. (Most people think it's cope)

98. You can change "something" with just vibration + energy.

99. A mild electric stimulation on your brain ( 1.5 mA ) can cause it to work better.

The most important Tip:

100. If you got something to do while browsing nonstop, press Alt + F4 & go do the thing you wanna do. (Very Useful):feelsshh::feelsshh::feelsshh:

Note: I do not provide proof since I'm a greycel.
Note 2: I do not care if you found any grammatical errors in this thread since I'm a greycel.
Note 3: Holy shit, do not share these kind of knowledge to normies. Especially, if you are a normie.

Note+: I do not approve that bonesmashing your forehead will create & active your 3rd eye.

TLDR: Try reading it. It takes atleast 5-10 minutes of reading time to finish it while the writing process took me 7+ hours of critical thinking. It's some sacred knowledge that I've experienced.

This can’t be you
  • Woah
  • JFL
Reactions: thecel and Deleted member 14854
This post is beautiful. S tier post I have bookmarked it and sent lots of love to you :love:.
  • Love it
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bra there r daily life worker vs bodybuilder

You wear a bra?

So these are anecdotal claims then.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 14854
pray 5 times per day... "scientist" :think:
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 14854
Lost all credibility with your dumb take on microneedling
Amazing post but I have a
Top 100 sacred tips/advices from a greycel Scientist (Based On Experience & Knowledge)

Play this while reading for a maximum experience.


1. Bald looks works very well on masculine facial bone structure. Do not attempt to try to shave your head if you got low t facial structure.:forcedsmile:

2. Do not gamble your "testosterone" on the TRT Devil. (Only do so if you're low T genetically)

3. You can increase(frauding bone structure) your wrist size by doing ultra high repition + low weight wrist exercise.

4. If you're balding because of DHT, do not rope. But if it's because of soy & estrogen, go ahead.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

5. It is true that high testosterone = high pheromones. However, it depends on your shbg levels too. The lower your shbg, the higher your chance on attracting fertile women(depends on pheromones). But, the higher your shbg = gets treated like a subhuman if ugly. (Note: Low Shbg usually appears in a fat women(and men), thus making their estrogen hormone roam freely inside their fat body. Which will cause attraction towards high testosterone person. As a result, you can refer to fat girls who likes Tyrone. Debunked.):soy::soy:

6. Thyroid supplements can cause high shbg but higher testosterone concertration. (Suifuel + Lifefuel):feelshah:

7. The fact about fat people with deep voiced means low shbg + High prenatal testosterone.:soy::soy:

8. Synthetic pheromones do not work. Natural pheromones released from your body 100x more effective than that.

9. Synthetic DHT do not work past puberty if you're intended to use it for voicemaxxing or penismaxxing. But it can cause facial bone structure masculinization if that's what you want. However, if you're sub 8.. the effect remain unchanged but it's cope btw.

10. Keep your Estrogen level balanced/low but not lower.


11. Do not fall for the dermarolling meme (Dermarolling works at the beginning & it will brainwash you thinking it's not cope until you realize it will cause some specific infections. Some poor bastard summoned a collagen rapist after doing this so-called "Collagen Inducer Device":feelswhy::feelswhy:).

12. Before doing such a dangerous skin treatment, make sure to Detox your body to helps you to think twice before doing such action + to minimize future problems.:feelshah:

13. Go ahead, pop your acne. There's always a product that can fade your acne scars.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

14. Collagenmax before doing dangerous skin treatment helps.

15. If there's someone telling you slapping your face will induce collagen in your face. You're welcomed to do it just don't do it if your face is full of acne.

16. The best way to stop oil & facial acne production is to destroy the sebaceous glands in your face via Electrocauterization. (ugly richcel lifefuel)

17. White or tanned skin matters. Black skin will works too but depends on the subject. (I am not racist:feelswah:)

18. While skin matters, phenos are even more important.:feelswah:

19. Some specific facial scars on specific facial area can increase your face halo.:soy:

20. Jacking off can cause facial & body acne if you're prone to it. While detoxing your body can reduce the chance of you getting it.:soy:


21. HGH will still work past puberty. However, the chance of you getting taller are very low.:feelswah:

22. The "jumping to cause height growth" will more likely to cause an ankle tendonis than actual height growth.:eek:

23. Fasting will cause height growth during puberty just don't be malnourished.

24. No, lifting weight won't stunt your growth but lifting while malnourished will. (Most normie articles don't state this kind of information:feelswah:)

25. Sleeping 10 Hours a day works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

26. Lowering your cortisol works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

27. Pray 5 times a day.

28. No Vegan Diet.

29. Eat Meat(Protein), destroy vegan behavior. Become taller, & dominate vegancucks.

30. The only thing that works to increase your height past puberty is to do spinal stretch everyday. Do not do it if you got spinal related problem, short legs, & short arms. Must do if you got a short torso. Just make sure your body is proportionate.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


31. As I said, synthetic DHT past puberty is cope. However, low cortisol = deeper voice.

32. Screaming too much can cause scarring in your vocal throat, but not really effective on deepening your voice. The raspy voice will be gone after a few days.

33. Try having a stomach acid problem or GERD(Refer to Corpse Husband):feelshah:

34. Try saying "ZzzZZ" loudly just like screaming while your head facing upward. It's way faster than screaming too much. + Growly singing voice halo. (Doing it, will make you look like an autist. So, do it in somewhere soundproof area. Doing it for 1 hours, will change your voice temporary if I'm not mistaken.):soy::soy:

Do not listen to the guy named "Elliott Hulse" on youtube saying bouncing like a bitch while forming your mouth like a donut & start saying "OoOoOoOoO" will make your voice deeper. It's like being a bitch thirsty for a blowjob moment.

36. Semen retention works, it will makes your voice deeper IF ONLY your testosterone is high. It is indeed over for lowTcels thinking nofap will works for them.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

Do not listen to normies on youtube like CharismaOnCommand. Like, really? It's even the soy-looking-like people who controls that channel. Do not trust people with soy low t voice just like CharismaOnCommand when it comes to voicemaxxing. They might be High IQ on analysis but judging on their voice & saying bunch of stuff that involves voicemaxxing are not trustworthy enough. How can you give people voicemaxxing advices when you, yourself are not voicemaxxed enough?

38. Always work on your articulation.
There's one time where my english teacher doesn't even understand what I'm talking during a presentation. It's like using alien language. Her reponses always like this "What?/Come again?/Speak Clearly" It's such a ragefuel. I'm a scientist not an english learner!

39. Try learning some foreign accents. It will helps especially if you got a deep voice.

40. Voice frauding for a long period of time will cause you to subconsciously frauding your voice without even realizing it since it's subconscious.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


41. The best way to get a strong big abs is to work it with slow eccentric movement. Unless, you want "explosive abs" that are not big enough by recruiting the fast twitch muscle that responds very well when it comes to explosive movement.

42. Doing the slowest eccentric will cause a very significant muscle growth for size.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

43. Try to balance slow + fast twitch muscle for a better muscle experience.

44. If you want a bigger muscle growth, try "extremestretching" it. Refer to the "Doggcrapp extreme stretching".:feelsshh::feelsshh:

45. To achieve a steroid-like body without using steroid, try having a good genetic.
(I just hate it supremely when normies in the internet keeps saying steroid-like body cannot be achieved without steroid. I can imagine them commenting on youtube saying steroid this, steroid that & as a result they got thousands of likes while, in real life they just cannot achieve these kind of thing so they just cope. I think most of them gymbros must be some reddit users. I say, try training for 5-10 years naturally to achieve a steroid-like body without having a good genetic. But must have high testosterone naturally, atleast 1000ng/dL:feelshah::feelshah::feelshah:)

46. If you're richcel just stick to supplements for easy protein, while poorcel can go search up "How to make homemade mass gainers indian tutorial".:feelswhy:

47. The long rest is the best rest. If you rest 2-3(48-72h) times day, without a doubt you'll see significant gains.(Must train hard) Unless you're a steroid user that can train everyday + rest once a week. But I wonder, what will happens if a steroid user starts doing the long rest.:unsure:

48. The best actual way to get strong is to get the halotestin effect without actually using halotestin.:unsure:

49. Grunting can motivate you to push harder.:feelsshh:

50. Train legs even harder & rest more (2-3 days) if you're born with chicken legs (not chicken legs). If your legs are thicker naturally, makes sure it's not fat. Lean tree trunk legs can halo you.


51. Sleep at 9pm, wake up at 6-7am. (Easy 10 hours sleep).

52. Punish yourself everytime you messed up with your disciplinemax.:feelswah:

53. Doing the uncomfortable things everyday can turn it into comfortable. You'll get used to it.

54. Always plant a delusional mindset in your mind to achieve what seems impossible to normies.:soy:

55. Listen to your parents while they are still alive. (Hardest for the most if you got a bad parents:feelswhy:)

56. Focus on your subject. (Refer to tip number 100)

57. Stop or rarely using Social Media. (I do not own any social media) (You can however, LDAR on for learning purpose) (It is always the bad jews who controls the media, while the good jews are the one blamed for it.:feelswhy: JFL.:forcedsmile:)

58. Always write a journal/task of the day. (It's cope for most people)

59. Set a correct time if you're intended to play a video-game. (Many won't do this)

60. Life is worth every second. While for subhumans, it's 0 . :forcedsmile:


61. I do not do surgery.:eek::eek::eek:


62. I do not own a beard.

63. The Norwood reaper is not here yet.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

64. Just massage your hair to reduce balding & stimulate hair growth.

65. Fapping will cause hairloss.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


66. Fix your recessed gums.

67. Fix your yellow teeth. "But yellow teeth means stronger teeth!!!:soy::soy:" - Sure but it depends on what color it is, if it's stained yellow color bri'ish edition kys. If it's natural yellow then it is strong.

68. Bonesmash works. However, mentally ill Astrosky got weird nose.:feelswhy:

69. If you look like crap in.. front camera pictures, you most likely are ugly. The simple way to enhance your picture is to collagenmax.

70. It is best to leanmax your neck IF it's muscular enough to look like a tree trunk. Do not leanmax if your neck is small, you will achieve that weak looks.

71. Always @GripMaxxing for that confident handshake.:forcedsmile:

72. Masseter for me, it's not really that important as long as you own a wide jaw.:feelshah:

73. Get a good orbital area coloring. It can halo you as long as you don't own that prey/cuck eyes. (Most people won't really care about your orbital color since it's not very significant in a distance):feelsshh::feelsshh:

74. Grow thicker palm & fingers. I just can't cope with Henry Cavill's baby hands.

75. You can get better eye shape with specific eye exercise. I do not know about prey/cuck eyes though.:feelsshh:

76. Facial exercise is cope. Will cause nasolabial folds as well.


77. Just drink enough water.:eek:


78. The actual fast way to lose weight is to not eat for few weeks - few months. (Refer to the Christian Bale Black Coffee Fasting Method except there's no coffee.) However, it is not healthy in a long term.

79. Every week, just reduce your calories intake by 500 calories. If you're usually eat 500 calories a day(poorcel), that means 0. Brutal!:feelswhy::feelswhy:

80. Just boost your thyroid hormone, if you're too lazy to start some little exercise everyday.:feelshah:


81. It's really hard to survive the anklepill at first, until it's cope.

82. Lurking on for over 10+ months without creating an account has saved me.:feelshah:

83. Overthinking can cause autism among looksmaxer.:forcedsmile:

84. "Talk to her" theory, usually works.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

85. One does not became ugly mostly because of it's genetics, but because of it's enviroment. If you live in a high cortisol inducer enviroment. It is best to leave the place as soon as possible while you're still young.

86. Most subhumans are cortisol inhaler. Easy to get mad. (Just a theory)

87. Writing a looksmax thread for hours & finally posting it hoping for more will likely cause zero reply problem. Brutal!:feelswhy: (Does not appeal to high effort post)

88. It is very hard to argue with people who doesn't understand the concept of a "specific arguement".:feelswah:


89. Increased memory recall, increased sensory perception, increased focus can be achieved via gamma brainwave.

90. People with high gamma brainwave activity are naturally happier, calmer and more at peace. This is Nature’s best anti-depressant (people suffering from depression typically have very low gamma activity).

91. If you want more vivid/lucid dreams, try inducing gamma brainwave into your brain. Gamma waves are present during REM sleep and visualization.

92. Overworking your pituitary gland will cause vivid/lucid dreams.

93. Most unsuccessful people in the world got lower gamma brainwave activity.

94. High IQ = High Gamma Brainwave Activity.

95. It is true that you can turn darkest eye color into brightest blue/green eye color by just decreasing the melanin level in your eye.

96. The Lower your "Jing"/Essence, the lower your mind & energy can work in a masculine way.

97. Water can capture memory. Hence, it's not good saying bad things in front of a water you're about to drink since it will cause even more negative behavior after drinking it. It's best saying good delusional things in front of a water before you drink it. (Most people think it's cope)

98. You can change "something" with just vibration + energy.

99. A mild electric stimulation on your brain ( 1.5 mA ) can cause it to work better.

The most important Tip:

100. If you got something to do while browsing nonstop, press Alt + F4 & go do the thing you wanna do. (Very Useful):feelsshh::feelsshh::feelsshh:

Note: I do not provide proof since I'm a greycel.
Note 2: I do not care if you found any grammatical errors in this thread since I'm a greycel.
Note 3: Holy shit, do not share these kind of knowledge to normies. Especially, if you are a normie.

Note+: I do not approve that bonesmashing your forehead will create & active your 3rd eye.

TLDR: Try reading it. It takes atleast 5-10 minutes of reading time to finish it while the writing process took me 7+ hours of critical thinking. It's some sacred knowledge that I've experienced.

Top 100 sacred tips/advices from a greycel Scientist (Based On Experience & Knowledge)

Play this while reading for a maximum experience.


1. Bald looks works very well on masculine facial bone structure. Do not attempt to try to shave your head if you got low t facial structure.:forcedsmile:

2. Do not gamble your "testosterone" on the TRT Devil. (Only do so if you're low T genetically)

3. You can increase(frauding bone structure) your wrist size by doing ultra high repition + low weight wrist exercise.

4. If you're balding because of DHT, do not rope. But if it's because of soy & estrogen, go ahead.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

5. It is true that high testosterone = high pheromones. However, it depends on your shbg levels too. The lower your shbg, the higher your chance on attracting fertile women(depends on pheromones). But, the higher your shbg = gets treated like a subhuman if ugly. (Note: Low Shbg usually appears in a fat women(and men), thus making their estrogen hormone roam freely inside their fat body. Which will cause attraction towards high testosterone person. As a result, you can refer to fat girls who likes Tyrone. Debunked.):soy::soy:

6. Thyroid supplements can cause high shbg but higher testosterone concertration. (Suifuel + Lifefuel):feelshah:

7. The fact about fat people with deep voiced means low shbg + High prenatal testosterone.:soy::soy:

8. Synthetic pheromones do not work. Natural pheromones released from your body 100x more effective than that.

9. Synthetic DHT do not work past puberty if you're intended to use it for voicemaxxing or penismaxxing. But it can cause facial bone structure masculinization if that's what you want. However, if you're sub 8.. the effect remain unchanged but it's cope btw.

10. Keep your Estrogen level balanced/low but not lower.


11. Do not fall for the dermarolling meme (Dermarolling works at the beginning & it will brainwash you thinking it's not cope until you realize it will cause some specific infections. Some poor bastard summoned a collagen rapist after doing this so-called "Collagen Inducer Device":feelswhy::feelswhy:).

12. Before doing such a dangerous skin treatment, make sure to Detox your body to helps you to think twice before doing such action + to minimize future problems.:feelshah:

13. Go ahead, pop your acne. There's always a product that can fade your acne scars.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

14. Collagenmax before doing dangerous skin treatment helps.

15. If there's someone telling you slapping your face will induce collagen in your face. You're welcomed to do it just don't do it if your face is full of acne.

16. The best way to stop oil & facial acne production is to destroy the sebaceous glands in your face via Electrocauterization. (ugly richcel lifefuel)

17. White or tanned skin matters. Black skin will works too but depends on the subject. (I am not racist:feelswah:)

18. While skin matters, phenos are even more important.:feelswah:

19. Some specific facial scars on specific facial area can increase your face halo.:soy:

20. Jacking off can cause facial & body acne if you're prone to it. While detoxing your body can reduce the chance of you getting it.:soy:


21. HGH will still work past puberty. However, the chance of you getting taller are very low.:feelswah:

22. The "jumping to cause height growth" will more likely to cause an ankle tendonis than actual height growth.:eek:

23. Fasting will cause height growth during puberty just don't be malnourished.

24. No, lifting weight won't stunt your growth but lifting while malnourished will. (Most normie articles don't state this kind of information:feelswah:)

25. Sleeping 10 Hours a day works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

26. Lowering your cortisol works. (Low chance of growing past puberty)

27. Pray 5 times a day.

28. No Vegan Diet.

29. Eat Meat(Protein), destroy vegan behavior. Become taller, & dominate vegancucks.

30. The only thing that works to increase your height past puberty is to do spinal stretch everyday. Do not do it if you got spinal related problem, short legs, & short arms. Must do if you got a short torso. Just make sure your body is proportionate.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


31. As I said, synthetic DHT past puberty is cope. However, low cortisol = deeper voice.

32. Screaming too much can cause scarring in your vocal throat, but not really effective on deepening your voice. The raspy voice will be gone after a few days.

33. Try having a stomach acid problem or GERD(Refer to Corpse Husband):feelshah:

34. Try saying "ZzzZZ" loudly just like screaming while your head facing upward. It's way faster than screaming too much. + Growly singing voice halo. (Doing it, will make you look like an autist. So, do it in somewhere soundproof area. Doing it for 1 hours, will change your voice temporary if I'm not mistaken.):soy::soy:

Do not listen to the guy named "Elliott Hulse" on youtube saying bouncing like a bitch while forming your mouth like a donut & start saying "OoOoOoOoO" will make your voice deeper. It's like being a bitch thirsty for a blowjob moment.

36. Semen retention works, it will makes your voice deeper IF ONLY your testosterone is high. It is indeed over for lowTcels thinking nofap will works for them.:feelswhy::feelswhy:

Do not listen to normies on youtube like CharismaOnCommand. Like, really? It's even the soy-looking-like people who controls that channel. Do not trust people with soy low t voice just like CharismaOnCommand when it comes to voicemaxxing. They might be High IQ on analysis but judging on their voice & saying bunch of stuff that involves voicemaxxing are not trustworthy enough. How can you give people voicemaxxing advices when you, yourself are not voicemaxxed enough?

38. Always work on your articulation.
There's one time where my english teacher doesn't even understand what I'm talking during a presentation. It's like using alien language. Her reponses always like this "What?/Come again?/Speak Clearly" It's such a ragefuel. I'm a scientist not an english learner!

39. Try learning some foreign accents. It will helps especially if you got a deep voice.

40. Voice frauding for a long period of time will cause you to subconsciously frauding your voice without even realizing it since it's subconscious.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


41. The best way to get a strong big abs is to work it with slow eccentric movement. Unless, you want "explosive abs" that are not big enough by recruiting the fast twitch muscle that responds very well when it comes to explosive movement.

42. Doing the slowest eccentric will cause a very significant muscle growth for size.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

43. Try to balance slow + fast twitch muscle for a better muscle experience.

44. If you want a bigger muscle growth, try "extremestretching" it. Refer to the "Doggcrapp extreme stretching".:feelsshh::feelsshh:

45. To achieve a steroid-like body without using steroid, try having a good genetic.
(I just hate it supremely when normies in the internet keeps saying steroid-like body cannot be achieved without steroid. I can imagine them commenting on youtube saying steroid this, steroid that & as a result they got thousands of likes while, in real life they just cannot achieve these kind of thing so they just cope. I think most of them gymbros must be some reddit users. I say, try training for 5-10 years naturally to achieve a steroid-like body without having a good genetic. But must have high testosterone naturally, atleast 1000ng/dL:feelshah::feelshah::feelshah:)

46. If you're richcel just stick to supplements for easy protein, while poorcel can go search up "How to make homemade mass gainers indian tutorial".:feelswhy:

47. The long rest is the best rest. If you rest 2-3(48-72h) times day, without a doubt you'll see significant gains.(Must train hard) Unless you're a steroid user that can train everyday + rest once a week. But I wonder, what will happens if a steroid user starts doing the long rest.:unsure:

48. The best actual way to get strong is to get the halotestin effect without actually using halotestin.:unsure:

49. Grunting can motivate you to push harder.:feelsshh:

50. Train legs even harder & rest more (2-3 days) if you're born with chicken legs (not chicken legs). If your legs are thicker naturally, makes sure it's not fat. Lean tree trunk legs can halo you.


51. Sleep at 9pm, wake up at 6-7am. (Easy 10 hours sleep).

52. Punish yourself everytime you messed up with your disciplinemax.:feelswah:

53. Doing the uncomfortable things everyday can turn it into comfortable. You'll get used to it.

54. Always plant a delusional mindset in your mind to achieve what seems impossible to normies.:soy:

55. Listen to your parents while they are still alive. (Hardest for the most if you got a bad parents:feelswhy:)

56. Focus on your subject. (Refer to tip number 100)

57. Stop or rarely using Social Media. (I do not own any social media) (You can however, LDAR on for learning purpose) (It is always the bad jews who controls the media, while the good jews are the one blamed for it.:feelswhy: JFL.:forcedsmile:)

58. Always write a journal/task of the day. (It's cope for most people)

59. Set a correct time if you're intended to play a video-game. (Many won't do this)

60. Life is worth every second. While for subhumans, it's 0 . :forcedsmile:


61. I do not do surgery.:eek::eek::eek:


62. I do not own a beard.

63. The Norwood reaper is not here yet.:feelsgood::feelsgood:

64. Just massage your hair to reduce balding & stimulate hair growth.

65. Fapping will cause hairloss.:feelsshh::feelsshh:


66. Fix your recessed gums.

67. Fix your yellow teeth. "But yellow teeth means stronger teeth!!!:soy::soy:" - Sure but it depends on what color it is, if it's stained yellow color bri'ish edition kys. If it's natural yellow then it is strong.

68. Bonesmash works. However, mentally ill Astrosky got weird nose.:feelswhy:

69. If you look like crap in.. front camera pictures, you most likely are ugly. The simple way to enhance your picture is to collagenmax.

70. It is best to leanmax your neck IF it's muscular enough to look like a tree trunk. Do not leanmax if your neck is small, you will achieve that weak looks.

71. Always @GripMaxxing for that confident handshake.:forcedsmile:

72. Masseter for me, it's not really that important as long as you own a wide jaw.:feelshah:

73. Get a good orbital area coloring. It can halo you as long as you don't own that prey/cuck eyes. (Most people won't really care about your orbital color since it's not very significant in a distance):feelsshh::feelsshh:

74. Grow thicker palm & fingers. I just can't cope with Henry Cavill's baby hands.

75. You can get better eye shape with specific eye exercise. I do not know about prey/cuck eyes though.:feelsshh:

76. Facial exercise is cope. Will cause nasolabial folds as well.


77. Just drink enough water.:eek:


78. The actual fast way to lose weight is to not eat for few weeks - few months. (Refer to the Christian Bale Black Coffee Fasting Method except there's no coffee.) However, it is not healthy in a long term.

79. Every week, just reduce your calories intake by 500 calories. If you're usually eat 500 calories a day(poorcel), that means 0. Brutal!:feelswhy::feelswhy:

80. Just boost your thyroid hormone, if you're too lazy to start some little exercise everyday.:feelshah:


81. It's really hard to survive the anklepill at first, until it's cope.

82. Lurking on for over 10+ months without creating an account has saved me.:feelshah:

83. Overthinking can cause autism among looksmaxer.:forcedsmile:

84. "Talk to her" theory, usually works.:feelsshh::feelsshh:

85. One does not became ugly mostly because of it's genetics, but because of it's enviroment. If you live in a high cortisol inducer enviroment. It is best to leave the place as soon as possible while you're still young.

86. Most subhumans are cortisol inhaler. Easy to get mad. (Just a theory)

87. Writing a looksmax thread for hours & finally posting it hoping for more will likely cause zero reply problem. Brutal!:feelswhy: (Does not appeal to high effort post)

88. It is very hard to argue with people who doesn't understand the concept of a "specific arguement".:feelswah:


89. Increased memory recall, increased sensory perception, increased focus can be achieved via gamma brainwave.

90. People with high gamma brainwave activity are naturally happier, calmer and more at peace. This is Nature’s best anti-depressant (people suffering from depression typically have very low gamma activity).

91. If you want more vivid/lucid dreams, try inducing gamma brainwave into your brain. Gamma waves are present during REM sleep and visualization.

92. Overworking your pituitary gland will cause vivid/lucid dreams.

93. Most unsuccessful people in the world got lower gamma brainwave activity.

94. High IQ = High Gamma Brainwave Activity.

95. It is true that you can turn darkest eye color into brightest blue/green eye color by just decreasing the melanin level in your eye.

96. The Lower your "Jing"/Essence, the lower your mind & energy can work in a masculine way.

97. Water can capture memory. Hence, it's not good saying bad things in front of a water you're about to drink since it will cause even more negative behavior after drinking it. It's best saying good delusional things in front of a water before you drink it. (Most people think it's cope)

98. You can change "something" with just vibration + energy.

99. A mild electric stimulation on your brain ( 1.5 mA ) can cause it to work better.

The most important Tip:

100. If you got something to do while browsing nonstop, press Alt + F4 & go do the thing you wanna do. (Very Useful):feelsshh::feelsshh::feelsshh:

Note: I do not provide proof since I'm a greycel.
Note 2: I do not care if you found any grammatical errors in this thread since I'm a greycel.
Note 3: Holy shit, do not share these kind of knowledge to normies. Especially, if you are a normie.

Note+: I do not approve that bonesmashing your forehead will create & active your 3rd eye.

TLDR: Try reading it. It takes atleast 5-10 minutes of reading time to finish it while the writing process took me 7+ hours of critical thinking. It's some sacred knowledge that I've experienced.

This is an amazing post although I’m curious on your thoughts on astral projection
where did OP go??
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15854
Amazing post but I have a

This is an amazing post although I’m curious on your thoughts on astral projection
i mightve done it once but idk if it was just a lucid dream :unsure::ogre::lul:
Amazing post but I have a

This is an amazing post although I’m curious on your thoughts on astral projection
im training my lucid dreaming dreaming and gonna try again
  • +1
Reactions: Prince charming

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