TOP ARGUMENTS FOR GOD (ranked in order) Your penis grows 3 inches after reading this

his name isnt god his name is YHWH
Thanks Mess.

Since your soul is base reality and base reality is eternal, then our salvation is the most important thing humans should put their attention to. Having great health and living long as possible maximizes my chances of reaching out to as many souls as possible. Currently I'm doing it in a fashion that's low risk but eventually any talks of Jesus are going to equate to physical death inevitably so I may as well eventually use other methods to reach out to the masses than this tiny site but for now this site is sufficient. I'm happy to convert just one soul per day as of right now.
Jfl, Christcucks can suck me off
his name isnt god his name is YHWH
False, that's the name of Lucifer per the children of the devil aka Edomites aka Jevvs of today. Their God is Lucifer and they call him this name
False, that's the name of Lucifer per the children of the devil aka Edomites aka Jevvs of today. Their God is Lucifer and they call him this name
they call him yahweh, if not how is our father in heaven called then, whats his name
So overall it's exponentially more likely that the code behind everything in existence is more likely to be generated by intelligent design than by random chance.

No, because you have no idea how likely it is that everything in existence was "generated by intelligent design." Like, you don't even have a coherent explanation of what that even means, but you think it's more likely than something based in reality? Absurd.

"No, this magic shit I just made up is actually more likely."
First and foremost, I believe in God for what is it and what the Bible metaphorically and esoterically describes, an infinite, singular consciousness that flows through all of creation. To put it in your terms, it is God experiencing itself through its own creation through us and everything. However, the God I refer to is not a separate, independent entity residing in the sky, dictating human lives, or demanding sacrifices and blind obedience. This concept of God, which you appear to be advocating, is fundamentally different from the interconnected, all-encompassing consciousness I understand. Firstly:
G Tier:
1.) Information Theory and The Computational Problem:

a.) The DNA structure which contain bases or nucleotide bases on inside of double helix r functioning like alphabetic characters like in a written language or like 0's and 0's in a software code. It's not the physical or chemical properties of those bases, rather it's their sequential arrangement in accord with an independent code which is why we now call it a genetic code. A code requires a coder and our DNA code requires a creator of some kind. This is a true information baring system that is expressing information as it happens for building the proteins and protein machines that cells require to stay alive. You have information directing the construction of proteins and protein machines necessary for survivability. The question is where does that information come from and what kind of information is it. This is functional information and that's the information that in our experience always indicates the prior activity of intelligence. If the information is very specific and complex and operating in accord with a symbol convention then you have information that's the product of mind.

G Tier:

a) The argument that DNA must have a "coder" because it resembles a structured language or software code oversimplifies and anthropomorphizes natural processes. While DNA does contain sequences that appear purposeful, these patterns arise not from a magical being in the sky but from the interconnected nature of the universe, where physical, chemical, and biological laws interact over vast timescales. The "code" of DNA can be understood as an emergent property of these interactions, shaped by the collective flow of energy, information, and matter in a universe imbued with interconnected consciousness. This consciousness, far from being a deity, is the substrate of all existence, manifesting through the dynamic interplay of forces that drive evolution, adaptation, and complexity,
The argument that "codes must have a coder" is essentially a restatement of the "creations must have a creator" argument. This reasoning relies on the law of cause and effect, which is a common framework used by religious individuals to justify the necessity of a divine creator. However, this argument collapses under its own logic when applied consistently. If God a being who is supposedly beyond human understanding, imperceptible, incomprehensible, and existing outside of space and time can exist without requiring a coder, cause or creator, then the universe, which is far more tangible and comprehensible, can also exist without a creator. The universe can be self-sufficient, unmanifested, and uncreated.

Reality itself is not necessarily a "creation" but an eternal, unmanifested truth. The concepts of creation and causation are products of human perception, bound by the framework of space-time. Quantum science has partially proved the idea that time is an illusion and that there exists only an eternal present with infinite possibilities unfolding every trillionth of a nanosecond. In this deeper sense of reality, the universe has always existed in some form or another. The notion of "non-existence" for the universe is logically incoherent because non-existence, by its very definition, does not exist. Therefore, the universe cannot "not exist" because it is the foundational reality self-sustaining and eternal, something in quantity of zero will never become 1 even if left alone for infinite time, in summary universe is not a product of creation but the essence of existence itself.

Being fragments of a singular, infinite consciousness that has differentiated itself into myriad forms. In essence, our individual consciousness and sense of separation are illusions, for we are inherently united as expressions of this unified whole which we as humans call "God" but this unified whole itself transcends the idea of God or any descriptions, In the whole essence God isn't an separate anthropomorphic entity but something that flows through all the creation, which means We possess the divine spark of God within, and what Bible means when it says "On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." - John 14:20 (NIV) Because we are a thought in the mind of God

b.) Could there have been such a strand of DNA that comes about by pure random chance just pure accident that these things arise given enough times and eventually you'll end up with an evolution combined with natural selection it preserves mutations that are good and you come up with something that's designed. This fails to work because of a mathematical problem or mathematical inflation. Qe know from our experience with software code writing that the last thing you qant in a section of functional code is a series of random changes to those 0s and 1s. If that happens you'll degrade the information that's in that code, long before you'll ever generate a new software program or op system. There's a reason that changes software at random variably degrades the information before you get anything useful and new because there's so many more qays for things to go wrong to where an infinite amount of randomly changing things is going to inevitably end up as gibberish for a sequence than a functional one. To quantify this, the quantitively odds of how rare or common are the functional sequences that would make a new protein or new gene making a new protein, how rare are the functional ones compared to the none functional ones. for a short protein of 150 amino acids long, the ratio of functional to non functional sequences is about 1 to the 10 to the 77th power. There are only 10 to the 65th atoms in the Milkyway galaxy. This means that a random search for a new functional sequence is going to be like looking for one atom among 1 trillion galaxes of the size of the Milkyway. Even four billion years of history is insufficient time to solve the search problem of that magnitude. It's overwhelmingly more probable that such a search will fail then succeed in the known time of life on planet earth. This means the hypothesis that the mechanism that's producing the neq information is more likely to be false than true.

So overall it's exponentially more likely that the code behind everything in existence is more likely to be generated by intelligent design than by random chance. If you have alphabet cereal that's on the table and says John please take the trash out this morning and do not forget this time. It's much more likely that this qas a human that hand picked this sequence instead of it just being spilled accidently onto the table creating this perfect sequence by pure chance. If you see that you're going to take out the damn trash than to ignore it because you think it's just purely random chance those letters were sequenced in that way.

You would have to be incredibly biased against intelligent design behind functional information or have gone through a traumatic or emotional event to completely deny the obvious mathematical odds being insurmountable against random chance for functional information.

b) Secondly, Intelligent Design does not necessarily imply the existence of a theistic God. It's equal to finding a footprint on the beach and claiming that it belongs to Abraham Lincoln. Essentially, you are suggesting that the concept of evolution requires the intervention of a divine being to overcome enormous mathematical probabilities, and from there, extending that logic to argue that events like Jesus walking on water or the writing of the Ten Commandments on stone are literal and historical. This is a false equivalency. While Intelligent Design is indeed real, it does not depend on the traditional notion of a theistic God. Geometric patterns and vibrational frequencies themselves can manifest physical and organic matter, providing a natural explanation for the structure and complexity observed in the universe.
So overall it's exponentially more likely that the code behind everything in existence is more likely to be generated by intelligent design than by random chance. If you have alphabet cereal that's on the table and says John please take the trash out this morning and do not forget this time. It's much more likely that this qas a human that hand picked this sequence instead of it just being spilled accidently onto the table creating this perfect sequence by pure chance. If you see that you're going to take out the damn trash than to ignore it because you think it's just purely random chance those letters were sequenced in that way.

You would have to be incredibly biased against intelligent design behind functional information or have gone through a traumatic or emotional event to completely deny the obvious mathematical odds being insurmountable against random chance for functional information.

I agree with you on concept of Evolution because I Personally do not believe in the concept of evolution as it is commonly presented. After studying it extensively, I find it implausible that all the intricate components of a living organism could come together purely by chance because odds of that are same as a tornado sweeping through Junk yard and building a Boeing 747 with every integrate pieces. While the transfer of characteristics from one generation to the next is a valid and observable process, the idea of one species entirely transforming into another is, in my view, unscientific. Such a process would require the existence of numerous intermediary species, which should be abundantly represented in the fossil record. For example, if fish evolved into lizards, there would need to be clear evidence of half-fish, half-lizard ancestors in vast quantities. Also if it's a by product of an accident which happened by chance, it can be and could be easily demonstrable in the labs, the species transformation thing which is branded as "Evolution" is not credible and is be part of a larger fabrication by people in power, its a way to hide the intelligent design not prove it, Watch the video below

2.) Fulfillment of prophecy (specifically the Christian bible). Just 8 of the biblical prophecies coming to fruition is 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. He fulfilled roughly 400 biblical prophecies from the old testament. Over 2,000 biblical prophecies have come to fruition including thousands of prophecies after the death of Jesus and still more are occurring to this very day. The probability of all these prophecies being fulfilled isn't even mathematically quantifiable at this point so it's just an impossibility. No human, group of humans, or AI could've done something like this and therefore it must come from intelligent design. You have better odds of being struck by lightening than Jesus did in fulfilling just one of these prophecies. You had better odds of even just existing than all the prophecies of Jesus being fulfilled. No other religion, person (past or present), AI system, etc is even close to their/it's prophecies being fulfilled at this level.

2.) The claim that Jesus fulfilled thousands of biblical prophecies as evidence of divine intent relies on a literal interpretation, but when we examine it symbolically, the story of Jesus represents much more than just a series of predicted events. His story can be seen as a metaphor for transformation, spiritual awakening, and the raising of the Christ Oil. This concept dates back to ancient traditions and spiritual practices and stems from the Greek word Kristos, meaning anointed. The Christ Oil symbolizes divine energy, an alchemical transformation that occurs when sexual energy is transmuted and refined through discipline and spiritual practice, the whole story of Jesus mirrors an internal process not an historical occurrence that church would have you believe, It's too complex and long to put it out here, I might make a dedicated thread on this but you can take a look at this video and you will get 90% of the concept


S Tier:
1.) Contingency argument: Contingent = something exists or doesn't. Most things that exist in life are contingent: (Tree, car, moon, kittens, humans, etc) in that they didn't need to exist. Contingent things are contingent on some other thing (seed, humans, space, male and female cat/humans mating). Lastly, a group of contingent things is itself always contingent and dependent on something (Humans (parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc, sun, earth, etc. If you take the group of all contingent things that must depend on the existence of something. But is this something contingent? No, because then it would be part of the group of all contingent things. Therefore this something must be non-contingent or necessary and necessary thing cannot fail to exist and must exist. All space, time and matter seem contingent so there must be some necessary existing spaceless, timeless and immaterial entity upon which all contingent reality depends. This sounds suspiciously like GOD.

S Tier

1) Contingency argument: Firstly, the argument itself is built on the assumption that contingency must lead to a single "necessary" entity or being that is spaceless, timeless, immaterial, and non-contingent. Yet this reasoning runs into problems when critically examined. The idea of a "necessary being" that must exist creates a paradox if you push it to its logical end. If God is necessary and uncaused, you must ask: what causes God? The argument relies on defining God as an uncaused, eternal being, but this is a logical sleight of hand rather than an explanation. If you accept the idea that everything must have a cause, then "God" as the uncaused necessary being would itself contradict the causal reasoning the argument begins with.

Moreover, the argument collapses on itself when you trace the logic back to "God." If you are defining God as the "necessary" thing upon which all contingent reality depends, you must answer, what makes God necessary? If the existence of a necessary, non-contingent entity is what allows the argument to work, then you fall into circular reasoning. The argument leads directly to a closed loop of logic, where God is the answer simply because you defined it to be so rather than offering a causal explanation grounded in empirical evidence. This creates the paradox of asserting that God must exist because the argument demands it, with no other proof.
2.) Fine Tuning Argument: This is a teleological argument as it establishes God's existence through an observation of the world around us. The various constants of the initial conditions of the universe, various constants of the universe, laws of physics they have certain parameters existing where they must be within an extremely narrow range like 10 to the power of 44. So many of these things must exist in a very narrow range to support the existence embodied concours creatures. For example the cosmological constant, if you increase it ever so slightly the universe collapses in on itself, if you decrease the size ever so slightly then things expand qay to far apart then atoms couldn't even form and then no life exists in those instances. So in all these constants if there's just a slight movement in one direction or the other then life ceases to exist as we know it. Essentially the Universe appears as though it was designed for life to exist. To make this more profound I'll provide a feq more examples. Say there qas a hypothetical scenarios where dimes covered every square inch of north America so no space exists between any dime. Then say they stacked those dimes to the moon. Now increase that amount a billion times. If I were to blindfold you and to tell you to guess where the one red dime is inside this stack your probability of locating this dime is one in 10 to the 37th Power chance. This is the same level of precision required for the strong nuclear force and rate of universe expansion and if you're just a dime in either direction then we don't get a universe that doesn't support life. It's like if you were to see someone at the poker table qin 10 hands in a row with all royal flushes every time, you'd say the game is rigged. It's highly unlikely for all these extremely improbable constants can exists simultaneously without a divine creator

2) Fine Tuning Argument: First, you have to consider probability against infinity. You mentioned that the odds of these constants aligning are something like 10^44 right? but when you’re dealing with infinity, probability doesn’t work the way you expect. When there are infinite possibilities out there well, then the odds that a universe like ours would exist become much less surprising. When you introduce infinity, even the most improbable things become possible, because the number of chances becomes infinite. So even if you say the probability is low, you can’t ignore the fact that it’s competing with an infinite number of possibilities.

On top of that, the anthropic principle really kills this argument. we only observe these constants because we exist. We’re alive to see them because they allow for life to exist. If the constants were different, we wouldn’t even be here to wonder about them. So this "fine tuning" argument is circular in a way it only works because we’re assuming life must align with our specific experience. Life might exist in ways that are entirely different from what we think, and even if the constants weren’t as "fine-tuned" as they appear, it wouldn’t change much.

Again problem with your arguments is that they revolve around a principle of cause and effect where you are expecting to let go one uncaused cause to support your idea, if these constants are so fine-tuned that they point toward design, then what fine-tuned the designer? You’re essentially kicking the can down the road by saying, "Well, God did it," because then you need to ask "What caused God to exist and why is God’s existence necessary?" This leads to an infinite regress. If everything must have a designer, and then the designer needs a designer, then you’re just creating a loop without a clear resolution.
A Tier:

1.) The legitimacy of the Gospels:

So Jesus has been historically verified by many credible outside the bible as have the apostles. This is just setting up grounds for the foundation because people require external biblical proofs to at least see these people existed. So, we know they existed but did Jesus get tortured, crucified, died and resurrect as the gospels proclaim.

a.) The Shroud of Turin is undeniable evidence of the birth, torture, crucifixion, death and resurrection. No other person was crucified in this manner, the Shroud has been dated to 2,000 years ago, all the marks and things on this shroud align with the biblical accounts perfectly and no human, or machine can create this image today or in the past.

b.) Logic: The apostles didn't even know Jesus was going to resurrect nor did they believe him and they even denied him and distanced themselves from him during his crucifixion to avoid being punished in similar fashion. However, after they seed the Shroud and seen him in person they then gave up their family, friends, lives, wealth, resources, and eventually murdered for preaching the gospel. They gained no earthly rewards for their testimony, no power, status (perhaps later in time after death), fortune, sex, resources, etc). All they received as an earthly reward was a gruesome death. Why on earth would 12 men risk their lives for a lie after they had previously denied this man and distance themselves from him during the crucifixion but after the crucifixion they deviated their entire lives and got rid of everything else just to preach the gospel long after the death of Jesus. That makes 0 logical sense especially if they received no earthly reward. The other so called religions are not under duress and the people creating them are giving human accounts of the biblical truths and create myths and legends or pure plagiarism of some aspects mixed with pagan worship like Islam and or Judaism.

A Tier:

1.) The legitimacy of the Gospels,: Already made a thread breaking down the lack of evidence behind Jesus' existence, but you can take a detailed look at this video if as it breaks down everything better using logic, reasoning and undeniable evidence for non existence of Jesus as a person, Don't watch it if you are not open minded |

a.) The Shroud of Turin | This is most overused argument religious people use to prove existence of Jesus, okay so First, NEVER TRUST THE CHURCH and the Vatican:

Secondly the idea that the Shroud has been dated to 2,000 years ago isn’t as conclusive as it might sound. Radiocarbon dating has been used to test the age of the shroud, and while it’s commonly believed to be from the time of Jesus, the results have not been entirely conclusive. Some studies suggest that the shroud could be a medieval artifact, originating somewhere between the 13th and 14th centuries. There’s also the fact that the Shroud could have been subject to contamination or repair over time, which could throw off its dating. So even though you can argue that the Shroud could align with biblical timelines, it’s hardly an "undeniable" piece of evidence when the science is uncertain.

Second, the claim that the marks on the Shroud align perfectly with the biblical accounts is heavily biased. Just because the details on the Shroud can fit descriptions from the Gospels doesn’t mean it’s evidence for divine intervention. The human body exhibits predictable patterns when tortured or crucified in certain ways something that fits the Roman method of execution during Jesus’ time. In other words, the "perfect alignment" could very well be explained by historical knowledge, not supernatural causality. You can’t just retroactively fit details from scripture to match patterns on the Shroud and then conclude it confirms the biblical narrative. That’s not objective evidence, that’s confirmation bias.

The Shroud itself serves a dual purpose: first, as a physical object to provide a sense of awe and certainty to believers, and second, as a symbol to "historify" Jesus. This "historification" is an effort to turn Jesus into a literal, historical figure whose life story can be measured, scrutinized, and confirmed by physical evidence like the Shroud. However, this literalization denies the more profound, esoteric, and transformative teachings of Jesus teachings that are symbolic, spiritual, and meant to lead individuals toward personal awakening rather than simply being part of a historical narrative. The Shroud has essentially been weaponized to ensure that believers are focused on physical proof and external validation rather than exploring Jesus' esoteric teachings about spiritual transformation and divine connection.

Thirdxly, the claim that no human or machine could create this image is misleading. The mechanism behind the Shroud’s image isn’t as mysterious as people might assume. While scientists don’t fully understand how the image was created, various theories explain it. Some hypotheses suggest the image could be the result of chemical reactions or processes that could naturally occur under specific conditions, such as exposure to heat, light, or other environmental factors. There are even proposed methods by which medieval artists or natural processes could replicate the image on the Shroud without divine involvement. Just because we can’t replicate it perfectly today with machines doesn’t mean it’s evidence of a miracle. It simply means the process might not yet be completely understood by modern science.

Finally, the idea of a resurrection is inherently a supernatural claim, and as such, it requires evidence that isn’t biased by religious beliefs. The Shroud being "evidence" for the resurrection presumes that it is a supernatural artifact that can’t be explained by natural methods. But Occam’s Razor tells us that the simplest explanations are usually the best. There’s no need to assume divine intervention when simpler, more natural explanations like artistic creation, natural chemical processes, or historical contex can account for the Shroud’s origins and the image itself
2.) Math:

Science is able to tell us about the natural qorld but science by definition sciences can't tell us qhetere there's anything outside the natural qorld or supernatural. GOD = supernatural all knoqing mind qho is everyqhere and can do everything. Math is about numbers and information about those numbers and qays numbers ocnnect to each other. Qhere to qe find this math? Math is in the mind, and find it by thinking about it and figuring more and more things out. Math explains everything from simple counting to the movement of planets. For anything you can think of, math can explain what's going on even down to the atomic language. So mathi is in our minds and explains the natural world then where does it come from.

a.) Math is something qe invented to explain what we observe in the Natural world and that means the origin of math is natural.

b.) Math is already there because it controls the universe and we discovered it. If that's true then the origin of math is supernatural.

Option (b) is correct, math contains infinite information. There's an infinite number of numbers each containing their own properties and an infinite number of numbers between numbers. Qe also just keep discovering things, like PI which is the # that explains the area of a circle, has an infinite number of digits that qe keep discovering by doing calculations. If we were just making this stuff up then we can make PI out to be whatever number we qant to be. Qe can't do this because it's not true. Qe know all this information is out there somewhere. It can't be in our physical reality because it's finite and math is infinite which means math contains every possible combination of numbers. If we use numbers as code for letters then math contains every possible combination of letters as well. That means every book that has ever been written already exists encoded in math somewhere. In fact every book that could be written already exists in math. If we use numbers as code for particles and their locations then you can say there's an exact copy of our universe encoded in math. That's why math can't be contained in our physical reality.

Math only exists in the mind, so it's origin must also be in mind. Math contains infinite info so the mind must be all knowing. Math controls the universe so this mind must be all powerful. Math is beyond and outside our natural world so this mind must be supernatural and this describes GOD. All these numbers and mathematical facts exists in the infinite mind of GOD. It's not just mathematical truth that exists in the mind of GOD but also moral truth, and all other truth. Goodness, truth and beauty are just mere opinions of the human mind unless there's a supreme mind aka GOD that rules over all human opinions. Because math is beyond time, space and limits, the existence of math proves the existence of GOD because math is in the mind of GOD.

Math is the language with which God has written the universe or the very fabric of our existence has math behind it. Frequency and vibration is the glue that holds this material world together and this is why GOD spoke this reality into existence because speech itself is a frequence/vibration. This could be another proof in itself. If you've ever looked up the studies on water molecules and how their structures changes just from words you'll be amazed. Saying things like Jesus, beautiful, happy, love, heal, kindness, etc make these beautiful structures in the water molecules but words like evil, devil, hate, kill, murder, injure, harm, depressed, sad, etc create these horrific and chaotic looking structures in the water molecules.

2.) Math:
Mathematics is metaphorically the "language of God," but Math isn’t something that was created. It exists independently, following its own logical principles without needing a creator. For example, in geometry, a square has four sides, all of equal length. That’s a mathematical fact. If God were the creator of math, He should be able to break its logical structure. Could God create a square with all its sides unequal and still call it a square? If the sides aren’t equal, it’s not a square anymore it breaks the very definition.

What about a "circular square," a shape that is both a circle and a square at the same time without being a mix of the two? Or could God make 2 x 2 = 20? These aren’t just improbable scenarios; they’re logical impossibilities. They can’t exist because math follows universal, logical consistency. If God can’t do these things, it means He’s not above math, and therefore, He’s not omnipotent or transcendent. Logical impossibilities can’t just be "bent" or "broken" they don’t exist. So if God can’t defy math, he cannot possibility create it.
Your emphasis on the idea that "Math only exists in the mind" is on spot, and it contradicts the concept of a theistic God existing independently of thought or reality. You’re absolutely right: math is a mental construct, a conceptual framework that exists purely as an abstract system, it breaks the idea of a God as an external, independent, and self-existent creator. it breaks the traditional theistic view that God exists independently of thought or logic.

You are very close to the truth when you say that God is consciousness/Mind. In fact, God is not some external, all-powerful deity overseeing the universe with the traditional attributes assigned in Abrahamic religions. Instead, God can be better understood as one interconnected, all-encompassing consciousness, a divine Mind that is the source of all creation and experience. This consciousness is not limited by time, space, or form, but rather exists as a singular, infinite, self-aware entity. This divine consciousness is not "outside" of math or logic but is, in fact, a part of it expressed through math itself as a kind of symbolic, structured, universal language.

The conventional view of God from texts like the Bible portrays a deity that is vengeful, jealous, and demanding a God that sends non-believers to eternal torment, commits acts of mass genocide through floods, and demands the sacrifice of His supposed only son to grant forgiveness. But these depictions do not align with reason, logic, or mathematical understanding. They represent a God tied to fear, control, and external authority rather than the essence of consciousness, unity, and interconnected awareness. The divine isn’t a tyrant or a warlord but something much grander: the pure, formless divine Mind, a unified consciousness that is omniscient, omnipresent, and all-encompassing, yet not bound by the archaic and often contradictory doctrines found in ancient texts.

If you consider the idea that math itself is the expressed language of this divine Mind, you begin to see the deeper connection between consciousness, reality, and structure. Math isn’t just a human discovery it’s an expression of the underlying fabric of reality, much like the divine Mind. Everything that exists every pattern, system, physical law, and even every particle follows mathematical principles because math is a reflection of the order and structure inherent in the divine Mind. Everything in the universe can be reduced to mathematical relationships, from the smallest subatomic particle to the movement of galaxies. Even human beings, you and I, can be expressed in mathematical terms as part of this divine order.

C.) Based on actual eye witness accounts that line up with non biblical historical documents. There are no eye witnesses for any of the other so called religions.

D.) Gospels written immediately after the death of Jesus not decades or hundreds of years later. The misconception that these were written too long after the death of Jesus is false. The true OG apostles of Jesus created their sermons or writings immediately after Jesus' death and preached this same gospel frequently for decades. Then once the Apostles started to be attacked then they started to make these sermon's/accounts/testimony's and transcribed them into books to join together to preserve their teachings before they were to be murdered. Paulus/Saulus is the only one real life eye witness and only one to write his books decades later because he's a false apostle, false prophet, Edomite/Canaanite, Royal Herodian, Roman Citizen, Christian killer, liar, etc.

So the combination of the logical reasoning for the eye witnesses of Jesus, the anthropological artifacts discovered prove these testimonies, the non biblical historical references confirm the existence of these biblical people, and lastly the timing of the writings of the Gospel by the apostles makes this a very creditable overall argument for the existence of a Christian GOD.

C.) D) Ties with the false literal interpretation of Jesus instead of metaphorical
B Tier:

1.) Existence of a Soul: I believe there are sufficient arguments to undeniably see there's a creator. BUT, some atheist puppets are taking the new age approach against theism by saying it's simply a simulation like the matrix. The one major thing that debunks this the existence of a soul.

a.) Energy isn't created or destroyed it's simply transferred. So you don't just go into the dirt and merge with your creator in nothing you go into the dirt and your consciousness is transferred to your soul or astral body which enters an alternate dimension aka heaven or hell or one can be on earth while in this soul body but not send by the naked eye.

b.) Millions of people have testimonies of heaven, hell, and Jesus while in their soul body which they claim to be more real than our physical body meaning the eternal dimensions of heaven or hell is the base existence as is your soul and this physical material world and your body is only temporary as it's designed obsolescence.

c.) The thousands of years of masters, witchcraft, etc all practicing astral projections. The Gateway experience created by the CIA which took these lessons from these various masters and created their own program to set people on the fast tract to basically harness super power like capabilities and to spy on others via astral travel.

B Tier:
1.) Existence of a Soul: Soul is real, We are part of this "SOULAR SYSTEM" We are multi dimensional, Mind, Body and Soul (Father, Son and the holy spirit)

a.) Facts, however if you are attached to the material things as Jesus says not to, You will manifest back in the material world (Reincarnate) If not you will manifest in the higher dimensions and merge with the unified consciousness

b.) This is true but note that Jesus is just a creation of Mind, Your thoughts manifesting into archetypes, If you believe in Krishna you will see Krishna, If you believe in Buddha you will see Buddha, If you are insecure about something in life you will find yourself naked in the Dreams, and again Heaven and hell are state of minds not physical places as God's kingdom is within us

c.) Agreed but if you are bringing up the Gateway Process also consider the definition it defines God as, it defines God as " THE Absolute" that isn't a theistic Biblical literal God who sent his son, but the universal force
they call him yahweh, if not how is our father in heaven called then, whats his name
Yahweh in Hebrew means "I am" Represents The God, the one universal consciousnesses, it is also sound of our breath
God is dead, and we have killed him
False, that's the name of Lucifer per the children of the devil aka Edomites aka Jevvs of today. Their God is Lucifer and they call him this name
this is wrong on so many levels
Thanks Mess.

Since your soul is base reality and base reality is eternal, then our salvation is the most important thing humans should put their attention to.
Soul is not base reality, it's one among the trinity of our existence- Mind, Body and Soul. We exist 3 Dimensionally, Our goal is salvation across all 3 planes of existence, Starting with body and then soul and then Mind
eventually any talks of Jesus are going to equate to physical death inevitably
That’s not true, The Persecution of Christian Faith shown in News is a strategic ploy designed to strengthen religious influence further. The Church generates $74.5 billion annually, with revenues steadily increasing alongside a 12.8% rise in attendance. These figures align with the deceptive narratives being propagated to draw more people deeper into religious systems. What you won’t see are topics like 'Christ consciousness' being explored. Instead, what gets pushed are repetitive narratives like new 'discoveries' about the Shroud of Turin or absurd claims such as finding the bones and skeleton of Jesus, which are downright ridiculous.
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Do non-israelites make it to the Kingdom of Heaven?
Soul is not base reality, it's one among the trinity of our existence- Mind, Body and Soul. We exist 3 Dimensionally, Our goal is salvation across all 3 planes of existence, Starting with body and then soul and then Mind

That’s not true, The Persecution of Christian Faith shown in News is a strategic ploy designed to strengthen religious influence further. The Church generates $74.5 billion annually, with revenues steadily increasing alongside a 12.8% rise in attendance. These figures align with the deceptive narratives being propagated to draw more people deeper into religious systems. What you won’t see are topics like 'Christ consciousness' being explored. Instead, what gets pushed are repetitive narratives like new 'discoveries' about the Shroud of Turin or absurd claims such as finding the bones and skeleton of Jesus, which are downright ridiculous.

Do non-israelites make it to the Kingdom of Heaven?
Do non-israelites make it to the Kingdom of Heaven?
Kingdom of God or 'Heaven" is a elevated state of Mind rather than a cosmological location like New York city or Los Angeles lol, and it can be attained even without having to Die and has nothing to do with whether you are Israelite or not, You just need to learn to Raise the Oil of christ
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Yahweh in Hebrew means "I am" Represents The God, the one universal consciousnesses, it is also sound of our breath it is said that satan is the prince of the air, it is said that satan is the collective consciousness, it is said that satan is the i/eye am (third eye) (ego death such as buddha from meditation) (everything is one)
False, that's the name of Lucifer per the children of the devil aka Edomites aka Jevvs of today. Their God is Lucifer and they call him this name
yahweh (or yhwh in lower case) is satan, YahHuWah (or YHWH in upper case) is our Father in heaven, keep in mind that neither yahweh or YaHuWah are the names its simply how they are pronounced
Meditation is the path to god
Thanks Mess.

Since your soul is base reality and base reality is eternal, then our salvation is the most important thing humans should put their attention to. Having great health and living long as possible maximizes my chances of reaching out to as many souls as possible. Currently I'm doing it in a fashion that's low risk but eventually any talks of Jesus are going to equate to physical death inevitably so I may as well eventually use other methods to reach out to the masses than this tiny site but for now this site is sufficient. I'm happy to convert just one soul per day as of right now.
we shoulld never know such things, many things that are happening in the background are not supposed to be discovered us, this is satans plan, the science and alchemy and research? thats what satan wants
Thank you very much.

Careful, Lord is an intentional mistranslation by the Papacy. Jesus is the King of Kings.
jesus is not the real name, it is zeus worship, the name of our saviour is Yeshua the Messiah it is said that satan is the prince of the air, it is said that satan is the collective consciousness, it is said that satan is the i/eye am (third eye) (ego death such as buddha from meditation) (everything is one)
I remember you sent me this a while ago. I skimmed through it but accidentally lost track of it. From what I’ve seen, it seems like it’s 50% truth and 50% confusion. First, we exist in a flawed incarnate era, the lowest state of existence, tied to the material world and the physical body, often referred to as the "mark of the beast." The organic matter that forms our physical bodies is made up of carbon, which is essential for life. Carbon itself contains 6 neutrons, 6 electrons, and 6 protons 666, the "mark of the beast." Additionally, all living forms depend on air to survive. In this context, air becomes part of this flawed incarnate era, as it gives breath to life, our very breath, phonetically, aligns with the sound of "YAH-WEH" it's the sound of Life.

Secondly, Collective consciousness is not unified consciousness, Unified Consciousness refers to the fundamental, non-dual essence of consciousness that pervades all existence, transcending individual boundaries and distinctions it is everything in existence and the God himself experiencing himself through himself through his creations. Collective Consciousness is a more superficial, emergent property of individual consciousnesses interacting within a group or community,

Satan, in its original Hebrew meaning as 'adversary,' It's an negative archetype that a soul can embody, It isn’t an independent being but rather a manifestation of collective negative emotions and thoughts within the collective consciousness. This adversarial force emerges from the accumulation of humanity’s fears, hatred, greed, and despair, which take on a metaphysical form. These entities, often perceived as demonic or malevolent, are birthed when collective negativity becomes so concentrated that it seems to act with intent. They are not external beings but reflections of the darkest aspects of our shared consciousness, created and sustained by the energy of human thought and emotion.
The third eye (pineal gland) is tied to the flawed nature of our current incarnate era and is still connected to the "mark of the beast." However, it also serves as a gateway to the divine mind Through meditation, you activate this mechanism by focusing and aligning your thoughts and emotions into singular energy. The universe operates unconditionally and beyond duality, so if your thoughts are negative whether intentionally or not you manifest demons. Conversely, positive alignment connects you to higher dimensions. The "I AM" isn’t Satan; it’s an affirmation of oneness. , "I" is the 9th letter in the alphabet, and 9 symbolizes completion.

Demons also stem from our collective consciousness. "DE" signifies negativity, and "MON" relates to the moon, symbolizing emotions. These entities are manifestations of our collective thoughts and energies because, as fragments of the unified consciousness (the mind of God) us being a byproduct of thought in the divine mind, we possess a microcosmic ability to create with our thoughts as well.

The figure of Jesus is a Jesuit Jevv distortion of "Yahushua," designed to redirect people’s mental and emotional energies. This harnessing of thought power helps birth astral entities, which is why people encounter such beings in dreams. However, these entities only gain influence if you give them power through worship (“worth-ship”), which is essentially the act of offering your divine energy. Without that energy, they hold no sway over you.

Yahushua, rather than being a physical or historical figure, serves as a symbol of the complete and actualized human that each of us has the potential to become. In John 14:12-17, Yahushua states, "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these." This highlights the transformative potential within all of us, pointing to the ability to attain what he represents and even surpass it.

This journey involves attaining Christ consciousness, symbolized by raising the "Christ oil" through the spinal cord and metaphorically crucifying it in the brain. As the Bible states, "Christ is in you," emphasizing that the divine resides within us. Yahushua represents a person who has achieved salvation across all three planes of existence mind, body, and soul. He is not a deity to be worshiped but a model illustrating humanity's inherent power to save themselves through self-realization. His message reflects the potential of human beings to know themselves and achieve liberation.

This verse, "On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you" (John 14:20), points out the profound interconnectedness between the divine and humanity. It symbolizes the unity of existence a non-dual reality where the divine (Father), the Christ consciousness attained human (Yahushua), and the individuals (Us) are not separate but parts of the same whole.

the whole point is to recognize that the divine presence resides within us. Yahushua's relationship with the Father is mirrored in our relationship with him, pointing to the potential for every individual to embody this unity. It reflects the realization that divinity isn't external but intrinsic, calling us to align ourselves with this truth and awaken to our divine essence. This awakening leads to the understanding that salvation and enlightenment come not from worshiping an external deity but from knowing thyself the divine nature within ourselves.

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I remember you sent me this a while ago. I skimmed through it but accidentally lost track of it. From what I’ve seen, it seems like it’s 50% truth and 50% confusion. First, we exist in a flawed incarnate era, the lowest state of existence, tied to the material world and the physical body, often referred to as the "mark of the beast." The organic matter that forms our physical bodies is made up of carbon, which is essential for life. Carbon itself contains 6 neutrons, 6 electrons, and 6 protons 666, the "mark of the beast." Additionally, all living forms depend on air to survive. In this context, air becomes part of this flawed incarnate era, as it gives breath to life, our very breath, phonetically, aligns with the sound of "YAH-WEH" it's the sound of Life.

Secondly, Collective consciousness is not unified consciousness, Unified Consciousness refers to the fundamental, non-dual essence of consciousness that pervades all existence, transcending individual boundaries and distinctions it is everything in existence and the God himself experiencing himself through himself through his creations. Collective Consciousness is a more superficial, emergent property of individual consciousnesses interacting within a group or community,

Satan, in its original Hebrew meaning as 'adversary,' It's an negative archetype that a soul can embody, It isn’t an independent being but rather a manifestation of collective negative emotions and thoughts within the collective consciousness. This adversarial force emerges from the accumulation of humanity’s fears, hatred, greed, and despair, which take on a metaphysical form. These entities, often perceived as demonic or malevolent, are birthed when collective negativity becomes so concentrated that it seems to act with intent. They are not external beings but reflections of the darkest aspects of our shared consciousness, created and sustained by the energy of human thought and emotion.
The third eye (pineal gland) is tied to the flawed nature of our current incarnate era and is still connected to the "mark of the beast." However, it also serves as a gateway to the divine mind Through meditation, you activate this mechanism by focusing and aligning your thoughts and emotions into singular energy. The universe operates unconditionally and beyond duality, so if your thoughts are negative whether intentionally or not you manifest demons. Conversely, positive alignment connects you to higher dimensions. The "I AM" isn’t Satan; it’s an affirmation of oneness. , "I" is the 9th letter in the alphabet, and 9 symbolizes completion.

Demons also stem from our collective consciousness. "DE" signifies negativity, and "MON" relates to the moon, symbolizing emotions. These entities are manifestations of our collective thoughts and energies because, as fragments of the unified consciousness (the mind of God) us being a byproduct of thought in the divine mind, we possess a microcosmic ability to create with our thoughts as well.

The figure of Jesus is a Jesuit Jevv distortion of "Yahushua," designed to redirect people’s mental and emotional energies. This harnessing of thought power helps birth astral entities, which is why people encounter such beings in dreams. However, these entities only gain influence if you give them power through worship (“worth-ship”), which is essentially the act of offering your divine energy. Without that energy, they hold no sway over you.

Yahushua, rather than being a physical or historical figure, serves as a symbol of the complete and actualized human that each of us has the potential to become. In John 14:12-17, Yahushua states, "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these." This highlights the transformative potential within all of us, pointing to the ability to attain what he represents and even surpass it.

This journey involves attaining Christ consciousness, symbolized by raising the "Christ oil" through the spinal cord and metaphorically crucifying it in the brain. As the Bible states, "Christ is in you," emphasizing that the divine resides within us. Yahushua represents a person who has achieved salvation across all three planes of existence mind, body, and soul. He is not a deity to be worshiped but a model illustrating humanity's inherent power to save themselves through self-realization. His message reflects the potential of human beings to know themselves and achieve liberation.

This verse, "On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you" (John 14:20), points out the profound interconnectedness between the divine and humanity. It symbolizes the unity of existence a non-dual reality where the divine (Father), the Christ consciousness attained human (Yahushua), and the individuals (Us) are not separate but parts of the same whole.

the whole point is to recognize that the divine presence resides within us. Yahushua's relationship with the Father is mirrored in our relationship with him, pointing to the potential for every individual to embody this unity. It reflects the realization that divinity isn't external but intrinsic, calling us to align ourselves with this truth and awaken to our divine essence. This awakening leads to the understanding that salvation and enlightenment come not from worshiping an external deity but from knowing thyself the divine nature within ourselves.

i will read it later, i dont feel well rn but one question, theres this game called "who is lila?" at the end it turns out that lila is just an idea in the heads of the people and as long as only a single person knows about lila (or rather the idea of lila) she is still alive, is that what you mean also with satan?
so his name isnt Yeshua but Yahushua
Both are same but Yahushua is more accurate pronunciation based on ancient Hebrew texts and linguistics accent, It's just like how some people in english pronounce the name "Sean" as "SHAWN", while others pronounce it as "SEEN". Both pronunciations refer to the same name, but "SEEN" is actually the more authentic and traditional Irish pronunciation
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i will read it later, i dont feel well rn but one question, theres this game called "who is lila?" at the end it turns out that lila is just an idea in the heads of the people and as long as only a single person knows about lila (or rather the idea of lila) she is still alive, is that what you mean also with satan?
Yes, that's very similar to what I mean when discussing Satan. Just like Lila in the game, Satan is not an independent being but rather an idea or a construct that exists within the collective consciousness arising from concertation of people's thoughts being on the same frequency. As long as people give energy to the concept through belief, fear, or focus it remains "alive." (Which is what religions promote, "Fear God" "Fear Hell")

Satan, in this context, symbolizes the adversary, not as an external entity but as the manifestation of negative thoughts, emotions, and collective energies. These thoughts and fears take form because consciousness is creative in nature. When we pour our energy into an idea, whether knowingly or unknowingly, we give it "life" in the astral or metaphysical sense.

So yes, just as Lila persists as long as someone holds onto the idea of her, Satan (or any such entity) persists as long as humanity feeds it with attention and belief. It's not an intrinsic reality but a projection born from the collective mind.
Yes, that's very similar to what I mean when discussing Satan. Just like Lila in the game, Satan is not an independent being but rather an idea or a construct that exists within the collective consciousness arising from concertation of people's thoughts being on the same frequency. As long as people give energy to the concept through belief, fear, or focus it remains "alive." (Which is what religions promote, "Fear God" "Fear Hell")

Satan, in this context, symbolizes the adversary, not as an external entity but as the manifestation of negative thoughts, emotions, and collective energies. These thoughts and fears take form because consciousness is creative in nature. When we pour our energy into an idea, whether knowingly or unknowingly, we give it "life" in the astral or metaphysical sense.

So yes, just as Lila persists as long as someone holds onto the idea of her, Satan (or any such entity) persists as long as humanity feeds it with attention and belief. It's not an intrinsic reality but a projection born from the collective mind.
the game is pogchamp you should play it :D
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a little boring but read it.
First and foremost, I believe in God for what is it and what the Bible metaphorically and esoterically describes, an infinite, singular consciousness that flows through all of creation. To put it in your terms, it is God experiencing itself through its own creation through us and everything. However, the God I refer to is not a separate, independent entity residing in the sky, dictating human lives, or demanding sacrifices and blind obedience. This concept of God, which you appear to be advocating, is fundamentally different from the interconnected, all-encompassing consciousness I understand. Firstly:

That's a strawman argument as I never insinuated or directly stated anything about skydaddy. This is basically similar to the beliefs held in Greek mythology but that's not GOD. God is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and is pure energy. He's 3 in one father, son and holy spirit as stated in the old testament and the new testament. He's the first and the last and when he states let us make man in our image he's not consulting the angels aka his creation. He has no logical reason to consult his creation. He has the power to manifest into a human as he did with Jesus Christ coming in the flesh and he's manifested himself in the old testament as a man, bush, etc.

G Tier:

a) The argument that DNA must have a "coder" because it resembles a structured language or software code oversimplifies and anthropomorphizes natural processes. While DNA does contain sequences that appear purposeful, these patterns arise not from a magical being in the sky but from the interconnected nature of the universe, where physical, chemical, and biological laws interact over vast timescales. The "code" of DNA can be understood as an emergent property of these interactions, shaped by the collective flow of energy, information, and matter in a universe imbued with interconnected consciousness. This consciousness, far from being a deity, is the substrate of all existence, manifesting through the dynamic interplay of forces that drive evolution, adaptation, and complexity,
The argument that "codes must have a coder" is essentially a restatement of the "creations must have a creator" argument. This reasoning relies on the law of cause and effect, which is a common framework used by religious individuals to justify the necessity of a divine creator. However, this argument collapses under its own logic when applied consistently. If God a being who is supposedly beyond human understanding, imperceptible, incomprehensible, and existing outside of space and time can exist without requiring a coder, cause or creator, then the universe, which is far more tangible and comprehensible, can also exist without a creator. The universe can be self-sufficient, unmanifested, and uncreated.

Reality itself is not necessarily a "creation" but an eternal, unmanifested truth. The concepts of creation and causation are products of human perception, bound by the framework of space-time. Quantum science has partially proved the idea that time is an illusion and that there exists only an eternal present with infinite possibilities unfolding every trillionth of a nanosecond. In this deeper sense of reality, the universe has always existed in some form or another. The notion of "non-existence" for the universe is logically incoherent because non-existence, by its very definition, does not exist. Therefore, the universe cannot "not exist" because it is the foundational reality self-sustaining and eternal, something in quantity of zero will never become 1 even if left alone for infinite time, in summary universe is not a product of creation but the essence of existence itself.

Being fragments of a singular, infinite consciousness that has differentiated itself into myriad forms. In essence, our individual consciousness and sense of separation are illusions, for we are inherently united as expressions of this unified whole which we as humans call "God" but this unified whole itself transcends the idea of God or any descriptions, In the whole essence God isn't an separate anthropomorphic entity but something that flows through all the creation, which means We possess the divine spark of God within, and what Bible means when it says "On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." - John 14:20 (NIV) Because we are a thought in the mind of God

Computer code requires information and requires a coder as does DNA code. The DNA code has the name of GOD in each cell in our body. The reason why this does insinuate a supernatural creator is required for this design is GOD is outside of time and space combined qith the mathematical improbability of this perfect material reality existing just for us is virtually mathematically impossible even if qe had trillions of years of time. Putting codes in at random never results in anything useful nor would an infinite amount of time be able to create our perfect reality for life to be sustained. Coders are supernatural to video games as they're outside their creation and the laqs fo that game do not apply to them and the same goes for GOD. Therefore, qe can conclude GOD or intelligent design is behind this information this genetic code in all things or better yet the frequencies of all things all require GOD/a creator. The point here isn't to prove the Christian GOD, the point is to prove a creator as part of the process.

b) Secondly, Intelligent Design does not necessarily imply the existence of a theistic God. It's equal to finding a footprint on the beach and claiming that it belongs to Abraham Lincoln. Essentially, you are suggesting that the concept of evolution requires the intervention of a divine being to overcome enormous mathematical probabilities, and from there, extending that logic to argue that events like Jesus walking on water or the writing of the Ten Commandments on stone are literal and historical. This is a false equivalency. While Intelligent Design is indeed real, it does not depend on the traditional notion of a theistic God. Geometric patterns and vibrational frequencies themselves can manifest physical and organic matter, providing a natural explanation for the structure and complexity observed in the universe.

I agree with you on concept of Evolution because I Personally do not believe in the concept of evolution as it is commonly presented. After studying it extensively, I find it implausible that all the intricate components of a living organism could come together purely by chance because odds of that are same as a tornado sweeping through Junk yard and building a Boeing 747 with every integrate pieces. While the transfer of characteristics from one generation to the next is a valid and observable process, the idea of one species entirely transforming into another is, in my view, unscientific. Such a process would require the existence of numerous intermediary species, which should be abundantly represented in the fossil record. For example, if fish evolved into lizards, there would need to be clear evidence of half-fish, half-lizard ancestors in vast quantities. Also if it's a by product of an accident which happened by chance, it can be and could be easily demonstrable in the labs, the species transformation thing which is branded as "Evolution" is not credible and is be part of a larger fabrication by people in power, its a way to hide the intelligent design not prove it, Watch the video below

2.) The claim that Jesus fulfilled thousands of biblical prophecies as evidence of divine intent relies on a literal interpretation, but when we examine it symbolically, the story of Jesus represents much more than just a series of predicted events. His story can be seen as a metaphor for transformation, spiritual awakening, and the raising of the Christ Oil. This concept dates back to ancient traditions and spiritual practices and stems from the Greek word Kristos, meaning anointed. The Christ Oil symbolizes divine energy, an alchemical transformation that occurs when sexual energy is transmuted and refined through discipline and spiritual practice, the whole story of Jesus mirrors an internal process not an historical occurrence that church would have you believe, It's too complex and long to put it out here, I might make a dedicated thread on this but you can take a look at this video and you will get 90% of the concept


S Tier

1) Contingency argument: Firstly, the argument itself is built on the assumption that contingency must lead to a single "necessary" entity or being that is spaceless, timeless, immaterial, and non-contingent. Yet this reasoning runs into problems when critically examined. The idea of a "necessary being" that must exist creates a paradox if you push it to its logical end. If God is necessary and uncaused, you must ask: what causes God? The argument relies on defining God as an uncaused, eternal being, but this is a logical sleight of hand rather than an explanation. If you accept the idea that everything must have a cause, then "God" as the uncaused necessary being would itself contradict the causal reasoning the argument begins with.

Moreover, the argument collapses on itself when you trace the logic back to "God." If you are defining God as the "necessary" thing upon which all contingent reality depends, you must answer, what makes God necessary? If the existence of a necessary, non-contingent entity is what allows the argument to work, then you fall into circular reasoning. The argument leads directly to a closed loop of logic, where God is the answer simply because you defined it to be so rather than offering a causal explanation grounded in empirical evidence. This creates the paradox of asserting that God must exist because the argument demands it, with no other proof.

2) Fine Tuning Argument: First, you have to consider probability against infinity. You mentioned that the odds of these constants aligning are something like 10^44 right? but when you’re dealing with infinity, probability doesn’t work the way you expect. When there are infinite possibilities out there well, then the odds that a universe like ours would exist become much less surprising. When you introduce infinity, even the most improbable things become possible, because the number of chances becomes infinite. So even if you say the probability is low, you can’t ignore the fact that it’s competing with an infinite number of possibilities.

On top of that, the anthropic principle really kills this argument. we only observe these constants because we exist. We’re alive to see them because they allow for life to exist. If the constants were different, we wouldn’t even be here to wonder about them. So this "fine tuning" argument is circular in a way it only works because we’re assuming life must align with our specific experience. Life might exist in ways that are entirely different from what we think, and even if the constants weren’t as "fine-tuned" as they appear, it wouldn’t change much.

Again problem with your arguments is that they revolve around a principle of cause and effect where you are expecting to let go one uncaused cause to support your idea, if these constants are so fine-tuned that they point toward design, then what fine-tuned the designer? You’re essentially kicking the can down the road by saying, "Well, God did it," because then you need to ask "What caused God to exist and why is God’s existence necessary?" This leads to an infinite regress. If everything must have a designer, and then the designer needs a designer, then you’re just creating a loop without a clear resolution.

A Tier:

1.) The legitimacy of the Gospels,: Already made a thread breaking down the lack of evidence behind Jesus' existence, but you can take a detailed look at this video if as it breaks down everything better using logic, reasoning and undeniable evidence for non existence of Jesus as a person, Don't watch it if you are not open minded |

I've qatched this an many other videos and books on trying to debunk Jesus. Unfortunately, I have personally debunked all these attempts qhile using an open mind searching for truth because at that point I qas agnostic and a non believer so I qas open to any interpretation but used logic and reason to determine truth. There's more historical evidence to prove the existance of Jesus than a vast majority of accepted historical people of around the time of Jesus. Jesus is accepted as a historical person qithout question by virtually all legitimate scholars. The goalposts have moved to accepting Jesus' divine nature.

a.) Multiple non biblical sources from non Christian make note of Jesus' miracles or call it magic. Multiple sources affirm the Christian belief that Jesus rose from the dead and witnessed this resurrection. There is no

a.) The Shroud of Turin | This is most overused argument religious people use to prove existence of Jesus, okay so First, NEVER TRUST THE CHURCH and the Vatican:
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Secondly the idea that the Shroud has been dated to 2,000 years ago isn’t as conclusive as it might sound. Radiocarbon dating has been used to test the age of the shroud, and while it’s commonly believed to be from the time of Jesus, the results have not been entirely conclusive. Some studies suggest that the shroud could be a medieval artifact, originating somewhere between the 13th and 14th centuries. There’s also the fact that the Shroud could have been subject to contamination or repair over time, which could throw off its dating. So even though you can argue that the Shroud could align with biblical timelines, it’s hardly an "undeniable" piece of evidence when the science is uncertain.

1.) The vatacin qas given the Shroud as a gift. They're the beast in accordance qith the book of Revelation as they have fulfilled this prophecy and the proof qas Napoleon arresting the Pope severel hundred years ago. They tried using propaganda to prevent people from discovering that they are the Beast during this time.

2.) They deny the Shroud and do not proclaim it to be the Shroud of Jesus. They're anti-Christ, hence this gives more creedence to the Shroud being legitimate as they do not accept it.

Second, the claim that the marks on the Shroud align perfectly with the biblical accounts is heavily biased. Just because the details on the Shroud can fit descriptions from the Gospels doesn’t mean it’s evidence for divine intervention. The human body exhibits predictable patterns when tortured or crucified in certain ways something that fits the Roman method of execution during Jesus’ time. In other words, the "perfect alignment" could very well be explained by historical knowledge, not supernatural causality. You can’t just retroactively fit details from scripture to match patterns on the Shroud and then conclude it confirms the biblical narrative. That’s not objective evidence, that’s confirmation bias.

1.) It not only perfectly aligns qith the biblical historical evidence of Jesus along with the Roman records of Jesus, the non biblical historical records of Jesus and the Roman soldiers accounts of Jesus but it's supernatural in that there is 0 evidence of any paint, ink, etc. It's basically pure radiation that had to come from within the body and be emitted out. The amount of energy required is more energy that's used by the entire earth on a daily basis. There is no current technology that can replicate this and there's certainly no technology that can replicate this from the past. You can qin millions of dollars if you can replicate this image but nobody has ever been able to produce this nor qill they ever. The chain of Custody from Peter to today has been qell documented. The ancient paintings just after the death of Jesus clearly appear like the shroud as this qas the norm and accepted image of Jesus. The most recent and more accurate age testing technology proved the shroud to be dated around the time of Jesus. There is no historical evidence of any man being crucified the same qay Jesus qas so the argument that millions of people have been crucified is invalid. Also, you could crucify a billion people today and not one of them qill produce this image. At this point it's either cognitive bias, ignorance or delusion preventing people from accepting this as the Shroud of Jesus Christ.
The Shroud itself serves a dual purpose: first, as a physical object to provide a sense of awe and certainty to believers, and second, as a symbol to "historify" Jesus. This "historification" is an effort to turn Jesus into a literal, historical figure whose life story can be measured, scrutinized, and confirmed by physical evidence like the Shroud. However, this literalization denies the more profound, esoteric, and transformative teachings of Jesus teachings that are symbolic, spiritual, and meant to lead individuals toward personal awakening rather than simply being part of a historical narrative. The Shroud has essentially been weaponized to ensure that believers are focused on physical proof and external validation rather than exploring Jesus' esoteric teachings about spiritual transformation and divine connection.

Thirdxly, the claim that no human or machine could create this image is misleading. The mechanism behind the Shroud’s image isn’t as mysterious as people might assume. While scientists don’t fully understand how the image was created, various theories explain it. Some hypotheses suggest the image could be the result of chemical reactions or processes that could naturally occur under specific conditions, such as exposure to heat, light, or other environmental factors. There are even proposed methods by which medieval artists or natural processes could replicate the image on the Shroud without divine involvement. Just because we can’t replicate it perfectly today with machines doesn’t mean it’s evidence of a miracle. It simply means the process might not yet be completely understood by modern science.

Finally, the idea of a resurrection is inherently a supernatural claim, and as such, it requires evidence that isn’t biased by religious beliefs. The Shroud being "evidence" for the resurrection presumes that it is a supernatural artifact that can’t be explained by natural methods. But Occam’s Razor tells us that the simplest explanations are usually the best. There’s no need to assume divine intervention when simpler, more natural explanations like artistic creation, natural chemical processes, or historical contex can account for the Shroud’s origins and the image itself

2.) Math:
Mathematics is metaphorically the "language of God," but Math isn’t something that was created. It exists independently, following its own logical principles without needing a creator. For example, in geometry, a square has four sides, all of equal length. That’s a mathematical fact. If God were the creator of math, He should be able to break its logical structure. Could God create a square with all its sides unequal and still call it a square? If the sides aren’t equal, it’s not a square anymore it breaks the very definition.

What about a "circular square," a shape that is both a circle and a square at the same time without being a mix of the two? Or could God make 2 x 2 = 20? These aren’t just improbable scenarios; they’re logical impossibilities. They can’t exist because math follows universal, logical consistency. If God can’t do these things, it means He’s not above math, and therefore, He’s not omnipotent or transcendent. Logical impossibilities can’t just be "bent" or "broken" they don’t exist. So if God can’t defy math, he cannot possibility create it.
Your emphasis on the idea that "Math only exists in the mind" is on spot, and it contradicts the concept of a theistic God existing independently of thought or reality. You’re absolutely right: math is a mental construct, a conceptual framework that exists purely as an abstract system, it breaks the idea of a God as an external, independent, and self-existent creator. it breaks the traditional theistic view that God exists independently of thought or logic.

You are very close to the truth when you say that God is consciousness/Mind. In fact, God is not some external, all-powerful deity overseeing the universe with the traditional attributes assigned in Abrahamic religions. Instead, God can be better understood as one interconnected, all-encompassing consciousness, a divine Mind that is the source of all creation and experience. This consciousness is not limited by time, space, or form, but rather exists as a singular, infinite, self-aware entity. This divine consciousness is not "outside" of math or logic but is, in fact, a part of it expressed through math itself as a kind of symbolic, structured, universal language.

The conventional view of God from texts like the Bible portrays a deity that is vengeful, jealous, and demanding a God that sends non-believers to eternal torment, commits acts of mass genocide through floods, and demands the sacrifice of His supposed only son to grant forgiveness. But these depictions do not align with reason, logic, or mathematical understanding. They represent a God tied to fear, control, and external authority rather than the essence of consciousness, unity, and interconnected awareness. The divine isn’t a tyrant or a warlord but something much grander: the pure, formless divine Mind, a unified consciousness that is omniscient, omnipresent, and all-encompassing, yet not bound by the archaic and often contradictory doctrines found in ancient texts.

If you consider the idea that math itself is the expressed language of this divine Mind, you begin to see the deeper connection between consciousness, reality, and structure. Math isn’t just a human discovery it’s an expression of the underlying fabric of reality, much like the divine Mind. Everything that exists every pattern, system, physical law, and even every particle follows mathematical principles because math is a reflection of the order and structure inherent in the divine Mind. Everything in the universe can be reduced to mathematical relationships, from the smallest subatomic particle to the movement of galaxies. Even human beings, you and I, can be expressed in mathematical terms as part of this divine order.

C.) D) Ties with the false literal interpretation of Jesus instead of metaphorical

B Tier:
1.) Existence of a Soul: Soul is real, We are part of this "SOULAR SYSTEM" We are multi dimensional, Mind, Body and Soul (Father, Son and the holy spirit)
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a.) Facts, however if you are attached to the material things as Jesus says not to, You will manifest back in the material world (Reincarnate) If not you will manifest in the higher dimensions and merge with the unified consciousness

b.) This is true but note that Jesus is just a creation of Mind, Your thoughts manifesting into archetypes, If you believe in Krishna you will see Krishna, If you believe in Buddha you will see Buddha, If you are insecure about something in life you will find yourself naked in the Dreams, and again Heaven and hell are state of minds not physical places as God's kingdom is within us

c.) Agreed but if you are bringing up the Gateway Process also consider the definition it defines God as, it defines God as " THE Absolute" that isn't a theistic Biblical literal God who sent his son, but the universal force

jesus is not the real name, it is zeus worship, the name of our saviour is Yeshua the Messiah
This has already been debunked a long time ago.
God is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and is pure energy.
Pay attention to the word "omnipresent." It literally means that He is everywhere, not in the sense of being a separate layer from creation, but rather as the very foundation and essence of existence itself. A more accurate way to describe this would be "all-encompassing."

As it is written:
"He is not far from any one of us. 'For in Him we live and move and have our being.'" — Acts 17:27–28
"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things." — Romans 11:36

This breaks the idea of a supernatural creator but instead suggests that the 'creation' in contextt and all existence are, in themselves, expressions of God. This implies that we are not separate from God but are merely thoughts within His mind. However, this does not mean God is an independent, conscious being distinct from existence. Instead, He is the very essence of all that is, transcending traditional concepts of separation or personhood.
He's 3 in one father, son and holy spirit as stated in the old testament and the new testament. He's the first and the last and when he states let us make man in our image he's not consulting the angels aka his creation. He has no logical reason to consult his creation.
This assumes that the Trinity is a literal, separate divine presence. But the idea of "three in one" can be better understood metaphorically rather than literally. Think about it: in a symbolic or psychological sense, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit represents different aspects of human experience or universal principles rather than distinct beings. They symbolize interconnected states of being similar to how humans are mind, body, and soul as interconnected aspects of the same existence. It isn’t about literal beings it’s about the multiple aspects that define a complete, integrated whole.

Secondly, “let us make man in our image” indeed doesn’t imply literal consultation with angels or an external council. This phrase metaphorically represents a higher state of consciousness, a divine reflection, or the interconnected fabric of creation itself. God speaking in the plural "US" is symbolic of unity, interconnection
He has the power to manifest into a human as he did with Jesus Christ coming in the flesh and he's manifested himself in the old testament as a man, bush, etc.
this isn’t exclusive to Jesus. Metaphorically, all humans possess this same divine aspect, the ability to connect mind, body, and spirit. The idea of divinity manifesting itself isn't restricted to one individual (Jesus). In fact, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit represent internal states we all possess: our reason (Father), our actions and physical existence (Son), and our soul or intuition (Holy Spirit). These states are just representations of how we process and connect with the world.

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are states of our own existence our mind, body, and soul. These are interconnected aspects of every single human being. We aren’t separate from the divine. We are expressions of it. The trinity isn’t just a distant divine concept; it applies to us. Think about the mind as your reasoning, planning, and logical side (Father), your body as your physical actions (Son), and your emotions, intuition, and inner spiritual guide as your soul (Holy Spirit). This isn’t some otherworldly manifestation exclusive to Jesus or divine beings; it’s how humans operate. We embody this balance of mind, body, and spirit daily.
Computer code requires information and requires a coder as does DNA code. The DNA code has the name of GOD in each cell in our body. The reason why this does insinuate a supernatural creator is required for this design is GOD is outside of time and space combined qith the mathematical improbability of this perfect material reality existing just for us is virtually mathematically impossible even if qe had trillions of years of time. Putting codes in at random never results in anything useful nor would an infinite amount of time be able to create our perfect reality for life to be sustained. Coders are supernatural to video games as they're outside their creation and the laqs fo that game do not apply to them and the same goes for GOD. Therefore, qe can conclude GOD or intelligent design is behind this information this genetic code in all things or better yet the frequencies of all things all require GOD/a creator. The point here isn't to prove the Christian GOD, the point is to prove a creator as part of the process.
I assume you are talking about "YHWH" or the code that translates "GOD IS ETERNAL WITHIN US" something along the lines? If it's the first then again the "YHWH" which YAHWEH translates to "I am" in Hebrew which is basically an affirmation of interconnectedness which breaks the idea of a supernatural creator distant from us and other one "GOD IS ETERNAL WITHIN US" emphasizes my point

The reason why this does insinuate a supernatural creator is required for this design is GOD is outside of time and space combined qith the mathematical improbability of this perfect material reality existing just for us is virtually mathematically impossible even if qe had trillions of years of time.
I am not denying purposeful creation or intelligent design. However, what I am emphasizing is that the idea of a "Coder," "Creator," or "Supernatural Creator" you advocate points toward a distant designer separate from creation itself. What I am trying to prove is that the very essence of all-encompassing existence itself is what can be understood as "GOD"—not as an entity that creates things as it desires, but as the universal force that flows through all of creation.

The problem with your argument lies in the assertion that something must exist outside of space and time to explain the origin of the universe or to overcome mathematical improbabilities necessary for the intricate functioning and existence of the universe. The issue here is that you are viewing everything through the lens of time and space—a perspective limited by our physical experience as humans. In reality, at a quantum level, time does not exist in the way we perceive it.

From this perspective, the universe has existed for an infinite span, continues to exist infinitely, and will evolve and change indefinitely, yet it will never cease to exist. Time itself is not a constant barrier or prerequisite for existence at this level, which challenges the need for a distant "outside designer" to explain the origin or functioning of the universe. Instead, the nature of existence is infinite, timeless, and unified, with all things interconnected through a universal force that can be likened to the concept of "GOD.
Putting codes in at random never results in anything useful nor would an infinite amount of time be able to create our perfect reality for life to be sustained.
This isn’t accurate. Given infinite time and a finite set of information or codes with infinite possibilities, every possible shape or outcome would eventually emerge. When you have infinite time, all the infinite possibilities would inevitably manifest. For instance, consider typing 1 quadrillion random words on a notepad in hopes of creating the upcoming GTA 6. While the odds are astronomically low, with infinite time and trying every possible keyboard combination, you would eventually produce it. The concept of infinite time allows for every possible combination of finite information to eventually take shape.
I've qatched this an many other videos and books on trying to debunk Jesus. Unfortunately, I have personally debunked all these attempts qhile using an open mind searching for truth because at that point I qas agnostic and a non believer so I qas open to any interpretation but used logic and reason to determine truth. There's more historical evidence to prove the existance of Jesus than a vast majority of accepted historical people of around the time of Jesus. Jesus is accepted as a historical person qithout question by virtually all legitimate scholars. The goalposts have moved to accepting Jesus' divine nature.

a.) Multiple non biblical sources from non Christian make note of Jesus' miracles or call it magic. Multiple sources affirm the Christian belief that Jesus rose from the dead and witnessed this resurrection. There is no
The majority of evidence for Jesus comes from religious texts (the Bible) and very few non-Christian sources from the period, which significantly reduces its reliability as purely historical proof. Many of the accounts attributed to Jesus are result of faith rather than unbiased historical intervention

While some ancient sources mention Jesus or his followers, such as Roman historian Tacitus or Jewish historian Josephus, these references are minimal and often debated or considered interpolations added later to support religious claims. None of these references provide independent confirmation of Jesus performing miracles or rising from the dead.

I’d still like to know what your evidence is when Jesus’ story is the only real one among others, (Feel free to copy paste as you claimed you have already debunked everything) especially when it’s a clear mirror reflection of the archetype of "dying and rising gods" that dates back to Horus, Osiris, Krishna, and 16 other notable figures many of whom existed well before Jesus’ supposed era. These figures always share similar patterns: a miraculous birth, persecution by a ruler or authority, peforming miracles often referred to as "Son of God" or a messianic figure, and then they die for some greater purpose before ultimately being resurrected.
1.) It not only perfectly aligns qith the biblical historical evidence of Jesus along with the Roman records of Jesus, the non biblical historical records of Jesus and the Roman soldiers accounts of Jesus but it's supernatural in that there is 0 evidence of any paint, ink, etc. It's basically pure radiation that had to come from within the body and be emitted out.
First off, claimig that the Shroud perfectly aligns with biblical and non-biblical records is a subjective assertion at best. While there are historical texts referencing Jesus and accounts of crucifixion during Roman times, the idea that the Shroud aligns perfectly with these accounts is an overreach. Biblical narratives and other historical accounts come with their own interpretations, biases, and symbolism, and trying to use these as "proof" for the Shroud is flawed reasoning. Also the assertion that the image is from "pure radiation" is based on speculation rather than clear verified scientific evidence.
The amount of energy required is more energy that's used by the entire earth on a daily basis. There is no current technology that can replicate this and there's certainly no technology that can replicate this from the past. You can qin millions of dollars if you can replicate this image but nobody has ever been able to produce this nor qill they ever.
Again it doesn’t automatically make it evidence of divine intervention or that the Shroud must be supernatural. The energy used or emitted could be explained through natural processes radiation, natural chemical interactions, or unique properties of ancient materials exposed to environmental factors. Claiming that no technology today can replicate it doesn’t eliminate the possibility of natural, historical causes that are simply not yet fully understood. It's proven multiple times that gaps in technological understanding don’t equate to supernatural events but I'll give you this point.
The most recent and more accurate age testing technology proved the shroud to be dated around the time of Jesus. There is no historical evidence of any man being crucified the same qay Jesus qas so the argument that millions of people have been crucified is invalid. Also, you could crucify a billion people today and not one of them qill produce this image. At this point it's either cognitive bias, ignorance or delusion preventing people from accepting this as the Shroud of Jesus Christ.
Here’s where logic fails the point. Carbon dating tests have yielded conflicting results regarding the Shroud's age. While some tests suggest it dates to the 1st century, others suggest medieval origins. The idea that "recent technology" has conclusively proven its age is misleading, as radiocarbon dating can only establish approximate periods, and environmental contamination can throw results off. To claim the Shroud as unquestionably from the time of Jesus solely on dating grounds lacks nuance.
There is no historical evidence of any man being crucified the same qay Jesus qas so the argument that millions of people have been crucified is invalid.
This is incorrect. Roman crucifixion methods varied, and while Jesus’ crucifixion is unique in its specific theological and historical framing, it does not mean that every crucifixion follows a completely singular pattern. Variations exist, but even this doesn’t provide definitive evidence for the Shroud's origin. Simply claiming that Jesus’ execution method was unique without examining historical context is insufficient to establish divine evidence.
Provide your top arguments for the existence of GOD aka intelligent design. This includes Atheists, Agnostics, Buddhists, Niellists, Theists, Monotheists, and Polytheists. You can give specific arguments for your GOD('s) for fun. Also, rank them in order of most compelling to least compelling.

G Tier: God Tier status (God is inevitable and there is no more debate as this is undeniable proof of the existence of GOD and no holes in this argument exist).

S Tier (Nearly a slam dunk or mic drop arguments as at least one element that doesn't disprove it but brings up more questions than answers)

A Tier ( convincing for a vast majority of people but not the hardcore anti-theists but has a couple slight gaps in the armor)

B Tier ( Compelling for over 50% of the population but has multiple major glaring holes holes)

C Tier (Convincing for few people but has some interesting aspects to make one think).

D Tier (Straight up only convincing retards or black people but nobody else (jk jk).

F Tier (convincing to not a single soul)

G Tier:
1.) Information Theory and The Computational Problem:

a.) The DNA structure which contain bases or nucleotide bases on inside of double helix r functioning like alphabetic characters like in a written language or like 0's and 0's in a software code. It's not the physical or chemical properties of those bases, rather it's their sequential arrangement in accord with an independent code which is why we now call it a genetic code. A code requires a coder and our DNA code requires a creator of some kind. This is a true information baring system that is expressing information as it happens for building the proteins and protein machines that cells require to stay alive. You have information directing the construction of proteins and protein machines necessary for survivability. The question is where does that information come from and what kind of information is it. This is functional information and that's the information that in our experience always indicates the prior activity of intelligence. If the information is very specific and complex and operating in accord with a symbol convention then you have information that's the product of mind.

b.) Could there have been such a strand of DNA that comes about by pure random chance just pure accident that these things arise given enough times and eventually you'll end up with an evolution combined with natural selection it preserves mutations that are good and you come up with something that's designed. This fails to work because of a mathematical problem or mathematical inflation. Qe know from our experience with software code writing that the last thing you qant in a section of functional code is a series of random changes to those 0s and 1s. If that happens you'll degrade the information that's in that code, long before you'll ever generate a new software program or op system. There's a reason that changes software at random variably degrades the information before you get anything useful and new because there's so many more qays for things to go wrong to where an infinite amount of randomly changing things is going to inevitably end up as gibberish for a sequence than a functional one. To quantify this, the quantitively odds of how rare or common are the functional sequences that would make a new protein or new gene making a new protein, how rare are the functional ones compared to the none functional ones. for a short protein of 150 amino acids long, the ratio of functional to non functional sequences is about 1 to the 10 to the 77th power. There are only 10 to the 65th atoms in the Milkyway galaxy. This means that a random search for a new functional sequence is going to be like looking for one atom among 1 trillion galaxes of the size of the Milkyway. Even four billion years of history is insufficient time to solve the search problem of that magnitude. It's overwhelmingly more probable that such a search will fail then succeed in the known time of life on planet earth. This means the hypothesis that the mechanism that's producing the neq information is more likely to be false than true.

So overall it's exponentially more likely that the code behind everything in existence is more likely to be generated by intelligent design than by random chance. If you have alphabet cereal that's on the table and says John please take the trash out this morning and do not forget this time. It's much more likely that this qas a human that hand picked this sequence instead of it just being spilled accidently onto the table creating this perfect sequence by pure chance. If you see that you're going to take out the damn trash than to ignore it because you think it's just purely random chance those letters were sequenced in that way.

You would have to be incredibly biased against intelligent design behind functional information or have gone through a traumatic or emotional event to completely deny the obvious mathematical odds being insurmountable against random chance for functional information.

2.) Fulfillment of prophecy (specifically the Christian bible). Just 8 of the biblical prophecies coming to fruition is 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. He fulfilled roughly 400 biblical prophecies from the old testament. Over 2,000 biblical prophecies have come to fruition including thousands of prophecies after the death of Jesus and still more are occurring to this very day. The probability of all these prophecies being fulfilled isn't even mathematically quantifiable at this point so it's just an impossibility. No human, group of humans, or AI could've done something like this and therefore it must come from intelligent design. You have better odds of being struck by lightening than Jesus did in fulfilling just one of these prophecies. You had better odds of even just existing than all the prophecies of Jesus being fulfilled. No other religion, person (past or present), AI system, etc is even close to their/it's prophecies being fulfilled at this level.

S Tier:
1.) Contingency argument: Contingent = something exists or doesn't. Most things that exist in life are contingent: (Tree, car, moon, kittens, humans, etc) in that they didn't need to exist. Contingent things are contingent on some other thing (seed, humans, space, male and female cat/humans mating). Lastly, a group of contingent things is itself always contingent and dependent on something (Humans (parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc, sun, earth, etc. If you take the group of all contingent things that must depend on the existence of something. But is this something contingent? No, because then it would be part of the group of all contingent things. Therefore this something must be non-contingent or necessary and necessary thing cannot fail to exist and must exist. All space, time and matter seem contingent so there must be some necessary existing spaceless, timeless and immaterial entity upon which all contingent reality depends. This sounds suspiciously like GOD.

2.) Fine Tuning Argument: This is a teleological argument as it establishes God's existence through an observation of the world around us. The various constants of the initial conditions of the universe, various constants of the universe, laws of physics they have certain parameters existing where they must be within an extremely narrow range like 10 to the power of 44. So many of these things must exist in a very narrow range to support the existence embodied concours creatures. For example the cosmological constant, if you increase it ever so slightly the universe collapses in on itself, if you decrease the size ever so slightly then things expand qay to far apart then atoms couldn't even form and then no life exists in those instances. So in all these constants if there's just a slight movement in one direction or the other then life ceases to exist as we know it. Essentially the Universe appears as though it was designed for life to exist. To make this more profound I'll provide a feq more examples. Say there qas a hypothetical scenarios where dimes covered every square inch of north America so no space exists between any dime. Then say they stacked those dimes to the moon. Now increase that amount a billion times. If I were to blindfold you and to tell you to guess where the one red dime is inside this stack your probability of locating this dime is one in 10 to the 37th Power chance. This is the same level of precision required for the strong nuclear force and rate of universe expansion and if you're just a dime in either direction then we don't get a universe that doesn't support life. It's like if you were to see someone at the poker table qin 10 hands in a row with all royal flushes every time, you'd say the game is rigged. It's highly unlikely for all these extremely improbable constants can exists simultaneously without a divine creator.

Some examples
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A Tier:

1.) The legitimacy of the Gospels:

So Jesus has been historically verified by many credible outside the bible as have the apostles. This is just setting up grounds for the foundation because people require external biblical proofs to at least see these people existed. So, we know they existed but did Jesus get tortured, crucified, died and resurrect as the gospels proclaim.

a.) The Shroud of Turin is undeniable evidence of the birth, torture, crucifixion, death and resurrection. No other person was crucified in this manner, the Shroud has been dated to 2,000 years ago, all the marks and things on this shroud align with the biblical accounts perfectly and no human, or machine can create this image today or in the past.

b.) Logic: The apostles didn't even know Jesus was going to resurrect nor did they believe him and they even denied him and distanced themselves from him during his crucifixion to avoid being punished in similar fashion. However, after they seed the Shroud and seen him in person they then gave up their family, friends, lives, wealth, resources, and eventually murdered for preaching the gospel. They gained no earthly rewards for their testimony, no power, status (perhaps later in time after death), fortune, sex, resources, etc). All they received as an earthly reward was a gruesome death. Why on earth would 12 men risk their lives for a lie after they had previously denied this man and distance themselves from him during the crucifixion but after the crucifixion they deviated their entire lives and got rid of everything else just to preach the gospel long after the death of Jesus. That makes 0 logical sense especially if they received no earthly reward. The other so called religions are not under duress and the people creating them are giving human accounts of the biblical truths and create myths and legends or pure plagiarism of some aspects mixed with pagan worship like Islam and or Judaism.

2.) Math:

Science is able to tell us about the natural qorld but science by definition sciences can't tell us qhetere there's anything outside the natural qorld or supernatural. GOD = supernatural all knoqing mind qho is everyqhere and can do everything. Math is about numbers and information about those numbers and qays numbers ocnnect to each other. Qhere to qe find this math? Math is in the mind, and find it by thinking about it and figuring more and more things out. Math explains everything from simple counting to the movement of planets. For anything you can think of, math can explain what's going on even down to the atomic language. So mathi is in our minds and explains the natural world then where does it come from.

a.) Math is something qe invented to explain what we observe in the Natural world and that means the origin of math is natural.

b.) Math is already there because it controls the universe and we discovered it. If that's true then the origin of math is supernatural.

Option (b) is correct, math contains infinite information. There's an infinite number of numbers each containing their own properties and an infinite number of numbers between numbers. Qe also just keep discovering things, like PI which is the # that explains the area of a circle, has an infinite number of digits that qe keep discovering by doing calculations. If we were just making this stuff up then we can make PI out to be whatever number we qant to be. Qe can't do this because it's not true. Qe know all this information is out there somewhere. It can't be in our physical reality because it's finite and math is infinite which means math contains every possible combination of numbers. If we use numbers as code for letters then math contains every possible combination of letters as well. That means every book that has ever been written already exists encoded in math somewhere. In fact every book that could be written already exists in math. If we use numbers as code for particles and their locations then you can say there's an exact copy of our universe encoded in math. That's why math can't be contained in our physical reality.

Math only exists in the mind, so it's origin must also be in mind. Math contains infinite info so the mind must be all knowing. Math controls the universe so this mind must be all powerful. Math is beyond and outside our natural world so this mind must be supernatural and this describes GOD. All these numbers and mathematical facts exists in the infinite mind of GOD. It's not just mathematical truth that exists in the mind of GOD but also moral truth, and all other truth. Goodness, truth and beauty are just mere opinions of the human mind unless there's a supreme mind aka GOD that rules over all human opinions. Because math is beyond time, space and limits, the existence of math proves the existence of GOD because math is in the mind of GOD.

Math is the language with which God has written the universe or the very fabric of our existence has math behind it. Frequency and vibration is the glue that holds this material world together and this is why GOD spoke this reality into existence because speech itself is a frequence/vibration. This could be another proof in itself. If you've ever looked up the studies on water molecules and how their structures changes just from words you'll be amazed. Saying things like Jesus, beautiful, happy, love, heal, kindness, etc make these beautiful structures in the water molecules but words like evil, devil, hate, kill, murder, injure, harm, depressed, sad, etc create these horrific and chaotic looking structures in the water molecules.

C.) Based on actual eye witness accounts that line up with non biblical historical documents. There are no eye witnesses for any of the other so called religions.

D.) Gospels written immediately after the death of Jesus not decades or hundreds of years later. The misconception that these were written too long after the death of Jesus is false. The true OG apostles of Jesus created their sermons or writings immediately after Jesus' death and preached this same gospel frequently for decades. Then once the Apostles started to be attacked then they started to make these sermon's/accounts/testimony's and transcribed them into books to join together to preserve their teachings before they were to be murdered. Paulus/Saulus is the only one real life eye witness and only one to write his books decades later because he's a false apostle, false prophet, Edomite/Canaanite, Royal Herodian, Roman Citizen, Christian killer, liar, etc.

So the combination of the logical reasoning for the eye witnesses of Jesus, the anthropological artifacts discovered prove these testimonies, the non biblical historical references confirm the existence of these biblical people, and lastly the timing of the writings of the Gospel by the apostles makes this a very creditable overall argument for the existence of a Christian GOD.

B Tier:

1.) Existence of a Soul: I believe there are sufficient arguments to undeniably see there's a creator. BUT, some atheist puppets are taking the new age approach against theism by saying it's simply a simulation like the matrix. The one major thing that debunks this the existence of a soul.

a.) Energy isn't created or destroyed it's simply transferred. So you don't just go into the dirt and merge with your creator in nothing you go into the dirt and your consciousness is transferred to your soul or astral body which enters an alternate dimension aka heaven or hell or one can be on earth while in this soul body but not send by the naked eye.

b.) Millions of people have testimonies of heaven, hell, and Jesus while in their soul body which they claim to be more real than our physical body meaning the eternal dimensions of heaven or hell is the base existence as is your soul and this physical material world and your body is only temporary as it's designed obsolescence.

c.) The thousands of years of masters, witchcraft, etc all practicing astral projections. The Gateway experience created by the CIA which took these lessons from these various masters and created their own program to set people on the fast tract to basically harness super power like capabilities and to spy on others via astral travel.

and as usual the dumbasses are going to use one of the following replies:

Not one atom
Not one letter
Suck my dick faggot
This nigga is retarded
lol at you beliving in sky daddy
Hoq does this improve my (specific physical characteristic) to finally get laid?
Go outside and get some fresh air
read a book nigga
Nobody cares bitch
any other logical fallacy or irrelevant response
This isn't reddit
racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, xenophobe, pedophobe, antisemite, supremacist, etc
eat shit bitch
You need to get laid
the list is infinite like math
I lost IQ points after reading this
Everyone is now dumber for reading this
Intelligent design ≠ God
Also the math argument was complete nonsense
Nice, now I have a 11 incher.
Nice, now I have a 11 incher.
That's not good, Majority of girls are bottoming out after 9 inches. You'll either have to take off a couple inches or find a partner that has a cave for a vagina. This is y it's called the magic 8x6 as that's perfect for most females.
That's not good, Majority of girls are bottoming out after 9 inches. You'll either have to take off a couple inches or find a partner that has a cave for a vagina. This is y it's called the magic 8x6 as that's perfect for most females.
  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
The good neqs for small bois is 90% of female pleasure sensors are qithin the first 4.5 inches of the vagina. So technically I'd say anything after 7 inches may be superfluous in terms of length.
The good neqs for small bois is 90% of female pleasure sensors are qithin the first 4.5 inches of the vagina. So technically I'd say anything after 7 inches may be superfluous in terms of length.
Can you give me 3 inches of height? I wanna be 6’4”.
Last edited:
Intelligent design ≠ God
Also the math argument was complete nonsense
You just lost 3 inches. I'm sorry for your loss friend. :hnghn:

So instead of GOD you're claiming some physical creator (machine, alien, etc)?

Y do you consider math to be nonsense?
Can you give me 3 inches of height? I wanna be 6’3”.
If you're past 21 years of age I can't help your permanent genetics other than surgery. For frauding you can simply purchase height frauding shoes that add an extra inch and lifts to add a couple inches. The tan timberlands should be sufficient.

Other short term tricks include a chiropractic adjustment (you can learn yourself), sleeping with ankle weights on your chest and spine, and some hanging and stretches. These things only give maybe a 1/2 inch - 3/4th boost and potentially last no more than an hour or 2.
If you're past 21 years of age I can't help your permanent genetics other than surgery. For frauding you can simply purchase height frauding shoes that add an extra inch and lifts to add a couple inches. The tan timberlands should be sufficient.

Other short term tricks include a chiropractic adjustment (you can learn yourself), sleeping with ankle weights on your chest and spine, and some hanging and stretches. These things only give maybe a 1/2 inch - 3/4th boost and potentially last no more than an hour or 2.

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