Top-tier facial bones + leanness but below average dick = over

Face is defo the most important thing, and I'm not saying a girl will ditch u for a bigger dick, like they would for a better face or lower bodyfat, I'm just saying that girls have had monster dicks, and they will compare all guys to that, not necessarily how it looks, as u say girls can't measure for shit, but they will resent a guy who doesn't tear them up and leave them in pain the way a monster dick does
What’s your definition of a monster dick? Because I’m telling you that almost no girls have had a dick my size before, and FUNCTIONALLY 0 non-pornstar girls have had a dick the size of mandingo (he’s proven 9-9 1/2 inch range)

“Monster dicks” are not around like you think they are, girls might SAY they’ve had one, they have not. Also, all these dick rules only apply if you’re not gl, just like height rules, career rules etc etc
Chad can have a microdick and still steal your girl and make her cum
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Context: I'm ~10-12% bf, have strong jaw/maxilla/cheekbones, good eyebrows, decent eye area. Look like trash bloated, but when leanmaxxed I could maybe be a poverty-tier model if I wasn't manlet. ...However, I've finally accepted that the real kicker for my inceldom is not autism or height, but having a below average dick.

I matched this seemingly innocent girl on Tinder. Innocent in that she's only slept with her past boyfriends but she sounds like she's experimented with all sorts of weird fetishes.

We're both keen to meet up and did so 4 days ago... Here's some comments from her:
- "oh i thought you'd be taller"
- "you're so skinny"
- "you're really quiet and awkward"
- "i don't like your tattoos"
- "i've never slept with a shorter guy" (pretty sure we're at least same height or I'm like 1cm taller...)

By now I'm sure you're thinking JFL and it's over, right? But hold up - here's more:
- "why are you so damn cute"
- "you're the cutest guy I've been on a date with"
- "I have x hundred matches but after we matched I only talked to you and deleted the apps"
- "I didnt find my ex attractive, I barely find any guys I think are good looking, etc."
- "you turn me on so much"
- "look how ugly that dude is, how did he get her" (when people watching before the movie)

We watched a movie and the entire 3 hours she didn't stop touching my face, kissing me... She spent 15 mins alone feeling my jawline JFL. After the movie she invited me back to hers. She was feeling me up the entire way.
At hers we made out for ages but then I pussied out cos of my dick size insecurities and made an excuse to bail. Next morning we had a discussion. She asked if I thought she was ugly, I said no, then she finally probed and asked if I was insecure about size...

her: "how big are we talking?"
me: "um, like, average"
her: "how big's average? 8-9 inches?"
me: " wtf pretty sure that's well above"
her: "well average is prob 6-7 then? That's ok I guess?"

Boyos I just fucking died a bit inside. I'm not even average. What the fuck is with this cruel world. It'd almost be better if I was ugly - that way there'd be no expectation for anything. Is there any legit solution to this or am I completely fucked.

- Girl is willing to overlook manlet status and autistic personality for facial aesthetics
- OP is fucked cos he has a small dick and is delaying the inevitable
Just add an inch or two to your dick size like everyone else lol. Women think 8 inches are average just like they think 6’1” is average height because of so much frauding. I have a 6 incher and I tell women it’s 7+. I’m slightly under 6’1” and I tell women I’m 6’2”. You have to play the game
show your face with your eyes censored
Just add an inch or two to your dick size like everyone else lol. Women think 8 inches are average just like they think 6’1” is average height because of so much frauding. I have a 6 incher and I tell women it’s 7+. I’m slightly under 6’1” and I tell women I’m 6’2”. You have to play the game
how do you add an inch?
Remember most women fake orgasms. The studies show that good-looking men induce orgasms. The G-spot is only a few inches deep but it takes a magnificent FACE for her to reach orgasm.

That being said, bigger is better to an extent. To induce the deepest orgasm you have to hit the posterior fornix, which requires a minimum of 6 inches bone pressed for the average girl. It's not pornstar-tier but you need at least an average-sized dick. I think beyond legit 6.5 bone pressed there are diminishing returns. I mean, sure, there's a wow factor but it only causes inconveniences once you are getting to lengths that smash the cervix.

Imo and from what the studies are showing... 6.5'' x 5'' bone pressed is the ideal size for wide appeal and ensuring maximum pleasure for both parties.
I will say try once
I see you're 5 . Larp about 6 (average)
It isnt she is gonna pull an inches tape out
Many people here forget girls inches are a thing
Men lie about their size all the time
Probably the reason she said 8-9" being the average
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Girl inches dumbass, she won't care holy shit. She thinks 5-6 inches is 8 or 9 lmao. Women are horrible at gauging measurements.
THISSSS! Your 5incher will be a 6-6.5 in her eyes girls know f all about size, trust me lol
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