Training And Diet For Aesthetics Is Boring



Dec 11, 2021
But it fucking works.

Much more fun to bench heavy and hit PRs than do dumbbell incline for sets of 12 and gain strength slow.

Much more fun to bulk and eat whatever the fuck you want than eat chicken breast with veggies and fruits 4x day.

Much more fun to just lift, and gtfo the gym than do an hour of cardio post workout everyday.

Getting and maintaining a lean, aesthetic physique is not hard at all. It doesnt require crazy discipline. You just need to do the same repetitive boring shit day in day out. Lift moderate to high volume with high reps, progressively overload over time, eat lean protein with high fiber/fruits and veggies, and regularly do cardio

This is why aspies actually have an advantage for gymcelling/looksmaxxing. Doing monotonous repetitive shit is comforting for them while you see NT guys struggle with consistency with gym and diet
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what?? there is a gym for bones? send location bruh
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boohoo fatty get shredded
what?? there is a gym for bones? send location bruh

Diet and cardio to get/stay low bodyfat for facial aesthetics. Lift because a lean athletic (NOT jacked/yoked) physique has the most wide spread appeal for women, and is more attractive than being built like a twig
boohoo fatty get shredded

No you misunderstood me. I’m already leanmaxxed and stay lean yearround.

What I’m saying is that the process is actually very simple and just monotonously doing the same shit everyday. It doesn’t require insane willpower or motivation.

You just need to do the same shit over and over that the majority of people wont do because it’s fucking boring (one hour of cardio a day, eating high volume veggies and fruits with every meal)
Diet and exercise are the main to aesthetic, but the retards of the forum will get bone surgery without softmaxxing first
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Reactions: RomanianZaddy, WagedandReady, ang3l and 1 other person
No you misunderstood me. I’m already leanmaxxed and stay lean yearround.

What I’m saying is that the process is actually very simple and just monotonously doing the same shit everyday. It doesn’t require insane willpower or motivation.

You just need to do the same shit over and over that the majority of people wont do because it’s fucking boring (one hour of cardio a day, eating high volume veggies and fruits with every meal)
Dont say that bro, the paleo gurus of the forum will criticize you because they. saw a youtube video where you just can eat meat =o
Getting and maintaining a lean, aesthetic physique is not hard at all. It doesnt require crazy discipline. You just need to do the same repetitive boring shit day in day out.

That is precisely why it's the hardest thing in the world requiring insane discipline.

Only a small % of men have the discipline to grind through something so uncomfortable for years on a schedule.

Why isn't every rich or influential person lean and aesthetic? They are almost all pudgy, facially ugly and look like they could barely lift a fork.
I grew up around rich people in OC. I can't remember a single time I saw a rich 'chad' except for a few frat jocks who partied in fraternity houses, but they had done nothing to earn their wealth.

Because you can't buy a ripped body with any amount of money. Discipline is super rare.
Even some of the most professionally accomplished people in the world are very lazy at the core, which is why they're pudgy or fat.
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People get used to takeaway food, frozen dinners, driving everywhere instead of walking.

As a result you have a population that has 1% or less people with visible musculature or a clear jawline.

Countless people try weight loss every year - almost all fail because it takes so much discipline.
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Much more fun to bulk and eat whatever the fuck you want than eat chicken breast with veggies and fruits 4x day.
Doesnt work like that for me. Dirty bulk disrupt my gut and cause hormonal issues. Its harder to fit all food cuz high calorie junk food dont contain necessary micro nutrients for ur body. Eating clean much more effective.
Much more fun to just lift, and gtfo the gym than do an hour of cardio post workout everyday.

Getting and maintaining a lean, aesthetic physique is not hard at all.
I've noticed its way easier to be lean when i do calisthenics/weighted calisthenics instead of regular gym routine. I dont do cardio.
This is why aspies actually have an advantage for gymcelling/looksmaxxing. Doing monotonous repetitive shit is comforting for them while you see NT guys struggle with consistency with gym and diet
Discipline has nothing to do with NTness.

People get used to takeaway food, frozen dinners, driving everywhere instead of walking.

As a result you have a population that has 1% or less people with visible musculature or a clear jawline.

Countless people try weight loss every year - almost all fail because it takes so much discipline.
its not nt to follow a strict diet and training. People wont judge u if u fat pig eating whatever but they will shame gymcels with perfect diet.
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Based title. just take drugs theory is legit
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you can do both

You can but you’re going to get faster results, and more efficiently if you choose to just train for strength or just hypertrophy.

Strength training is sets of 1-5 reps with lower volume, and far from failure. Hypertrophy is higher volume (more sets) and with higher reps (8-20) training very close to failure.

When you do both, you get an even blend of strength and size, but at a slower rate for either than if you had just focused on one.

Doing both is the most fun way to train imo, but if your goal is aesthetics, there’s absolutely a better approach tailored completely for just that
Even for surgerycels this should be a water thread for maintaining the optimal version of (surgery) gains. No point in getting jaw surgery if you’re just going to bury the bone behind a layer of obesity. Clen helps too. I don’t take it tho because I already have insomnia
Nope, cardio like sparring, heavy bag and running are fun, especially sparring and mogging someone to oblivion with my fists and legs.

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