Training to become a weapon (starting test)

250mg per week, but injekt 2x125mg per week aka monday and thursday for example = less risk of sides
No I can't have estrogen spikes, or test spikes either, I'd rather my levels stay consistent.

I'll do it atleast 3x a week.
dude go join a fighting gym
I'm gonna run 150 a week for 8 weeks and see how I feel. Maybe less if I gain a lot of size that's not just water quickly enough. Then I'll run hcg or possibly just cruise

Already on asin to boost test so I'll just bump up the dose pretty significantly

Gonna finish developing my six pack and focus on shoulders

But most of all... I have to train to become a weapon.

All I think about during the day is violence, I want to hurt someone who deserves it. I'll train for function muscle, focusing on tri's back, legs, and shoulders and using a punching bag constantly, training exclusively for one punch knockouts and hits that could cause brain damage.

I'm going to juice the absolute fuck up and actively try to beef with people at my school

When I find a dickhead who wants to fight it'll be a massacre

I'm a manlet monster. This is what I was destined to do

My genetics are pretty good already in terms of muscle insertions and distribution but I need size

View attachment 2122316

This is what I looked like a year ago before training
View attachment 2122319
This is 2 or 3 months after starting

I then didn't lift for like 6 months and looked even better from hgh pressumably.
View attachment 2122326

And this is current me, 1 month after the precious pics was taken:

View attachment 2122346
I literally did abs for like 2 of those weeks, just Bateman Curls of course👺👺 and grew another set of fucking abs

And no gym. Only bodyweight

It's gonna be fucking over

After this I might run another with anavar and test because I want to stay dry but tbh I think all I'll need is one cycle and trt for life, or maybe just pct and recover

I don't want to get huge just extremely ripped, and my body makes it really easy to, I also never ate well during any of my gym phases, sometimes less than 1600cal and little to no protein

I'm fairy certain I'm done growing at 5"6.5 💀 so it's time to juice, ill still maintain my estrogen well just in case of growth in the rest of my body.

The roids are on the way already

Its time.




@balding exprettyboy




@the BULL




@Growth Plate

@rupert Pupkin











@rand anon

@Spike the dragon






"good gentics"
when i was 14 and didnt go to the gym at all, I was bigger than you.
  • JFL
Reactions: Gaygymmaxx
"good gentics"
when i was 14 and didnt go to the gym at all, I was bigger than you.
No pictures of course but thanks for the anecdote
I'm gonna run 150 a week for 8 weeks and see how I feel. Maybe less if I gain a lot of size that's not just water quickly enough. Then I'll run hcg or possibly just cruise

Already on asin to boost test so I'll just bump up the dose pretty significantly

Gonna finish developing my six pack and focus on shoulders

But most of all... I have to train to become a weapon.

All I think about during the day is violence, I want to hurt someone who deserves it. I'll train for function muscle, focusing on tri's back, legs, and shoulders and using a punching bag constantly, training exclusively for one punch knockouts and hits that could cause brain damage.

I'm going to juice the absolute fuck up and actively try to beef with people at my school

When I find a dickhead who wants to fight it'll be a massacre

I'm a manlet monster. This is what I was destined to do

My genetics are pretty good already in terms of muscle insertions and distribution but I need size

View attachment 2122316

This is what I looked like a year ago before training
View attachment 2122319
This is 2 or 3 months after starting

I then didn't lift for like 6 months and looked even better from hgh pressumably.
View attachment 2122326

And this is current me, 1 month after the precious pics was taken:

View attachment 2122346
I literally did abs for like 2 of those weeks, just Bateman Curls of course👺👺 and grew another set of fucking abs

And no gym. Only bodyweight

It's gonna be fucking over

After this I might run another with anavar and test because I want to stay dry but tbh I think all I'll need is one cycle and trt for life, or maybe just pct and recover

I don't want to get huge just extremely ripped, and my body makes it really easy to, I also never ate well during any of my gym phases, sometimes less than 1600cal and little to no protein

I'm fairy certain I'm done growing at 5"6.5 💀 so it's time to juice, ill still maintain my estrogen well just in case of growth in the rest of my body.

The roids are on the way already

Its time.




@balding exprettyboy




@the BULL




@Growth Plate

@rupert Pupkin











@rand anon

@Spike the dragon






wdym your genetics are good, your muscle insertions and frame is shit lol
  • JFL
Reactions: User28823
Post physique

I posted it when I first joined a year ago and had 4/5 people say its a top tier physique, lowest rating I got was 8/10 lol, I have really good genetics and insertions, im not posting on an incel forum and getting outed lol, im here purely for the memes
I posted it when I first joined a year ago and had 4/5 people say its a top tier physique, lowest rating I got was 8/10 lol, I have really good genetics and insertions, im not posting on an incel forum and getting outed lol, im here purely for the memes
Didn't think so, im glad we've come to an understanding. That understanding being: I mog you and you're afraid of me

Good talk
I'm gonna run 150 a week for 8 weeks and see how I feel. Maybe less if I gain a lot of size that's not just water quickly enough. Then I'll run hcg or possibly just cruise

Already on asin to boost test so I'll just bump up the dose pretty significantly

Gonna finish developing my six pack and focus on shoulders

But most of all... I have to train to become a weapon.

All I think about during the day is violence, I want to hurt someone who deserves it. I'll train for function muscle, focusing on tri's back, legs, and shoulders and using a punching bag constantly, training exclusively for one punch knockouts and hits that could cause brain damage.

I'm going to juice the absolute fuck up and actively try to beef with people at my school

When I find a dickhead who wants to fight it'll be a massacre

I'm a manlet monster. This is what I was destined to do

My genetics are pretty good already in terms of muscle insertions and distribution but I need size

View attachment 2122316

This is what I looked like a year ago before training
View attachment 2122319
This is 2 or 3 months after starting

I then didn't lift for like 6 months and looked even better from hgh pressumably.
View attachment 2122326

And this is current me, 1 month after the precious pics was taken:

View attachment 2122346
I literally did abs for like 2 of those weeks, just Bateman Curls of course👺👺 and grew another set of fucking abs

And no gym. Only bodyweight

It's gonna be fucking over

After this I might run another with anavar and test because I want to stay dry but tbh I think all I'll need is one cycle and trt for life, or maybe just pct and recover

I don't want to get huge just extremely ripped, and my body makes it really easy to, I also never ate well during any of my gym phases, sometimes less than 1600cal and little to no protein

I'm fairy certain I'm done growing at 5"6.5 💀 so it's time to juice, ill still maintain my estrogen well just in case of growth in the rest of my body.

The roids are on the way already

Its time.




@balding exprettyboy




@the BULL




@Growth Plate

@rupert Pupkin











@rand anon

@Spike the dragon





what do you think of anavar and proviron?
what do you think of anavar and proviron?
Looking into anavar yeah

For now I don't need it though. First cycle should be test only tbh
Didn't think so, im glad we've come to an understanding. That understanding being: I mog you and you're afraid of me

Good talk

you are deluded, your chest insertions are horrible, look at that huge gap hahaah and lack of symmetry too, believe me no one is envious of your physique
you are deluded, your chest insertions are horrible, look at that huge gap hahaah and lack of symmetry too, believe me no one is envious of your physique
1 Problem

And chest is the part I get complimented on the most

My friend asked me yesterday what I did for my chest and I told him it's almost all natural size and i had it before I lifted
  • JFL
Reactions: chasingaesthetics
high drug response and I'm 5"6.5 120pounds I don't need a lot.
have u even lifted a weight?, jfl taking roids and u don't even have a base to start with u look shit
have u even lifted a weight?, jfl taking roids and u don't even have a base to start with u look shit
Post physique

Not a single person who's said this will post their physique ill crush you like a bug I'm the manlet monster
Screenshot 20230328 030731 Chrome

You forgot to scribble this part
  • JFL
Reactions: User28823
Post physique

Not a single person who's said this will post their physique ill crush you like a bug I'm the manlet monster
Get absolutely brutally mogged. I will KO you one shot, come at me bro. You will never look like this even on gear because my insertions are superior.

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