tyranny is on the way

btw @alligatordude can u share info on human cloning and some vids
some music artists have come out in the past hinting to human cloning, but really the only big whistleblower of cloning is donald marshall, again i dont know how legit that guy is, alot of what he says adds up, i personally believe him, but cloning technology 100% exists

these guys kinda quickly explain in their video

but just go watch donald marshall's interviews

interesting. do you think the sun is fake nowadays whereas in the past it used to be more orange- yellowish and now it feels like a white lamp
Never looked into that
Amazing. I loved the info about energy and frequency, but I have one question: why are you calling demons "reptilians"? They are just that.. - demons. And about that dream of yours, where electric technology went out and there was no lightning.. Do those kinds of dreams happen often to you? (I hope not..) And did you, by any chance, feel someone else's presence or had shivers?

What I'm getting to is.. Those dreams may be actually demons lurking around you. Before I accepted Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, and that my sins are forgiven, I used to have those dreams regularly where demons would either give me these "lights off" dreams or sleep paralyze me.

And just like in your dreams the electricity went off in my room, and when I opened the door to check out the "disturbing feeling", I saw a demon standing in the hallway, white with black eyes, and screamed from the top of my lungs, scenarios varied but the concept stayed the same, and even though I believed in Jesus, - I didn't do one and the most important thing, and it was that I didn't understand the meaning of his sacrifice, didn't believe that my sins are forgiven and tried to live by law, which is impossible.

Demons took advantage of it. And after it struck me like a lightning that Jesus' death on a cross indeed took away all of my sins, all of mankind's sins, the demonic dreams have stopped. Almost for 2 months I've only had this one instance with the phone call, which I described below, but nothing else, whereas before it would be like 10+ demonic visits by now. My understanding of why this dream still happened is that I have not repented for my blasphemy yet, but that's going to change..

The phone call dream

I walk through the street and my phone starts ringing. I see a number "94", and I already know who's calling me, but I decide to pick up anyway to hear what "he" has to say. Demon spewed random gibberish in an unknown language and its voice's pitch changed between my own and his, deep-pitched, but at the end "he" said the only thing that I could understand (it was in my native language) and it was: "To resist the holy spirit", and that's where I hung up and awoke.

Now, the weirdest part.

Before or after this dream, I don't really remember when it was, but it was around 2.00-3.00 o'clock in the night, and I was talking to myself with my mobile phone near my face, was having a little a monologue about mark of the beast, and suddenly out of nowhere Google on its own opens up voice search and says to me with a female robotic voice "That's nice" (it said so in russian and can't be accurately translated, original: "Вот и славненько/"Vot i slavnenko") I freaked out and went to sleep immediately after. I swear that this is fucking true.. Believe me or not, up to you to decide.. But God witnessed it and so did I.
I quickly read this, and i believe the last part for sure, crazy shit happens in this matrix.

im going to post an actual reply to this later when i sit down and slowly go over it and reply to everything,
thanks for the hard work repl
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  • +1
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Amazing. I loved the info about energy and frequency, but I have one question: why are you calling demons "reptilians"? They are just that.. - demons. And about that dream of yours, where electric technology went out and there was no lightning.. Do those kinds of dreams happen often to you? (I hope not..) And did you, by any chance, feel someone else's presence or had shivers?

What I'm getting to is.. Those dreams may be actually demons lurking around you. Before I accepted Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, and that my sins are forgiven, I used to have those dreams regularly where demons would either give me these "lights off" dreams or sleep paralyze me.

And just like in your dreams the electricity went off in my room, and when I opened the door to check out the "disturbing feeling", I saw a demon standing in the hallway, white with black eyes, and screamed from the top of my lungs, scenarios varied but the concept stayed the same, and even though I believed in Jesus, - I didn't do one and the most important thing, and it was that I didn't understand the meaning of his sacrifice, didn't believe that my sins are forgiven and tried to live by law, which is impossible.

Demons took advantage of it. And after it struck me like a lightning that Jesus' death on a cross indeed took away all of my sins, all of mankind's sins, the demonic dreams have stopped. Almost for 2 months I've only had this one instance with the phone call, which I described below, but nothing else, whereas before it would be like 10+ demonic visits by now. My understanding of why this dream still happened is that I have not repented for my blasphemy yet, but that's going to change..

The phone call dream

I walk through the street and my phone starts ringing. I see a number "94", and I already know who's calling me, but I decide to pick up anyway to hear what "he" has to say. Demon spewed random gibberish in an unknown language and its voice's pitch changed between my own and his, deep-pitched, but at the end "he" said the only thing that I could understand (it was in my native language) and it was: "To resist the holy spirit", and that's where I hung up and awoke.

Now, the weirdest part.

Before or after this dream, I don't really remember when it was, but it was around 2.00-3.00 o'clock in the night, and I was talking to myself with my mobile phone near my face, was having a little a monologue about mark of the beast, and suddenly out of nowhere Google on its own opens up voice search and says to me with a female robotic voice "That's nice" (it said so in russian and can't be accurately translated, original: "Вот и славненько/"Vot i slavnenko") I freaked out and went to sleep immediately after. I swear that this is fucking true.. Believe me or not, up to you to decide.. But God witnessed it and so did I.
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bro christianity is fake, we have creator yes, but not that one, if he was real he wouldn't speak to us through man made book and man made language
All religions have been overtaken by Pedo, child trafficking satanist jews. However, Jesus and God are real and there are many proofs. Just to name a few. Deep in the Vatican they have a cloth that Jesus wiped his face with and his face is imprinted on it. They also found his blood and it was still alive. Lastly, the earth isn't what we are told. We are on a flat plane inclosed in a firmament.
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Probably crashes your T levels or something considering they already suggested injecting estrogen as a treatment for coronavirus... FOR MEN.
Are u srs?
All religions have been overtaken by Pedo, child trafficking satanist jews. However, Jesus and God are real and there are many proofs. Just to name a few. Deep in the Vatican they have a cloth that Jesus wiped his face with and his face is imprinted on it. They also found his blood and it was still alive. Lastly, the earth isn't what we are told. We are on a flat plane inclosed in a firmament.
bro everything that you are saying goes 1 to 1 with what i know man, fuck you are woke, how old r u
Holy shit, project pogo and project zyphr is fucking genocide, the second a black out comes, im hiding
@Tony @stuckneworleans
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All religions have been overtaken by Pedo, child trafficking satanist jews. However, Jesus and God are real and there are many proofs. Just to name a few. Deep in the Vatican they have a cloth that Jesus wiped his face with and his face is imprinted on it. They also found his blood and it was still alive. Lastly, the earth isn't what we are told. We are on a flat plane inclosed in a firmament.
Can you please explain me the flat earth? Like, I legit to this day still believed that its not flat, and.. well basically whatever we are taught about our solar system by science. I only knew that all these planets have name of fake Gods and "Saturn" is literally "Satan", and has deep meaning in astrology, another satanic belief, and that these planets are used for some demonic purposes, i.e dark side of the moon, UFOs.. and belong to the Devil too.. but nothing else. I'm very intrigued.

And you're so right on the pedo part damn it, even in our orthodox christianity there are so many fucking shills and gatekeepers.
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bro everything that you are saying goes 1 to 1 with what i know man, fuck you are woke, how old r u
Holy shit, project pogo and project zyphr is fucking genocide, the second a black out comes, im hiding
@Tony @stuckneworleans
Oh yeah bro, They already collapsed the food chain/supply in the Usa and the looming economic disaster will be a great time for them to do the black outs and kill off the people who know what they are doing
  • +1
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Oh yeah bro, They already collapsed the food chain/supply in the Usa and the looming economic disaster will be a great time for them to do the black outs and kill off the people who know what they are doing
Jesus fuck man, what do people like you and me do?
Btw I'm curious, what do you guys have against the vaccine? It's obviously going to go through proper testing all over the globe, in every country on earth. Quite a few europeans have decent amount of trust in their government (at least compared to the US). Nobody is gonna take a chip to the skull. Even Elon Musk won't do that and he's flaming coronavirus.

Yeh you go to your doctor, and get a needle in the arm, with some substance going into your body. What's really the worst that can happen? If it tanks your intelligence, or any fucked up shit happens. People are going to be really pissed off. Every government will lose it's trust from the population. It's gonna be over for the governments that banked on building trust to the population. Like some european countries, asia etc.
Can you please explain me the flat earth? Like, I legit to this day still believed that its not flat, and.. well basically whatever we are taught about our solar system by science. I only knew that all these planets have name of fake Gods and "Saturn" is literally "Satan", and has deep meaning in astrology, another satanic belief, and that these planets are used for some demonic purposes, i.e dark side of the moon, UFOs.. and belong to the Devil too.. but nothing else. I'm very intrigued.

And you're so right on the pedo part damn it, even in our orthodox christianity there are so many fucking shills and gatekeepers.
we live on a flat plane 100% im pretty sure i talk about it on this thread, go thru my posts here
Oh yeah bro, They already collapsed the food chain/supply in the Usa and the looming economic disaster will be a great time for them to do the black outs and kill off the people who know what they are doing
have u watched prometheus? and what are your thoughts on it
I quickly read this, and i believe the last part for sure, crazy shit happens in this matrix.

im going to post an actual reply to this later when i sit down and slowly go over it and reply to everything,
thanks for the hard work repl

Thanks for believing. I've actually tried to imitate this situation again and there is no way I could've copy and pasted something into the voice search so quickly and most important - deliberately. I remember I had some app opened, I think it was Telegram, and in the middle of my speech Google opened itself..
we live on a flat plane 100% im pretty sure i talk about it on this thread, go thru my posts here
I think I missed it, I'm on it.
reptiles are not alien. they have been underground for a very very very very long time. People try to say some of their races are from dinosaur dna, that is false because dinosaurs never existed, research into that if you want.

Reptiles have been around for every human civilization, "Atlantis", ancient Egypt, all of it.
They have been here as long as humans.

and never watched Prometheus, but the elite like to push a cosmic dread agenda where they come across aliens in "outer space", they dont do shit in "space" in real life

moon landings are fake as fuck,

ISS is fake as fuck

UFO's are technology created on earth by past civilizations and was recently back engineered by German scientists some where between 1930-1940s

The concept of the universe (placement of sun, moon, and all the "planets") is heavily false, we are not on some ball flying through space, we are quite stationary, the stars revolve around us, hence why we have the same star systems forever, and have a north star where everything revolves around it.

we are surrounded by the Antarctica wall, and hence why it is literally illegal for people to explore Antarctica, every country has banned it. (g20, UN)

whenever they talk about "aliens", or show alien humanoids in mockery entertainment, its symbolizing reptiles.

Reptiles call themselves "demons", as they literally feed off of human negative energy, but they also physically feed off of living things for the Adrenochrome, "adrenalized blood" when a mammal, especially young humans under the age of 9, goes in fight or flight mode when being frightened or tortured, shoots up adrenaline and other chemicals into their blood from the pineal gland and makes it "rich" to drink and gives anti-aging properties and LSD like effects upon consumption, hence why the top of rich and powerful elites literally get addicted to this shit too which is one of the reasons they have a global child trafficking ring.

one of the reptilian races also have the power to host a human's body, which is where the "lizard people" shit comes from, there are literally "people" in high up positions of the world that are reptilian hosts, they are no longer human, which is how the NWO easily infiltrates whatever they want, it makes it extremely easy, kidnap the person, host them, and im not even mentioning cloning which is another powerful tool for the elite, they have had cloning since WW2 due to German science too.

watch the movie "They are here", its a really good movie, and has the concept in it that there people all around you, especially in high up positions like politics, that arent human and look like some reptillian looking thing when he puts this special glasses on.

The main actor of the movie tweeted "They are here is actually a documentary" before he died

in the movie it also shows that the elite have underground hangouts, which they do its called D.U.M.B's (Deep underground military bases) but as all entertainment they will show so much truth but will also sprinkle in some false hoods, like in the movie the elite was showing the main character they have a universal teleportation machine where they can teleport out into the universe onto other planets, which is bullshit, again we cant even leave earth, there is something that keeps us in. and teleportation shit is not real at all, atleast from what i know of and i have done alot of looking into this shit.

They socially condition society slowly by showing reptillian humanoids in commercials, movies, tv shows, etc because one day they want it to be normal for them to walk among us and live above ground.
Right now they cant because of the sun/uv rays.
Which is one of the reasons for chem-trails, they are engineering the atmosphere to where it blocks alot of the sun out and eventually they can come up and the amount of blockage is good enough for them to sustain living above ground.
im going to reposition my self on the dinosaurs, im not going to say 100% dinosaurs never existed, but its very likely that they didnt, some sources say that reptiles have said stories about dinosaurs existing and they got hit by a meteor, i think its bullshit. Dinosaur bones are fake as hell, the authentic huge bones that people do find belong to ancient giant mammals, not some reptile dinosaur race.

I doubt titanic has any strong relations to past technology found upon, but who knows, i dont really know the specifics of all the different types of technology they would have got, its primarily UFO tech and cloning.

I personally would never eat human organs or drink the adrenalized blood of tortured children as i am not a psychopath, i want to see every elite who takes part in this publicly hanged.

just of course take everything i say with a grain of salt, as you should when reading anybody's proposed knowledge. I'm human too, im not some prophet, i can be wrong, but i do do my research, which majority of people nowadays dont and ridicule those who do.

Tibetans are known for loving and respecting all forms of life, its their culture/religion that advocates this. Tibetans apparently have had a long time connection with them and always hid them because they knew people would eradicate them.
Hitler was aware of and spent alot of resources into the research and findings of occult teachings, "black magic", "vril energy",
"vril" from what i know is just a word for reptile but also for some strong life energy
He was into all of this shit, he was aware of past civilizations, etc
He sent people everywhere trying to find all the secrets of the world, and Tibet reptilians was one of them.

Also, pretty sure they found the UFO technology to be really wonky when they first started testing with it, it took alot of time to perfect it.
You can find popular shill people talk about how it is known fact Hitler and his people went to Tibet but they never really go into why they did, and no person would ever expose reptilians if they did know as this is one of the biggest secrets ever, you could very likely get killed for talking about it say on a popular podcast as if it was fact.

There are religions base around worshipping reptillians as people see them as like dark angels sent down from god and as they have some power, but just to reassure you, they dont have some extreme magic power, they are animals just like any other animal, they are just ugly looking fucks who want to eat us and are parasitic, but also it is said that a few of the races of reptilians are benevolent and dont want to do any harm to the human race, but the rest are dick heads.

Yeah its good shit, and yeah i have seen Truman show, it pisses me off watching when the wife trys to play it off that nothing is off, i just want to punch her lol, its good acting.

Truman show, from my perspective, is a metaphor for how we are programmed and conditioned our entire lives, how everything around us isn't really real, you are deep into consumerism, blind to slavery(in the sense that you don't actually have freedom). From the day we are born we are expected to take everything around us as truth when in reality none of it is the truth.
Im sure i can go more about other metaphors etc i just cant think right now and i haven't see it in awhile

also @Tony @tulasdanslos

you can watch pretty much any movie at 123movies.la , you can find Truman show, fight club(watch that too, helps to de-program your brain from societal bullshit), they are here,

You will have to go through some ad's bullshit upon launching a movie, whenever starting a movie, you will get new tab pop-ups in your browser, just keep closing them and don't click on anything on those websites as they are just malware and other bullshit. you will have to do that a few times.

-favorite sites/channels

Phil Schneider

Donald Marshall (they guy could be a cook, but a lot of the shit he says adds up, he has a lot of interviews, he exposes cloning, reptilians, Illuminati, d.u.m.b's, etc) i personally believe him, he is my main source of reptilian information

yebo (yt channel)

David Icke (reptillians, illuminati, satanism, corona virus, 5g) think he is a shill / double agent but his info is very good, hes a flat earth shill for some reason

watch out of shadows documentary

Mouthy buddha (makes very good videos exposing child pedophilia among elites, etc)

No i haven't, but ill look into it, thanks.
Can you please explain me the flat earth? Like, I legit to this day still believed that its not flat, and.. well basically whatever we are taught about our solar system by science. I only knew that all these planets have name of fake Gods and "Saturn" is literally "Satan", and has deep meaning in astrology, another satanic belief, and that these planets are used for some demonic purposes, i.e dark side of the moon, UFOs.. and belong to the Devil too.. but nothing else. I'm very intrigued.
Yeah I can. Firstly everyone reading this. The Flat earth that is pushed in the media is a hoax and will be used as a way to make people believe it's real and they will disprove it making no one believe the earth is flat. The model is fundamentally flawed. This model is promoted by people like Eric Dubay who is tranny/Israel plant and DIRTH another jew.

The flat earth is a flat plane. This is proven in many ways. E.g. How far you can see compared to what they say you should be able to see.
The flat earth is inclosed in a dome called the firmament. The sun,moon and stars are outside this but inclosed in a sphere. This is proven by the sun rails talked about in the book of enoch.

This is just a quick overview there is so much to it. You can ask questions and stuff and I will try and point you in the right direction.
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yep, they want a society where there is no difference between man and woman, a genderless world, which is why the transgender agenda came out of nowhere and came so strong, its all planned.

Its also why they are starting to teach very very young kids about gender, sexual identity, etc, they want to confuse the shit out of young kids when it comes to this topic, first they will confuse you, then they will slowly merge the two genders together as if its one.

They can also put shit into the vaccine that will fuck with men's ability to reproduce, again, the main guy pushing vaccine agenda is Bill Gates, who is known for awhile to be an advocate for depopulation..

Testosterone will keep plummeting, it has already been since the 1950's due to what we consume, and other factors
Just lol
Haven't looked into this topic but ill still give my opinion from what i know nonetheless,
You know how people say you age quicker because of stress, etc? and you know how everything is energy, and everything has its own vibration and frequency, well its the same as thoughts/emotions/feelings. The thoughts you have deliver a certain emotion/feeling behind it, and behind that certain emotion/feeling is a certain frequency/vibration, and if what you are is energy, and your brain is pretty much a tool for you to manifest (what you think, feel, believe, according to law of attraction, will bring the same nature of energy in terms of frequency/vibration to your life) what resonates with your energy into your life,
everything you think, you feel, you believe, actually has an impact on your livelihood and the strength of your DNA and dictates how fast it will age and break apart, hence where the shit of "Stress ages a person a decade quicker" or whatever, because stress is a low vibration / low energy feeling, which is linked to fear and all the other low of the low states of the mind and its feelings.

Anyways, why i said this all is, the time we live in is very different to in the past in terms of peoples mental health, depression is normalized (i hate how they say depression is a chemical imbalance, no it is not, depression is just what you feel from self-hate, whether you hate your self due to your environment, you hate yourself due to your habits, you have yourself due to your lifestyle, you hate your self because you are constantly comparing yourself to others on social media, you hate yourself because you dont do anything all day, you hate yourself because you have no goals or values in your life, you have yourself because of the people you surround yourself with, etc etc etc. depression is the result of self hatred/ hatred of your environment, which alot of it comes from just how society runs.) all of this shit is actually quite new, and people are also constantly in fear due to watching mainstream news, believing hoaxs like corona virus.

So if you are in constant fear(lowest vibrational emotion/feeling), and in a constant depression mind state which revolves around living in all the other negative emotions, you are going to age alot quicker than you should, because all of that has energy and vibration behind it that breaks up the ends of your DNA quicker, and quickens the decay of your body.

So thats one view, and people age quicker today for alot of other factors too just due to how society is ran, from what you eat (gmo's), what you drink, how much sleep you get, how much sun you get, potentially dangerous vaccines and other pharmaceutical things you consume (just something, big pharma is extremely corrupt, people get paid huge money to make pills,etc to fight against something but its actually made to slowly kill you, its not to actually help you, just a cash grab/ they dont want people to be healthy), and just overall lifestyle,

But the fact that people are in constant fear, depression, low negative energy states, is extremely huge and no one ever looks into.

Everything is energy. Everything has a vibration and frequency, is your environment helping you or destroying you? Is your life style healthy for you energetically? what are you manifesting into your life? bad shit? good shit?

pay attention to the way you feel, and just so you know, CIA has done research and held top secret projects/operations where they use energetic wave technology and send out certain vibrations/frequencies and have the ability to make someone feel depressed and the person doesn't even know why, they just feel like shit out of no where, they have that technology.
We are antennas to energy, our brains are decoders of information, we can take a frequency going into us, and if it was engineered to deliver a certain emotion (emotions are just a certian frequency/vibration) it can impact the way we feel, which is why some people link it to technology like 5G and future technology's where they can literally beam negative energy into people and every wonders why they are in a constant mind state of hatred, depression, fear, etc etc etc )

Military has had technology where they beam out a certain frequency at their enemies and it destroys their will to keep fighting, they just feel like shit out of no where and just decide to surrender, they lose all will to try.

Mortality rate will keep decreasing, but i haven't researched about past times and its mortality rates so no idea.

new topic

@Tony @stuckneworleans

also watch these two videos, entertainment is owned by the cult and they spread truth into everything as mockery, they also fully own the Simpsons which is why that show predicts shit all the time as its all planned, huge reptilian mockery in that show too.

but watch these two x files videos from yebo

and watch this commercial mockery of reptilian humanoids

in the end of the second video, they mention that they could fake alien invasion with UFO's if they wanted to,
or they could also use their technology to wipe out entire electric grids and make it look like we are under war by terrorism and no one has power

I find this all extremely strange because before watching those videos, i had two extremely random dreams as if its a prediction of the future/ showing me whats to come

one dream there is an alien like invasion and i knew in the dream it was Illuminati related

and i had another dream where i was driving down the road and all electric technology completely went out, and in the dream i knew it was Illuminati related, it was really weird, to think that all power around you just wipes and there is no lighting or anything anywhere and it came out of no where and it stays like that for awhile, it gives you a cold and dark feeling,

just imagine a world where there is no cash, all money is digital, and then all of a sudden all banking randomly goes offline, all power grids get shut down, people start seeing UFO's,

so much shit would happen holy shit, or they can claim its terrorism from Russia or some shit and not show UFO's

create a problem, see the reaction, give a solution that pushs society more into the direction of how they want it to be

phil Schneider ex wife
this info is as authentic as it gets

View attachment 416794
are you just going to sit around and allow these satanic pedophilic reptillian associating fucks torture, rape, and feast on millions of children a year?

The trans agenda comes from The elites worship the Baphoment which is a mixed genital being with with goats head. The push this as well as it is an abomination to God and Satan does everything to get the masses away from God.
Yes vaccines are very dangerous seen by the vaccine Bill Gates to India to stop polio. It killed 500 000 Indias and left many more fucked up.
Yes Humans/the universe workd by Frequencies, Waves and Vibrations. The elite have demon/Lucifer entities in them controlling them and telling them what to do and they feed off Negative human emotion/frequency, Hence being pedos and creating wars and so on. The elites are like this because of there bloodline coming directly from the fallen angels themselves. And yes the government can control you through frequency devices and stuff (5G will do this as well)
Yes the elites predictive program into mainstream tv and music. If a show is massive it's because it's predictive programming you, E.G. The simpsons creator is a 33 degree freemason which is publicly known as the highest. Secret societies are another massive rabbit hole we can discuss in another post if you Interested.
Yes there is a planned alien invasion called Project Blue Beam which willl be used to usher in a One World Government.
Any questions just ask
  • +1
Reactions: SolidSnake and stuckneworleans
The trans agenda comes from The elites worship the Baphoment which is a mixed genital being with with goats head. The push this as well as it is an abomination to God and Satan does everything to get the masses away from God.
Yes vaccines are very dangerous seen by the vaccine Bill Gates to India to stop polio. It killed 500 000 Indias and left many more fucked up.
Yes Humans/the universe workd by Frequencies, Waves and Vibrations. The elite have demon/Lucifer entities in them controlling them and telling them what to do and they feed off Negative human emotion/frequency, Hence being pedos and creating wars and so on. The elites are like this because of there bloodline coming directly from the fallen angels themselves. And yes the government can control you through frequency devices and stuff (5G will do this as well)
Yes the elites predictive program into mainstream tv and music. If a show is massive it's because it's predictive programming you, E.G. The simpsons creator is a 33 degree freemason which is publicly known as the highest. Secret societies are another massive rabbit hole we can discuss in another post if you Interested.
Yes there is a planned alien invasion called Project Blue Beam which willl be used to usher in a One World Government.
Any questions just ask
im going to create a chatroom with you and other people that i know would want to learn info
  • +1
Reactions: SolidSnake, stuckneworleans and Tony
im going to create a chatroom with you and other people that i know would want to learn info
Add me in bro. We haven't even scratched the surface for real
  • +1
Reactions: SolidSnake
Any questions just ask

Any predictions to what's gonna happen next? You live in the west and you take the coronavirus vaccine, what happens next? Any other predictions in general?

Who are these people? Is it a mix between jews and whites? Is it bloodline based? Why do jews get flamed so hard by conspiracycels and altrightcels? Say you're just the average ashkenazi jew in the street. You're literally a nobody, and you have no power? How would the average jew get in on this shit? I recognize that if have a strong jewish last name on the other hand that can be a massive advantage. But what if you're just the average white looking ashkenazi jew? If any of them are reading this right now they're probably caging super hard. I guess they aren't "jew enough"? Or what's the defence to this
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  • +1
Reactions: Tony
Any predictions to what's gonna happen next? You live in the west and you take the coronavirus vaccine, what happens next? Any other predictions in general?

Who are these people? Is it a mix between jews and whites? Is it bloodline based? Why do jews get flamed so hard by conspiracycels and altrightcels? Say you're just the average ashkenazi jew in the street. You're literally a nobody, and you have no power? How would the average jew get in on this shit? I recognize that if have a strong jewish last name on the other hand that can be a massive advantage. But what if you're just the average white looking ashkenazi jew? If any of them are reading this right now they're probably caging super hard.
I suggest you never let that vaccine go into you,

there will be blackouts

there will be a massive economic disaster for awhile

elites will play out religious prophecies to trick religious people

trump will die sooner than later

massive gun bans

Virus will not go away they will say, and they say people cant build immunity to it, more waves of it to come (covid-19 doesnt even exist, the shit they do to make it look like a pandemic is fucked)

possible fake alien invasions

one world government will come before 2030 most likely

cashless society, not cash, all money digitalised

and at the top are your royal bloodlines, they are connected with reptilian dna,
royal british family

jews get flamed because all conspiratorial shit ties back to israel and zionism
Any predictions to what's gonna happen next? You live in the west and you take the coronavirus vaccine, what happens next? Any other predictions in general?

Who are these people? Is it a mix between jews and whites? Is it bloodline based? Why do jews get flamed so hard by conspiracycels and altrightcels? Say you're just the average ashkenazi jew in the street. You're literally a nobody, and you have no power? How would the average jew get in on this shit? I recognize that if have a strong jewish last name on the other hand that can be a massive advantage. But what if you're just the average white looking ashkenazi jew? If any of them are reading this right now they're probably caging super hard. I guess they aren't "jew enough"? Or what's the defence to this
Look into Project Zephr. Basically they will crash the economy, food supply and they have tracked all the people who look into conspiracies and they will create massive blackouts and take these people and kill them.
Look into Project Zephr. Basically they will crash the economy, food supply and they have tracked all the people who look into conspiracies and they will create massive blackouts and take these people and kill them.

Lol literally none of that will happen. Economy is already crawling back up, people are starting to get back to work. Airlines are starting to open routes etc. They can also just print money. People starting to figure out that coronavirus is a joke.
Lol literally none of that will happen. Economy is already crawling back up, people are starting to get back to work. Airlines are starting to open routes etc. They can also just print money. People starting to figure out that coronavirus is a joke.
Uh mate. Printing the money only devalues it. Also they have prinited so much money guess who's paying the debt on that. The people. The debt will be to much and will crash it
Lol literally none of that will happen. Economy is already crawling back up, people are starting to get back to work. Airlines are starting to open routes etc. They can also just print money. People starting to figure out that coronavirus is a joke.
come back here in a year and lets see if you still agree with what you just said, you dont understand that the economy is fake as fuck bro, it is controlled by a center point, if they want it to be crashed, it will crash.
edit: the plan is, they are going to bring the economy back to normal the least amount they can and make it look like the virus was defeated, then a second wave will hit, and a mandatory vaccine will thus come making it look like the virus will never go away.

then, they will roll out more lockdowns, and blackouts will happen, etc etc
economy crashes not right now, it will be sooner than later tho
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@alligatordude I've read all your posts in this thread and you're very smart, so damn on point.. Just literally replace "reptilians" with demons and boom there it is. One thing I'm uncertain of is teleportation.. Satan and his demons can definitely teleport, they're spirits.. But that has to be it, they are the only ones, and they definitely can't do so outside of Earth.

@LukeGandyDepp I thought about your words again and It truly makes sense to me. The Bible clearly, although in some places not directly, says that Earth is Satan's kindgom, his last bastion, his last attempt to prevent Jesus from returning. Not Mars, not Jupiter, not Saturn... nothing else. I guess Satan and his demons indeed cannot escape Earth, and he is locked in there just as we are with him. Flat plane, firmament indeed plays a huge part to keep him locked in and sealed until Jesus returns. It all connects together and fits in, though it still breaks my mind because I've had modern image of our Solar System for as a long as I remember myself.

Revelation:[13] and the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree shaken by a strong wind casts its unripe figs, ¹⁴and the sky retreated like a scroll being rolled up, - this now makes much more sense.

There is also an interesting chorus in another satanist Bob Marley's song "I chase the Devil":

Lucifer son of the mourning, I'm gonna chase you out of earth!
I'm gonna put on a iron shirt, and chase Satan out of earth
I'm gonna put on a iron shirt, and chase the devil out of earth
I'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another race
I'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another race

Which may imply that Satan wants to leave the Earth, but can't.
come back here in a year and lets see if you still agree with what you just said, you dont understand that the economy is fake as fuck bro, it is controlled by a center point, if they want it to be crashed, it will crash.

Certain countries ecnomies will crash and take a bigger hit than others. But what's gonna happen is that the countries who are "done" with this shit. Like the ones who don't have a lockdown (Belarus, Sweden, etc), even China is starting to open up now too. They'll take a massive lead in the global economy. They'll overpower other countries.

Certain states in the US they're already back to work as far as I'm concerned. The economy will crash if they keep lockdown and kill productivity. Otherwise it won't. Stocks are already back up climbing. Even crypto hasn't crashed. And the global elite controls that too (since they have infinite money, right??). Crypto is a joke and a meme as well.

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