U autists still be thinking u gotta be chad to get girls

If I found a way to fake it I wouldn't mind slaying tbh
I mean yeah with slaying u only need to be less autistic for maybe a date until u slay

Problem is keeping a relationship as an autist
  • +1
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Best thing said ever here.
NT/social circle is a major smv booster.
Looks do you play a big role, but not as much as all you cels let it seem to be.
It’s not all looks swallow the dark red pill.
Going outside won't do anything, u can't just get on a bus and girl will have crush on u
This. Sometimes people just get lucky but that doesn’t mean it will work for everybody.
What makes autism so bad though that it repells women? I have a friend who is autistic and he managed to get a looksmatched girlfriend somehow (mtb) not sure how he did it
I also had an aspie friend and he was pretty much slaying ngl.NT is the biggest cope out there.
Jfl at these niggas who never leave the basement

This snap was recorded 2 years ago, I was 16 and had a stalker foid who was obcessed with me to the point she was too shy to even speak to me at first she’d just look st me and record me untill I made a move u can see her hand waiving in the video like some akward hello to my oblivious self

She litterally saved all my snaps especially if it showed any skin under the neck who knows what she’d do with those pics

Meanwhile I looked like some boul cut fat piggy even fatter than I am today

View attachment 2604145

This was the girl behind the recording
View attachment 2604147

Even reascently I posted another thread with another girl and audio proof and everything

Like u niggas honestly think u can get girls locked up in ur basement jerking off to some psl model?

If only u left ur room and walked outside youd see the opportunity
Sure wasn't just trna get a rise from u
Jfl at these niggas who never leave the basement

This snap was recorded 2 years ago, I was 16 and had a stalker foid who was obcessed with me to the point she was too shy to even speak to me at first she’d just look st me and record me untill I made a move u can see her hand waiving in the video like some akward hello to my oblivious self

She litterally saved all my snaps especially if it showed any skin under the neck who knows what she’d do with those pics

Meanwhile I looked like some boul cut fat piggy even fatter than I am today

View attachment 2604145

This was the girl behind the recording
View attachment 2604147

Even reascently I posted another thread with another girl and audio proof and everything

Like u niggas honestly think u can get girls locked up in ur basement jerking off to some psl model?

If only u left ur room and walked outside youd see the opportunity
how the fuck do you have all this happen to u what is your secret
  • JFL
Reactions: humanoidsub7
Point is u guys gotta stop the cope and start going outside

I’m not tall or anything had girls 2 inches taller than me into me and I get rated ethnic subhuman here

That’s why I always record slays and prove in this forum anyone can slay

I’m a broke diagnosed autist and even I get women tall finna be trippin
nt cope.
She is atreactive
True, but there are some legitimately ugly and turbo manlet guys here who can't just Ntmaxx and "put themselves out there". But I agree they're probably a small minority of all people here.
he isnt cursed with subhumanity
i dont think his looks explain the discrepancy, i've seen bona fide chadlites get approached less often than him
  • Hmm...
Reactions: humanoidsub7
Jfl at these niggas who never leave the basement

This snap was recorded 2 years ago, I was 16 and had a stalker foid who was obcessed with me to the point she was too shy to even speak to me at first she’d just look st me and record me untill I made a move u can see her hand waiving in the video like some akward hello to my oblivious self

She litterally saved all my snaps especially if it showed any skin under the neck who knows what she’d do with those pics

Meanwhile I looked like some boul cut fat piggy even fatter than I am today

View attachment 2604145

This was the girl behind the recording
View attachment 2604147

Even reascently I posted another thread with another girl and audio proof and everything

Like u niggas honestly think u can get girls locked up in ur basement jerking off to some psl model?

If only u left ur room and walked outside youd see the opportunity

U are larping, it cant be possible, I refuse to process this potential reality considering my past experiences
Nowadays I speak German but back in that recording all id do was sit alone and draw yet 2 girls were into me, one tall German girl whod keep waiving at me then asking me questions while nervous or something

And this Turkish girl with the big boobs who was literally obcessed she’d screenshot any snap I took constantly record me irl like every time I was oblivious she’d record me that’s one example of me in a bus

Nowadays that I speak German I’m also mostly silent im diagnosed with autism it’s not like I’m some social butterfly

View attachment 2604225

Even here this was the German htb girl from the pics I sent above I recorded as proof since a subhuman like me needs all the proof to post threads like this

And clearly she’s the one who’s holding the whole conversation while i literally tell her I have no friends so already presenting myself as a loser yet it still worked out

Honestly idk how u niggas gone this far in life and remained incel im literally a fat manlet with 0 personality
5'11 MTN, stop larping as if you're subhuman
Its because ur tall
Short height is instant turnoff
  • JFL
Reactions: BrahminBoss
Jfl at these niggas who never leave the basement

This snap was recorded 2 years ago, I was 16 and had a stalker foid who was obcessed with me to the point she was too shy to even speak to me at first she’d just look st me and record me untill I made a move u can see her hand waiving in the video like some akward hello to my oblivious self

She litterally saved all my snaps especially if it showed any skin under the neck who knows what she’d do with those pics

Meanwhile I looked like some boul cut fat piggy even fatter than I am today

View attachment 2604145

This was the girl behind the recording
View attachment 2604147

Even reascently I posted another thread with another girl and audio proof and everything

Like u niggas honestly think u can get girls locked up in ur basement jerking off to some psl model?

If only u left ur room and walked outside youd see the opportunity
nah you need to be at least jon erik hexum looks tier to even breathe near a girl
  • +1
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Yeah unfortunately back then she used to wear a hoodie so I didn’t know she had such a nice body still she’s not the only girl who was into me all these years honestly mtn+ go outside u get it

Not like I was even nt didn’t even speak German back then she literally taught me most german
A girl like that would reject me

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