Ultimate and Effective Natty Heightmaxxing Stack + Natural AI That Rivals Aromasin (GTFIH)



Nov 24, 2023
No natural supplement will give the same results that an unnatural substance would that is ridiculous. This guide is for those who can't / don't want to hop on substances for a variety of reasons but still want to get the max / near max effectiveness possible out of natural compounds.

Olive Leaf Extract as an potent AI - 2500mg

How does Olive Leaf Extract inhibit aromatase?

Oleuropein is an antioxidant polyphenol found in olive leaves. Oleuropein has been shown to reduce aromatization (CYP19) in breast cancer cells (MCF-7) through estrogen receptor binding and to inhibit COX-2 (enzyme produced in reaction to inflammation) expression, which appears to down-regulate CYP19 expression. Multiple studies support Olive Leaf Extract's ability to inhibit aromatase, in both vivo and vitro.

Studies Used:

- Evidence to Support the Anti-Cancer Effect of Olive Leaf Extract and Future Directions
Citation: Boss A, Bishop KS, Marlow G, Barnett MPG, Ferguson LR. Evidence to Support the Anti-Cancer Effect of Olive Leaf Extract and Future Directions. Nutrients. 2016; 8(8):513. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu8080513
Section 5.2:

How strongly does it inhibit aromatase?

Olive Leaf Extract is quite a potent aromatase inhibitor. It is very comparable to a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor called aminoglutethimide. This study called "Combining Computational and Biochemical Studies for a Rationale of on the Anti-Aromatase Activity of natural Polyphenols" states in its conclusion that, "Herein we found that oleuropein 25, the major polyphenolic constituent olive oil is a good aromatase inhibitor, with an IC50 value of27 mm."

Studies Used:

- Combining Computational and Biochemical Studies for a Rationale of the Anti-Aromatase Activity of natural Polyphenols
- https://estudogeral.uc.pt/bitstream/10316/8371/1/obra.pdf
Where to find information in the study:
- Results and Discussion, Table 5, Page 1753. (This is where you see the comparison between aminoglutethimide and Oleuporin.
- Conclusion, Paragraph 7, Page 1760. ( This is where you see its strength)

K2 Mk4 - 1000mcg (with mct oil for absorbtion)

Consume with lots of milk so the k2 has calcuim to direct

Really Good Source: True K2 Spectrum - Mk4/Mk7 10mg/200mcg 1 ounce - healthnatura.com

K2 Mk7 - 200mcg (prolly unnecessary remove or add your choice)

D3 - 7500ui

Works synergistically with K2 to direct calcium into the bones among other benefits, dose is high enough to make a difference but low enough to not cause calcification of arteries

L-arginine 5g + lysine or orthininine (maybe)

Most potent somatostin inhibitor doubled serum igf-1 levels in this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6049717/

What are the best somatostatin inhibitors?​


has multiple studies proving its effectiveness as a somatostatin inhibitor.
As L-arginine is very well known in the medical community for its astounding ability to lower somatostatin. A study done in 2013 on L-arginine showed that L-arg increases growth hormone through somatostatin inhibition and it reduces somatostatin rapidly.

Another study was done with L-arginine in 1988 that came to this same conclusion after investigating its effects on growth hormone alone, and then when combined with GNRH. They discovered that when both GHRH and L-arginine were combined together, it raised HGH levels more than the maximally stimulatory doses of GHRH or L-arg alone.

Now that we’ve confirmed that L-arginine is an effective somatostatin inhibitor, let’s review its effects when combined with a growth hormone secretagogue to see if it has any real potential of helping us. Luckily, there was a study done in 2000 that analyzed the synergy between L-arginine and GHRP-2 and if it would stimulate growth hormone or not. In the study, participants were given 30 g of L-arginine and 1 mcg of GHRP-2 per pound of body weight over a 30-minute time period. It was discovered that L-arginine and GHRP-2 stimulated HGH levels then compared to when used separately as the order of effectiveness went (AG<G<A).
When L-arginine and GHRP-2 were combined, it resulted in an increase in growth hormone levels compared to GHRP-2 alone, as with GHRP-2 alone, levels were 105 ug/l, when GHRP-2 was combined with L-arginine, it increased to 145 ug/l.


However, I know you are thinking, “30g of L-arginine is way too much” and I agree with that statement as I thought it was too much as well. We are also lucky that there’s another study that’s been discovered to find the minimum effective dose for L-arginine. In this study, they investigate to see what’s the minimum effective dosage for L-arginine to reduce somatostatin enough that enhances GHRH GH response. They compared the effects of 30, 10, 8, and 5 G of L-arginine and its on GHRH GH response. They found out that while 10 and 8 G of L-arginine was able to effectively enhance the GH response in GHRHs, 5 G did not. Meaning that 8 G of L-arginine is the minimum effective dose.


Lastly, there are also ways to boost the effectiveness of L-arginine’s somatostatin inhibition through amino acids. As a study done in 1981 investigated how much a combination of L-arginine and L-lysine will enhance/affect growth hormone levels. It was discovered that after the specific oral administration of 1200 mg of both amino acids, it stimulated HGH levels significantly and funnily enough, the effect only appeared to happen when the two amino acids were used together, as the effect did not occur when the amino acids were used separately at those same dosages.

Liposomal Colostrum powder
Raw milk is illegal in my country so supplementing colostrum will give me most of the benefits that I can't otherwise get from regular milk

Alpha GPC - 1.5g

Alpha GPC has different studies showing it’s effectiveness as somatostatin inhibitors. To begin, Alpha GPC reduces somatostatin levels by increasing acetylcholine levels in the body. Somatostatin reduces acetylcholine levels as well, meaning that high levels of acetylcholine will rapidly decrease somatostatin levels and lead to enhanced growth hormone responses. A study done in 2019, it reviewed the effects of Alpha GPC supplementation on growth hormone levels.

In the study, they discover many things about the effects of Alpha GPC on GH. They first discover that increased acetylcholine levels help stimulate ghrelin and increase GH through that pathway similar to MK677. They also reveal that another study in 1989 demonstrated that Alpha GPC enhanced the growth hormone response of GHRH. When they tested with elderly and young individuals, they discovered both groups had a greater GH response to the GHRH+alpha-GFC than to GHRH alone. That study also agrees that enhanced acetylcholine levels lead to enhanced GH response.

The study in 2019 also refers to another study done in 1992 that further examined Alpha-GPC effects on growth hormone stimulation in the elderly population. The study compared the growth hormone levels of elderly patients that used 1 mcg/kg of GHRH to patients that used 1mcg/kg of GHRH with 2 grams of Alpha GPC with saline infusion for over 15 minutes. It was discovered that the subjects who used the GHRH dose with 2 grams of Alpha-GPC experienced significantly higher growth hormone levels than the subjects that did not.


In that same study, they also experimented with trying to see truly how effective Alpha GPC is at suppressing somatostatin. They did another protocol where it involved subjects taking 1mcg/kg doses of GHRH 120 minutes apart. Half of the subjects received an additional 2 grams of Alpha GPC 15 minutes prior to the second injection. Subjects who did not receive the Alpha-GPC had increased GH secretion on their first dose, but experienced somatostatin suppression on their second dose, causing an inhibited growth hormone release. While the subjects that did receive the Alpha-GPC on their second dose experienced a further increase of GH secretion due to the Alpha-GPC combined with the GHRH.


This shows truly how impactful somatostatin inhibition is as it’s very useful for preventing GH secretion from plateauing. It also shows us that the recommended dosage for Alpha GPC to reduce somatostatin would be 1-2 grams.​

Vitamin B6 20mg + B3 500mg (Flush Niacin)
Vitamin B6 works synergistically with Alpha GPC to synthesize the acetylcholine and achieve the highest levels of GH.
Niacin works by suppressing Free Fatty Acids and Insulin, which are both critical suppressors for GH release

Suppression of FFA: "Doses administered every 2 hours did not increase GH concentrations significantly. However, at a dose of 500 mg hourly for 4 doses, there was significant suppression of free fatty acids to the pre-specified outcome (<0.2 mEq/L) and detectable increases in growth hormone concentration. "

Suppression of Insulin:

A Pilot Study of the Effects of Niacin Administration on Free Fatty Acid and Growth Hormone Concentrations in Children with Obesity

Children with obesity have low spontaneous growth hormone (GH) secretion. High circulating Free Fatty Acid (FFA) concentration is believed to inhibit GH secretion in those with obesity. In adults, lipolytic inhibition with niacin lowers FFA and increases ...


Since FM and FFA is directly correlated, the effects of FFA suppression on obese patients is much more pronounced, meaning GH realistically wont increase by 400%
- The age of participants doesn’t really matter, since many studies have shown that suppression of fat free mass also increases GH in adults
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18187617 (This is the same reason that Sprinting spikes growth hormones)
Naicin will also raise blood sugar which is being moderately lowered on this stack.

Grass Fed WHEY (beef isolate) protein powder - 2 scoops daily

Inclusion is self explanitory, get yourself a high quality protein powder like this one.
MSM - 2000mg

MSM uses the primary signaling pathway that's activated by HGH, which is called JAK-STAT (signal transducer and activator of transcription) pathway. Activation of this pathway by HGH is very important for regulating things like IGF-1 and then by a product activating the IGF-1 receptor.


Now this is very important for bone remodeling and luckily, the non-toxic sulfur can significantly increase GH signaling via this pathway, thereby increasing IGF-1 significantly. As MSM was able to significantly IGF-1R (IGF-1 receptor) and GHR (growth hormone receptor) mRNA expression in osteoblastic cells. MSM induced binding of STAT5 to the IGF-1R and increased IGF-1 and IGF-1R promoter activities.


MSM was also able to significantly promote osteoblast differentiation in MSCs, MSCs are the same thing that can turn into bone cells (osteoblasts) and cartilage cells (chondrocytes), two things that we've established are important. Due to this, it was hypothesized that MSM can affect longitudinal bone growth as it basically replicates what HGH does through its strongest and primary signaling pathway and ultimately helps significantly to decrease bone resorption.



MSM will also potentially offset the stiff joint sides from Olive Leaf Extract by lubricating and promoting joint health

Collagen Powder - 15g daily

Collagen is vital for height growth as the glycine and other amino acids contained in it can grow the cartilage in the intervertebral disces lining the spine as well possibly boost igf-1 levels. If you desire more information check out this video:

Closing Notes:
I did not include any diet or lifestyle as I thought that to be redundant (I will add that consuming milk with added suger during that end of the day to spike insulin make help to increase IGF-1, you could also use Glucose Syrup but I would not reccomend that)
If you found this thread useful or have any suggestions or alterations lmk below.
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  • +1
  • JFL
  • Love it
Reactions: Bigmoneyballer, Aero, Mewton and 8 others
just inject bro :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :lul: :lul: :lul: :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsshh::feelsshh::feelsshh::feelsshh::feelsshh::feelsshh::feelsshh::feelsshh::bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
  • +1
Reactions: SubhumanCurrycel
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Aero, say∅, Vanilla and 4 others
No natural AI rivals aromasin you fucking retard. Cut the bullshit clickbait and just label something for what it is.
  • +1
Reactions: Aero, Mike141, SubhumanCurrycel and 1 other person
No natural AI rivals aromasin you fucking retard. Cut the bullshit clickbait and just label something for what it is.
MSM+Collagen Powder+Liposomal Colostrum powder are 100% cope
No natural AI rivals aromasin you fucking retard. Cut the bullshit clickbait and just label something for what it is.
literally inhibits estrogen to a similar degree when megadosed faggot ask @Osie he's used it. By all means keep injecting you narcy little faggot
  • +1
Reactions: igniteisbad
Keep coping. I already did in depth reshearch abt those and they wont do sht
You didn't do any fucking research jfl I've seen your threads where you used brutally underdosed arginine claiming it contributed to height increase
  • +1
Reactions: igniteisbad
MSM+Collagen Powder+Liposomal Colostrum powder are 100% cope
1 No, and its effective for reducing sides of olive leaf extract
2 No
3 substitute for raw milk
  • +1
Reactions: igniteisbad
1 No, and its effective for reducing sides of olive leaf extract
2 No
3 substitute for raw milk
MSM : "There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) has any effect on pubertal height growth. "
Collagen powder : "There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that collagen powder increases height growth during puberty. While collagen is a protein found in bones and other tissues, simply consuming collagen powder won't translate to taller bones "
1 No, and its effective for reducing sides of olive leaf extract
2 No
3 substitute for raw milk
Similar to MSM, there is no strong scientific evidence to support the use of Liposomal Colostrum powder for promoting pubertal height growth.

Here's a breakdown of the current understanding:

Limited research: While colostrum, the initial milk produced by mammals after giving birth, contains various growth factors and immune-supporting components, its effectiveness in enhancing human growth, particularly height, is not well-established through rigorous scientific studies.
Liposomal delivery: Encasing colostrum in a liposomal form, which involves microscopic spheres, aims to improve its absorption in the body. However, even with this delivery method, the claim of promoting height growth through Liposomal Colostrum powder lacks substantial scientific backing.
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MSM : "There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) has any effect on pubertal height growth. "
Collagen powder : "There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that collagen powder increases height growth during puberty. While collagen is a protein found in bones and other tissues, simply consuming collagen powder won't translate to taller bones "
putting shit into chat gpt means fuck all lmao
  • +1
Reactions: igniteisbad
literally inhibits estrogen to a similar degree when megadosed faggot ask @Osie he's used it. By all means keep injecting you narcy little faggot
Woah woah, it does inhibit estradiol, but there have been no studies in humans proving it inhibits to a degree similar to any pharmaceutical AI's. I do recommend it though as an natural alternative as it will reduce estrogen!
MSM : "There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) has any effect on pubertal height growth. "
Collagen powder : "There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that collagen powder increases height growth during puberty. While collagen is a protein found in bones and other tissues, simply consuming collagen powder won't translate to taller bones "
I've never done any research into collagen powder for height growth, however, I have seen a study referencing MSM for height growth due to its ability to signal IGF-1 which will then lead to an increase in IGF-1. However, the main issue with it is that there's no study proving it's efficacy in children or in rats, there's not even a baseline dosage that could be discovered. The post I made on it was rushed in that way!
  • +1
Reactions: mathis
I've never done any research into collagen powder for height growth, however, I have seen a study referencing MSM for height growth due to its ability to signal IGF-1 which will then lead to an increase in IGF-1. However, the main issue with it is that there's no study proving it's efficacy in children or in rats, there's not even a baseline dosage that could be discovered. The post I made on it was rushed in that way!
Yep excatly its why imo its probably a waist of money, there is thousands of products that COULD work. Not gonna buy somthing without strong back up
Woah woah, it does inhibit estradiol, but there have been no studies in humans proving it inhibits to a degree similar to any pharmaceutical AI's. I do recommend it though as an natural alternative as it will reduce estrogen!
I was rage baiting of course no natural AI will work as well as aromasin
What's your olive leaf extract source (product)?
collagen powder for height growth is likely a scam. when ur body digests the collagen it gets turned into amino acids just like normal protein getting turned into aminos and these aminos arent directed anywhere specific, so imo its better to spend the money on cheaper protein powder and buy whatever specific aminos like glycine that you need
still its the best natural AI
just get pharmaceuticals atp if your going to megadose some cope shit like this
probably would be cheaper and would actually work

go megadose castor beans faggot
just get pharmaceuticals atp if your going to megadose some cope shit like this
probably would be cheaper and would actually work

go megadose castor beans faggot
don't care I'm htn and 6'0 at 15 so its not worth it to take this shit and ruin my brain and face for height
literally inhibits estrogen to a similar degree when megadosed faggot ask @Osie he's used it. By all means keep injecting you narcy little faggot
Olive Leaf Extract as an potent AI - 2500mg
Why 2500mg? Also I don't quite understand aromatase inhibitors, if you don't take enough, will they still have some effect, or is it negligible until estrogen is below a certain level?
Natty supplements are a waste of money. You just need:

Beef liver
5-8 Eggs a day
@Justical whats your alpha gpc source

also thoughts on using B5 for acetylcholine synthesis along with alpha gpc
also does b6 b3 brand matter at all?
No natural supplement will give the same results that an unnatural substance would that is ridiculous. This guide is for those who can't / don't want to hop on substances for a variety of reasons but still want to get the max / near max effectiveness possible out of natural compounds.

Olive Leaf Extract as an potent AI - 2500mg
View attachment 2781393

How does Olive Leaf Extract inhibit aromatase?

Oleuropein is an antioxidant polyphenol found in olive leaves. Oleuropein has been shown to reduce aromatization (CYP19) in breast cancer cells (MCF-7) through estrogen receptor binding and to inhibit COX-2 (enzyme produced in reaction to inflammation) expression, which appears to down-regulate CYP19 expression. Multiple studies support Olive Leaf Extract's ability to inhibit aromatase, in both vivo and vitro.

Studies Used:

- Evidence to Support the Anti-Cancer Effect of Olive Leaf Extract and Future Directions
Citation: Boss A, Bishop KS, Marlow G, Barnett MPG, Ferguson LR. Evidence to Support the Anti-Cancer Effect of Olive Leaf Extract and Future Directions. Nutrients. 2016; 8(8):513. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu8080513
Section 5.2:

How strongly does it inhibit aromatase?

Olive Leaf Extract is quite a potent aromatase inhibitor. It is very comparable to a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor called aminoglutethimide. This study called "Combining Computational and Biochemical Studies for a Rationale of on the Anti-Aromatase Activity of natural Polyphenols" states in its conclusion that, "Herein we found that oleuropein 25, the major polyphenolic constituent olive oil is a good aromatase inhibitor, with an IC50 value of27 mm."

Studies Used:

- Combining Computational and Biochemical Studies for a Rationale of the Anti-Aromatase Activity of natural Polyphenols
- https://estudogeral.uc.pt/bitstream/10316/8371/1/obra.pdf
Where to find information in the study:
- Results and Discussion, Table 5, Page 1753. (This is where you see the comparison between aminoglutethimide and Oleuporin.
- Conclusion, Paragraph 7, Page 1760. ( This is where you see its strength)

K2 Mk4 - 1000mcg (with mct oil for absorbtion)
View attachment 2781407

Consume with lots of milk so the k2 has calcuim to direct

Really Good Source: True K2 Spectrum - Mk4/Mk7 10mg/200mcg 1 ounce - healthnatura.com

K2 Mk7 - 200mcg (prolly unnecessary remove or add your choice)

D3 - 7500ui
View attachment 2781398

Works synergistically with K2 to direct calcium into the bones among other benefits, dose is high enough to make a difference but low enough to not cause calcification of arteries

L-arginine 5g + lysine or orthininine (maybe)
View attachment 2781425

Most potent somatostin inhibitor doubled serum igf-1 levels in this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6049717/

What are the best somatostatin inhibitors?​


has multiple studies proving its effectiveness as a somatostatin inhibitor.
As L-arginine is very well known in the medical community for its astounding ability to lower somatostatin. A study done in 2013 on L-arginine showed that L-arg increases growth hormone through somatostatin inhibition and it reduces somatostatin rapidly.

Another study was done with L-arginine in 1988 that came to this same conclusion after investigating its effects on growth hormone alone, and then when combined with GNRH. They discovered that when both GHRH and L-arginine were combined together, it raised HGH levels more than the maximally stimulatory doses of GHRH or L-arg alone.

Now that we’ve confirmed that L-arginine is an effective somatostatin inhibitor, let’s review its effects when combined with a growth hormone secretagogue to see if it has any real potential of helping us. Luckily, there was a study done in 2000 that analyzed the synergy between L-arginine and GHRP-2 and if it would stimulate growth hormone or not. In the study, participants were given 30 g of L-arginine and 1 mcg of GHRP-2 per pound of body weight over a 30-minute time period. It was discovered that L-arginine and GHRP-2 stimulated HGH levels then compared to when used separately as the order of effectiveness went (AG<G<A).
When L-arginine and GHRP-2 were combined, it resulted in an increase in growth hormone levels compared to GHRP-2 alone, as with GHRP-2 alone, levels were 105 ug/l, when GHRP-2 was combined with L-arginine, it increased to 145 ug/l.


However, I know you are thinking, “30g of L-arginine is way too much” and I agree with that statement as I thought it was too much as well. We are also lucky that there’s another study that’s been discovered to find the minimum effective dose for L-arginine. In this study, they investigate to see what’s the minimum effective dosage for L-arginine to reduce somatostatin enough that enhances GHRH GH response. They compared the effects of 30, 10, 8, and 5 G of L-arginine and its on GHRH GH response. They found out that while 10 and 8 G of L-arginine was able to effectively enhance the GH response in GHRHs, 5 G did not. Meaning that 8 G of L-arginine is the minimum effective dose.


Lastly, there are also ways to boost the effectiveness of L-arginine’s somatostatin inhibition through amino acids. As a study done in 1981 investigated how much a combination of L-arginine and L-lysine will enhance/affect growth hormone levels. It was discovered that after the specific oral administration of 1200 mg of both amino acids, it stimulated HGH levels significantly and funnily enough, the effect only appeared to happen when the two amino acids were used together, as the effect did not occur when the amino acids were used separately at those same dosages.

Liposomal Colostrum powder
Raw milk is illegal in my country so supplementing colostrum will give me most of the benefits that I can't otherwise get from regular milk

Alpha GPC - 1.5g

Alpha GPC has different studies showing it’s effectiveness as somatostatin inhibitors. To begin, Alpha GPC reduces somatostatin levels by increasing acetylcholine levels in the body. Somatostatin reduces acetylcholine levels as well, meaning that high levels of acetylcholine will rapidly decrease somatostatin levels and lead to enhanced growth hormone responses. A study done in 2019, it reviewed the effects of Alpha GPC supplementation on growth hormone levels.

In the study, they discover many things about the effects of Alpha GPC on GH. They first discover that increased acetylcholine levels help stimulate ghrelin and increase GH through that pathway similar to MK677. They also reveal that another study in 1989 demonstrated that Alpha GPC enhanced the growth hormone response of GHRH. When they tested with elderly and young individuals, they discovered both groups had a greater GH response to the GHRH+alpha-GFC than to GHRH alone. That study also agrees that enhanced acetylcholine levels lead to enhanced GH response.

The study in 2019 also refers to another study done in 1992 that further examined Alpha-GPC effects on growth hormone stimulation in the elderly population. The study compared the growth hormone levels of elderly patients that used 1 mcg/kg of GHRH to patients that used 1mcg/kg of GHRH with 2 grams of Alpha GPC with saline infusion for over 15 minutes. It was discovered that the subjects who used the GHRH dose with 2 grams of Alpha-GPC experienced significantly higher growth hormone levels than the subjects that did not.


In that same study, they also experimented with trying to see truly how effective Alpha GPC is at suppressing somatostatin. They did another protocol where it involved subjects taking 1mcg/kg doses of GHRH 120 minutes apart. Half of the subjects received an additional 2 grams of Alpha GPC 15 minutes prior to the second injection. Subjects who did not receive the Alpha-GPC had increased GH secretion on their first dose, but experienced somatostatin suppression on their second dose, causing an inhibited growth hormone release. While the subjects that did receive the Alpha-GPC on their second dose experienced a further increase of GH secretion due to the Alpha-GPC combined with the GHRH.


This shows truly how impactful somatostatin inhibition is as it’s very useful for preventing GH secretion from plateauing. It also shows us that the recommended dosage for Alpha GPC to reduce somatostatin would be 1-2 grams.​

Vitamin B6 20mg + B3 500mg (Flush Niacin)
Vitamin B6 works synergistically with Alpha GPC to synthesize the acetylcholine and achieve the highest levels of GH.
Niacin works by suppressing Free Fatty Acids and Insulin, which are both critical suppressors for GH release

Suppression of FFA: "Doses administered every 2 hours did not increase GH concentrations significantly. However, at a dose of 500 mg hourly for 4 doses, there was significant suppression of free fatty acids to the pre-specified outcome (<0.2 mEq/L) and detectable increases in growth hormone concentration. "

Suppression of Insulin:

A Pilot Study of the Effects of Niacin Administration on Free Fatty Acid and Growth Hormone Concentrations in Children with Obesity

Children with obesity have low spontaneous growth hormone (GH) secretion. High circulating Free Fatty Acid (FFA) concentration is believed to inhibit GH secretion in those with obesity. In adults, lipolytic inhibition with niacin lowers FFA and increases ...


Since FM and FFA is directly correlated, the effects of FFA suppression on obese patients is much more pronounced, meaning GH realistically wont increase by 400%
- The age of participants doesn’t really matter, since many studies have shown that suppression of fat free mass also increases GH in adults
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18187617 (This is the same reason that Sprinting spikes growth hormones)
Naicin will also raise blood sugar which is being moderately lowered on this stack.

Grass Fed WHEY (beef isolate) protein powder - 2 scoops daily
View attachment 2781336

Inclusion is self explanitory, get yourself a high quality protein powder like this one.
MSM - 2000mg
View attachment 2781391

MSM uses the primary signaling pathway that's activated by HGH, which is called JAK-STAT (signal transducer and activator of transcription) pathway. Activation of this pathway by HGH is very important for regulating things like IGF-1 and then by a product activating the IGF-1 receptor.


Now this is very important for bone remodeling and luckily, the non-toxic sulfur can significantly increase GH signaling via this pathway, thereby increasing IGF-1 significantly. As MSM was able to significantly IGF-1R (IGF-1 receptor) and GHR (growth hormone receptor) mRNA expression in osteoblastic cells. MSM induced binding of STAT5 to the IGF-1R and increased IGF-1 and IGF-1R promoter activities.


MSM was also able to significantly promote osteoblast differentiation in MSCs, MSCs are the same thing that can turn into bone cells (osteoblasts) and cartilage cells (chondrocytes), two things that we've established are important. Due to this, it was hypothesized that MSM can affect longitudinal bone growth as it basically replicates what HGH does through its strongest and primary signaling pathway and ultimately helps significantly to decrease bone resorption.



MSM will also potentially offset the stiff joint sides from Olive Leaf Extract by lubricating and promoting joint health

Collagen Powder - 15g daily
View attachment 2781373

Collagen is vital for height growth as the glycine and other amino acids contained in it can grow the cartilage in the intervertebral disces lining the spine as well possibly boost igf-1 levels. If you desire more information check out this video:

Closing Notes:
I did not include any diet or lifestyle as I thought that to be redundant (I will add that consuming milk with added suger during that end of the day to spike insulin make help to increase IGF-1, you could also use Glucose Syrup but I would not reccomend that)
If you found this thread useful or have any suggestions or alterations lmk below.
View attachment 2781417

@Vista @Osie

this is useless for a closeplatecel. even for openplatecels
Nigga just take letrozole or aromasin, i used to cope with natural ais but now i take 2.5mg of letrozole every other day and im fine
Nigga just take letrozole or aromasin, i used to cope with natural ais but now i take 2.5mg of letrozole every other day and im fine
why letrozole over aromasin

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