

horseshami needs to bite the curb
Mar 14, 2024
Table of contents:
1. Naturally losing fat
2. Chemically induced fat loss

3. Conclusion + Sources

1. Naturally losing fat is simple. If your goal is to slowly reach a goal and you have plenty of time, this is an effective method for most. Simple as caloric deficit + high protein diet. Just use the below formula and the result will be your daily caloric needs to maintain your body mass. Eating anything less than this number per day WILL result in fat loss. For most people a deficit of 500 calories under your BMR is sufficient, however most people on this forum are subhuman and have shitty metabolisms and body composition. I would recommend a heavier deficit of 1000 calories per week. So BMR - 1000 is your daily caloric goal to lose fat. This will usually net at around 4-8 lbs of fat lost per month. IMPORTANT: KEEP YOUR PROTEIN INTAKE HIGH. Eating less than 1 gram of protein per pound of muscle mass (not body weight) and not weight training at least once a week WILL RESULT IN MUSCLE AND FRAME LOSS. You will also stunt your growth if still teen aged.

Bmr formulas

A caloric deficit is slow and will probably result in de motivation for lots of you truecels on here. If you're anything like me a caloric deficit is just way too fucking slow results-wise and you want something that can quickly ascend you then move on to the next section. Especially if you're currycel caloric deficits will not work, you indians genuinely cannot lose body fat JFL.

For all the low inhib fatties like me, this is the way. In order to lose fat with subhuman genetics, a simple caloric deficit isnt sufficient. You will probably lose 1lb over 5 months of dieting and just lose all your muscle in the process JFL. Below I will detail different fat loss compounds with dosing for supreme results.


1. T3 (Triiodothyronine)

T3 is essentially your body's weight loss hormone. It is produced by your thyroid gland and controls your metabolism and other functions. High T3 levels directly correlate to faster metabolism and weight loss. So taking it is a no brainer unless youre a high inhib pussy.

Side effects (from experience):

Fast heart rate: Your heart will constantly beat faster throughout the day. Kind of an exhilirating feeling. No real harm done to your body unless you overdose on this shit.

Anxiety: If I dose my T3 too high I tend to get feelings of mild anxiety, nothing ashwagandha cant fix though. Make sure to supplement with ashwagandha. (1200 mg daily before bed)


50-75 MCG Daily in the mornings. I do not recommend going over this amount, you will encounter lots of sides with little added benefit.

2. Clenbuterol

Clen is the holy grail of fat loss compounds in bodybuilding. This is the shit zyzz overdosed on. Super fucking dangerous but worth imo, just dose correctly and cycle on and off right and you'll be fine. Clen works by stimulating your heart and central nervous system. You can tell its working when your hands start shaking lol. It increases your BMR by roughly 10-20% from studies that I have read, and from personal experience it will shed significant amounts of fat and progress is noticeable daily. Clen has also been shown to have muscle preserving properties, meaning during a severe deficit you wont burn through your muscle mass. Its good to stack with T3 as it will limit the muscle eating properties that T3 has, since T3 makes you burn fat AND muscle (only a little bit).

Side effects (from experience):

Hand tremors: your hands will be shaking minorly all day, doesnt really effect anything but kind of annoying. good sign your clen is real though.

Cramps: clenbuterol causes an electrolyte imbalance in your body, so your muscles will randomly spaz out. Its pretty painful, so I found out a way to counteract the cramps. Just take a taurine supplement daily and it seems to stop them completely. Make sure to stay hydrated.

Dosing protocol:

First two weeks:
50 MCG daily in the mornings for the first 3 days then add 20 MCG every 3 days.

Second two weeks:


Repeat this cycle for desired period of fat loss.

3. ECA stack

This is a notorious fat loss stack that bodybuilders can vouch for. ECA stands for Ephedrine + Caffeine + Aspirin. Basically, you take all three compounds daily and they synergise well with each other. The ephedrine speeds up your metabolism, the caffeine curbs your appetite, and the aspirin prevents the grueling headaches you will get from stacking ephedrine and caffeine. Sourcing the caffeine and aspirin is easy, but ephedrine isnt OTC so you have to get creative. I personally use Lipodrene, its sold at gym supplement shops and has ephedrine and caffeine in it. Pic below. My personal experience with ECA is great. I combined it with clen and T3 and saw more results, also definitely helped keep my appetite down. Would recommend.

Side effects (from experience):

1. Fatigue: Although these compounds are stimulants, taking them daily will cause adrenal gland fatigue and you will feel more tired. Not really that bad, its a good tradeoff for 10% more fat loss.

2. Nausea: I suspect the ephedrine causes this, but I definitely get a shit ton of nausea. No idea how to counteract.


Ephedrine: 20 mg in the morning
Caffeine: 100 mg in the morning, 100 mg 6 hours before sleep
Aspirin: 81 mg in the morning

4. Yohimbine

Yohimbine is a pretty popular supplement sold OTC that blocks the alpha-2 receptors on your fat cells. It will speed up fat loss in a caloric deficit by gearing the body towards using body fat instead of carbs as fuel. I have used it before and I can vouch for maybe a 5% increase in fat loss. Not insane but pretty good for how easy it is to source. Yohimbine only works in a fasted state / carbless state

Side effects (from experience):

1. ANXIETY: HOLY SHIT THIS SHIT MAKES YOU SO FUCKING ANXIOUS. Ive heard that its only for some people, but it made me feel like I was being chased by multiple black men in a dark alley. It makes sense as it was originally used in psychiatric experiments to induce panic attacks. Lowkey kind of worth it for fat loss though, low inhib all the way.

2. CONSTANT BONERS: yohimbine is also used to treat erectile dysfunction so prepare to develop a porn addiction. its kind of fun ngl.


15-20 mg 30 minutes before fasted cardio

5. DMAA (1,3-dimethylamylamine)

DMAA is a stimulant and basically watered down version of meth. David Laid took this shit daily back in the day to stay shredded. It absolutely rapes your appetite and gives you crazy energy and strength in the gym. I recommend it fully for fat loss as well, it seemed to make eating feel like a chore. Don't really know about its direct fat loss properties, I suspect that it contributes somewhat since it is a stimulant.

Side effects:

1. Heart rate through the roof: You will have like 220 BPM if you do cardio. Do not touch a treadmill on this stuff. Even lifting gets me out of breath on DMAA.


50-100 mg 30 minutes before your workout.

3. Conclusion

Fat loss is easy for chad but for us subhumans who like gorging on cookies, using chemicals in addition to a caloric deficit is a surefire way to get to sub 10% body fat and get hollow cheeks and abs. I recommend combine these compounds together for maximal fat loss. Ive lost as much as 20 lbs in 5 weeks by using a clen + t3 + eca stack. If you're going to use all of these compounds together, definitely be careful of the side effects. Id recommend only using three of them at a time at MOST. I also recommend using anabolic steroids alongside these compounds to maximise aesthetics and muscle preserving. Good luck on your ascension bros.


Amino Asylum for clen and t3.

Bulk supplements for DMAA

Amazon for yohimbine



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  • Hmm...
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Excuse me are you calling me fat
  • JFL
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Table of contents:
1. Naturally losing fat
2. Chemically induced fat loss

3. Conclusion + Sources

1. Naturally losing fat is simple. If your goal is to slowly reach a goal and you have plenty of time, this is an effective method for most. Simple as caloric deficit + high protein diet. Just use the below formula and the result will be your daily caloric needs to maintain your body mass. Eating anything less than this number per day WILL result in fat loss. For most people a deficit of 500 calories under your BMR is sufficient, however most people on this forum are subhuman and have shitty metabolisms and body composition. I would recommend a heavier deficit of 1000 calories per week. So BMR - 1000 is your daily caloric goal to lose fat. This will usually net at around 4-8 lbs of fat lost per month. IMPORTANT: KEEP YOUR PROTEIN INTAKE HIGH. Eating less than 1 gram of protein per pound of muscle mass (not body weight) and not weight training at least once a week WILL RESULT IN MUSCLE AND FRAME LOSS. You will also stunt your growth if still teen aged.

View attachment 2831303

A caloric deficit is slow and will probably result in de motivation for lots of you truecels on here. If you're anything like me a caloric deficit is just way too fucking slow results-wise and you want something that can quickly ascend you then move on to the next section. Especially if you're currycel caloric deficits will not work, you indians genuinely cannot lose body fat JFL.

For all the low inhib fatties like me, this is the way. In order to lose fat with subhuman genetics, a simple caloric deficit isnt sufficient. You will probably lose 1lb over 5 months of dieting and just lose all your muscle in the process JFL. Below I will detail different fat loss compounds with dosing for supreme results.


1. T3 (Triiodothyronine)

T3 is essentially your body's weight loss hormone. It is produced by your thyroid gland and controls your metabolism and other functions. High T3 levels directly correlate to faster metabolism and weight loss. So taking it is a no brainer unless youre a high inhib pussy.

Side effects (from experience):

Fast heart rate: Your heart will constantly beat faster throughout the day. Kind of an exhilirating feeling. No real harm done to your body unless you overdose on this shit.

Anxiety: If I dose my T3 too high I tend to get feelings of mild anxiety, nothing ashwagandha cant fix though. Make sure to supplement with ashwagandha. (1200 mg daily before bed)


50-75 MCG Daily in the mornings. I do not recommend going over this amount, you will encounter lots of sides with little added benefit.

2. Clenbuterol

Clen is the holy grail of fat loss compounds in bodybuilding. This is the shit zyzz overdosed on. Super fucking dangerous but worth imo, just dose correctly and cycle on and off right and you'll be fine. Clen works by stimulating your heart and central nervous system. You can tell its working when your hands start shaking lol. It increases your BMR by roughly 10-20% from studies that I have read, and from personal experience it will shed significant amounts of fat and progress is noticeable daily. Clen has also been shown to have muscle preserving properties, meaning during a severe deficit you wont burn through your muscle mass. Its good to stack with T3 as it will limit the muscle eating properties that T3 has, since T3 makes you burn fat AND muscle (only a little bit).

Side effects (from experience):

Hand tremors: your hands will be shaking minorly all day, doesnt really effect anything but kind of annoying. good sign your clen is real though.

Cramps: clenbuterol causes an electrolyte imbalance in your body, so your muscles will randomly spaz out. Its pretty painful, so I found out a way to counteract the cramps. Just take a taurine supplement daily and it seems to stop them completely. Make sure to stay hydrated.

Dosing protocol:

First two weeks:
50 MCG daily in the mornings for the first 3 days then add 20 MCG every 3 days.

Second two weeks:


Repeat this cycle for desired period of fat loss.

3. ECA stack

This is a notorious fat loss stack that bodybuilders can vouch for. ECA stands for Ephedrine + Caffeine + Aspirin. Basically, you take all three compounds daily and they synergise well with each other. The ephedrine speeds up your metabolism, the caffeine curbs your appetite, and the aspirin prevents the grueling headaches you will get from stacking ephedrine and caffeine. Sourcing the caffeine and aspirin is easy, but ephedrine isnt OTC so you have to get creative. I personally use Lipodrene, its sold at gym supplement shops and has ephedrine and caffeine in it. Pic below. My personal experience with ECA is great. I combined it with clen and T3 and saw more results, also definitely helped keep my appetite down. Would recommend.
View attachment 2831323

Side effects (from experience):

1. Fatigue: Although these compounds are stimulants, taking them daily will cause adrenal gland fatigue and you will feel more tired. Not really that bad, its a good tradeoff for 10% more fat loss.

2. Nausea: I suspect the ephedrine causes this, but I definitely get a shit ton of nausea. No idea how to counteract.


Ephedrine: 20 mg in the morning
Caffeine: 100 mg in the morning, 100 mg 6 hours before sleep
Aspirin: 81 mg in the morning

4. Yohimbine

Yohimbine is a pretty popular supplement sold OTC that blocks the alpha-2 receptors on your fat cells. It will speed up fat loss in a caloric deficit by gearing the body towards using body fat instead of carbs as fuel. I have used it before and I can vouch for maybe a 5% increase in fat loss. Not insane but pretty good for how easy it is to source. Yohimbine only works in a fasted state / carbless state

Side effects (from experience):

1. ANXIETY: HOLY SHIT THIS SHIT MAKES YOU SO FUCKING ANXIOUS. Ive heard that its only for some people, but it made me feel like I was being chased by multiple black men in a dark alley. It makes sense as it was originally used in psychiatric experiments to induce panic attacks. Lowkey kind of worth it for fat loss though, low inhib all the way.

2. CONSTANT BONERS: yohimbine is also used to treat erectile dysfunction so prepare to develop a porn addiction. its kind of fun ngl.


15-20 mg 30 minutes before fasted cardio

5. DMAA (1,3-dimethylamylamine)

DMAA is a stimulant and basically watered down version of meth. David Laid took this shit daily back in the day to stay shredded. It absolutely rapes your appetite and gives you crazy energy and strength in the gym. I recommend it fully for fat loss as well, it seemed to make eating feel like a chore. Don't really know about its direct fat loss properties, I suspect that it contributes somewhat since it is a stimulant.

Side effects:

1. Heart rate through the roof: You will have like 220 BPM if you do cardio. Do not touch a treadmill on this stuff. Even lifting gets me out of breath on DMAA.


50-100 mg 30 minutes before your workout.

3. Conclusion

Fat loss is easy for chad but for us subhumans who like gorging on cookies, using chemicals in addition to a caloric deficit is a surefire way to get to sub 10% body fat and get hollow cheeks and abs. I recommend combine these compounds together for maximal fat loss. Ive lost as much as 20 lbs in 5 weeks by using a clen + t3 + eca stack. If you're going to use all of these compounds together, definitely be careful of the side effects. Id recommend only using three of them at a time at MOST. I also recommend using anabolic steroids alongside these compounds to maximise aesthetics and muscle preserving. Good luck on your ascension bros.


Amino Asylum for clen and t3.

Bulk supplements for DMAA

Amazon for yohimbine

Good thread but Addd scientific studies and format it better
  • +1
Reactions: efidescontinuado
just put down the fork
Last edited:
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@Clavicular have you taken clen before


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  • Love it
  • Woah
Reactions: algebrah and dragomaxxer
Table of contents:
1. Naturally losing fat
2. Chemically induced fat loss

3. Conclusion + Sources

1. Naturally losing fat is simple. If your goal is to slowly reach a goal and you have plenty of time, this is an effective method for most. Simple as caloric deficit + high protein diet. Just use the below formula and the result will be your daily caloric needs to maintain your body mass. Eating anything less than this number per day WILL result in fat loss. For most people a deficit of 500 calories under your BMR is sufficient, however most people on this forum are subhuman and have shitty metabolisms and body composition. I would recommend a heavier deficit of 1000 calories per week. So BMR - 1000 is your daily caloric goal to lose fat. This will usually net at around 4-8 lbs of fat lost per month. IMPORTANT: KEEP YOUR PROTEIN INTAKE HIGH. Eating less than 1 gram of protein per pound of muscle mass (not body weight) and not weight training at least once a week WILL RESULT IN MUSCLE AND FRAME LOSS. You will also stunt your growth if still teen aged.

View attachment 2831303

A caloric deficit is slow and will probably result in de motivation for lots of you truecels on here. If you're anything like me a caloric deficit is just way too fucking slow results-wise and you want something that can quickly ascend you then move on to the next section. Especially if you're currycel caloric deficits will not work, you indians genuinely cannot lose body fat JFL.

For all the low inhib fatties like me, this is the way. In order to lose fat with subhuman genetics, a simple caloric deficit isnt sufficient. You will probably lose 1lb over 5 months of dieting and just lose all your muscle in the process JFL. Below I will detail different fat loss compounds with dosing for supreme results.


1. T3 (Triiodothyronine)

T3 is essentially your body's weight loss hormone. It is produced by your thyroid gland and controls your metabolism and other functions. High T3 levels directly correlate to faster metabolism and weight loss. So taking it is a no brainer unless youre a high inhib pussy.

Side effects (from experience):

Fast heart rate: Your heart will constantly beat faster throughout the day. Kind of an exhilirating feeling. No real harm done to your body unless you overdose on this shit.

Anxiety: If I dose my T3 too high I tend to get feelings of mild anxiety, nothing ashwagandha cant fix though. Make sure to supplement with ashwagandha. (1200 mg daily before bed)


50-75 MCG Daily in the mornings. I do not recommend going over this amount, you will encounter lots of sides with little added benefit.

2. Clenbuterol

Clen is the holy grail of fat loss compounds in bodybuilding. This is the shit zyzz overdosed on. Super fucking dangerous but worth imo, just dose correctly and cycle on and off right and you'll be fine. Clen works by stimulating your heart and central nervous system. You can tell its working when your hands start shaking lol. It increases your BMR by roughly 10-20% from studies that I have read, and from personal experience it will shed significant amounts of fat and progress is noticeable daily. Clen has also been shown to have muscle preserving properties, meaning during a severe deficit you wont burn through your muscle mass. Its good to stack with T3 as it will limit the muscle eating properties that T3 has, since T3 makes you burn fat AND muscle (only a little bit).

Side effects (from experience):

Hand tremors: your hands will be shaking minorly all day, doesnt really effect anything but kind of annoying. good sign your clen is real though.

Cramps: clenbuterol causes an electrolyte imbalance in your body, so your muscles will randomly spaz out. Its pretty painful, so I found out a way to counteract the cramps. Just take a taurine supplement daily and it seems to stop them completely. Make sure to stay hydrated.

Dosing protocol:

First two weeks:
50 MCG daily in the mornings for the first 3 days then add 20 MCG every 3 days.

Second two weeks:


Repeat this cycle for desired period of fat loss.

3. ECA stack

This is a notorious fat loss stack that bodybuilders can vouch for. ECA stands for Ephedrine + Caffeine + Aspirin. Basically, you take all three compounds daily and they synergise well with each other. The ephedrine speeds up your metabolism, the caffeine curbs your appetite, and the aspirin prevents the grueling headaches you will get from stacking ephedrine and caffeine. Sourcing the caffeine and aspirin is easy, but ephedrine isnt OTC so you have to get creative. I personally use Lipodrene, its sold at gym supplement shops and has ephedrine and caffeine in it. Pic below. My personal experience with ECA is great. I combined it with clen and T3 and saw more results, also definitely helped keep my appetite down. Would recommend.
View attachment 2831323

Side effects (from experience):

1. Fatigue: Although these compounds are stimulants, taking them daily will cause adrenal gland fatigue and you will feel more tired. Not really that bad, its a good tradeoff for 10% more fat loss.

2. Nausea: I suspect the ephedrine causes this, but I definitely get a shit ton of nausea. No idea how to counteract.


Ephedrine: 20 mg in the morning
Caffeine: 100 mg in the morning, 100 mg 6 hours before sleep
Aspirin: 81 mg in the morning

4. Yohimbine

Yohimbine is a pretty popular supplement sold OTC that blocks the alpha-2 receptors on your fat cells. It will speed up fat loss in a caloric deficit by gearing the body towards using body fat instead of carbs as fuel. I have used it before and I can vouch for maybe a 5% increase in fat loss. Not insane but pretty good for how easy it is to source. Yohimbine only works in a fasted state / carbless state

Side effects (from experience):

1. ANXIETY: HOLY SHIT THIS SHIT MAKES YOU SO FUCKING ANXIOUS. Ive heard that its only for some people, but it made me feel like I was being chased by multiple black men in a dark alley. It makes sense as it was originally used in psychiatric experiments to induce panic attacks. Lowkey kind of worth it for fat loss though, low inhib all the way.

2. CONSTANT BONERS: yohimbine is also used to treat erectile dysfunction so prepare to develop a porn addiction. its kind of fun ngl.


15-20 mg 30 minutes before fasted cardio

5. DMAA (1,3-dimethylamylamine)

DMAA is a stimulant and basically watered down version of meth. David Laid took this shit daily back in the day to stay shredded. It absolutely rapes your appetite and gives you crazy energy and strength in the gym. I recommend it fully for fat loss as well, it seemed to make eating feel like a chore. Don't really know about its direct fat loss properties, I suspect that it contributes somewhat since it is a stimulant.

Side effects:

1. Heart rate through the roof: You will have like 220 BPM if you do cardio. Do not touch a treadmill on this stuff. Even lifting gets me out of breath on DMAA.


50-100 mg 30 minutes before your workout.

3. Conclusion

Fat loss is easy for chad but for us subhumans who like gorging on cookies, using chemicals in addition to a caloric deficit is a surefire way to get to sub 10% body fat and get hollow cheeks and abs. I recommend combine these compounds together for maximal fat loss. Ive lost as much as 20 lbs in 5 weeks by using a clen + t3 + eca stack. If you're going to use all of these compounds together, definitely be careful of the side effects. Id recommend only using three of them at a time at MOST. I also recommend using anabolic steroids alongside these compounds to maximise aesthetics and muscle preserving. Good luck on your ascension bros.


Amino Asylum for clen and t3.

Bulk supplements for DMAA

Amazon for yohimbine

Based but wheres DNP
  • +1
Reactions: goat123
miring effort

i still dont think clen is worth for anyone though

if you eat clean on just a test cycle and workout hard + do cardio while using the other stimulants you mentioned its more than enough

the risk reward of clen is just not worth, specially when the differencei in results will be minimal and not useful

even professional bodybuilders who depend on being as LEANNNN as possible have stopped using it more and more
It seems you need an HD version of your pfp

mogger, one of the saddest cases of suicide caused by low iq
  • So Sad
Reactions: F36
miring effort

i still dont think clen is worth for anyone though

if you eat clean on just a test cycle and workout hard + do cardio while using the other stimulants you mentioned its more than enough

the risk reward of clen is just not worth, specially when the differencei in results will be minimal and not useful

even professional bodybuilders who depend on being as LEANNNN as possible have stopped using it more and more
for me clen has been a gamechanger i shredded so fast on it and it kept my strength intact
Stop pumping jewish mind bending drugs into your veins and put down the fork you fatass
  • +1
Reactions: E_Maxx and noodlelover
Which roids don’t shut down natural
Or just do dieting plus walking and gym slow but good results without side effects
  • +1
Reactions: AySab
Just dont eat

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