- Nasolabial Folds -
1. Anatomy
2. Types and root causes
3. Correction
4. Prevention
What are nasolabial folds ?
What are the differents types of nasolabial folds, and which one do i have ?
what are the solutions to correct it?
(bonus) -> what can I do to prevent nasolabial folds?
All those questions will be answered during this thread.
the nasolabial sulcus is extremely important for facial structure and attractiveness,
make shure to read everything.
1. Anatomy
2. Types and root causes
3. Correction
4. Prevention
What are nasolabial folds ?
What are the differents types of nasolabial folds, and which one do i have ?
what are the solutions to correct it?
(bonus) -> what can I do to prevent nasolabial folds?
All those questions will be answered during this thread.
the nasolabial sulcus is extremely important for facial structure and attractiveness,
make shure to read everything.
The nasolabial folds (NFS) refer to the pair of skin creases extending bilaterally from the nasal wings to the corners of the mouth. These creases are demarcated by facial features that provide support to the buccal fat pad, establishing a distinctive division between the cheeks and the upper lip.
The nomenclature derives from the Latin words “nasus”, denoting the nose, and “labium”, signifying the lip. It is pertinent to acknowledge that the accurate anatomical term for this fold is actually melolabial fold, representing the crease between the cheek and the lip. Over the course of natural aging, these folds may exhibit an increase in both length and depth.
Do you believe me if i tell you that everyone would highly benefit from nasolabial correction?
Take brad Pitt for exemple, would he be attractive with deep folds on each sides of his midface ?

No ? Damn right. No one would, so we have to correct it at all cost. Fortunately, that's excatly what we're doing today.
1. Anatomy
The nasolabial folds are characterized by lines resembling the Chinese character ‘八’, extending diagonally from the upper border of the nasolabial groove, situated between the nose and the cheek, toward both sides of the cheek. While colloquially referred to as nasolabial folds, categorizing them into three distinct types based on their underlying mechanisms provides valuable insights. ->

->2. Types and root causes
its important to remember that the nasolabial fold should be treated according to the types of the nasolabial fold causes.

nasolabial folds can be classified in 3 visually distinct types :
(A) delineates a depression in the paranasal region. ( in short: maxilla issue ).
(B) signifies a sagging or drooping of the nasolabial fat. ( in short : adiposal issue ).
(C) illustrates a crease formed due to the action of upper lip elevator muscles. ( in short : muscle issue ).
In depth explanations:
(use a mirror, make shure to be lean before diagnostic):
Type (A)
This cause is associated with a lack of volume in the area next to the nasal alar. It results in limited superficial fat beneath the nasolabial fold due to a recession of the canine fossa in the maxilla. This lead to a hollow appearance in the buccal area and the formation of deep lines. Pay a particular attention to the maxilla during the diagnostic of type(A).exemples:

pay a particular attention to the fat pads around the nose and around the interior part of the cheeks during the diagnostic of type(B).

The third cause is primarily attributed to specific fibers of upper lip elevators, such as levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, levator labii superioris, and zygomaticus major and minor muscles.Typically appear (very visible and can be uneven) when speaking , frowning, smiling. Little to not visible at rest.
this type can be a little more tricky to diagnose, refer to the text description

Resuming :

3. Solutions
invasive and non invasive procedures will be discussed, classed from best to worst by efficiency.
Pictures linked give a general insight of results, but are not always tied to the specific type of nasolabial fold.
type (A)
1. Dermal Fillers. ( last 6-18 months)
Injectable substances that restore volume to areas with fat loss, filling out deep lines or folds.
Pros: non surgical, immediate, can be reversed.
Cons: Temporary, risk of asymmetry or overfilling, expensive.

2. Fat Grafting. (5-10 years)
Surgical procedure where fat is harvested from one area of the body and transferred to the face.
Pros: last long, natural, iocompatible.
Cons: requiere surgery, recovery period, risk of fat reabsorption.

3. Facelift. (10-15 years)
Lifts and tightens facial tissues to reduce sagging and deep folds.
Pros: last very long, very effective for deep folds
Cons: Invasive, scarring, long recovery, cost

4. Thread Lifting. (6-18 months)
uses threads to lift and tighten the skin, stimulate collagen production.
Pros: Minimally invasive, quick procedure, short recovery.
Cons: Temporary, risks of threads shifting or breaking.

5. Topical Skin Care.
retinoids, peptides, hyaluronic acid, vitamin c....
6. Facial Exercises.
cheek lift, resistance cheek press...

1. HIFU. (1-2 years)
Non-invasive treatment that uses ultrasound to stimulate collagen production, tightening the skin.
Pros: not invasive, tighter skin, effective.
Cons: Results take time to appear after procedure, may requiere multiple sessions.

2. Radiofrequency. (6-12 months)
Non-invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency to heat the skin and stimulate collagen, improve skin tightness.
Pros: not invasive, no downtime, effective.
Cons: multiple treatments might be needed, not as effective if deep skin laxity.

3. Biostimulators (e.g., Sculptra, Radiesse). (10-15 years)
Injections that stimulate collagen production, help to restore lost volume and improve skin texture over time.
Pros: Effective for significant sagging and skin laxity.
Cons: Invasive with risks like scarring, expensive, long recovery.

4. Facelift or Mini-Facelift.
picture and description in type(A)
5. Laser Resurfacing. (1-2 years)
Laser that removes layers of skin to improve texture, tone, collagen production, while reducing signs of aging.
Pros: gradual and natural looking results, non surgical.
Cons: Results take time to appear, requiere multiple sessions, expensive.

6. Topical Treatments.
Caffeine drugs, niacinamide, retinoids, peptides, hyaluronic acid, vitamin a....
7. Facial Massage:
Puff and hold, cheek lifts, upper lip lift...

1. Botox or Dysport. (3-6 months)
Injectable treatments that temporarily relax the muscles responsible for wrinkles caused by facial expression
Pros: Immediate, very effective for type(C), quick.
Cons: frequent touch-ups, over relaxation and facial "frozen look" risks.

2. Fillers for Compensation.
picture and description in type(A)
3. Thread Lifting.
picture and description in type(A)
4. Facial Relaxation Exercises.
Jaw relaxation stretch, lip tension release, nasolabial line stretch, opposite muscle activation, facial tapping therapy...
5. Myofascial Release or Massage.
6. Posture Correction.
Low effectiveness
7. Stress Management.
low effectiveness. Indirect effect.

4. Nasolabial folds prevention
like a famous French cote say "mieux vaux prevenir que guérir" which means "prevention is better than cure", the best way to cure something is to never let the issue develop, and to prevent it.
-Skin elasticity and collagen-
Collagen and elastin are essential. As we age, the production of these proteins decreases, which leads to nasolabial folds.
What i advice:
-topical Retinoids
-antioxidants like vitamin c and E
-moisturizers like hyaluronic acid with occlusive agents ( ceramides... )
-and of course : a powerful sunscreen.
Tzygomaticus major, orbicularis oris, and buccinator, play a key role in the formation of nasolabial folds.
What i advice:
-targeted facial exercises("facial exercises for nasolabial folds" on YouTube)
-Volume maintenance in the midface-
there is a gradual loss of volume in the midface as we age, specifically in the cheek area
This volume loss causes the skin to sag downward, pulling the nasolabial fold deeper.
What i advice:
-facial fat grafting or fillers
-diet (vitamins, minerals, amino acids)
-Posture-As you know, gravity is often the root of all problems when it comes to facial aging.
What i advice:
-Keep a straight posture during the day

-sleep on the back
-weight--Keep a stable weight, ideally lean
-Facial massages.
Finally, make shure to avoid harsh compounds in contact of the skin, but thats common sense.
I tried to keep this thread as short as possible. Make shure to read it all, it's mandatory for your
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That said, see you next time.

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