Ultimate voicemaxxing guide

Good thread bro
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Missing key component of resolving tension and anxiety in body that results in ones voice being constricted and weak.

look up Elliot Hulse Bioenergetics Voice.
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No bimax no party
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How did I do?
970699B2 475F 464C 805A E0B2EFC52D32

First I spoke normally and then imposing it as low as I could:
90157780 4A93 4FB7 AAD0 866B978AECF3
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in my mind i sound like hexum but irl i sound like @badg96
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I did the recording in the app and then i wanted to share the voice-recording here but argh i did not find where the phone saves these..
So here another one

So i have less than 96HZ, that is supposed to be the ideal in the study? What was the study? I wanna read up closer
It says i have 71Hz voice depth, and average 89hz.
So i guess i cannot raise my attractiveness by getting an even deeper voice?
Vin Diesel and Morgan Freeman sound much better i guess
(ok, Diesel is supposedly 58hz and Morgan freeman 67hz, according to the app)

I guess next to deepness there is pronounciation and loudness and stuff.

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"two separate studies have looked into the most attractive pitch for male voices and found that’s it’s around 96 Hz. That’s Obama, Patrick Stewart, Morgan Freeman - to put it into context. Once the voice drops below that frequency, it sounds more dominant but less attractive.

Actually, on that point, pitch doesn’t explain all that much when it comes to attractive voices. A recent study found that, for men and women, the breathiest voices were the most attractive. Previous studies have also found that well-articulated and non-nasal voices were attractive."
-> so that seems to give me the answer, lower than 96Hz is more dominant but less attractive, so i seem to be close to ideal attractive but more dominant, so that seems pretty ideal to me
Study notes on ideal male pitch (how much hz herz):

https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02029/full?report=reader -> that’s actually a very good read

- “men with low voices have low cortisol levels and high testosterone levels that are associated with immunoreactivity (the ability of the immune system to defend itself)”

- “On average, men produce lower voices than women: this is because of the effect of testosterone during puberty that lengthens the male vocal cords, thereby reducing the frequency and making the voice deeper. Men with lower voices are therefore perceived as more masculine and dominant than men with higher voices.”

- “Attractive male voices are around 96 Hz and the most attractive women voices are up to 280 Hz. Men and women with more attractive voices reported more sexual partners and a younger age for their first intercourse.“

[In some populations, such as the Philippines, women prefer men with higher voices and men prefer women with deeper voices. – wot!]

- study 80 men and 80 women, from Czech and brazil, countries didn’t differ

Taller men sounded more attractive for women, men didn’t care about height

Men with deeper voices while speaking had more sexpartners (woman seem to hear how muscular you are)

Men with deeper voices while singing had less sexpartners

“ The lower tone of male speech was linked with higher sociosexuality, but the deeper tone of male singing pointed to lower sociosexuality. It can be explained by the "expensive signalling theory". The pitch of a voice is given by the length of the vocal cords, as most of us speak "economically" - vibrating the vocal cords to their natural frequency. It is much more difficult to vibrate long vocal cords (for example, while singing) to produce high tones than vibrate short vocal cords, whose carriers usually speak with a higher voice. Only the most capable individuals are able to speak naturally in a deep voice and at the same time squeeze out an ecstatic tenor. They will receive the greatest favour of women and a higher score of sociosexuality with it, which positively correlates with the number of sexual partners.”

-> so speaking deep voice is attractive, but being able to have this and also sing in higher voice is also attractive


“We found a nonlinear relationship between lower pitch and increased attractiveness; men’s vocal attractiveness peaked at around 96 Hz”

-> nonlinear means exactly that it’s *NOT* ‘the deeper the more attractive’

‘these results suggest that the optimal level of physical masculinity might differ depending on whether the outcome is social dominance or mate attraction’

-> meaning 96 Hz to have maximum attractiveness to women, lower voice than that is judged as more ‘dominant’, but not more attractive

(The Hz of an average man is 120 Hz)

The lower the voice, the higher men and women judged his dominance

“Together, these results suggest that the optimal level of physical masculinity might differ depending on whether the outcome is social dominance or mate attraction.“

Like with beards, which they tested in same study: the longer the beard, the higher the dominance

But it was not ‘the longer the beard, the more attractive’ (actually attractiveness-rating was nearly the same for attractiveness, from clean shaven to light to heavy stubble to beard)

“Although ratings of dominance increased linearly with increased facial hair growth or decreased voice pitch, attractiveness judgments were not obviously dependent on facial hair levels. The most attractive voices were those that were lowered by 25 Hz instead of 50 Hz, with an extrapolated maximum in attractiveness at 96 Hz.

That is, the optimum level of facial hair and voice pitch for male–male competition, assessed by ratings of dominance, differed significantly from the optimum level for mate attraction, assessed by ratings of attractiveness. The benefits that females derive from reproducing with the males that are the most dominant compared with most attractive might vary in time and space, leading to fluctuating selection pressures ( Wong and Candolin 2005 ). Dominant individuals might enhance their reproductive success if their competitive strategies assist them in being better detected or more positively evaluated by potential choosers, or if their strategies lead to more mating opportunities ( Wong and Candolin 2005 ). There are several examples within the human sexual selection literature of instances where the version of a trait or behavior that is rated most attractive by the other sex is different from the version believed to be most attractive to potential partners, including male muscularity ( Pope et al. 2000 ), female make-up usage ( Jones et al. 2014 ), and female adiposity ( Fallon and Rozin 1985 ). Although this research is sometimes given as evidence that one sex misconstrues what the other sex wants, an alternative or complementary interpretation is that the differences arise from the differing requirements of successful inter- and intrasexual competition.”

-> Super interesting. Pretty Boy vs Ultra-Alpha of the group who grabs the women cause of his power in the group?

Notes of other Studies regarding what is an attractive voice:

“Strong main effects were obtained for the average fundamental frequency manipulation, with high voices rated as significantly less attractive to women than either medium or low voices, which do not differ in attractiveness.”


Male–male competition, female mate choice and their interaction: determining total sexual selection

“Darwin provided two mechanisms through which sexual selection operates: male–male competition and female mate choice.

We found that male-male competition and female mate choice can be reinforcing or opposing. The mechanisms of sexual selection can occur simultaneously or sequentially, and we found they were more likely to be opposing when the mechanisms operated sequentially. The degree and timing that these mechanisms interact have important implications for the operation of sexual selection and needs to be considered in designing studies.

Early considerations of sexual selection focused almost exclusively on male–male competition as female mate choice was dismissed as an implausible process (Huxley, 1938). The 1980s, however, brought a reconsideration of the potential independence of female behaviour and resulted in a plethora of studies documenting the existence of female mate choice (Andersson, 1994). Theory and models of how female mate choice results in the evolution of elaborate characters stimulated empirical research into mate choice (Mead & Arnold, 2004; Andersson & Simmons, 2006; Kokko et al., 2006).”

-> I guess:

Male-to-male competition basically means men range themselves in order of dominance, basically the men decide who gets the women

I guess this was mostly in old times? Now we are in big anonymous cities.

Now when the woman uses tinder, she just sees the picture, then meets you alone on a date. I guess ‘status’ is the whole thing, but status in modern times is not just given by men, it’s the same given by women. Eg movie star is a movie star not just because of male fans but also of female fans.

I would even say status from women is even better than status from men – I would want to be a singer that has 99% female fans than a singer that has 99% male fans. (And also 99% male fans is not useless, she can see you have status other men looking at you, but her herself being a fan is surely 100x more powerful)


“It is generally believed that success in male–male competition genuinely reflects high quality and that female preference for dominant males should therefore be widespread. However, recent studies suggest that male dominance is not always attractive and that it does not necessarily predict superior parental quality, better genes or other forms of benefit to females. In fact, the costs of choosing a dominant male can sometimes outweigh the benefits. When traits selected by male–male competition do not reflect overall mate quality, females are expected to use other choice cues and might occasionally prefer subordinate males. Thus, male–male competition and female choice can sometimes work in different, or even opposing, directions.”

“It is generally thought that winners of male–male competition are of superior quality and that it would be in the females’ interest to mate with these males1–3. Thus, dominance per se or traits reflecting it, such as large body size, heavy weaponry and intense signals of fighting ability (such as status badges; Box 1), are expected to be important cues in female choice. Indeed, female preference for dominant males has been found in many species... but an increasing number of studies are showing that dominant males are not always preferred by females” -> just some stuff about animals


“The sexual preference for men with deep voices has been recorded in indigenous peoples from the Amazon to Tanzania and countless other Western and non-Western examples. People associate deep voices with hunting abilities, career success and strength. We rate politicians with deeper voices as more serious and electable, regardless of sex. Male and female job candidates with lower-pitch voices are also more likely to be hired. If you want to get by as a competent speaker, it pays to go down an octave or two



Study: mixing voices together = a very average voice is very attractive

I guess it’s the same with faces: a perfect average is a great base, then you add some dimorphism

And the dimorphism – there has to be some of it to be attractive, but nessarily more = better

Added on to that there is the prettyboy – ultramale slider where people fight over what’s better

Same with height eg, women want ideal man to be 25cm taller, not ‘the taller the better’,

same surely also with penis size, a typical woman does not prefer a 10inch-girth-penis – she prefers an above average penis

also average woman does not like bodybuilder mr Olympia, she likes physique competitor at best

I think on this forum here we overestimate how important male to male competition is,

and then assume what we think best is also what women think is best.

And then think that the perfect male is like

3 metres, bodybuilder style muscles, 50 herz deep voice, 12 inch dick

And I think sometimes there seems to be evidence for that, in the form of a small minority women who have a fetish to some extreme things and going cracy for them, then me thinking ‘omg, this is what all women want’


Mumbling men are more sexy than men who clearly pronounciate

-> it seems they think clearly pronounciating is tryhard beta


Next to deep voices women find husky breathy voices more attractive

-> wtf is a husky breathy voice


“Deep male voices, on the other hand, were judged as more attractive because they conveyed that the speaker had a large frame—but were found to be most attractive when tempered by a touch of “breathiness,” suggesting the speaker had a low level of aggression despite his large size.”


“Speakers with high-pitched voices were judged less truthful, less emphatic, less "potent" (smaller, thinner, faster), and more nervous. Slow-talking speakers were judged less truthful, less fluent, and less persuasive and were seen as more "passive" (slower, colder, passive, weaker) but more "potent."”


“Results indicate that (1) a masculine, low-pitch voice increases ratings of men's physical and social dominance, augmenting the former more than the latter; and (2) men who believe they are physically dominant to their competitor lower their voice pitch when addressing him, whereas men who believe they are less dominant raise it.”
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side tangent here but why is it NO MATTER where you go in the u.s.a everyone has this weird valley accent? (I have a brookln accent and am from the northeast) Like you can be in butt fuck arkansas and everyone sounds like they are from san francisco? sorry to sperg out but I miss when in the 90's everyone had their unique accent
The #1 advice I have is to talk more. Can be hard to do if you live alone and don't have much social interaction but I noticed that whenever I'm with people for a while and talk more, my voice gets deeper/more consistent and doesn't become semi-permahoarse and weak like it does when I'm by myself all the time
I'll keep that in mind
ty for the thread. I will implement it.
Study notes on ideal male pitch (how much hz herz):

https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02029/full?report=reader -> that’s actually a very good read

- “men with low voices have low cortisol levels and high testosterone levels that are associated with immunoreactivity (the ability of the immune system to defend itself)”

- “On average, men produce lower voices than women: this is because of the effect of testosterone during puberty that lengthens the male vocal cords, thereby reducing the frequency and making the voice deeper. Men with lower voices are therefore perceived as more masculine and dominant than men with higher voices.”

- “Attractive male voices are around 96 Hz and the most attractive women voices are up to 280 Hz. Men and women with more attractive voices reported more sexual partners and a younger age for their first intercourse.“

[In some populations, such as the Philippines, women prefer men with higher voices and men prefer women with deeper voices. – wot!]

- study 80 men and 80 women, from Czech and brazil, countries didn’t differ

Taller men sounded more attractive for women, men didn’t care about height

Men with deeper voices while speaking had more sexpartners (woman seem to hear how muscular you are)

Men with deeper voices while singing had less sexpartners

“ The lower tone of male speech was linked with higher sociosexuality, but the deeper tone of male singing pointed to lower sociosexuality. It can be explained by the "expensive signalling theory". The pitch of a voice is given by the length of the vocal cords, as most of us speak "economically" - vibrating the vocal cords to their natural frequency. It is much more difficult to vibrate long vocal cords (for example, while singing) to produce high tones than vibrate short vocal cords, whose carriers usually speak with a higher voice. Only the most capable individuals are able to speak naturally in a deep voice and at the same time squeeze out an ecstatic tenor. They will receive the greatest favour of women and a higher score of sociosexuality with it, which positively correlates with the number of sexual partners.”

-> so speaking deep voice is attractive, but being able to have this and also sing in higher voice is also attractive


“We found a nonlinear relationship between lower pitch and increased attractiveness; men’s vocal attractiveness peaked at around 96 Hz”

-> nonlinear means exactly that it’s *NOT* ‘the deeper the more attractive’

‘these results suggest that the optimal level of physical masculinity might differ depending on whether the outcome is social dominance or mate attraction’

-> meaning 96 Hz to have maximum attractiveness to women, lower voice than that is judged as more ‘dominant’, but not more attractive

(The Hz of an average man is 120 Hz)

The lower the voice, the higher men and women judged his dominance

“Together, these results suggest that the optimal level of physical masculinity might differ depending on whether the outcome is social dominance or mate attraction.“

Like with beards, which they tested in same study: the longer the beard, the higher the dominance

But it was not ‘the longer the beard, the more attractive’ (actually attractiveness-rating was nearly the same for attractiveness, from clean shaven to light to heavy stubble to beard)

“Although ratings of dominance increased linearly with increased facial hair growth or decreased voice pitch, attractiveness judgments were not obviously dependent on facial hair levels. The most attractive voices were those that were lowered by 25 Hz instead of 50 Hz, with an extrapolated maximum in attractiveness at 96 Hz.

That is, the optimum level of facial hair and voice pitch for male–male competition, assessed by ratings of dominance, differed significantly from the optimum level for mate attraction, assessed by ratings of attractiveness. The benefits that females derive from reproducing with the males that are the most dominant compared with most attractive might vary in time and space, leading to fluctuating selection pressures ( Wong and Candolin 2005 ). Dominant individuals might enhance their reproductive success if their competitive strategies assist them in being better detected or more positively evaluated by potential choosers, or if their strategies lead to more mating opportunities ( Wong and Candolin 2005 ). There are several examples within the human sexual selection literature of instances where the version of a trait or behavior that is rated most attractive by the other sex is different from the version believed to be most attractive to potential partners, including male muscularity ( Pope et al. 2000 ), female make-up usage ( Jones et al. 2014 ), and female adiposity ( Fallon and Rozin 1985 ). Although this research is sometimes given as evidence that one sex misconstrues what the other sex wants, an alternative or complementary interpretation is that the differences arise from the differing requirements of successful inter- and intrasexual competition.”

-> Super interesting. Pretty Boy vs Ultra-Alpha of the group who grabs the women cause of his power in the group?

Notes of other Studies regarding what is an attractive voice:

“Strong main effects were obtained for the average fundamental frequency manipulation, with high voices rated as significantly less attractive to women than either medium or low voices, which do not differ in attractiveness.”


Male–male competition, female mate choice and their interaction: determining total sexual selection

“Darwin provided two mechanisms through which sexual selection operates: male–male competition and female mate choice.

We found that male-male competition and female mate choice can be reinforcing or opposing. The mechanisms of sexual selection can occur simultaneously or sequentially, and we found they were more likely to be opposing when the mechanisms operated sequentially. The degree and timing that these mechanisms interact have important implications for the operation of sexual selection and needs to be considered in designing studies.

Early considerations of sexual selection focused almost exclusively on male–male competition as female mate choice was dismissed as an implausible process (Huxley, 1938). The 1980s, however, brought a reconsideration of the potential independence of female behaviour and resulted in a plethora of studies documenting the existence of female mate choice (Andersson, 1994). Theory and models of how female mate choice results in the evolution of elaborate characters stimulated empirical research into mate choice (Mead & Arnold, 2004; Andersson & Simmons, 2006; Kokko et al., 2006).”

-> I guess:

Male-to-male competition basically means men range themselves in order of dominance, basically the men decide who gets the women

I guess this was mostly in old times? Now we are in big anonymous cities.

Now when the woman uses tinder, she just sees the picture, then meets you alone on a date. I guess ‘status’ is the whole thing, but status in modern times is not just given by men, it’s the same given by women. Eg movie star is a movie star not just because of male fans but also of female fans.

I would even say status from women is even better than status from men – I would want to be a singer that has 99% female fans than a singer that has 99% male fans. (And also 99% male fans is not useless, she can see you have status other men looking at you, but her herself being a fan is surely 100x more powerful)


“It is generally believed that success in male–male competition genuinely reflects high quality and that female preference for dominant males should therefore be widespread. However, recent studies suggest that male dominance is not always attractive and that it does not necessarily predict superior parental quality, better genes or other forms of benefit to females. In fact, the costs of choosing a dominant male can sometimes outweigh the benefits. When traits selected by male–male competition do not reflect overall mate quality, females are expected to use other choice cues and might occasionally prefer subordinate males. Thus, male–male competition and female choice can sometimes work in different, or even opposing, directions.”

“It is generally thought that winners of male–male competition are of superior quality and that it would be in the females’ interest to mate with these males1–3. Thus, dominance per se or traits reflecting it, such as large body size, heavy weaponry and intense signals of fighting ability (such as status badges; Box 1), are expected to be important cues in female choice. Indeed, female preference for dominant males has been found in many species... but an increasing number of studies are showing that dominant males are not always preferred by females” -> just some stuff about animals


“The sexual preference for men with deep voices has been recorded in indigenous peoples from the Amazon to Tanzania and countless other Western and non-Western examples. People associate deep voices with hunting abilities, career success and strength. We rate politicians with deeper voices as more serious and electable, regardless of sex. Male and female job candidates with lower-pitch voices are also more likely to be hired. If you want to get by as a competent speaker, it pays to go down an octave or two



Study: mixing voices together = a very average voice is very attractive

I guess it’s the same with faces: a perfect average is a great base, then you add some dimorphism

And the dimorphism – there has to be some of it to be attractive, but nessarily more = better

Added on to that there is the prettyboy – ultramale slider where people fight over what’s better

Same with height eg, women want ideal man to be 25cm taller, not ‘the taller the better’,

same surely also with penis size, a typical woman does not prefer a 10inch-girth-penis – she prefers an above average penis

also average woman does not like bodybuilder mr Olympia, she likes physique competitor at best

I think on this forum here we overestimate how important male to male competition is,

and then assume what we think best is also what women think is best.

And then think that the perfect male is like

3 metres, bodybuilder style muscles, 50 herz deep voice, 12 inch dick

And I think sometimes there seems to be evidence for that, in the form of a small minority women who have a fetish to some extreme things and going cracy for them, then me thinking ‘omg, this is what all women want’


Mumbling men are more sexy than men who clearly pronounciate

-> it seems they think clearly pronounciating is tryhard beta


Next to deep voices women find husky breathy voices more attractive

-> wtf is a husky breathy voice


“Deep male voices, on the other hand, were judged as more attractive because they conveyed that the speaker had a large frame—but were found to be most attractive when tempered by a touch of “breathiness,” suggesting the speaker had a low level of aggression despite his large size.”


“Speakers with high-pitched voices were judged less truthful, less emphatic, less "potent" (smaller, thinner, faster), and more nervous. Slow-talking speakers were judged less truthful, less fluent, and less persuasive and were seen as more "passive" (slower, colder, passive, weaker) but more "potent."”


“Results indicate that (1) a masculine, low-pitch voice increases ratings of men's physical and social dominance, augmenting the former more than the latter; and (2) men who believe they are physically dominant to their competitor lower their voice pitch when addressing him, whereas men who believe they are less dominant raise it.”
How can I know the Hz of my voice?
Best voice on the forum = @LOST18yearold
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Ye i
Yes I remember you had a mogger voice and diction for a teenager :dafuckfeels:
ts gotten deeper from smoking as well, people are always suprised when they hear my voice and say my face looks younger than my voice
  • JFL
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Good thread
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A deep voice is created by creating resonance in the ribcage. If you want a deeper voice you need to open up your vocal chords to allow more air to travel from your chest into your mouth.
A deep voice is created by creating resonance in the ribcage. If you want a deeper voice you need to open up your vocal chords to allow more air to travel from your chest into your mouth.
i got a chad deep voice ,when i speak women turn around.i got the whole package except the face.i even have ideal colouring.FUCK
My Vocular results mog

38BFB619 9A2D 4EB0 8201 DE86090118DF
Just came across this guy Malik Delgaty who is a gay pornstar with a really deep voice.

Longer interview, his voice is deep but doesn't seem as raspy here, still a good example of a masculine voice:

In here his voice is more raspy. Look at the comments on this video, people talking about his voice:
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more ppl should comment on this thread

"Here’s How I Got a Deeper Voice (the 5 Best Techniques)

If you came here from Google, you’ve probably already been through a heap of articles on how to get a deeper voice. The problem with these is, none of them seem to be written by people who are actually speaking from experience. With each point, you have no idea whether you’re getting tried and tested advice or just guesswork they’ve plucked from the internet.

McConaughey voice-deepening exercise

As someone who has actually deepened his voice (from about average to low), I wanted to take a different tack and discuss the methods that worked for me, alongside a few others. Most of these I’ve tried, but not all of them, so where I don’t have first-hand knowledge I’ll link to discussion boards to show you real people talking about these techniques and how they worked for them.
Just to get it out of the way, none of this is medical advice. I trust you to follow these tips without giving yourself an injury – and if you feel in any way like you might, you should stop immediately. Right, here we go.


1. Strengthen your Neck Muscles

I’ve seen a lot of talk about this online, so I wanted to start by confirming here: this truly does work. Actually, it’s my favourite method of all of them.
If you put your hand on your throat, you’ll feel two long muscles which run down from behind your ear to your collarbone. These are your sternocleidomastoids, and when they get tense they tug on your vocal chords, resulting in a higher note. Relax these and, logically enough, your voice gets lower.

Sternocleidomastoid stretch

One recommended way of doing this is by making the neck muscles stronger. Stronger muscles are better at meeting their daily demands and therefore less likely to tighten up throughout the day. I was interested in this idea, so I thought I’d test it out.
Every day, at 2 o’clock and in the same room, I recorded a sample of my voice and wrote down the figures. I chose 2pm because I wanted the ‘morning effect’ of my voice to have worn off and I knew I wouldn’t have been drinking alcohol around that time. After the recording, every other day, I’d do 3 sets of 20 reps of crunches, where I lay on my bench and slowly nodded my head from horizontal to vertical, tucking in my chin – like doing sit-ups with your neck.

And it worked. Here’s a chart I made with Vocular.


As you can see, by all four metrics, my voice did deepen over time. My matches completely changed too.
More compellingly, my voice actually got higher before it got lower. It starts at about 105Hz, then shoots up to 113Hz and stays high for a week, before it gradually deepened month after month to the current pitch of 89Hz. That’s like going from Edward Norton, to Justin Bieber, to Jon Hamm.
This fits the idea that strong neck muscles give you a deeper voice. The exercises first made my neck weaker, like any muscle when you start training it. So my voice got higher. Then, as I continued with the exercises, it got used to the strain and became stronger, and my pitch dropped.
I should add that I also stretch my neck to relieve any tension that might build up with the exercises. So if you’re thinking of doing this, that’s something to keep an eye on. In fact, this guy on Reddit seems to have a routine which worked really well for him and seems to focus more on stretching.

Update: I’m also currently experimenting with a neck harness to build the muscles at the back of my neck as well as the front. It’s early days but I’ll report back here if I find that to be more effective.

2. Breathe from the Diaphragm

Ever noticed how your shoulders bob up and down as you breathe in and out?
If you’re have, you’re doing it wrong. This is a thing called ‘shallow breathing’ and it’s something most people are guilty of. While it seems as good as any method, this kind of breath shifts effort to the upper half of the torso, putting tension on the neck and vocal chords.
Instead, breathe with the muscle that’s designed to do it: the diaphragm. As you inhale, try to shift the effort downward so your stomach flexes out while your shoulders remain completely still. Feel as though the air is being summoned by your abs.
I know it’s quite hard to follow in writing, so Eric Arceneaux does a very good job of explaining this.


This one correction had the greatest impact on my voice depth – but, like any bad habit, it requires a conscious effort to overcome it. You may want to try something to remind yourself when you’re creeping back to your old ways. One vocal coach has created the Singing-Belt to do this, although it’s expensive so using kinesiology tape or a tight T-shirt might work better.
It’s tough to get used to, but mastering diaphragmatic breathing will also give you a richer, more resonant voice, which is probably more important than having a deep voice. It also has a host of other benefits, such a reducing stress and improving athletic performance, since it’s just a more efficient way to breathe.​

3. Aspirate

You can try this one for yourself and immediately see its effect. Open Vocular and enable the Pitch Tracker in Settings, then speak to the microphone in your normal voice and see what numbers come up.
Now try talking in a breathier, more aspirated kind of way, as if you’re speaking through a sigh. If you need someone to copy, Tom Hiddleston’s a pretty good example.


You should see your numbers drop as soon as you take on this breathier kind of tone. And not only does this make your voice deeper, it makes it more attractive too. A 2014 study found that the most attractive male voices were also the breathiest – and this was so pronounced that women preferred a high-pitched but breathy voice over a deep, non-breathy one.​

4. Drink More Water

Please don’t skip over this section, because it’s a lot more important than you might think. You know how the depth of your voice is partly caused by the size of your vocal chords? Well, dehydration literally shrinks your vocal chords. The loss of water equates to a loss of mass, leaving you with thinner, squeakier vocal chords.
And, strikingly, most people are dehydrated. A recent study found that 75% of Americans fell far below the recommended daily intake, which, again, gives us a majority of people speaking with higher voices than they ought to be.


The solution is to make things easier for yourself. If you work at a desk, get a jug (one that can hold 3-4 litres) and fill it every morning. Not only will this encourage you to drink more because it’s there, it’ll bring the water to room temperature which stops the throat contracting from the cold.
If you’re sceptical about the impact of this, see for yourself. My hydrated voice is often so much deeper that it shares almost no overlap with my dehydrated one – the similarity comes out at about 10-20%. In fact, I now make a point of drinking a litre of water an hour before going on a date or to an important meeting.​

5. Be More Monotone

I’ve noticed a few names that come up time and time again when discussing voice depth. One of these names is Clint Eastwood. But the weird thing here is that, in terms of pitch, Eastwood doesn’t have a deep voice. It’s about average.


However, one thing Eastwood has in spades in monotony. This is a very manly trait – in fact, a recent study found that men with monotone voices tend to have more sexual partners than those who don’t. So it may be that the masculinity of a monotone voice tricks people into thinking that voice is deep as well.
This is backed up by a paper on vocal attractiveness, which found that the voices which varied less in pitch were the most likely to be considered deep. In fact, pitch variation was almost as important as actual pitch in deciding whether a voice was deep or not. "

How to Tell if You Have Vocal Fry (and why does it matter)

Vocular now does vocal fry, so I wanted to answer a few questions about that today – what is it, what does it mean, how can you tell how much you speak with, etc. Here we go.​

What is vocal fry?​

That’s that low-pitched, creaky, pulsating sound you hear most famously in the voices of women like Kim Kardashian and Zooey Deschanel.


This isn’t something limited to women though. In fact, Bill Clinton has the most vocal fry of anyone on our database.​

How can you tell how much vocal fry you speak with?​

Just like anything else, all you have to do is open the app, hit the record button and speak for about 30 seconds. The algorithm then analyses your voice to tell you how much vocal fry it finds. Anything over 15% is a lot, and anything under 6% is very little – although the app explains all this anyway. Check it out below.

(Just as a note, this doesn’t really work if you’re a guy with a deep voice. That kind of vocal fry is too low to detect well, although we should be able to do this in the future once we can analyse the smoothness of voices.)​

Why is vocal fry important?​

In theory, vocal fry should be a good thing. Deep voices are rated as being more authoritative. People are more easily persuaded by speakers who lower their pitch whilst making a point. Even CEO salaries rise as their pitch falls. So talking in vocal fry, the lowest register of the human voice, should be a good thing.

But studies tell us a very different story. Recent research looked at attitudes towards vocal fry using pairs of voices – both made by the same speaker – one with fry and the other without. The main finding: listeners were several times more likely to rate the fry voice as less trustworthy, less educated and less competent. They also claimed to be significantly more likely to hire the other voice.
And this wasn’t just about old people hating new ways of speaking. Every demographic shared the same prejudice against vocal fryers, although old women showed the greatest aversion to them.​

How do you stop speaking with vocal fry?​

You just do, really. Vocal fry is like any other bad habit, so unless you’ve got some rare vocal chord condition, you should be able to consciously keep your voice from falling into that lower register. Then it’s just a case of practising until it become second nature to you.
Vocular can help you with this by giving you a clearer idea of how much fry is in your voice. Breathing deeply and diaphragmatically should also make it easier to keep your voice up in the modal register.​

Why do people find vocal fry so annoying?​

Well, there are some people who seem to want to put all this down to misogyny, like vocal fry is actually just a conduit for criticising women’s freedom of speech. Even a recent episode of Things You Should Know went down this route.

This might be true for a few weirdos who write in to these shows, but it ignores basic differences in the way men and women speak. Female voices tend to be roughly twice as high as male voices, so it’s far more jarring when they keep dropping into registers down in Morgan Freeman territory. Some men, on the other hand, have voices deep enough that it’s really difficult to separate from their vocal fry. Even I have trouble doing this with myself.
Also, it’s not as though all female presenters are being chastised for their voices on the internet. Kirsty Young hosts Desert Island Discs, a show with an audience probably similar to something from NPR, and Twitter is awash with people announcing how much they love her voice. The difference? She has almost no vocal fry at all in her voice. She actually has the least of any woman in our database.

The anti-fry reaction isn’t limited to female voices either. The study I mentioned before found that vocal fry was equally disapproved of in male voices as it was in female ones.
There are other reasons why fry might generally be something people don’t like to listen to. I’ve said it a few times before, but the most attractive voices are usually the breathiest, huskiest or smoothest ones. Vocal fry tends to be the opposite of that. Actually, you need only look at a spectrogram to see what a harsh kind of sound it is.

It also sounds weak, in my opinion. A croaking, creaky voice isn’t something you naturally associate with a high level of fitness – it can be caused by bad breathing technique or vocal fold pathology. So it may also be that the most attractive voices tend to sound the healthiest.​

So what’s the bottom line?​

Bottom line is that vocal fry seems only to carry negative connotations, so it would be a smart move to learn to speak without it. Aiming for 0% is unrealistic, since some level of fry is natural and unavoidable, but keeping to the single figures should give you a stronger, more authoritative and more attractive voice.

Morgan Freeman tells you how to get a deeper voice​

Morgan Freeman didn’t always have that voice. He had to work at it. In fact, he recently stated that the first major step he made towards becoming an actor was learning to lower the pitch of his voice.


But how did he do it? Well, although details have always been a bit sketchy, he did divulge this tip.

In a word, yawn. Yawn a lot.
His explanation: yawning relaxes the muscles of the throat, which relieves your vocal chords of tension and allows them to loosen up – just like slackening a guitar string for a lower note.
And he’s right. The pitch of your voice effectively comes down to three factors: the length, thickness, and tension of your vocal chords. The first two are typically seen as outside of your control (although that’s not true; staying hydrated makes your vocal chords bigger and therefore lower-pitched). But the third is something that you can master. And yawning is just one method for doing that.
I found this comment from a guy who’d heeded Freeman’s advice.

And another, who thought the advice was along the right lines but that there were better exercises out there.

View attachment 1025167

@RODEBLUR @PrestonYnot @Chadeep @changcel @Strike_Poseidon @16tyo @SubhumanCurrycel @toth77 @ArvidGustavsson @IwantToLooksMaxx @TraumatisedOgre @my_babel_physics_pro @Kenickie @looksmaxxer234 @IWILLMAKEIT @Senhor Cabrito @pizza @Amnesia @looksmax.me @Cigarette @Currypirate4 @ssjchad @faggotchadlite
90% of this thread is stolen from a shitty article site promoting their gay products. KYS OP
  • JFL
Reactions: kataratapara
Voice is an underrated infrequently talked about trait that is a major component of perceived charisma, dominance and significant for sexual attraction and perceived "personality". Unfortunately you're limited by your hormonal profile and vocal chord thickness as to how you sound but you can make some changes to improve how you sound.

Example of how it matters

People like Daniel Craig, Rowan Atkinson and Peter Dinklage sound very captivating to listen to and seem much more attractive when you scourge through interviews than they should based off their face, just because of their voice. Very unlikely they'd have any appeal as a celebrity otherwise (not talking about in Mr. Bean of course).

Lower voices are more attractive and dominant in men, and a study showed 96Hz as ideal male voice pitch but anything deep is good.

View attachment 1025133
View attachment 1025134

View attachment 1025135

Let's use this guy as an example. He is downright ugly but sounds profoundly charismatic and pleasing to listen to due to his voice.

On the other hand Sean O'Pry the PSL god sounds like an utter cuck and my "respecc" for him dropped compared to if I never heard his voice.

View attachment 1025163


  • Thyroplasty ($2500~)

    If your voice is actually terrible, you might need this.

    Simple one night stay surgery.
  • Testosterone/steroids

    Many bbuilders get a deeper voice after a few cycles.
  • Voice training and modulation

    If done religiously you might get a 20Hz or so pitch drop just by doing this, which is a huge deal.

Voice training and modulation

Download this app called Vocular, it's cheap and definitely worth it to track your vocal pitch and progress.

"Here’s How I Got a Deeper Voice (the 5 Best Techniques)

If you came here from Google, you’ve probably already been through a heap of articles on how to get a deeper voice. The problem with these is, none of them seem to be written by people who are actually speaking from experience. With each point, you have no idea whether you’re getting tried and tested advice or just guesswork they’ve plucked from the internet.

McConaughey voice-deepening exercise

As someone who has actually deepened his voice (from about average to low), I wanted to take a different tack and discuss the methods that worked for me, alongside a few others. Most of these I’ve tried, but not all of them, so where I don’t have first-hand knowledge I’ll link to discussion boards to show you real people talking about these techniques and how they worked for them.
Just to get it out of the way, none of this is medical advice. I trust you to follow these tips without giving yourself an injury – and if you feel in any way like you might, you should stop immediately. Right, here we go.


1. Strengthen your Neck Muscles

I’ve seen a lot of talk about this online, so I wanted to start by confirming here: this truly does work. Actually, it’s my favourite method of all of them.
If you put your hand on your throat, you’ll feel two long muscles which run down from behind your ear to your collarbone. These are your sternocleidomastoids, and when they get tense they tug on your vocal chords, resulting in a higher note. Relax these and, logically enough, your voice gets lower.

Sternocleidomastoid stretch

One recommended way of doing this is by making the neck muscles stronger. Stronger muscles are better at meeting their daily demands and therefore less likely to tighten up throughout the day. I was interested in this idea, so I thought I’d test it out.
Every day, at 2 o’clock and in the same room, I recorded a sample of my voice and wrote down the figures. I chose 2pm because I wanted the ‘morning effect’ of my voice to have worn off and I knew I wouldn’t have been drinking alcohol around that time. After the recording, every other day, I’d do 3 sets of 20 reps of crunches, where I lay on my bench and slowly nodded my head from horizontal to vertical, tucking in my chin – like doing sit-ups with your neck.

And it worked. Here’s a chart I made with Vocular.


As you can see, by all four metrics, my voice did deepen over time. My matches completely changed too.
More compellingly, my voice actually got higher before it got lower. It starts at about 105Hz, then shoots up to 113Hz and stays high for a week, before it gradually deepened month after month to the current pitch of 89Hz. That’s like going from Edward Norton, to Justin Bieber, to Jon Hamm.
This fits the idea that strong neck muscles give you a deeper voice. The exercises first made my neck weaker, like any muscle when you start training it. So my voice got higher. Then, as I continued with the exercises, it got used to the strain and became stronger, and my pitch dropped.
I should add that I also stretch my neck to relieve any tension that might build up with the exercises. So if you’re thinking of doing this, that’s something to keep an eye on. In fact, this guy on Reddit seems to have a routine which worked really well for him and seems to focus more on stretching.

Update: I’m also currently experimenting with a neck harness to build the muscles at the back of my neck as well as the front. It’s early days but I’ll report back here if I find that to be more effective.

2. Breathe from the Diaphragm

Ever noticed how your shoulders bob up and down as you breathe in and out?
If you’re have, you’re doing it wrong. This is a thing called ‘shallow breathing’ and it’s something most people are guilty of. While it seems as good as any method, this kind of breath shifts effort to the upper half of the torso, putting tension on the neck and vocal chords.
Instead, breathe with the muscle that’s designed to do it: the diaphragm. As you inhale, try to shift the effort downward so your stomach flexes out while your shoulders remain completely still. Feel as though the air is being summoned by your abs.
I know it’s quite hard to follow in writing, so Eric Arceneaux does a very good job of explaining this.


This one correction had the greatest impact on my voice depth – but, like any bad habit, it requires a conscious effort to overcome it. You may want to try something to remind yourself when you’re creeping back to your old ways. One vocal coach has created the Singing-Belt to do this, although it’s expensive so using kinesiology tape or a tight T-shirt might work better.
It’s tough to get used to, but mastering diaphragmatic breathing will also give you a richer, more resonant voice, which is probably more important than having a deep voice. It also has a host of other benefits, such a reducing stress and improving athletic performance, since it’s just a more efficient way to breathe.​

3. Aspirate

You can try this one for yourself and immediately see its effect. Open Vocular and enable the Pitch Tracker in Settings, then speak to the microphone in your normal voice and see what numbers come up.
Now try talking in a breathier, more aspirated kind of way, as if you’re speaking through a sigh. If you need someone to copy, Tom Hiddleston’s a pretty good example.


You should see your numbers drop as soon as you take on this breathier kind of tone. And not only does this make your voice deeper, it makes it more attractive too. A 2014 study found that the most attractive male voices were also the breathiest – and this was so pronounced that women preferred a high-pitched but breathy voice over a deep, non-breathy one.​

4. Drink More Water

Please don’t skip over this section, because it’s a lot more important than you might think. You know how the depth of your voice is partly caused by the size of your vocal chords? Well, dehydration literally shrinks your vocal chords. The loss of water equates to a loss of mass, leaving you with thinner, squeakier vocal chords.
And, strikingly, most people are dehydrated. A recent study found that 75% of Americans fell far below the recommended daily intake, which, again, gives us a majority of people speaking with higher voices than they ought to be.


The solution is to make things easier for yourself. If you work at a desk, get a jug (one that can hold 3-4 litres) and fill it every morning. Not only will this encourage you to drink more because it’s there, it’ll bring the water to room temperature which stops the throat contracting from the cold.
If you’re sceptical about the impact of this, see for yourself. My hydrated voice is often so much deeper that it shares almost no overlap with my dehydrated one – the similarity comes out at about 10-20%. In fact, I now make a point of drinking a litre of water an hour before going on a date or to an important meeting.​

5. Be More Monotone

I’ve noticed a few names that come up time and time again when discussing voice depth. One of these names is Clint Eastwood. But the weird thing here is that, in terms of pitch, Eastwood doesn’t have a deep voice. It’s about average.


However, one thing Eastwood has in spades in monotony. This is a very manly trait – in fact, a recent study found that men with monotone voices tend to have more sexual partners than those who don’t. So it may be that the masculinity of a monotone voice tricks people into thinking that voice is deep as well.
This is backed up by a paper on vocal attractiveness, which found that the voices which varied less in pitch were the most likely to be considered deep. In fact, pitch variation was almost as important as actual pitch in deciding whether a voice was deep or not. "

How to Tell if You Have Vocal Fry (and why does it matter)

Vocular now does vocal fry, so I wanted to answer a few questions about that today – what is it, what does it mean, how can you tell how much you speak with, etc. Here we go.​

What is vocal fry?​

That’s that low-pitched, creaky, pulsating sound you hear most famously in the voices of women like Kim Kardashian and Zooey Deschanel.


This isn’t something limited to women though. In fact, Bill Clinton has the most vocal fry of anyone on our database.​

How can you tell how much vocal fry you speak with?​

Just like anything else, all you have to do is open the app, hit the record button and speak for about 30 seconds. The algorithm then analyses your voice to tell you how much vocal fry it finds. Anything over 15% is a lot, and anything under 6% is very little – although the app explains all this anyway. Check it out below.

(Just as a note, this doesn’t really work if you’re a guy with a deep voice. That kind of vocal fry is too low to detect well, although we should be able to do this in the future once we can analyse the smoothness of voices.)​

Why is vocal fry important?​

In theory, vocal fry should be a good thing. Deep voices are rated as being more authoritative. People are more easily persuaded by speakers who lower their pitch whilst making a point. Even CEO salaries rise as their pitch falls. So talking in vocal fry, the lowest register of the human voice, should be a good thing.

But studies tell us a very different story. Recent research looked at attitudes towards vocal fry using pairs of voices – both made by the same speaker – one with fry and the other without. The main finding: listeners were several times more likely to rate the fry voice as less trustworthy, less educated and less competent. They also claimed to be significantly more likely to hire the other voice.
And this wasn’t just about old people hating new ways of speaking. Every demographic shared the same prejudice against vocal fryers, although old women showed the greatest aversion to them.​

How do you stop speaking with vocal fry?​

You just do, really. Vocal fry is like any other bad habit, so unless you’ve got some rare vocal chord condition, you should be able to consciously keep your voice from falling into that lower register. Then it’s just a case of practising until it become second nature to you.
Vocular can help you with this by giving you a clearer idea of how much fry is in your voice. Breathing deeply and diaphragmatically should also make it easier to keep your voice up in the modal register.​

Why do people find vocal fry so annoying?​

Well, there are some people who seem to want to put all this down to misogyny, like vocal fry is actually just a conduit for criticising women’s freedom of speech. Even a recent episode of Things You Should Know went down this route.

This might be true for a few weirdos who write in to these shows, but it ignores basic differences in the way men and women speak. Female voices tend to be roughly twice as high as male voices, so it’s far more jarring when they keep dropping into registers down in Morgan Freeman territory. Some men, on the other hand, have voices deep enough that it’s really difficult to separate from their vocal fry. Even I have trouble doing this with myself.
Also, it’s not as though all female presenters are being chastised for their voices on the internet. Kirsty Young hosts Desert Island Discs, a show with an audience probably similar to something from NPR, and Twitter is awash with people announcing how much they love her voice. The difference? She has almost no vocal fry at all in her voice. She actually has the least of any woman in our database.

The anti-fry reaction isn’t limited to female voices either. The study I mentioned before found that vocal fry was equally disapproved of in male voices as it was in female ones.
There are other reasons why fry might generally be something people don’t like to listen to. I’ve said it a few times before, but the most attractive voices are usually the breathiest, huskiest or smoothest ones. Vocal fry tends to be the opposite of that. Actually, you need only look at a spectrogram to see what a harsh kind of sound it is.

It also sounds weak, in my opinion. A croaking, creaky voice isn’t something you naturally associate with a high level of fitness – it can be caused by bad breathing technique or vocal fold pathology. So it may also be that the most attractive voices tend to sound the healthiest.​

So what’s the bottom line?​

Bottom line is that vocal fry seems only to carry negative connotations, so it would be a smart move to learn to speak without it. Aiming for 0% is unrealistic, since some level of fry is natural and unavoidable, but keeping to the single figures should give you a stronger, more authoritative and more attractive voice.

Morgan Freeman tells you how to get a deeper voice​

Morgan Freeman didn’t always have that voice. He had to work at it. In fact, he recently stated that the first major step he made towards becoming an actor was learning to lower the pitch of his voice.


But how did he do it? Well, although details have always been a bit sketchy, he did divulge this tip.

In a word, yawn. Yawn a lot.
His explanation: yawning relaxes the muscles of the throat, which relieves your vocal chords of tension and allows them to loosen up – just like slackening a guitar string for a lower note.
And he’s right. The pitch of your voice effectively comes down to three factors: the length, thickness, and tension of your vocal chords. The first two are typically seen as outside of your control (although that’s not true; staying hydrated makes your vocal chords bigger and therefore lower-pitched). But the third is something that you can master. And yawning is just one method for doing that.
I found this comment from a guy who’d heeded Freeman’s advice.

And another, who thought the advice was along the right lines but that there were better exercises out there.

View attachment 1025167

@RODEBLUR @PrestonYnot @Chadeep @changcel @Strike_Poseidon @16tyo @SubhumanCurrycel @toth77 @ArvidGustavsson @IwantToLooksMaxx @TraumatisedOgre @my_babel_physics_pro @Kenickie @looksmaxxer234 @IWILLMAKEIT @Senhor Cabrito @pizza @Amnesia @looksmax.me @Cigarette @Currypirate4 @ssjchad @faggotchadlite

any guy with a deep voice can say fuck me in the ass as long as they have an attractive voice
Didn't read, amazing thread.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 66828
Read, good thread
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 52452
or just fraud 24/7
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 52452
Voice is an underrated infrequently talked about trait that is a major component of perceived charisma, dominance and significant for sexual attraction and perceived "personality". Unfortunately you're limited by your hormonal profile and vocal chord thickness as to how you sound but you can make some changes to improve how you sound.

Example of how it matters

People like Daniel Craig, Rowan Atkinson and Peter Dinklage sound very captivating to listen to and seem much more attractive when you scourge through interviews than they should based off their face, just because of their voice. Very unlikely they'd have any appeal as a celebrity otherwise (not talking about in Mr. Bean of course).

Lower voices are more attractive and dominant in men, and a study showed 96Hz as ideal male voice pitch but anything deep is good.

View attachment 1025133
View attachment 1025134

View attachment 1025135

Let's use this guy as an example. He is downright ugly but sounds profoundly charismatic and pleasing to listen to due to his voice.

On the other hand Sean O'Pry the PSL god sounds like an utter cuck and my "respecc" for him dropped compared to if I never heard his voice.

View attachment 1025163


  • Thyroplasty ($2500~)

    If your voice is actually terrible, you might need this.

    Simple one night stay surgery.
  • Testosterone/steroids

    Many bbuilders get a deeper voice after a few cycles.
  • Voice training and modulation

    If done religiously you might get a 20Hz or so pitch drop just by doing this, which is a huge deal.

Voice training and modulation

Download this app called Vocular, it's cheap and definitely worth it to track your vocal pitch and progress.

"Here’s How I Got a Deeper Voice (the 5 Best Techniques)

If you came here from Google, you’ve probably already been through a heap of articles on how to get a deeper voice. The problem with these is, none of them seem to be written by people who are actually speaking from experience. With each point, you have no idea whether you’re getting tried and tested advice or just guesswork they’ve plucked from the internet.

McConaughey voice-deepening exercise

As someone who has actually deepened his voice (from about average to low), I wanted to take a different tack and discuss the methods that worked for me, alongside a few others. Most of these I’ve tried, but not all of them, so where I don’t have first-hand knowledge I’ll link to discussion boards to show you real people talking about these techniques and how they worked for them.
Just to get it out of the way, none of this is medical advice. I trust you to follow these tips without giving yourself an injury – and if you feel in any way like you might, you should stop immediately. Right, here we go.


1. Strengthen your Neck Muscles

I’ve seen a lot of talk about this online, so I wanted to start by confirming here: this truly does work. Actually, it’s my favourite method of all of them.
If you put your hand on your throat, you’ll feel two long muscles which run down from behind your ear to your collarbone. These are your sternocleidomastoids, and when they get tense they tug on your vocal chords, resulting in a higher note. Relax these and, logically enough, your voice gets lower.

Sternocleidomastoid stretch

One recommended way of doing this is by making the neck muscles stronger. Stronger muscles are better at meeting their daily demands and therefore less likely to tighten up throughout the day. I was interested in this idea, so I thought I’d test it out.
Every day, at 2 o’clock and in the same room, I recorded a sample of my voice and wrote down the figures. I chose 2pm because I wanted the ‘morning effect’ of my voice to have worn off and I knew I wouldn’t have been drinking alcohol around that time. After the recording, every other day, I’d do 3 sets of 20 reps of crunches, where I lay on my bench and slowly nodded my head from horizontal to vertical, tucking in my chin – like doing sit-ups with your neck.

And it worked. Here’s a chart I made with Vocular.


As you can see, by all four metrics, my voice did deepen over time. My matches completely changed too.
More compellingly, my voice actually got higher before it got lower. It starts at about 105Hz, then shoots up to 113Hz and stays high for a week, before it gradually deepened month after month to the current pitch of 89Hz. That’s like going from Edward Norton, to Justin Bieber, to Jon Hamm.
This fits the idea that strong neck muscles give you a deeper voice. The exercises first made my neck weaker, like any muscle when you start training it. So my voice got higher. Then, as I continued with the exercises, it got used to the strain and became stronger, and my pitch dropped.
I should add that I also stretch my neck to relieve any tension that might build up with the exercises. So if you’re thinking of doing this, that’s something to keep an eye on. In fact, this guy on Reddit seems to have a routine which worked really well for him and seems to focus more on stretching.

Update: I’m also currently experimenting with a neck harness to build the muscles at the back of my neck as well as the front. It’s early days but I’ll report back here if I find that to be more effective.

2. Breathe from the Diaphragm

Ever noticed how your shoulders bob up and down as you breathe in and out?
If you’re have, you’re doing it wrong. This is a thing called ‘shallow breathing’ and it’s something most people are guilty of. While it seems as good as any method, this kind of breath shifts effort to the upper half of the torso, putting tension on the neck and vocal chords.
Instead, breathe with the muscle that’s designed to do it: the diaphragm. As you inhale, try to shift the effort downward so your stomach flexes out while your shoulders remain completely still. Feel as though the air is being summoned by your abs.
I know it’s quite hard to follow in writing, so Eric Arceneaux does a very good job of explaining this.


This one correction had the greatest impact on my voice depth – but, like any bad habit, it requires a conscious effort to overcome it. You may want to try something to remind yourself when you’re creeping back to your old ways. One vocal coach has created the Singing-Belt to do this, although it’s expensive so using kinesiology tape or a tight T-shirt might work better.
It’s tough to get used to, but mastering diaphragmatic breathing will also give you a richer, more resonant voice, which is probably more important than having a deep voice. It also has a host of other benefits, such a reducing stress and improving athletic performance, since it’s just a more efficient way to breathe.​

3. Aspirate

You can try this one for yourself and immediately see its effect. Open Vocular and enable the Pitch Tracker in Settings, then speak to the microphone in your normal voice and see what numbers come up.
Now try talking in a breathier, more aspirated kind of way, as if you’re speaking through a sigh. If you need someone to copy, Tom Hiddleston’s a pretty good example.


You should see your numbers drop as soon as you take on this breathier kind of tone. And not only does this make your voice deeper, it makes it more attractive too. A 2014 study found that the most attractive male voices were also the breathiest – and this was so pronounced that women preferred a high-pitched but breathy voice over a deep, non-breathy one.​

4. Drink More Water

Please don’t skip over this section, because it’s a lot more important than you might think. You know how the depth of your voice is partly caused by the size of your vocal chords? Well, dehydration literally shrinks your vocal chords. The loss of water equates to a loss of mass, leaving you with thinner, squeakier vocal chords.
And, strikingly, most people are dehydrated. A recent study found that 75% of Americans fell far below the recommended daily intake, which, again, gives us a majority of people speaking with higher voices than they ought to be.


The solution is to make things easier for yourself. If you work at a desk, get a jug (one that can hold 3-4 litres) and fill it every morning. Not only will this encourage you to drink more because it’s there, it’ll bring the water to room temperature which stops the throat contracting from the cold.
If you’re sceptical about the impact of this, see for yourself. My hydrated voice is often so much deeper that it shares almost no overlap with my dehydrated one – the similarity comes out at about 10-20%. In fact, I now make a point of drinking a litre of water an hour before going on a date or to an important meeting.​

5. Be More Monotone

I’ve noticed a few names that come up time and time again when discussing voice depth. One of these names is Clint Eastwood. But the weird thing here is that, in terms of pitch, Eastwood doesn’t have a deep voice. It’s about average.


However, one thing Eastwood has in spades in monotony. This is a very manly trait – in fact, a recent study found that men with monotone voices tend to have more sexual partners than those who don’t. So it may be that the masculinity of a monotone voice tricks people into thinking that voice is deep as well.
This is backed up by a paper on vocal attractiveness, which found that the voices which varied less in pitch were the most likely to be considered deep. In fact, pitch variation was almost as important as actual pitch in deciding whether a voice was deep or not. "

How to Tell if You Have Vocal Fry (and why does it matter)

Vocular now does vocal fry, so I wanted to answer a few questions about that today – what is it, what does it mean, how can you tell how much you speak with, etc. Here we go.​

What is vocal fry?​

That’s that low-pitched, creaky, pulsating sound you hear most famously in the voices of women like Kim Kardashian and Zooey Deschanel.


This isn’t something limited to women though. In fact, Bill Clinton has the most vocal fry of anyone on our database.​

How can you tell how much vocal fry you speak with?​

Just like anything else, all you have to do is open the app, hit the record button and speak for about 30 seconds. The algorithm then analyses your voice to tell you how much vocal fry it finds. Anything over 15% is a lot, and anything under 6% is very little – although the app explains all this anyway. Check it out below.

(Just as a note, this doesn’t really work if you’re a guy with a deep voice. That kind of vocal fry is too low to detect well, although we should be able to do this in the future once we can analyse the smoothness of voices.)​

Why is vocal fry important?​

In theory, vocal fry should be a good thing. Deep voices are rated as being more authoritative. People are more easily persuaded by speakers who lower their pitch whilst making a point. Even CEO salaries rise as their pitch falls. So talking in vocal fry, the lowest register of the human voice, should be a good thing.

But studies tell us a very different story. Recent research looked at attitudes towards vocal fry using pairs of voices – both made by the same speaker – one with fry and the other without. The main finding: listeners were several times more likely to rate the fry voice as less trustworthy, less educated and less competent. They also claimed to be significantly more likely to hire the other voice.
And this wasn’t just about old people hating new ways of speaking. Every demographic shared the same prejudice against vocal fryers, although old women showed the greatest aversion to them.​

How do you stop speaking with vocal fry?​

You just do, really. Vocal fry is like any other bad habit, so unless you’ve got some rare vocal chord condition, you should be able to consciously keep your voice from falling into that lower register. Then it’s just a case of practising until it become second nature to you.
Vocular can help you with this by giving you a clearer idea of how much fry is in your voice. Breathing deeply and diaphragmatically should also make it easier to keep your voice up in the modal register.​

Why do people find vocal fry so annoying?​

Well, there are some people who seem to want to put all this down to misogyny, like vocal fry is actually just a conduit for criticising women’s freedom of speech. Even a recent episode of Things You Should Know went down this route.

This might be true for a few weirdos who write in to these shows, but it ignores basic differences in the way men and women speak. Female voices tend to be roughly twice as high as male voices, so it’s far more jarring when they keep dropping into registers down in Morgan Freeman territory. Some men, on the other hand, have voices deep enough that it’s really difficult to separate from their vocal fry. Even I have trouble doing this with myself.
Also, it’s not as though all female presenters are being chastised for their voices on the internet. Kirsty Young hosts Desert Island Discs, a show with an audience probably similar to something from NPR, and Twitter is awash with people announcing how much they love her voice. The difference? She has almost no vocal fry at all in her voice. She actually has the least of any woman in our database.

The anti-fry reaction isn’t limited to female voices either. The study I mentioned before found that vocal fry was equally disapproved of in male voices as it was in female ones.
There are other reasons why fry might generally be something people don’t like to listen to. I’ve said it a few times before, but the most attractive voices are usually the breathiest, huskiest or smoothest ones. Vocal fry tends to be the opposite of that. Actually, you need only look at a spectrogram to see what a harsh kind of sound it is.

It also sounds weak, in my opinion. A croaking, creaky voice isn’t something you naturally associate with a high level of fitness – it can be caused by bad breathing technique or vocal fold pathology. So it may also be that the most attractive voices tend to sound the healthiest.​

So what’s the bottom line?​

Bottom line is that vocal fry seems only to carry negative connotations, so it would be a smart move to learn to speak without it. Aiming for 0% is unrealistic, since some level of fry is natural and unavoidable, but keeping to the single figures should give you a stronger, more authoritative and more attractive voice.

Morgan Freeman tells you how to get a deeper voice​

Morgan Freeman didn’t always have that voice. He had to work at it. In fact, he recently stated that the first major step he made towards becoming an actor was learning to lower the pitch of his voice.


But how did he do it? Well, although details have always been a bit sketchy, he did divulge this tip.

In a word, yawn. Yawn a lot.
His explanation: yawning relaxes the muscles of the throat, which relieves your vocal chords of tension and allows them to loosen up – just like slackening a guitar string for a lower note.
And he’s right. The pitch of your voice effectively comes down to three factors: the length, thickness, and tension of your vocal chords. The first two are typically seen as outside of your control (although that’s not true; staying hydrated makes your vocal chords bigger and therefore lower-pitched). But the third is something that you can master. And yawning is just one method for doing that.
I found this comment from a guy who’d heeded Freeman’s advice.

And another, who thought the advice was along the right lines but that there were better exercises out there.

View attachment 1025167

@RODEBLUR @PrestonYnot @Chadeep @changcel @Strike_Poseidon @16tyo @SubhumanCurrycel @toth77 @ArvidGustavsson @IwantToLooksMaxx @TraumatisedOgre @my_babel_physics_pro @Kenickie @looksmaxxer234 @IWILLMAKEIT @Senhor Cabrito @pizza @Amnesia @looksmax.me @Cigarette @Currypirate4 @ssjchad @faggotchadlite

Smoking at least 5 cigarettes a day right now and my voice sounds way deeper then a few months ago not recommending it tho cigarettes are bad for your overall health
Bookmarked this.
Voice is an underrated infrequently talked about trait that is a major component of perceived charisma, dominance and significant for sexual attraction and perceived "personality". Unfortunately you're limited by your hormonal profile and vocal chord thickness as to how you sound but you can make some changes to improve how you sound.

Example of how it matters

People like Daniel Craig, Rowan Atkinson and Peter Dinklage sound very captivating to listen to and seem much more attractive when you scourge through interviews than they should based off their face, just because of their voice. Very unlikely they'd have any appeal as a celebrity otherwise (not talking about in Mr. Bean of course).

Lower voices are more attractive and dominant in men, and a study showed 96Hz as ideal male voice pitch but anything deep is good.

View attachment 1025133
View attachment 1025134

View attachment 1025135

Let's use this guy as an example. He is downright ugly but sounds profoundly charismatic and pleasing to listen to due to his voice.

On the other hand Sean O'Pry the PSL god sounds like an utter cuck and my "respecc" for him dropped compared to if I never heard his voice.

View attachment 1025163


  • Thyroplasty ($2500~)

    If your voice is actually terrible, you might need this.

    Simple one night stay surgery.
  • Testosterone/steroids

    Many bbuilders get a deeper voice after a few cycles.
  • Voice training and modulation

    If done religiously you might get a 20Hz or so pitch drop just by doing this, which is a huge deal.

Voice training and modulation

Download this app called Vocular, it's cheap and definitely worth it to track your vocal pitch and progress.

"Here’s How I Got a Deeper Voice (the 5 Best Techniques)

If you came here from Google, you’ve probably already been through a heap of articles on how to get a deeper voice. The problem with these is, none of them seem to be written by people who are actually speaking from experience. With each point, you have no idea whether you’re getting tried and tested advice or just guesswork they’ve plucked from the internet.

McConaughey voice-deepening exercise

As someone who has actually deepened his voice (from about average to low), I wanted to take a different tack and discuss the methods that worked for me, alongside a few others. Most of these I’ve tried, but not all of them, so where I don’t have first-hand knowledge I’ll link to discussion boards to show you real people talking about these techniques and how they worked for them.
Just to get it out of the way, none of this is medical advice. I trust you to follow these tips without giving yourself an injury – and if you feel in any way like you might, you should stop immediately. Right, here we go.


1. Strengthen your Neck Muscles

I’ve seen a lot of talk about this online, so I wanted to start by confirming here: this truly does work. Actually, it’s my favourite method of all of them.
If you put your hand on your throat, you’ll feel two long muscles which run down from behind your ear to your collarbone. These are your sternocleidomastoids, and when they get tense they tug on your vocal chords, resulting in a higher note. Relax these and, logically enough, your voice gets lower.

Sternocleidomastoid stretch

One recommended way of doing this is by making the neck muscles stronger. Stronger muscles are better at meeting their daily demands and therefore less likely to tighten up throughout the day. I was interested in this idea, so I thought I’d test it out.
Every day, at 2 o’clock and in the same room, I recorded a sample of my voice and wrote down the figures. I chose 2pm because I wanted the ‘morning effect’ of my voice to have worn off and I knew I wouldn’t have been drinking alcohol around that time. After the recording, every other day, I’d do 3 sets of 20 reps of crunches, where I lay on my bench and slowly nodded my head from horizontal to vertical, tucking in my chin – like doing sit-ups with your neck.

And it worked. Here’s a chart I made with Vocular.


As you can see, by all four metrics, my voice did deepen over time. My matches completely changed too.
More compellingly, my voice actually got higher before it got lower. It starts at about 105Hz, then shoots up to 113Hz and stays high for a week, before it gradually deepened month after month to the current pitch of 89Hz. That’s like going from Edward Norton, to Justin Bieber, to Jon Hamm.
This fits the idea that strong neck muscles give you a deeper voice. The exercises first made my neck weaker, like any muscle when you start training it. So my voice got higher. Then, as I continued with the exercises, it got used to the strain and became stronger, and my pitch dropped.
I should add that I also stretch my neck to relieve any tension that might build up with the exercises. So if you’re thinking of doing this, that’s something to keep an eye on. In fact, this guy on Reddit seems to have a routine which worked really well for him and seems to focus more on stretching.

Update: I’m also currently experimenting with a neck harness to build the muscles at the back of my neck as well as the front. It’s early days but I’ll report back here if I find that to be more effective.

2. Breathe from the Diaphragm

Ever noticed how your shoulders bob up and down as you breathe in and out?
If you’re have, you’re doing it wrong. This is a thing called ‘shallow breathing’ and it’s something most people are guilty of. While it seems as good as any method, this kind of breath shifts effort to the upper half of the torso, putting tension on the neck and vocal chords.
Instead, breathe with the muscle that’s designed to do it: the diaphragm. As you inhale, try to shift the effort downward so your stomach flexes out while your shoulders remain completely still. Feel as though the air is being summoned by your abs.
I know it’s quite hard to follow in writing, so Eric Arceneaux does a very good job of explaining this.


This one correction had the greatest impact on my voice depth – but, like any bad habit, it requires a conscious effort to overcome it. You may want to try something to remind yourself when you’re creeping back to your old ways. One vocal coach has created the Singing-Belt to do this, although it’s expensive so using kinesiology tape or a tight T-shirt might work better.
It’s tough to get used to, but mastering diaphragmatic breathing will also give you a richer, more resonant voice, which is probably more important than having a deep voice. It also has a host of other benefits, such a reducing stress and improving athletic performance, since it’s just a more efficient way to breathe.​

3. Aspirate

You can try this one for yourself and immediately see its effect. Open Vocular and enable the Pitch Tracker in Settings, then speak to the microphone in your normal voice and see what numbers come up.
Now try talking in a breathier, more aspirated kind of way, as if you’re speaking through a sigh. If you need someone to copy, Tom Hiddleston’s a pretty good example.


You should see your numbers drop as soon as you take on this breathier kind of tone. And not only does this make your voice deeper, it makes it more attractive too. A 2014 study found that the most attractive male voices were also the breathiest – and this was so pronounced that women preferred a high-pitched but breathy voice over a deep, non-breathy one.​

4. Drink More Water

Please don’t skip over this section, because it’s a lot more important than you might think. You know how the depth of your voice is partly caused by the size of your vocal chords? Well, dehydration literally shrinks your vocal chords. The loss of water equates to a loss of mass, leaving you with thinner, squeakier vocal chords.
And, strikingly, most people are dehydrated. A recent study found that 75% of Americans fell far below the recommended daily intake, which, again, gives us a majority of people speaking with higher voices than they ought to be.


The solution is to make things easier for yourself. If you work at a desk, get a jug (one that can hold 3-4 litres) and fill it every morning. Not only will this encourage you to drink more because it’s there, it’ll bring the water to room temperature which stops the throat contracting from the cold.
If you’re sceptical about the impact of this, see for yourself. My hydrated voice is often so much deeper that it shares almost no overlap with my dehydrated one – the similarity comes out at about 10-20%. In fact, I now make a point of drinking a litre of water an hour before going on a date or to an important meeting.​

5. Be More Monotone

I’ve noticed a few names that come up time and time again when discussing voice depth. One of these names is Clint Eastwood. But the weird thing here is that, in terms of pitch, Eastwood doesn’t have a deep voice. It’s about average.


However, one thing Eastwood has in spades in monotony. This is a very manly trait – in fact, a recent study found that men with monotone voices tend to have more sexual partners than those who don’t. So it may be that the masculinity of a monotone voice tricks people into thinking that voice is deep as well.
This is backed up by a paper on vocal attractiveness, which found that the voices which varied less in pitch were the most likely to be considered deep. In fact, pitch variation was almost as important as actual pitch in deciding whether a voice was deep or not. "

How to Tell if You Have Vocal Fry (and why does it matter)

Vocular now does vocal fry, so I wanted to answer a few questions about that today – what is it, what does it mean, how can you tell how much you speak with, etc. Here we go.​

What is vocal fry?​

That’s that low-pitched, creaky, pulsating sound you hear most famously in the voices of women like Kim Kardashian and Zooey Deschanel.


This isn’t something limited to women though. In fact, Bill Clinton has the most vocal fry of anyone on our database.​

How can you tell how much vocal fry you speak with?​

Just like anything else, all you have to do is open the app, hit the record button and speak for about 30 seconds. The algorithm then analyses your voice to tell you how much vocal fry it finds. Anything over 15% is a lot, and anything under 6% is very little – although the app explains all this anyway. Check it out below.

(Just as a note, this doesn’t really work if you’re a guy with a deep voice. That kind of vocal fry is too low to detect well, although we should be able to do this in the future once we can analyse the smoothness of voices.)​

Why is vocal fry important?​

In theory, vocal fry should be a good thing. Deep voices are rated as being more authoritative. People are more easily persuaded by speakers who lower their pitch whilst making a point. Even CEO salaries rise as their pitch falls. So talking in vocal fry, the lowest register of the human voice, should be a good thing.

But studies tell us a very different story. Recent research looked at attitudes towards vocal fry using pairs of voices – both made by the same speaker – one with fry and the other without. The main finding: listeners were several times more likely to rate the fry voice as less trustworthy, less educated and less competent. They also claimed to be significantly more likely to hire the other voice.
And this wasn’t just about old people hating new ways of speaking. Every demographic shared the same prejudice against vocal fryers, although old women showed the greatest aversion to them.​

How do you stop speaking with vocal fry?​

You just do, really. Vocal fry is like any other bad habit, so unless you’ve got some rare vocal chord condition, you should be able to consciously keep your voice from falling into that lower register. Then it’s just a case of practising until it become second nature to you.
Vocular can help you with this by giving you a clearer idea of how much fry is in your voice. Breathing deeply and diaphragmatically should also make it easier to keep your voice up in the modal register.​

Why do people find vocal fry so annoying?​

Well, there are some people who seem to want to put all this down to misogyny, like vocal fry is actually just a conduit for criticising women’s freedom of speech. Even a recent episode of Things You Should Know went down this route.

This might be true for a few weirdos who write in to these shows, but it ignores basic differences in the way men and women speak. Female voices tend to be roughly twice as high as male voices, so it’s far more jarring when they keep dropping into registers down in Morgan Freeman territory. Some men, on the other hand, have voices deep enough that it’s really difficult to separate from their vocal fry. Even I have trouble doing this with myself.
Also, it’s not as though all female presenters are being chastised for their voices on the internet. Kirsty Young hosts Desert Island Discs, a show with an audience probably similar to something from NPR, and Twitter is awash with people announcing how much they love her voice. The difference? She has almost no vocal fry at all in her voice. She actually has the least of any woman in our database.

The anti-fry reaction isn’t limited to female voices either. The study I mentioned before found that vocal fry was equally disapproved of in male voices as it was in female ones.
There are other reasons why fry might generally be something people don’t like to listen to. I’ve said it a few times before, but the most attractive voices are usually the breathiest, huskiest or smoothest ones. Vocal fry tends to be the opposite of that. Actually, you need only look at a spectrogram to see what a harsh kind of sound it is.

It also sounds weak, in my opinion. A croaking, creaky voice isn’t something you naturally associate with a high level of fitness – it can be caused by bad breathing technique or vocal fold pathology. So it may also be that the most attractive voices tend to sound the healthiest.​

So what’s the bottom line?​

Bottom line is that vocal fry seems only to carry negative connotations, so it would be a smart move to learn to speak without it. Aiming for 0% is unrealistic, since some level of fry is natural and unavoidable, but keeping to the single figures should give you a stronger, more authoritative and more attractive voice.

Morgan Freeman tells you how to get a deeper voice​

Morgan Freeman didn’t always have that voice. He had to work at it. In fact, he recently stated that the first major step he made towards becoming an actor was learning to lower the pitch of his voice.


But how did he do it? Well, although details have always been a bit sketchy, he did divulge this tip.

In a word, yawn. Yawn a lot.
His explanation: yawning relaxes the muscles of the throat, which relieves your vocal chords of tension and allows them to loosen up – just like slackening a guitar string for a lower note.
And he’s right. The pitch of your voice effectively comes down to three factors: the length, thickness, and tension of your vocal chords. The first two are typically seen as outside of your control (although that’s not true; staying hydrated makes your vocal chords bigger and therefore lower-pitched). But the third is something that you can master. And yawning is just one method for doing that.
I found this comment from a guy who’d heeded Freeman’s advice.

And another, who thought the advice was along the right lines but that there were better exercises out there.

View attachment 1025167

@RODEBLUR @PrestonYnot @Chadeep @changcel @Strike_Poseidon @16tyo @SubhumanCurrycel @toth77 @ArvidGustavsson @IwantToLooksMaxx @TraumatisedOgre @my_babel_physics_pro @Kenickie @looksmaxxer234 @IWILLMAKEIT @Senhor Cabrito @pizza @Amnesia @looksmax.me @Cigarette @Currypirate4 @ssjchad @faggotchadlite

Good thread.
  • +1
Reactions: Methylphenidate
My voice is naturally deep, but it has never been so loud, if I try to speak loudly I will end up losing my tone (like some idiots who speak loudly and with a chicken voice, annoying as hell). I've been practicing neck exercises without even knowing that they worked for a deep voice, I will report if it gets deepest or loud.
well executed thread. voice training does work and theres proof that some supplements can help your voice become a bit deeper.

although if you want an easy deep voice i’d recommend talking slowly and keeping your conversations as calm as possible. try to keep your throat relaxed and drink water to keep it clean and prevent any coughing and weird shif.

i heard that shouting extremely loud with all your throat helps too but i think its jfl.
What supplements?
Voice is an underrated infrequently talked about trait that is a major component of perceived charisma, dominance and significant for sexual attraction and perceived "personality". Unfortunately you're limited by your hormonal profile and vocal chord thickness as to how you sound but you can make some changes to improve how you sound.

Example of how it matters

People like Daniel Craig, Rowan Atkinson and Peter Dinklage sound very captivating to listen to and seem much more attractive when you scourge through interviews than they should based off their face, just because of their voice. Very unlikely they'd have any appeal as a celebrity otherwise (not talking about in Mr. Bean of course).

Lower voices are more attractive and dominant in men, and a study showed 96Hz as ideal male voice pitch but anything deep is good.

View attachment 1025133
View attachment 1025134

View attachment 1025135

Let's use this guy as an example. He is downright ugly but sounds profoundly charismatic and pleasing to listen to due to his voice.

On the other hand Sean O'Pry the PSL god sounds like an utter cuck and my "respecc" for him dropped compared to if I never heard his voice.

View attachment 1025163


  • Thyroplasty ($2500~)

    If your voice is actually terrible, you might need this.

    Simple one night stay surgery.
  • Testosterone/steroids

    Many bbuilders get a deeper voice after a few cycles.
  • Voice training and modulation

    If done religiously you might get a 20Hz or so pitch drop just by doing this, which is a huge deal.

Voice training and modulation

Download this app called Vocular, it's cheap and definitely worth it to track your vocal pitch and progress.

"Here’s How I Got a Deeper Voice (the 5 Best Techniques)

If you came here from Google, you’ve probably already been through a heap of articles on how to get a deeper voice. The problem with these is, none of them seem to be written by people who are actually speaking from experience. With each point, you have no idea whether you’re getting tried and tested advice or just guesswork they’ve plucked from the internet.

McConaughey voice-deepening exercise

As someone who has actually deepened his voice (from about average to low), I wanted to take a different tack and discuss the methods that worked for me, alongside a few others. Most of these I’ve tried, but not all of them, so where I don’t have first-hand knowledge I’ll link to discussion boards to show you real people talking about these techniques and how they worked for them.
Just to get it out of the way, none of this is medical advice. I trust you to follow these tips without giving yourself an injury – and if you feel in any way like you might, you should stop immediately. Right, here we go.


1. Strengthen your Neck Muscles

I’ve seen a lot of talk about this online, so I wanted to start by confirming here: this truly does work. Actually, it’s my favourite method of all of them.
If you put your hand on your throat, you’ll feel two long muscles which run down from behind your ear to your collarbone. These are your sternocleidomastoids, and when they get tense they tug on your vocal chords, resulting in a higher note. Relax these and, logically enough, your voice gets lower.

Sternocleidomastoid stretch

One recommended way of doing this is by making the neck muscles stronger. Stronger muscles are better at meeting their daily demands and therefore less likely to tighten up throughout the day. I was interested in this idea, so I thought I’d test it out.
Every day, at 2 o’clock and in the same room, I recorded a sample of my voice and wrote down the figures. I chose 2pm because I wanted the ‘morning effect’ of my voice to have worn off and I knew I wouldn’t have been drinking alcohol around that time. After the recording, every other day, I’d do 3 sets of 20 reps of crunches, where I lay on my bench and slowly nodded my head from horizontal to vertical, tucking in my chin – like doing sit-ups with your neck.

And it worked. Here’s a chart I made with Vocular.


As you can see, by all four metrics, my voice did deepen over time. My matches completely changed too.
More compellingly, my voice actually got higher before it got lower. It starts at about 105Hz, then shoots up to 113Hz and stays high for a week, before it gradually deepened month after month to the current pitch of 89Hz. That’s like going from Edward Norton, to Justin Bieber, to Jon Hamm.
This fits the idea that strong neck muscles give you a deeper voice. The exercises first made my neck weaker, like any muscle when you start training it. So my voice got higher. Then, as I continued with the exercises, it got used to the strain and became stronger, and my pitch dropped.
I should add that I also stretch my neck to relieve any tension that might build up with the exercises. So if you’re thinking of doing this, that’s something to keep an eye on. In fact, this guy on Reddit seems to have a routine which worked really well for him and seems to focus more on stretching.

Update: I’m also currently experimenting with a neck harness to build the muscles at the back of my neck as well as the front. It’s early days but I’ll report back here if I find that to be more effective.

2. Breathe from the Diaphragm

Ever noticed how your shoulders bob up and down as you breathe in and out?
If you’re have, you’re doing it wrong. This is a thing called ‘shallow breathing’ and it’s something most people are guilty of. While it seems as good as any method, this kind of breath shifts effort to the upper half of the torso, putting tension on the neck and vocal chords.
Instead, breathe with the muscle that’s designed to do it: the diaphragm. As you inhale, try to shift the effort downward so your stomach flexes out while your shoulders remain completely still. Feel as though the air is being summoned by your abs.
I know it’s quite hard to follow in writing, so Eric Arceneaux does a very good job of explaining this.


This one correction had the greatest impact on my voice depth – but, like any bad habit, it requires a conscious effort to overcome it. You may want to try something to remind yourself when you’re creeping back to your old ways. One vocal coach has created the Singing-Belt to do this, although it’s expensive so using kinesiology tape or a tight T-shirt might work better.
It’s tough to get used to, but mastering diaphragmatic breathing will also give you a richer, more resonant voice, which is probably more important than having a deep voice. It also has a host of other benefits, such a reducing stress and improving athletic performance, since it’s just a more efficient way to breathe.​

3. Aspirate

You can try this one for yourself and immediately see its effect. Open Vocular and enable the Pitch Tracker in Settings, then speak to the microphone in your normal voice and see what numbers come up.
Now try talking in a breathier, more aspirated kind of way, as if you’re speaking through a sigh. If you need someone to copy, Tom Hiddleston’s a pretty good example.


You should see your numbers drop as soon as you take on this breathier kind of tone. And not only does this make your voice deeper, it makes it more attractive too. A 2014 study found that the most attractive male voices were also the breathiest – and this was so pronounced that women preferred a high-pitched but breathy voice over a deep, non-breathy one.​

4. Drink More Water

Please don’t skip over this section, because it’s a lot more important than you might think. You know how the depth of your voice is partly caused by the size of your vocal chords? Well, dehydration literally shrinks your vocal chords. The loss of water equates to a loss of mass, leaving you with thinner, squeakier vocal chords.
And, strikingly, most people are dehydrated. A recent study found that 75% of Americans fell far below the recommended daily intake, which, again, gives us a majority of people speaking with higher voices than they ought to be.


The solution is to make things easier for yourself. If you work at a desk, get a jug (one that can hold 3-4 litres) and fill it every morning. Not only will this encourage you to drink more because it’s there, it’ll bring the water to room temperature which stops the throat contracting from the cold.
If you’re sceptical about the impact of this, see for yourself. My hydrated voice is often so much deeper that it shares almost no overlap with my dehydrated one – the similarity comes out at about 10-20%. In fact, I now make a point of drinking a litre of water an hour before going on a date or to an important meeting.​

5. Be More Monotone

I’ve noticed a few names that come up time and time again when discussing voice depth. One of these names is Clint Eastwood. But the weird thing here is that, in terms of pitch, Eastwood doesn’t have a deep voice. It’s about average.


However, one thing Eastwood has in spades in monotony. This is a very manly trait – in fact, a recent study found that men with monotone voices tend to have more sexual partners than those who don’t. So it may be that the masculinity of a monotone voice tricks people into thinking that voice is deep as well.
This is backed up by a paper on vocal attractiveness, which found that the voices which varied less in pitch were the most likely to be considered deep. In fact, pitch variation was almost as important as actual pitch in deciding whether a voice was deep or not. "

How to Tell if You Have Vocal Fry (and why does it matter)

Vocular now does vocal fry, so I wanted to answer a few questions about that today – what is it, what does it mean, how can you tell how much you speak with, etc. Here we go.​

What is vocal fry?​

That’s that low-pitched, creaky, pulsating sound you hear most famously in the voices of women like Kim Kardashian and Zooey Deschanel.


This isn’t something limited to women though. In fact, Bill Clinton has the most vocal fry of anyone on our database.​

How can you tell how much vocal fry you speak with?​

Just like anything else, all you have to do is open the app, hit the record button and speak for about 30 seconds. The algorithm then analyses your voice to tell you how much vocal fry it finds. Anything over 15% is a lot, and anything under 6% is very little – although the app explains all this anyway. Check it out below.

(Just as a note, this doesn’t really work if you’re a guy with a deep voice. That kind of vocal fry is too low to detect well, although we should be able to do this in the future once we can analyse the smoothness of voices.)​

Why is vocal fry important?​

In theory, vocal fry should be a good thing. Deep voices are rated as being more authoritative. People are more easily persuaded by speakers who lower their pitch whilst making a point. Even CEO salaries rise as their pitch falls. So talking in vocal fry, the lowest register of the human voice, should be a good thing.

But studies tell us a very different story. Recent research looked at attitudes towards vocal fry using pairs of voices – both made by the same speaker – one with fry and the other without. The main finding: listeners were several times more likely to rate the fry voice as less trustworthy, less educated and less competent. They also claimed to be significantly more likely to hire the other voice.
And this wasn’t just about old people hating new ways of speaking. Every demographic shared the same prejudice against vocal fryers, although old women showed the greatest aversion to them.​

How do you stop speaking with vocal fry?​

You just do, really. Vocal fry is like any other bad habit, so unless you’ve got some rare vocal chord condition, you should be able to consciously keep your voice from falling into that lower register. Then it’s just a case of practising until it become second nature to you.
Vocular can help you with this by giving you a clearer idea of how much fry is in your voice. Breathing deeply and diaphragmatically should also make it easier to keep your voice up in the modal register.​

Why do people find vocal fry so annoying?​

Well, there are some people who seem to want to put all this down to misogyny, like vocal fry is actually just a conduit for criticising women’s freedom of speech. Even a recent episode of Things You Should Know went down this route.

This might be true for a few weirdos who write in to these shows, but it ignores basic differences in the way men and women speak. Female voices tend to be roughly twice as high as male voices, so it’s far more jarring when they keep dropping into registers down in Morgan Freeman territory. Some men, on the other hand, have voices deep enough that it’s really difficult to separate from their vocal fry. Even I have trouble doing this with myself.
Also, it’s not as though all female presenters are being chastised for their voices on the internet. Kirsty Young hosts Desert Island Discs, a show with an audience probably similar to something from NPR, and Twitter is awash with people announcing how much they love her voice. The difference? She has almost no vocal fry at all in her voice. She actually has the least of any woman in our database.

The anti-fry reaction isn’t limited to female voices either. The study I mentioned before found that vocal fry was equally disapproved of in male voices as it was in female ones.
There are other reasons why fry might generally be something people don’t like to listen to. I’ve said it a few times before, but the most attractive voices are usually the breathiest, huskiest or smoothest ones. Vocal fry tends to be the opposite of that. Actually, you need only look at a spectrogram to see what a harsh kind of sound it is.

It also sounds weak, in my opinion. A croaking, creaky voice isn’t something you naturally associate with a high level of fitness – it can be caused by bad breathing technique or vocal fold pathology. So it may also be that the most attractive voices tend to sound the healthiest.​

So what’s the bottom line?​

Bottom line is that vocal fry seems only to carry negative connotations, so it would be a smart move to learn to speak without it. Aiming for 0% is unrealistic, since some level of fry is natural and unavoidable, but keeping to the single figures should give you a stronger, more authoritative and more attractive voice.

Morgan Freeman tells you how to get a deeper voice​

Morgan Freeman didn’t always have that voice. He had to work at it. In fact, he recently stated that the first major step he made towards becoming an actor was learning to lower the pitch of his voice.


But how did he do it? Well, although details have always been a bit sketchy, he did divulge this tip.

In a word, yawn. Yawn a lot.
His explanation: yawning relaxes the muscles of the throat, which relieves your vocal chords of tension and allows them to loosen up – just like slackening a guitar string for a lower note.
And he’s right. The pitch of your voice effectively comes down to three factors: the length, thickness, and tension of your vocal chords. The first two are typically seen as outside of your control (although that’s not true; staying hydrated makes your vocal chords bigger and therefore lower-pitched). But the third is something that you can master. And yawning is just one method for doing that.
I found this comment from a guy who’d heeded Freeman’s advice.

And another, who thought the advice was along the right lines but that there were better exercises out there.

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@RODEBLUR @PrestonYnot @Chadeep @changcel @Strike_Poseidon @16tyo @SubhumanCurrycel @toth77 @ArvidGustavsson @IwantToLooksMaxx @TraumatisedOgre @my_babel_physics_pro @Kenickie @looksmaxxer234 @IWILLMAKEIT @Senhor Cabrito @pizza @Amnesia @looksmax.me @Cigarette @Currypirate4 @ssjchad @faggotchadlite

anything besides face height and physique is cope

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