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I am really into entrepenourship, economics, financial... I am not rich, because BEING RICH is about the correct things FOR A LONG TIME. But I know more or less the basics, specially because of older people I know, and because economics is universal to any scale.
1) Most important thing is focus on long term, this is based in every aspect of life, economics isn't different.
2) You need to create added value. OP spotted this as a cope, it isn't, is literally the key of the creation of wealth. Wealth is created BTW. In the long term, the market ALWAYS, ALWAYS benefits the one who adds value. Because people, companies... seek efficience, and thats is reached with added value. So make sure yo do something, sell something, design something that benefits other people (your potential clients). There is no need to create something new, just improving something, is adding value.
3) CAPITALIZATION. You know why is called Capitalism? Is called capitalization because is the action of saving plusvalies of work and invest them to create more wealth into the future. Thats why I said WEALTH don't exist per se, it needs to be created and it is infinite. WEALTH = efficience in life, not coins or dollars (thats just a currency to try to materialize labour).
Capitalization is your #1 goal for you if you want to become richer, wealthier. Without capitalization, the world would crumble and go back to mediaval era. Capitalization is the number one goal, or should be, for every fucking company in the world, including modern states (almost none state does that, thats why the system will collapse soon or later IMO), and for your, because as I said, economics are simple and universal, what you should do is what Apple INC should do and what the Helvetica Confederation should do.
For dumbs, save money, and invest it, invest invest invest, not only are you become richer, you are helping world economy. Economy doesn't need consumers, need investors. Don't burn capital with stupid things, save and invest to create wealth, and to become wealthier, because investiments give returns.
By capitalization or invest, there are infinite ways. Invest into stocks (companies), invest in information (education, learning thing that add value makes you more value in the market, maybe you work with you computer, so you invest into buying a more powerful computer (adds value). Bitcoin isn't an invest by definition, is just normal saving.
If you have 1000€ and you don't spend the max you can into a improvement that will make you generate more than 1000€. You will never by rich by you owm means, and if you win lottery, eventually, you will lose everything.
4) Focus on your branch. This is also related to the added value part. If you want to entrepenourship, you need to add value, and the most probably way you are gonna add value between market competitors is in a branch that you understand.
If you are a baker, you wont start a bussiness about clothes. If you are expert in engineering, you want to add value by making some engineering aspect of something more efficient. That way you will become wealthier. Entrepeneour in the branch you understand.
Those points were universal rules, now some quick pragmatic tips:
-Don't waste time, time is not purchesable. Regular people nowadays waste a shitton of time. Don't do that.
-You should aim to become a capitalist, thats means, the one that puts the capital. You start as a worker, then worker and capitalist, and finally capitalist. Thats when you soley need to sit and relax. You capital is the one adding value, by allowing economy to invest and become more efficient, more richer.
1) Focus on long term, don't get distracted by short term.
2) Try to add value. Something, a service, a good, a knowledge, a strategy, that improves already existing things.
3) Work, save, invest, work, save, invest. Capitalization.
4) Improve your already know branches. Something you are passionate, you already worked, you studied...
5) Don't waste you life, dont be a regular sheep, do things. You will die, don't be a fucking nihilist.
6) Capitalization is buying free time in your future.
I am writing this as a hypotetical perfect capitalist environment, without stupid regulations, state-monopolies, state netpotism, total free market (aka full meritocracy), no taxes on capitalization (like in Switzerland per example, in my country tax is 19% kek)
If you live in a western country, more or less the environment is somewhat close to "utopycal" in relative terms compared to socialist shitholes. If you live in a leftie country, your priority must be leave that corrupt and unmoral shithole.
If you live in a western country, more or less the environment is somewhat close to "utopycal" in relative terms compared to socialist shitholes. If you live in a leftie country, your priority must be leave that corrupt and unmoral shithole.
1) Most important thing is focus on long term, this is based in every aspect of life, economics isn't different.
2) You need to create added value. OP spotted this as a cope, it isn't, is literally the key of the creation of wealth. Wealth is created BTW. In the long term, the market ALWAYS, ALWAYS benefits the one who adds value. Because people, companies... seek efficience, and thats is reached with added value. So make sure yo do something, sell something, design something that benefits other people (your potential clients). There is no need to create something new, just improving something, is adding value.
Examples; steam machine added value by making faster, less workers same production; McDonald's added value was making faster food; Ford added value by allowing faster transportation of people and goods; TSMC add value by designing and creating the most efficient and fastest microprocessators; Disney added value is entretaining people; Lockhead Martin adds value by creating most deadliest weapons, UBER adds value by making more efficient the taxi infustry; Lionel Messi adds value as entretaining, Zara added value by fabricating good clothes as a low price; Joe Biden adds value... as nothing, politicians don't add value, they are just state leaches; Ryannair added value by allowing to fly, cheaper as conventional planes, looksmax adds value by creating a space to discuss looks improvement to people.
3) CAPITALIZATION. You know why is called Capitalism? Is called capitalization because is the action of saving plusvalies of work and invest them to create more wealth into the future. Thats why I said WEALTH don't exist per se, it needs to be created and it is infinite. WEALTH = efficience in life, not coins or dollars (thats just a currency to try to materialize labour).
Capitalization is your #1 goal for you if you want to become richer, wealthier. Without capitalization, the world would crumble and go back to mediaval era. Capitalization is the number one goal, or should be, for every fucking company in the world, including modern states (almost none state does that, thats why the system will collapse soon or later IMO), and for your, because as I said, economics are simple and universal, what you should do is what Apple INC should do and what the Helvetica Confederation should do.
For dumbs, save money, and invest it, invest invest invest, not only are you become richer, you are helping world economy. Economy doesn't need consumers, need investors. Don't burn capital with stupid things, save and invest to create wealth, and to become wealthier, because investiments give returns.
When a company that has 3 factories, wants to become wealthier, what it does? It starts to save plusvalies (here is where commies cry) to invest them into building a new factory.
By the simple act of investing the non spent plusvalies, that company, apsrt to become more efficient into producing more goods, spent money on architects, builders, trucks, metallurgic industry, interior designers, truck drivers, bought the land...
it REDISTRIBUITED ITS WEALTH how it is supposed to be, not by theft (taxes). And redistributed its wealth with people and companies that added value. Everything, to become more efficient. Good eh? Of course, politicians took 0 of that wealth, so leaches will make you belive that they are the oned that need to redistribute wealth, instead of a free market, as said before, meritocracy.
And all of this joins with the added value point.
By the simple act of investing the non spent plusvalies, that company, apsrt to become more efficient into producing more goods, spent money on architects, builders, trucks, metallurgic industry, interior designers, truck drivers, bought the land...
it REDISTRIBUITED ITS WEALTH how it is supposed to be, not by theft (taxes). And redistributed its wealth with people and companies that added value. Everything, to become more efficient. Good eh? Of course, politicians took 0 of that wealth, so leaches will make you belive that they are the oned that need to redistribute wealth, instead of a free market, as said before, meritocracy.
And all of this joins with the added value point.
By capitalization or invest, there are infinite ways. Invest into stocks (companies), invest in information (education, learning thing that add value makes you more value in the market, maybe you work with you computer, so you invest into buying a more powerful computer (adds value). Bitcoin isn't an invest by definition, is just normal saving.
250 years ago, capitalism didnt existed, what people produced (very little) was spent. It was with the creation of the firsts investiment institutions (old banks) that capitalism was born. 250 years ago, almost the total world population lived in total poverty. Now this all changed, people never lived better, there is no point in history where people were richer than today. The total succes of CAPITALISM.
Because the farmer that saved, invested in a tractor that made its work thousand of times more efficient, that way famines stoped. A farmer from The Netherlands is 500x times more efficient than a farmer from the Congo. The family of the dutch farmer been capitalizating hundreds of years, the Congo farmer doesn't even capitalize.
Because the farmer that saved, invested in a tractor that made its work thousand of times more efficient, that way famines stoped. A farmer from The Netherlands is 500x times more efficient than a farmer from the Congo. The family of the dutch farmer been capitalizating hundreds of years, the Congo farmer doesn't even capitalize.
If you have 1000€ and you don't spend the max you can into a improvement that will make you generate more than 1000€. You will never by rich by you owm means, and if you win lottery, eventually, you will lose everything.
4) Focus on your branch. This is also related to the added value part. If you want to entrepenourship, you need to add value, and the most probably way you are gonna add value between market competitors is in a branch that you understand.
If you are a baker, you wont start a bussiness about clothes. If you are expert in engineering, you want to add value by making some engineering aspect of something more efficient. That way you will become wealthier. Entrepeneour in the branch you understand.
Those points were universal rules, now some quick pragmatic tips:
-Don't waste time, time is not purchesable. Regular people nowadays waste a shitton of time. Don't do that.
-You should aim to become a capitalist, thats means, the one that puts the capital. You start as a worker, then worker and capitalist, and finally capitalist. Thats when you soley need to sit and relax. You capital is the one adding value, by allowing economy to invest and become more efficient, more richer.
1) Focus on long term, don't get distracted by short term.
2) Try to add value. Something, a service, a good, a knowledge, a strategy, that improves already existing things.
3) Work, save, invest, work, save, invest. Capitalization.
4) Improve your already know branches. Something you are passionate, you already worked, you studied...
5) Don't waste you life, dont be a regular sheep, do things. You will die, don't be a fucking nihilist.
6) Capitalization is buying free time in your future.