US Undergoing an Epic Collapse in IQ

King Solomon

King Solomon

Aug 8, 2021

I blame this for the following reasons:
1.) Forced immigration of the low IQ shitskin races controlled by the Edomites.
2.) Decrease in the white birthrates.
3.) Indoctrination camps aka schools. Lowering the standards and dumbing down the kids
4.) Biological/Chemical warfare (food, air, water and injections/medications)
5.) Technology/frequencies (cell phones, video games, TV, 5G and soon to be 6G.
6.) Degeneracy of the culture.

Along with the country being attacked from every direction (each one getting qorse each year or having more of a negative impact) and the shitskin forced immigrations coming in by the 10's of millions illegally and paid to do so and paid to have more shitskin kids, along with the mass DNA modification injections of over 80% of the population since 2020, I qouldn't be shocked if the IQ takes a nosedive to 90 by 2030. It's going to be worse than the movie Idiocray as that IQ plunge took hundreds of years. This is going to take no more than 100 years for the IQ to be low enough to the point America starts to become a third world shithole.
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i wouldn't call it an epic collapse tbh it's only a 2 point difference over 100 years

humanity will probably be long gone before it becomes noticeable
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  • JFL
Reactions: dopaminebeyondfried, murdah, Eternal_ and 4 others
i wouldn't call it an epic collapse tbh it's only a 2 point difference over 100 years

humanity will probably be long gone before it becomes noticeable
Agreed, I have to add in clickbait the titles sometimes like the average youtuber. I'd like to see the IQ average by 2030. Also, these are difficult to accept completely as a full representation of the entire population. I doubt any of the Illegals are here taking IQ tests. I'm guessing they're pushing in the dumbest and poorest people of these various shitskin nations. If I qere to guess I'd say the real IQ right noq is closer to 93 than 96.

Once you get below 90 it's basically game over for your Nation.
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  • Woah
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yep once the boomer generation all retires/dies out, there will be no one qualified or intellectually competent enough to take their place. libtards talking about importing a bunch of skillless mexicans aren't thinking this through. we don't have a lack of low skill workers, we have a severe lack of high skill workers. the lib art major grads or business majors aren't going to know how to engineer bridges that don't collapse or maintain high tech machinery.

we've actually are already witnessing the effects. dei is just a libtard's most pragmatic solution to lack of high iq skilled white men available or willing to join the specialists workforce. sub implosions, structural collapses of all kinds, planes losing doors in flight. all symptoms of a greater problem. even the covid response. only the post boomer generation would be unwise and low iq enough to cosign the rapid and compulsory deployment of the mrna vax for a cold with a 99.95% survival rate
  • +1
Reactions: Sny, Tabula Rasa, murdah and 1 other person
Agreed, I have to add in clickbait the titles sometimes like the average youtuber. I'd like to see the IQ average by 2030. Also, these are difficult to accept completely as a full representation of the entire population. I doubt any of the Illegals are here taking IQ tests. I'm guessing they're pushing in the dumbest and poorest people of these various shitskin nations. If I qere to guess I'd say the real IQ right noq is closer to 93 than 96.

Once you get below 90 it's basically game over for your Nation.
you're right tbh

it'll be interesting to see how things play out in the coming years
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: murdah, King Solomon and synock21
I have very high iq.
Imo ill tell you whats going to happen. The iq disparity between a low iq and a high iq person is going to be so great, that there will be two races that form.
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  • JFL
Reactions: insufferableincel, The False Prophet and butterworld
Worrying about national statistics is such a suboptimal aspie trait with regards to your reproductive strategy. You think chad waste time concerning himself with national averages? He just slays.
Worrying about national statistics is such a suboptimal aspie trait with regards to your reproductive strategy. You think chad waste time concerning himself with national averages? He just slays.
chad is irrelevant. he's a tiny portion of the population and his effect on culture and history is close to zero. in fact in recent years, the biggest effect they've had on society is being made into memes by incels on the internet. chad being ignorance and naive isn't going to save him when he can't get potable water, and all his conveniences and services are nonexistent because everyone's too stupid to know how to make things work.
  • +1
Reactions: Sny, King Solomon, murdah and 2 others
yep once the boomer generation all retires/dies out, there will be no one qualified or intellectually competent enough to take their place. libtards talking about importing a bunch of skillless mexicans aren't thinking this through. we don't have a lack of low skill workers, we have a severe lack of high skill workers. the lib art major grads or business majors aren't going to know how to engineer bridges that don't collapse or maintain high tech machinery.

we've actually are already witnessing the effects. dei is just a libtard's most pragmatic solution to lack of high iq skilled white men available or willing to join the specialists workforce. sub implosions, structural collapses of all kinds, planes losing doors in flight. all symptoms of a greater problem. even the covid response. only the post boomer generation would be unwise and low iq enough to cosign the rapid and compulsory deployment of the mrna vax for a cold with a 99.95% survival rate
South Africa has experienced what we're going to go through over the next decade. They basically stole the jobs, lands, homes, businesses and committed genocide on the high IQ whites in South Africa. They whites are basically forced into shit small lands to live out of the black cities.

The inevitable consequence of this is the food supply dried up, the infrastructure all but collapsed, inflation year over year is 10,000%, Joblessness is a record high, crime is a record high, etc. There's not a single white politician of any power at all to lead these dumb fucks. The Nelson Mandela portrayal of being some kind of God was hysterical as he was nothing more than a communist figure head that started this genocide. They went from having high IQ people running the cities and nations to people with IQ's lower than Koko the gorilla so this was inevitable.

As for the Convids it never even existed as it was never isolated outside of a computer simulation. That's why they used tests that tested for exosomes or toxins excreted from cells which they could amplify the tests to ensure more people tested positive for NOTHING.

As for the libtards and republitards it's a Hegelian dialectic aka 2 sides of the same coin or 2 wings of the same dead bird. The Edomite Jews control this 2 party system so their is no choice as repubs are just controlled opposition to make people believe they have a choice. In reality the US became a cooperation in 1872 after the Act of 1872 and the Edomites assassinating Lincoln for creating his own backed currency just like JFK did and was murdered by the Edomites. The people that vote are voting for Ronald McDonald or Mr. Hamburglar. There are no countries anymore just corporations. To make things worse, this US Inc corporation became insolvent or bankrupt and sold off all assets which are now under full control of the papacy/Rothchilds/England. So the inauguration was just a show as the so called president is now the president of NOTHING. All politics are just a show, political theatre with ugly actors.

I'm not saying you're wrong as I agree with everything you said here, it's just that things are exceedingly worse than you may currently understand. The more you dig, the qorse you see hoq bad the situation is. It actually starts becoming extremely depressing that I had to stop the research.
  • +1
Reactions: murdah
chad is irrelevant. he's a tiny portion of the population and his effect on culture and history is close to zero. in fact in recent years, the biggest effect they've had on society is being made into memes by incels on the internet. chad being ignorance and naive isn't going to save him when he can't get potable water, and all his conveniences and services are nonexistent because everyone's too stupid to know how to make things work.
"Muhhh less white men coming out of white women's pussies" all I see is conservative subchad coping. Chad isn't a liberal or conservative, he's the embodiment of a modern psychopathic sexually attractive hunter gatherer who seeks to reproduce.
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  • Ugh..
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you're right tbh

it'll be interesting to see how things play out in the coming years
South Africa may be a small scale example of what could potentially happen here. When the whites become a minority, they either become slaves, face genocide or some level of both. The schools and government teaches to hate white people. Those that believe in standing up for their rights are called racists, supremacists, anti-semites and they call them NAZI's which gives them the moral right and or obligation to physically attack, financially attack, or personally attack this person and it's completely justified. There are some schools that openly tell white students to kill themselves and professors openly call for the genocide of the white race.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: horizon
Worrying about national statistics is such a suboptimal aspie trait with regards to your reproductive strategy. You think chad waste time concerning himself with national averages? He just slays.
That's pretty much my thing for 15 years after turning 15 years old. Then I realized it's pure degeneracy and started having more passion for freedom, truth, helping others, etc. Sexual degeneracy is an addiction and nearly destroyed my life. Slaying added no value outside of short term pleasure and an ego boost. After having sex a 100,000 times it gets boring and no matter hoq extreme the sex you need something crazier and crazier. Just like a drug addict you can never quite get a good enough hit and need higher quality doses or higher doses to get that high.

Overall, sexual degeneracy is the last sign of a collapse in an empire. Those just slaying and contributing to the collapse are no longer going to have a nation to slay in and will end up as a slave or dead. In the end your soul is paramount and just going around slaying leads to eternal damnation. Eventually the high IQ and moral Chad's wake up. Nikola Tesla was a Chad but cared more for the advancement of humanity and decided the 304's were a waste of his time and genius and he was right.
  • Hmm...
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Academics mirror the IQ tests.
Imo ill tell you whats going to happen. The iq disparity between a low iq and a high iq person is going to be so great, that there will be two races that form.
This has already happened by artificial means through injections via the MRNA injections. Roughly 80% of the population has been vaxxed and those that survive are no longer technically human and are considered a genetically modified organism and property of the creator of the patent per the supreme court ruling in 2016. As for the IQ's of these GMO entities I'd say they'll be borderline 70 and if they have children with injected mates, those offspring are a lock to be retarded.
  • JFL
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