USA is a third world country



Islamist jihadi and intersectional feminist
Nov 21, 2022

Someone needs to replace this with Oblivion NPC music.
  • JFL
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: hattrick, vermillioncorefan, GabachoCopium and 15 others

Someone needs to replace this with Oblivion NPC music.

It still mogs every other country in the world. Sure, it's not perfect but if I had a chance to live there, I'd take it 120%.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: trueceI, hattrick, Chadeep and 10 others
It still mogs every other country in the world. Sure, it's not perfect but if I had a chance to live there, I'd take it 120%.
Nah most average people have to work like slaves, unlike in some European countries
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Nah most average people have to work like slaves, unlike in some European countries
They have better salaries than yuropoors lul
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
Brutal, what a shithole. But even euros know how shit seattle is.
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worrying about other countries, muh economics etc is for pussies

live in ur shithole get pussy rape grandmas in gta meditate smoke meth and die.
  • JFL
Reactions: pig_face, emo, Kroker and 1 other person
just like western europe
It still mogs every other country in the world. Sure, it's not perfect but if I had a chance to live there, I'd take it 120%.
Only a third worlder would say this.

They have better salaries than yuropoors lul
That's true ngl. This is what extreme capitalism does. I'm sure the nicest places of LA/NYC mogs London and Paris. However even "shitholes" of London like Mile End or Croydon are not as bad as Skid Row, LA.
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multiculturalism aka brown behavior epistatic amplification. you can guess the kinds of people she hangs around with by her behavior and dress. probably a prostitute working for some nig
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Only a third worlder would say this.

That's true ngl. This is what extreme capitalism does. I'm sure the nicest places of LA/NYC mogs London and Paris. However even "shitholes" of London like Mile End or Croydon are not as bad as Skid Row, LA.
america hasn't been capitalist for at least 100 years. america has been socialist progressive since the first roosevelt
  • JFL
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Reactions: Chadeep, Part-Time Chad, rand anon and 1 other person
It still mogs every other country in the world. Sure, it's not perfect but if I had a chance to live there, I'd take it 120%.
It's not you idiot. Low wages, high CoL, police can EASILY kill you just for reaching in your pocket, dogshit healthcare system... I could go on. I'd NEVER step foot in that shithole country, MAYBE in some shithole like Montana or Wyoming or Idaho to see some national parks but ONLY as a tourist.
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Reactions: Part-Time Chad, poopoohead and jisko32
Only a third worlder would say this.
98% of world is third world tier. I'm that 1% that lives in 4th world.
That's true ngl. This is what extreme capitalism does. I'm sure the nicest places of LA/NYC mogs London and Paris. However even "shitholes" of London like Mile End or Croydon are not as bad as Skid Row, LA.
Still mogs the shit out yuropoors lol.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: nope, panjeet currycel, PrinceLuenLeoncur and 1 other person
It's not you idiot. Low wages, high CoL, police can EASILY kill you just for reaching in your pocket, dogshit healthcare system... I could go on. I'd NEVER step foot in that shithole country, MAYBE in some shithole like Montana or Wyoming or Idaho to see some national parks but ONLY as a tourist.
Americans live in houses that are falling apart from the wind, and they pay mortgages for them for 20+ years, add to this huge taxes, dirty streets with millions of homeless people and all sorts of stupid fucking drug addicts, incredibly expensive medicine, you will have to pay your annual salary for a week in the hospital, and so on @St.TikTokcel
  • +1
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Yeah but euros have more support from government (in the western ones)
Only if you're brown and on benefits
It's not you idiot. Low wages
They are not low compared to 600 dollars per month JFL
, high CoL, police can EASILY kill you just for reaching in your pocket
Cigans can stab/shoot you as well
, dogshit healthcare system...
It's better than here. You're forced to pay for it and you still don't get jack shit. Have to wait for an appointment for 3 years just to get told to fuck off
I could go on. I'd NEVER step foot in that shithole country, MAYBE in some shithole like Montana or Wyoming or Idaho to see some national parks but ONLY as a tourist.
  • +1
Reactions: Richard Cheese
america hasn't been capitalist for at least 100 years. america has been socialist progressive since the first roosevelt
Okay Ron Paul.

It's not you idiot. Low wages, high CoL, police can EASILY kill you just for reaching in your pocket, dogshit healthcare system... I could go on. I'd NEVER step foot in that shithole country, MAYBE in some shithole like Montana or Wyoming or Idaho to see some national parks but ONLY as a tourist.
If you get paid well it doesn't matter. Also if you're in trouble with police youre either guilty or a nigger.
  • +1
Reactions: rand anon
It still mogs every other country in the world. Sure, it's not perfect but if I had a chance to live there, I'd take it 120%.
only if you're already wealthy. somewhere like sweden is better for the average joe.
The fent ODer at the end. JFC.
  • JFL
Reactions: murdah
Americans live in houses that are falling apart from the wind, and they pay mortgages for them for 20+ years, add to this huge taxes, dirty streets with millions of homeless people and all sorts of stupid fucking drug addicts, incredibly expensive medicine, you will have to pay your annual salary for a week in the hospital, and so on @St.TikTokcel
This noviop churka clearly was dropped as a child. I guess Vladivostok is that brutal @mrriceguyreturn
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead
It still mogs every other country in the world. Sure, it's not perfect but if I had a chance to live there, I'd take it 120%.
USA is the easiest country to get rich asf
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: nope, murdah, SidharthTheSlayer and 2 others
only if you're already wealthy. somewhere like sweden is better for the average joe.
30 years ago. Now it's filled with somalis to the brim. 3rd world tier.
Da hood
  • +1
Reactions: murdah
at least half of the rising cost of housing is probably a direct result of unregulated immigration, same with cultural decline and rising crime. why is everything nigger music these days? 90% of america's problems will be gone overnight when you remove blacks, jews and the brown people they keep importing
  • +1
Reactions: murdah and rand anon
only if you're already wealthy. somewhere like sweden is better for the average joe.
nah. the only thing that matters is getting as much as moeny as possible in the shortest amount of time which US excels at. there's nothing magical about ppublic healthcare. that's the only thing people jack off about the EU but those systems suck. long wait t imes with doctors who know jack with equipment and facilities from the 1890. if you're able bodied US is heaven.
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  • +1
Reactions: SidharthTheSlayer
This noviop churka clearly was dropped as a child. I guess Vladivostok is that brutal @mrriceguyreturn
Is that your argument? And what makes you think that I'm a churka from Vladivostok?
ору с тебя пидорас
This is what bbc gets you
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Reactions: murdah
30 years ago. Now it's filled with somalis to the brim. 3rd world tier.
still better for the average joe than us. us doesn't give a shit about the average citizen. they spend all their budget on weakening china russia iran and n korea.
nah. the only thing that matters is getting as much as moeny as possible in the shortest amount of time which US excels at. there's nothing magical about ppublic healthcare. that's the only thing people jack off about the EU but those systems suck. long wait t imes with doctors who know jack with equipment and facilities from the 40s.
yes you can make more money but only if you're already wealthy.
  • JFL
Reactions: St.TikTokcel
It still mogs every other country in the world. Sure, it's not perfect but if I had a chance to live there, I'd take it 120%.
JFL even the uk is better
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  • JFL
Reactions: St.TikTokcel
It still mogs every other country in the world. Sure, it's not perfect but if I had a chance to live there, I'd take it 120%.

Delusional Mid-Amerifat who doesn't own a passport detected
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist

Someone needs to replace this with Oblivion NPC music.

Disgusting, 3rd world, ignorant people who treat books and culture the way vampires treat garlic or Jews treat bathing
Nah most average people have to work like slaves, unlike in some European countries
Still better than EU nations if you work in a professional field due to higher disposable income lol, also better than EU if you’re a minority lol
Seattle and LA is just a preview of what ALL USA cities will look like within the next 10-20 years. Republicans can cope as much as they want but this is coming to their cities too.
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  • JFL
Reactions: murdah, Xangsane, looksmaxxed and 2 others
USA is a country of uncultured slobs. They have no regards for others, they happily dress in their pajamas or underwear in public, they happily tear down their cultural heritage, and most people are overweight
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Bro is drugged to the core wearing a Tommy Hilfiger 🤣 at least he’s doing it with class

IMG 9788
  • JFL
Reactions: murdah
I live in the PNW. This is just what goes on here, I could go into Portland or Seattle and film something like this right now if I wanted to.

This isn’t niggers or immigrants, the tweakers here are almost all white. Europe’s ethnics behave better than a lot of white people here.

And this is a societal behavior problem, so I don’t know if any amount of money or policy can ever fix it.
  • JFL
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Reactions: St.TikTokcel and SecularIslamist
america hasn't been capitalist for at least 100 years. america has been socialist progressive since the first roosevelt
yeah that’s why wages have been keeping up with the cost of living, oh wait :feelskek::feelskek:

Hyper capitalism aka corporatism is why we’re in the situation we’re in
America is built like a free for all Wild West server. No community, very individualistic society. Just get your bag and try not to lose it. Easy to make good money but easy to lose it all.
Only issue with the us are ethnics, feminism, and toxic politics. As far as job opportunities go the us mogs. Getting an above average job or trying to buy a house/start a business would be a nightmare in a euro country. Only reason y I like poland is cause of the attractive white women and lack of ethnics. I couldn’t imagine living here on average polish wages.
Only issue with the us are ethnics, feminism, and toxic politics.
Correct ethnics. Lots of people blame ethnics but American immigrants are actually top tier. The euro ones I agree are dog shit but that's coz the govts took in shitty low IQ villagers so they can wageslave them about.

I'm not talking about the African American niggers. They act like Brutes. The blacks from Africa are way better and nicer.
As far as job opportunities go the us mogs. Getting an above average job or trying to buy a house/start a business would be a nightmare in a euro country. Only reason y I like poland is cause of the attractive white women and lack of ethnics. I couldn’t imagine living here on average polish wages.
America is built like a free for all Wild West server. No community, very individualistic society. Just get your bag and try not to lose it. Easy to make good money but easy to lose it all.
originally. now there's a bunch of safety net everywhere, meaning low iq retard crack addicts are allowed to continue leeching off tax payers, in fact they are incentivized to do so and get additional support if they breed. add on top of that all the sub 80 iq brown people we're importing from everywhere else. america is acting like a nanny for a bunch of drooling brown retards because of jewish cultural and moral subversion. the civil rights movement has been the worst thing that happened to america. and when integration failed to work, they simply switched to multiculturalism, except all the ghettos are still living off the time, energy, and resources of the white part of society.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: The_God, MostGLSlayer and SecularIslamist
america hasn't been capitalist for at least 100 years. america has been socialist progressive since the first roosevelt
America is the most business friendly country in the West by a landslide. :lul::lul:
America is the most business friendly country in the West by a landslide. :lul::lul:
He's a libertarian. Probably thinks America is a communist country.
originally. now there's a bunch of safety net everywhere, meaning low iq retard crack addicts are allowed to continue leeching off tax payers, in fact they are incentivized to do so and get additional support if they breed. add on top of that all the sub 80 iq brown people we're importing from everywhere else. america is acting like a nanny for a bunch of drooling brown retards because of jewish cultural and moral subversion. the civil rights movement has been the worst thing that happened to america. and when integration failed to work, they simply switched to multiculturalism, except all the ghettos are still living off the time, energy, and resources of the white part of society.
Welfare is MUCH stronger in Western Europe and Canada than America.
  • +1
Reactions: tallnegga
Seattle and LA is just a preview of what ALL USA cities will look like within the next 10-20 years. Republicans can cope as much as they want but this is coming to their cities too.
why do foids think LA is full of chads?
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