USA Male Height guide

today I went to the mall with my sister and her friend and I was one of the tallest niggas tbh im 5'11 barefoot and decided to go wearing lifts to be 6'1 my sister friend even commented on how much taller I was compared to the other people around me

thank god a live in the amazon jungle
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today I went to the mall with my sister and her friend and I was one of the tallest niggas tbh im 5'11 barefoot and decided to go wearing lifts to be 6'1 my sister friend even commented on how much taller I was compared to the other people around me

thank god a live in the amazon jungle
brazil is a manlet country.
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I am foot taller than average Gen Z kid here in Mexico. Most kids at my school before quarantine went up to my chest or shoulders at most.

Literally every single "Tall People Check", or struggle, or perk, or "head bump" inconvinience, etc. that you can think of that really tall people have, I have dealt with before multiple times in my life. I also have pretty wide shoulders which I hope can get to almost, if not a full two feet long once I am done gymcelling. I eat a ton chicken breast which have gotten me to 240lbs at 16% bodyfat (I weigh myself monthly every first day of one), and I am literally a giant. Do you know much of a halo this is in Latin-America?

Well, it's not. Nobody gives a shit. Girls don't give a shit. I've seen 5'4" NT Chadletitos get ok-looking girls because they are better looking than me. Sure, I never get picked on, even if my face looks a bit unmasculine for the size of my body, and I have the abilites to reach and score things which the vast majority of other guys can't do here. However, that also comes with the stigma that I am going to cause trouble, and so I get two fucking security guards walking behind me everytime I enter the fucking toy isle at the mall.

Face is everything unless you're a gigamanlet IRL. Tinder is popular where I live too, no point in denying it.

You live in America though, so you probably think every guy that's at least average looking and 6'5"+ barefoot is some sort of ultra epic athletemaxxed socialcirclemaxxed Kelly Oubre lookalike with an infinite number of orbiters.
isnt 5'4 average in mexico, so 5'4 wouldnt be a disadvantage. and i have a hard time believing you struggle with girls as a 6'7 north atlantid with a 10 inch dick
isnt 5'4 average in mexico, so 5'4 wouldnt be a disadvantage. and i have a hard time believing you struggle with girls as a 6'7 north atlantid with a 10 inch dick
height means nothing in LA + at 6'7 you are literally too tall here, you might give off freak vibes
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isnt 5'4 average in mexico, so 5'4 wouldnt be a disadvantage. and i have a hard time believing you struggle with girls as a 6'7 north atlantid with a 10 inch dick
It's not. Most Gen Z kids are 5'7", which is around that range.

Look, if what you're asking is if you would feel "above average" in Mexico, then no. You would still be ugly and incel. Just a normal height incel instead of a manlet incel where I live.

How can I struggle with girls if I never leave my house in the first place? I'm not gonna put myself out there too much until I show my pics on update. If I was much uglier, my life would be terrible since people would see me as some sort of Frankenstein's monster and girls would be scared of me.

Haha, I already said I am bigger than 10 inches and I haven't seen a single real cock anywhere on the internet as big as mine since I was 13. I wish I could show my cock bro. I really did, but I am underage (aka, it would be illegal) and website like this are under enough fire, so no way. Maybe if you're still rotting on the internet by 2022, you might see me on LPSG specifically. fact, how about you just use this as a reminder for now on? When your dick is as big as mine, you literally can't be incel. Even if I was Blackops2cel, I could post a video of me masturbating or selfsucking on XVideos and get a ton of attention from hundreds, even THOUSANDS of people on the internet and wishing to fuck me IRL, in which maybe a handful may actually be legit goodlooking Stacies. But I fucking can't, and no amount of school rumors and bulge (which people have told was on as innapropriate) will change that for now.
It's not. Most Gen Z kids are 5'7", which is around that range.

Look, if what you're asking is if you would feel "above average" in Mexico, then no. You would still be ugly and incel. Just a normal height incel instead of a manlet incel where I live.

How can I struggle with girls if I never leave my house in the first place? I'm not gonna put myself out there too much until I show my pics on update. If I was much uglier, my life would be terrible since people would see me as some sort of Frankenstein's monster and girls would be scared of me.

Haha, I already said I am bigger than 10 inches and I haven't seen a single real cock anywhere on the internet as big as mine since I was 13. I wish I could show my cock bro. I really did, but I am underage (aka, it would be illegal) and website like this are under enough fire, so no way. Maybe if you're still rotting on the internet by 2022, you might see me on LPSG specifically. fact, how about you just use this as a reminder for now on? When your dick is as big as mine, you literally can't be incel. Even if I was Blackops2cel, I could post a video of me masturbating or selfsucking on XVideos and get a ton of attention from hundreds, even THOUSANDS of people on the internet and wishing to fuck me IRL, in which maybe a handful may actually be legit goodlooking Stacies. But I fucking can't, and no amount of school rumors and bulge (which people have told was on as innapropriate) will change that for now.
If it helps you sleep at night, then keep believing I am LARPing. Just know that if I was a Chad (which apperently I am according to this post), I would not be on this forum in the first place.

I already told you, get fucking MSE and bimax. You are almost 4 full years into puberty. You won't ascend naturally at this point. If you fail at looksmaxxing, then even similar to what you said above; maybe on a country where people are super duper small like Guatemala or Indonesia, you may be considered slighty fuckable by girls.
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If it helps you sleep at night, then keep believing I am LARPing. Just know that if I was a Chad (which apperently I am according to this post), I would not be on this forum in the first place.

I already told you, get fucking MSE and bimax. You are almost 4 full years into puberty. You won't ascend naturally at this point. If you fail at looksmaxxing, then even similar to what you said above; maybe on a country where people are super duper small like Guatemala or Indonesia, you may be considered slighty fuckable by girls.
I have a 4PSL normie face (great eye area, bad lower third) and asperger's which has been properly diagnosed and prevents me from getting along with popular kids, along with some minor things like the fact that I don't like looking at much uglier or much better looking people in the eye too much.

However, like I have said before, I am not, and was never incel unlike you. I was low tier normie (5/10), and now I am to high tier normie (7/10). When I came back in September from more than a year ago back in 2019, I used to think I was legit Chadlite but that was because I took my height and frame into account, but that doesn't halo you if you're sub-8.

In case you have forgotten, I live in fucking Mexico, and by the country's standards alone (guero con ojos super claros bien alto), all I need is a chiseled jawline to be Gigachad locally. I could get with any Becky in my condominum if I wanted to, but the moment they found out my dick was too big or that I was underage they would probably drop me at some point.

I've never approached a girl or asked one out. Everytime I got to the mall, some random, usually super short girl, aproaches me and asks for my number, and I always reject them because I know it won't work out. I've had 7 girlfriends throughout my life (one in primary, three of which were white) and I didn't miss out on teen or childhood love. I have frenchkissed not just them, but also other girls in truth or dare. It's nothing you missed out on that is vital for being happy.

I have done tittyfucking, thighfucking, and i've gotten three two-handed handjobs (one from some stranger woman on the street at night who did it for fucking free after she saw me piss in an alleyway). Only three girls (one which was one of my exes) throughout my life has seen my dick, and they all bailed out at the last second because they were too scared to blow me. One was legit a bit grossed out. I once kicked one of the girls in the social circle I had who I sort of got it on with back while she was straddling me in the school toilets because I heard someone come in. Glady, we didn't get in trouble.

The only thing I haven't done is stick my dick in a pussy, which I plan to do soon with some Stacy I hopefully find. Unlike other guys with 9"+ monster dicks, or in my case, PRESSUMABLYONEOFTHEBIGGESTINTHEWORLD dicks, I know I will hurt a younger girl if I am not experienced enough to take it easy with her. Maybe that's why I have a bit of a MILF fetish and was always interested in the older grade girls in school.

Don't think I don't acknowledge there are users here who mog me since they are more NT and better looking than me.

Think about what you're saying and asking for a moment...

Do you really think I would be on this forum if I was NT and above 5PSL?

Do you even think I would've joined this forum in the first place?
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5'9-5'11: The Normie Range. At this height you should have no problem getting girls if you are at least average looking and neurotypical. These heights are neither an advantage or a disadvantage.

6'0-6'2: At this height you are considered to be tall by most people, but your height definitely wont be a head turner. You are a standard tall guy, and your height will be considered an advantage.
i'm borderline normie/tall here
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Taller isn't always better. I don't think girls are more attracted to someone 6'5" than they are someone 6'0". I think face and body is most important past 6'0".

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