UV vs Redlight vs Sun (Touch grass theory?)



Feb 11, 2024
There is a lot of debate on sun, suncreen, and the led skincare products, while I may be unable to resolve all(or any really), I can at least clear up the misunderstandings on uv and red light therapy.

This one is to be ideally avoided, the obvious issues like aging, cancer, etc. make it not worth unless treating something specific.

Generally safe, reduces oil production in the skin = less acne, blue light is penetrates the skin less deeply but has stronger effects making it generally superior for acne treatment.

It is important to note that a lot of treatments for skin conditions with light therapies treat the skin by simply heating it, this improves blood circulation and helps your own body heal the skin. Basically the light itself may be doing jackshit but your skin becomes warmer promoting it's natural healing. In return they also suffer the negative effects of heat on skin such as hyperpigmentation, aging, drying.

Strongest source of blue light, red light, and everything else on the visible spectrum, will also warm you skin. The UV rays damage and age your skin, however the visible light rays are beneficial. Specifically, IR-A exposure also serves in preparing your skin for UV rays later in the day on top of the red light benefits mentioned earlier.
Very interestingly, at sunrise and sunset the sun emits the most red light which has been show to precondition the skin for UV damage which would peak between 10:00 and 16:00. While this light is beneficial in realistic doses, high amounts have been shown to damage the skin which is why I advise against using led therapy if you do not need it.
Sunscreens generally block little of the visible light(unless tinted). Makeup may also sometimes block infrared but I haven't really researched this as I assume most of us don't wear makeup.

The holistic approach from all this is that overusing blue and red light therapy could have negative effects although its very unlikely given how weak the devices are. There is also no reason to use face lamps instead of just plain old cheap ones. The main people with something to gain from these therapies are basement dwellers as sunlight will naturally give you a good dose of infared light.
Due to our unnatural schedules, we are missing out on this important timeframe which would prepare our skin for uv and assist with skin problems which is why many people benefit from sunscreen and treatments. In short the reason we require various skin treatments and fear the sun so much more than people in the past is our un-natural lifestyles.

The anti-aging approach we come to while absorbing all the benefits of sunlight is this:
Wake up at sunrise while UV is low and you are mostly receiving red light, this will prepare your skin for the UV rays later in the day. After 10Am put on suncreen if you want and wear until 4pm or stay inside, even if you don't your damage will be reduced. At sunset you should once again head out and enjoy some sunlight.
Even if you are not wearing sunscreen, the 10-4 damage of uv rays will be reduced by doing this.
However, if you do not catch the morning sun I advise you to wear sunscreen as your skin has not been prepared for the UV rays.

it'd be a bit of a pain to get all the sources together at this point, mostly studies, I could pull them up if someone has anything interesting to question but doesn't seem worth it otherwise as barely anyone reads them on this anyways and google exists.
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There is a lot of debate on sun, suncreen, and the led skincare products, while I may be unable to resolve all(or any really), I can at least clear up the misunderstandings on uv and red light therapy.

This one is to be ideally avoided, the obvious issues like aging, cancer, etc. make it not worth unless treating something specific.

Generally safe, reduces oil production in the skin = less acne, blue light is penetrates the skin less deeply but has stronger effects making it generally superior for acne treatment.

It is important to note that a lot of treatments for skin conditions with light therapies treat the skin by simply heating it, this improves blood circulation and helps your own body heal the skin. Basically the light itself may be doing jackshit but your skin becomes warmer promoting it's natural healing. In return they also suffer the negative effects of heat on skin such as hyperpigmentation, aging, drying.

Strongest source of blue light, red light, and everything else on the visible spectrum, will also warm you skin. The UV rays damage and age your skin, however the visible light rays are beneficial. Specifically, IR-A exposure also serves in preparing your skin for UV rays later in the day on top of the red light benefits mentioned earlier.
Very interestingly, at sunrise and sunset the sun emits the most red light which has been show to precondition the skin for UV damage which would peak between 10:00 and 16:00. While this light is beneficial in realistic doses, high amounts have been shown to damage the skin which is why I advise against using led therapy if you do not need it.
Sunscreens generally block little of the visible light(unless tinted). Makeup may also sometimes block infrared but I haven't really researched this as I assume most of us don't wear makeup.

The holistic approach from all this is that overusing blue and red light therapy could have negative effects although its very unlikely given how weak the devices are. There is also no reason to use face lamps instead of just plain old cheap ones. The main people with something to gain from these therapies are basement dwellers as sunlight will naturally give you a good dose of infared light.
Due to our unnatural schedules, we are missing out on this important timeframe which would prepare our skin for uv and assist with skin problems which is why many people benefit from sunscreen and treatments. In short the reason we require various skin treatments and fear the sun so much more than people in the past is our un-natural lifestyles.

The anti-aging approach we come to while absorbing all the benefits of sunlight is this:
Wake up at sunrise while UV is low and you are mostly receiving red light, this will prepare your skin for the UV rays later in the day. After 10Am put on suncreen if you want and wear until 4pm or stay inside, even if you don't your damage will be reduced. At sunset you should once again head out and enjoy some sunlight.
Even if you are not wearing sunscreen, the 10-4 damage of uv rays will be reduced by doing this.
However, if you do not catch the morning sun I advise you to wear sunscreen as your skin has not been prepared for the UV rays.

it'd be a bit of a pain to get all the sources together at this point, mostly studies, I could pull them up if someone has anything interesting to question but doesn't seem worth it otherwise as barely anyone reads them on this anyways and google exists.
Sun your balls for extra testosterone in public
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Retarded thread you know nothing about red light nigger
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