The Poet / Grand Wizard
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@tyroneliteUnnecessarily detailed teenage heightcel guideand adults a bit in a reply
The two primary means of increasing height both in medical practice and unsupervised context have long been aromatize Inhibitors along with human growth hormone or an HGH secretagogue.
I doubt I need to explain the process of growth or diet and sleep because you are lazy fucks anyway so I'll get to the dosing.
Can-sza (like if my Wisconsin grandma said "oh golly oh gee my grandson got diagnoZed with CAN SZA!" Like 2 words but not like sza the rapper
Growth of the human body inherently requires cell division. This process occurs naturally as part of our unconscious physical upkeep and is occurring constantly. However with every individual division of cells presents the opportunity for an error in the genetic chain. The most notable problem being cancer.
There are very few recorded cases of cancer in adults who have received human growth hormone treatment in childhood, in addition the medically prescribed dosage is often extremely high compared to what I'll refer to as recreational users (not medically approved) for lack of a better word, and these are children with lower body weights.
This could be a lack of due diligence from the clinical study oversight but I'm sure they at least had the phone numbers of the people who organized the study and could have let them know if they got cancer. But just logically the risk is clear.
Especially if you have undetected cancer you could be really fucked it'll grow way faster
If you can only afford a single blood test I'd do it before you start hgh and after you've begun to dial in your aromasin dosage to your comfort.
Get a full panel. It could cost a lot but there are ways of getting insurance to cover one.
I think cancer screenings are usually covered if you have a reason, you could say you're having stomach pain, go to a… stomach doctor i forgot that word and in addition to the tests just ask for some kind of cardiovascular test and say cancer runs in your family or some shit. Do it in october-december ish so you daddy done already met his deductible and if your parents will say something in opposition maybe tell them beforehand that you just have a weird fear of cancer.
Usually that or a request to your doctor for a full panelwould probably be good enough even without asking for more, however there are a lot of lab retards that can't read your tests even though it's their primary job so send them to me if you do this for a second opinion.
I went to a urologist (the word for stomach doctor maybe?? still cooking)
Oh fuck I looked it up that's not it
Anyway I went to one and asked for an hgh and even estrogen test even though i was there for stomach problems they let me have it, my parents are severly chill than a hoe so mileage may vary. Even more so back then before my older brother started gooning off the stimfap train and went to rehab twice
Cancer and shit nigguh
That said you've been warned ur actions are not my responsibility
HGH Dose
So I'll try to make a dosage chart idk if this is gonna work tbh
Age 13-15 Age 16-17 Age 18 19-22 Under 100lb 5iu EOD 7.5iu EOD 10iu EOD 12.5iu EOD 100-125lb 7iu EOD 9.5iu EOD 12iu EOD 18iu EOD 125-150 lb 9.5iu EOD 12iu 15iu EOD 18iu EOD 150-175lb 11iu EOD 13.5iu EOD 16iu EOD 18iu EOD
The reason the dosage increases by age regardless of weight is because being 100-125 pounds at 18 is concerning and the dosages are ordered to convey that urgency and need to fill out your frame. Those in that underweight category should engorge on protein and fats and enjoy carbs in moderation as well, don't be afraid to gain some fat in this stage.
Studies have shown diminishing returns beyond 15iu and I'd estimate 15iu of real lab hgh is like 18-19iu worth of my source so no need to push it past that tbh
Aromasin Dosing
My take on aromasin and aromatize Inhibitors seems kinda drastic but I'm not encouraging you to push your limits, simply let yourself grow tolerant, don't try to speed run that shit.
My advice is to take as much as you can tolerate without lethargy
I got severe lethargy on my first day and I now take around 3 times that in a dose.
This is how you should start your dosing
Day 1 6.25mgs 2 3 4 5 6.25mgs 6 7 8 3.15mgs 9 6.25mgs 14 6.25mgs 12.5mgs 6.25mgs Can't
From this point stay at 12.5 until confident, then gradually increase the dose until you get slightly lethargic, seriously small increments.
You need to do it slowly enough to determine the 2 to 4 mgs that will make the difference in locking down your ideal dose. If done SLOWLY, claiming the positives of increased test and slowed bone maturity without enduring side effects is quite possible.
Conversion of testosterone to estradiol
While all humans female or male need some level of estradiol, men need far less of it, which gives us more room to push the limit. AI's inhibit the conversion of testosterone to estrogen
The increased test is no joke either, mine went from 589 to 1059 from primarily arimidex but I maintained these levels even after switching to aromasin.
So go as far as you can until you know anymore would likely give you side effects
Aromasin for shrimpy lads
And if you're under 115 lb cut all those aromasin doses in half btw
Under 130lb divide the doses by 1.25
12.5 / 1.25 = 10
Hillbilly poorcel stack
It's ideal if you can just get a blood test but most of you fuckers are little kids with probably not even enough for this shit so I'll give a little shitbox dosing list for the poorcels but I'd say anything you spend on peptides would be better spent on hgh even if have to save a while and your supply will end up stretched thin anyway, it's still the most cost efficient means of increasing your hgh levels.
You could do like 1000 mcgs of cjc-1295 every 2 weeks and half the aromasin.
If you can't get aromasin in your country use arimidex ig it's way worse but if you dose it diligently it's not a problem. Inadvisable for more than like 6 months, but overall using any aromatize Inhibitors for that long is not ideal for your liver and kidneys, it is close in structure and digestive breakdown as steroids and is technically might technically be toxic to humans, atleast with a significant dose
Determining aromasin stopping point
More safety shit - DO NOT PLAY
People have reported being unable to return their estrogen after having used Inhibitors, this is a real risk but its not very hard to avoid. Estradiol test alone (identifies estrogen same shit) is like 50 dollars at a walk in pharmacy or cheaper in the US. If you can afford two tests you should be set to maintain safe estrogen levels.
The first test you'll take after 2 weeks of steadily increasing the aromasin dosage at the timing laid out in my chart and making adjustments based on bodyweight as I specified.
You want your level to rest at 18-25pg/ml (I believe that's the right measurement but you should prob check)
Depending on its distance from this range you'll have to increase the dose, carefully, at your own discretion. After 3 more weeks you'll try again at your new dosage, it's important to time these test to be exactly in between the days in which you take aromasin to get an accurate estradiol reading that depicts the closest value to the median as is acquirable within just one test.
If you have reached the aforementioned range after your second test, stay at your dose for like 2 months and then increase it by 10%, repeat this 4 months after that. And leave it for another 4 months.
If your body disagrees then go back to what you were used to and wait 4 months.
After this taper off as slowly as humanly possible if you wish to protect your liver and kidney health while not rebounding. I haven't stopped for a year and my full panel tests which I get 2 a year from insurance haven't shown any physical distress of my organs. It would actually be possibly even more advisable to just keep taking it at 1/4th of your dose so some of the suicidal inhibition would remain while giving your organs time to heal. Of course still taper off incredibly slowly to reach this dose, it should take 6ish weeks to lower your dosage by a fourth at a steady rate without causing estradiol rebound, which is far less detrimental than would be experienced if you took its counterpart, arimidex under the same circumstances. This is once again because aromasin is "suicidal" and maintains its hold on estrogen despite only existing within its fading half life.
(More precautions on this below. Read them)
It's important to not overload your body with suicidal Inhibitors, in this aspect it's more problematic than arimidex, however once you get your dosage right or simply develop a tolerance to the lethargy and nausea of pushing your dosage.
Do not make yourself uncomfortable physically ever, if your bones feel strange or your body has spots of numbness wait 5 days and lower the dose this goes for lethargy and nausea as well.
It's more convenient for me to just take 25mgs in one go but I've been taking either this or arimidex consistently for a year so I never notice a singular pills effect on my body.
Idk if my source does international tbh ask them WITH A PROTONMAIL ACCOUNT if you're interested in international orders.
Make a protonmail first it's like hood gmail but it's safer which I now realize is ironic. I just like calling things hood, hood Batman is among my favorite phrases.
Here's my blood test for the hgh from the source above
Took 10iu of goodlyfe hgh at around 4am and took a blood test at around 8-9am and tested about 5x the max stated on the reference range.
Ref 0 - 7 (idk unit) and I was 41 u believe
(Fasted 11 hours)
I think I deleted some of my drive shit so I'll need to find a post where I uploaded this test already and I'll comment it
And here's my bone growth chart with color coded timestamps
Doses were pretty inconsistent for a while with hgh as I needed a better job but I got Hella money for Christmas and my birthday shortly after and ordered 200iu immediately.
This chart depicts an overall daily average HGH dosage of like 1.5iu
My ideal dosage would have been a 5iu average per day (10iu EOD) but I'm going to increase it a bit to like 15iu EOD in order to make up for lost juice acquisition opportunities.
That's one of the things you shouldn't do, what I'm doing with that juice overload. I told yall niggas I'm hood iron man didn't I? Definitely don't do anything I would do type shii ya get me?
@balding exprettyboy
@the BULL
@Growth Plate
@rupert Pupkin
@rand anon
@Spike the dragon
That's prob about it tbh
Don't dm me pls just @ me in the post or reply to one of my replies type shit
I know this very post is a preteen magnet so I'll mind my expectations and sully my resolve when dealing with you goons.
I'll post the blood test in an undefined amount of minutes for hgh and the one where my test doubled but not rn, I took adderall twice and didn't sleep and my thumbs are experiencing great triumph so ill find it later I'm sure some of yall have seen them.
pin this shit 4000 words of the lords gospel