Veganism is a GIGALOOKSMIN

Oh I think you may be having reading comprehension problems, this might be a side effect of B12 deficiency I'd recommend getting it checked brah :feelshah:

I never mentioned roids I asked if you could provide examples of good looking healthy men who were vegan during their development :feelskek:

literally everyone on that list except for zac efron has been plant-based in their development
  • JFL
Reactions: JihadChad
How old are you, why tf do you even care about diet during the developmental phase???
Well if veganism is the optimal diet it would lead to optimal development

So I'd like proof that it does :feelshah::blackpill:
  • JFL
Reactions: JihadChad
Well if veganism is the optimal diet it would lead to optimal development

So I'd like proof that it does :feelshah::blackpill:
Do you know how to use google or google scholar? :oops:

Also why would you think that? I am pretty sure you have different nutritional needs when you're a child. You should adjust your diet according to what you need, or am I wrong?

idk where you got that from.

The optimal diet is what works for you and one you can sustain, it can be omad or keto or even a fucking prayer diet, it is for you to decide.
If were talking about health and longevity, plant based is definitely the way to go, which, coincidentally, is achieved with veganism.
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Do you know how to use google or google scholar? :oops:

Also why would you think that? I am pretty sure you have different nutritional needs when you're a child. You should adjust your diet according to what you need, or am I wrong?

idk where you got that from.
I already know veganism isn't the ideal diet for neither development nor adulthood - feel free to provide evidence that it's the ideal diet for a growing child

See all these 'psl Gods' guys on this forum thirst over? Not one of them was brought up a vegan, not one

Over if you're a vegan

  • JFL
Reactions: JihadChad
I already know veganism isn't the ideal diet for neither development nor adulthood - feel free to provide evidence that it's the ideal diet for a growing child

See all these 'psl Gods' guys on this forum thirst over? Not one of them was brought up a vegan, not one

Over if you're a vegan

read the edit

Do you know how to use google or google scholar? :oops:

Also why would you think that? I am pretty sure you have different nutritional needs when you're a child. You should adjust your diet according to what you need, or am I wrong?

idk where you got that from.

The optimal diet is what works for you and one you can sustain, it can be omad or keto or even a fucking prayer diet, it is for you to decide.
If were talking about health and longevity, plant based is definitely the way to go, which, coincidentally, is achieved with veganism.
I am a programmer and this comment editor sucks
  • JFL
Reactions: GigaMogger
Here's a study that found switching men from a balanced diet to a plant-based diet caused a 36% testosterone decrease.

Another study found a less dramatic, but still horrendous 26% decrease using the same methodology.

It’s been shown on multiple occasions that plant-based diets are positively correlated with high levels of sex hormone-binding globulin, which is one of the breaks in the chain of testosterone production.

There are hundreds of compilations like this on JudenTuben, ranging from everything from hair loss to impotence.

Don't fall for that BS thread boyos

I guess a balanced diet doesn’t exist. brb biting the head off a deer 🥵
  • JFL
Reactions: GigaMogger
I already know veganism isn't the ideal diet for neither development nor adulthood - feel free to provide evidence that it's the ideal diet for a growing child

See all these 'psl Gods' guys on this forum thirst over? Not one of them was brought up a vegan, not one

Over if you're a vegan


If you don't mind scrolling up to my first reply on this thread, you will see, that idk about kids and their diets and frankly i don't even care, because I am not a child anymore lol.

The idea that while an adult you have the same nutritional needs as a child is coming out of nowhere, mind explaining where that came from? Why do you assume the same diet that would be optimal for a kid would be optimal for an adult?
Great thread. I agree with your points. Veganism and vegetarianism are outright bad.

I am in favor with the omnivore diet, since it is the most balanced and natural of them all, personally.
The Mediterranean or the Indian omnivorous diet are my favorites.

But I believe we should all prepare ourselves for a pure vegan or pure carnivore diet too, for survival.
But we are focusing on health and looks maxes so yeah. Only veggies and no meat is counterproductive.

Vegans/vegetarians are like the flat Earthers of the culinary world.
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I am in favor with the omnivore diet, since it is the most balanced and natural of them all, personally.
The Mediterranean or the Indian omnivorous diet are my favorites.

But I believe we should all prepare ourselves for a pure vegan or pure carnivore diet too, for survival.
But we are focusing on health and looks maxes so yeah. Only veggies and no meat is counterproductive.

Vegans/vegetarians are like the flat Earthers of the culinary world.
Yeah omnivore is best imo

That flat earther line has me caging, so fucking true :lul::lul::lul:
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  • JFL
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Bump because I mog ALL vegan:bluepill: curry subhumancels:blackpill: to death :feelshah:
  • JFL
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Omnivore diet with tendency to eat more meat > Carnivore diet and Vegan diet

All plant based niggers get T-mogged and all of the worst races (Currys, Asians) are those who have a diet which consists from plants (Fun fact: even in older times, the elite ate diets which had more fat and protein macros in them while the poor niggers ate more carbs)

Vegans will also say shit like "you just need to plan a good diet" like you are going to do it, every vegan has a deficiency in a few things, you are probably not going to do a good diet and I can assure that long-term vegans don't stick to a "healthy" diet and end-up eating a lot of shit, and there essential things like haem iron, creatine, b12, Iodine, vitamin D (sorry sun ages the skin and I don't want to go outside with no reason like an autist) and Vitamin A (check the bioavaliablty of beta-carotene) all of who you can't get

and zinc which is hard to get and omega 3 which is possible to get, but the omega3-6 ratio with flax seeds is really shit, and this is what actually matters with omega3, and all other nutrition which require you to have a very wide diet and a very expensive one as well (also don't forget, we still aren't aware of what each nutrient does to our body, this is why the omnivore diet is based asf)

Also enjoy your daily broccoli since you need it for Choline, and without it your nervous system is fucked :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: GigaMogger
Also enjoy your daily broccoli since you need it for Choline, and without it your nervous system is fucked :lul:
can't you get choline from eggs?
Going vegan in my early twenties (late adult development) really fucked up last growing stages. Dont do it.

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