Video games are a sad grave yard (nostalgia thread)



Sep 13, 2019
Rage and envy. Anger and envy


Just to begin, look at how far video games have fallen. Before some fag says “it’s just your neurotransmitters lmfao do a dopamine fast”, I will not read nor respond. Kys

I remember me and my bro’s used to say gaming was going downhill back in 2017 but it never was as bad as this.

We’ve not had a new GTA game in almost a decade. Fallout is a dead series. Skyrim has been milked to death, both cod and battlefield are dead due to developer incompetence and corporate greed. Sports games for over a decade have just been a reskin Ontop of a reskin. Fortnite since late 2018 has been a kiddie fest.

Everyone on console uses keyboard and mouse and developers caved in to the point of adding literal keyboard and mouse compatibility on console. 6 years ago the furthest most sweats would go was a scuf controller.

Cyberpunk 2077 is coming out and the devs pushed the game back several times already and have cut content, only for soyboy nerds to act all excited like a dog being fed treats by their owner. It’s pathetic, this shit is just a monument to our mindless consumerist culture.

The new consoles are overpriced pieces of shit aswell. Disgusting 🤮. Fuck the Xbox one series X AND the PS5.

I just can’t believe what happened. The decline from 2012-2016 was bad, but manageable. 2016-2020 was one of the worst declines I’ve ever seen.

By 2018 every franchise was trying to shoehorn battle royale into their unfinished games just to make a quick buck and attract kids Ontop of locking half the available content in the game behind a pseudo-paywall (you “don’t” have to pay but you sure as hell can expect them to make you grind your ass off for little rewards all while offering you the option to skip that for a small fee.)

The even worse thing is that video games are treated like a sport, which leads to people abusing Drugs like adderall for a higher KD ratio, which is pathetic and it’s much more common than you think in competitive/scrim lobbies, Ontop of other shit people fork out hundreds for just to gain a small advantage. There’s also an epidemic of people booting you offline.

Brutal vidya pill. I feel bad for young cels born after 2001-2004 who only know this side of vidya. If you aren’t super young you should remember the good old days of mw2, MW3, BF3, halo reach, early days gta 5 online, RuneScape, skyrim before it got milked, destiny 1, etc.

Fuarkkkk I miss those days coming home from summer school on a hot summer day in July/August 2015 and playing gta 5 with my niggas or talking on Xbox party chat. Shit was chill. Now it’s all gone, turned to dust. Everyone quit and from what they tell me it’s for the same reasons I’m listing now. Complete shit tier quality and increasingly toxic playerbase.

I legit rotted away my days at 14-15 playing destiny and I legit only had fun and blocked out all thoughts of issues irl because I enjoyed it so much. Then they killed the series with destiny 2 and I was mentally deflated. Brutal pill

It’s over ngl. I don’t know what hobby I’m moving onto next. Everything seems pointless now. Shit AINT the same

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  • JFL
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destiny was amazing but it was still shit, i love playing older games now rlly, at least japs are making good games
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Reactions: Marsiere214, Deleted member 5145, DharkDC and 2 others
not very epic of you
  • JFL
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Reactions: HeavenAdmιn and Blackout.xl
100% games have declined

the jewish shekelry of triple AAA titles doesn’t cease to amaze me, how much more greedy they get each year

everything has turned into a money grab, simply because developers just learn to accommodate the casual gamer now rather than someone who actually enjoys it
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Reactions: Deleted member 6128, Deleted member 10524, Marsiere214 and 12 others
100% games have declined

the jewish shekelry of triple AAA titles doesn’t cease to amaze me, how much more greedy they get each year

everything has turned into a money grab, simply because developers just learn to accommodate the casual gamer now rather than someone who actually enjoys it
because people will consoom anything
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Reactions: Subhuman Philtrum, turkproducer, Deleted member 9380 and 1 other person
Indie games still good tbh, but yeah fallout 4 was the last good tripleA
i can only watch anime these days, at least genshin impact is good. Old vidya mogs so hard, san andreas, minecraft, comfy af
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Reactions: Zygos4Life, Deleted member 5145 and TheoryMaxxer
because people will consoom anything
you can blame mostly women for the increased greed of these huge companies, developers are just following suit

they are the biggest consumers, and won’t think twice about purchases since their money is most of the time easily earned or it’s the man’s money, women will never think twice about the quality of a product, they just buy the trend

i guess it’s the same with these worthless cucks who keep buying this stupid shit
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Reactions: Zygos4Life, stuckneworleans, Blackout.xl and 1 other person
Didn’t read anything but the title.
AD9EE690 F1F6 4250 AD96 B842515AB4BC

you can blame mostly women for the increased greed of these huge companies, developers are just following suit

they are the biggest consumers, and won’t think twice about purchases since their money is most of the time easily earned or it’s the man’s money, women will never think twice about the quality of a product, they just buy the trend

i guess it’s the same with these worthless cucks who keep buying this stupid shit
its mainly soy men buying these games but i see what u mean. ofc women are the ones pushing diversity qoutas, etc developers only care about making fancy graphics. but i think rockstar is gonna milk gta 5 they're still making money off it sadly
  • +1
Reactions: Subhuman Philtrum, Patient A and turkproducer
Games as a service is probably what's caused most of the decline in quality we've seen this last decade. The only games I've played this year that I would consider to be good are Doom Eternal and Ghost of Tsushima. Gaming has been shit since 2012
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Reactions: turkproducer, Blackout.xl, Patient A and 1 other person
Cod 2 tbh
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its mainly soy men buying these games but i see what u mean. ofc women are the ones pushing diversity qoutas, etc developers only care about making fancy graphics. but i think rockstar is gonna milk gta 5 they're still making money off it sadly
yeah for video games it’s mainly the cucks who refuse to check these developers for being useless, but what i mean by mostly women isn’t just done misdirected hate towards them, i’m just being truthful

if you go shopping with a woman you’ll see what i mean, i just hate the fact these huge companies can mark up their products 10x and no one gives a shit
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl and 6ft7Mogger
Nigga, do you remember halo 3, gta iv, motorstorm 2008, call of duty world at war.

games were so good before 2014 then idk what happened... oh yeah that’s right, the shit next gen consoles came out and they prioritised eye candy over gameplay and physics
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Reactions: Blackout.xl and turkproducer
Just been playing a bunch of single player, like spider-man ps4 and arkham series or even gta 5 story. It's crazy i used to love playing multiplayer
  • +1
Reactions: Eccedentesiast and Blackout.xl
I was disappointed about Bannerlord
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Reactions: Blackout.xl and W0KESTMOTHF
In order for video games to improve, we need another industry crash like the one in 1983. The only way companies will make an effort to improve their games is if it hurts their wallets.
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
Games as a service is probably what's caused most of the decline in quality we've seen this last decade. The only games I've played this year that I would consider to be good are Doom Eternal and Ghost of Tsushima. Gaming has been shit since 2012
Agreed. Games as a service ruined everything. Developers literally release their games unfinished and complete the game throughout the next 1-3 years through dlc Ontop of a consistent stream of micro transaction content. No shame whatsoever in doing this and the soyboy nerds just eat it up.

What’s even worse is that theyll shit on EA for example and act as if they’re activists fighting for quality in the gaming industry and then turn around and buy from other publishers and developer studios who have the same model as EA. Insane
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Reactions: stuckneworleans, Troika, W0KESTMOTHF and 1 other person
Games take so long now. Good days back in 2013-2015 playing Skyrim and Assassin’s Creed and Witcher 3 and Gta, all that shit when it was good. 2018 was also good with Kingdom Come and RDR2 though, and Crusader Kings 3 has been a blast so far
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
BO2 was good
  • +1
Reactions: Patient A, Subhuman Philtrum and Blackout.xl
Nigga, do you remember halo 3, gta iv, motorstorm 2008, call of duty world at war.

games were so good before 2014 then idk what happened... oh yeah that’s right, the shit next gen consoles came out and they prioritised eye candy over gameplay and physics
Yes of course I remember those games (apart from motor storm).

I tried to get gta 4 on launch as a kid and broke my fucking disk by accident and cried when my dad couldn’t find it at Walmart for me. Was brutal

Played cod WaW a lot on my 360, mainly campaign.

Played some halo 3 I’m pretty sure
  • +1
Reactions: Patient A
I was disappointed about Bannerlord
Yeah bro like what the fuck they've been creating that game since 2010 and it came out like this jfl still in early access also
BO2 was good
Bo2 was one of the best shooters I’ve ever played. It had the fun factor of mw2 + MW3 without the cancerous overpowered shit from both games (mw2 had issues with stopping power, the ACR and UMP. Mw3 was kinda fucked due to the silenced mp7/acr and assassin pro).
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Reactions: Deleted member 2969
ikr, i really miss old times when i enjoyed playing cs 1.6, old minecraft versions, team fortress. When multiplayer games weren't full of snowflakes and soyboys, now it's being flooded by kids and cheaters. That's why i rarely even play multiplayer games anymore, i open up the game to have fun and end up raging over some subhuman chinks and slavs. really looking forward to stalker 2 rn, great series
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Subhuman Philtrum, Deleted member 2969 and Blackout.xl
ikr, i really miss old times when i enjoyed playing cs 1.6, old minecraft versions, team fortress. When multiplayer games weren't full of snowflakes and soyboys, now it's being flooded by kids and cheaters. That's why i rarely even play multiplayer games anymore, i open up the game to have fun and end up raging over some subhuman chinks and slavs. really looking forward to stalker 2 rn, great series
Same. Multiplayer is just full of bullshit. The declining quality of game mechanics and balancing is only adding onto the falio of a toxic playerbase
  • +1
Reactions: Copeful, Reiraku and Eccedentesiast
Same. Multiplayer is just full of bullshit. The declining quality of game mechanics and balancing is only adding onto the falio of a toxic playerbase
on top of that, there are ''pro'' gamers dominating them, that are spending 12 hours a day on pc while im grateful if i find 1 or 2 hours to play
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Reactions: Blackout.xl
All i want is Fallout NV2 and Team Fortress 3
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Eccedentesiast and Blackout.xl
on top of that, there are ''pro'' gamers dominating them, that are spending 12 hours a day on pc while im grateful if i find 1 or 2 hours to play
Most definitely. These guys literally dedicate their lives to video games, it’s insane how deep they’re in. It isn’t uncommon for people to legit spend 16 hours of their day eating, shitting, and playing vidya only to sleep and repeat. What a garbage lifestyle ngl. Left that in 2019 and don’t plan on returning
  • +1
Reactions: stuckneworleans and Eccedentesiast
Video games have definitely declined in quality but big AAA games with big budgets take a long time to make that's why we haven't had gta for such a long but Red dead redemption 2 was great and I would say much better than gta 5. As for shooters I think rainbow six siege was pretty good.
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
Most definitely. These guys literally dedicate their lives to video games, it’s insane how deep they’re in. It isn’t uncommon for people to legit spend 16 hours of their day eating, shitting, and playing vidya only to sleep and repeat. What a garbage lifestyle ngl. Left that in 2019 and don’t plan on returning
i understand kids who did that tbh, its ok because you don't have much to worry about, but grown ass men who do that just disgust me, thats where downfall of society begins, like find a real fucking job and provide something productive to the world
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Reactions: Blackout.xl
Btw op CP 2077 is suppose to be next age gaming shit. Lets see if they deliver
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Reactions: Blackout.xl
All i want is Fallout NV2 and Team Fortress 3
I’d love a fallout NV2 but that shit is a pipe dream at this point.

Bethesda aren’t licensing development to another studio again for the fallout series and Bethesda making fallout NV2 would result in it being utter shit, as new vegas, its lore and theme is based on west coast fallout which is closer to the originals while Bethesda create bullshit on the fly and as a result make shit tier story campaigns (fallout 4 and Fallout 76 come to mind).
What’s even worse is that theyll shit on EA for example and act as if they’re activists fighting for quality in the gaming industry and then turn around and buy from other publishers and developer studios who have the same model as EA
I laugh when people praise companies like CD Projekt Red for making its CEO a billionaire while also seeing no irony in that company monetizing cyberpunk, while cyberpunk as a genre is antithetical to such practices. But to most people, cyberpunk just means neon cityscapes and rain.
Btw op CP 2077 is suppose to be next age gaming shit. Lets see if they deliver
The game looks "meh" from the leaks.
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
I’d love a fallout NV2 but that shit is a pipe dream at this point.

Bethesda aren’t licensing development to another studio again for the fallout series and Bethesda making fallout NV2 would result in it being utter shit, as new vegas, its lore and theme is based on west coast fallout which is closer to the originals while Bethesda create bullshit on the fly and as a result make shit tier story campaigns (fallout 4 and Fallout 76 come to mind).
Also, Obsedian is a dead company. All the senior staff left and were replaced with woke millenials. You played outer worlds? Muh capitalism bad muh faggots muh niggers. Zero humor, zero nuance and understanding of the world.
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
Video games have definitely declined in quality but big AAA games with big budgets take a long time to make that's why we haven't had gta for such a long but Red dead redemption 2 was great and I would say much better than gta 5. As for shooters I think rainbow six siege was pretty good.
The fact we’ve not had so much as a trailer or teaser for the next gta is shocking. It only took 3 years after gta 4’s release for a gta 5 trailer to come out and 5 years after for a full release.

I know newer times means longer development but literally no info in almost a decade is worrying. It seems theyre not particularly interested in making a new gta or anything new for that matter since they still update gta online with major updates and gutted RDR 2 online on arrival.
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Reactions: Patient A and Deleted member 9771
All i want is Fallout NV2 and Team Fortress 3
lol, im ok with tf2, just remove bots and do some updates so people won't get bored of the same shit everyday, but looks like valve can't suck off money from tf2 as much as they do from csgo so they dont give a damn
thats why i literally only play decade old games i used to play in my childhood. modern games are dogshit.
  • +1
Reactions: Eccedentesiast
Also, Obsedian is a dead company. All the senior staff left and were replaced with woke millenials. You played outer worlds? Muh capitalism bad muh faggots muh niggers. Zero humor, zero nuance and understanding of the world.
I played outer worlds and didn’t think much of it tbh. The fact that obsidian is dead only compounds the fact that fallout will be east coast (Bethesda lore) exclusive for the foreseeable future. There’s a 9 out of 10 chance that they will fuck up a west coast fallout game
For me i spiced up video games with podcasts/audiobook. I do some boring side quest in AC Valhalla but i listen to audiobooks
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
The fact we’ve not had so much as a trailer or teaser for the next gta is shocking. It only took 3 years after gta 4’s release for a gta 5 trailer to come out and 5 years after for a full release.

I know newer times means longer development but literally no info in almost a decade is worrying. It seems theyre not particularly interested in making a new gta or anything new for that matter since they still update gta online with major updates and gutted RDR 2 online on arrival.
That's just rockstar they don't release trailer untill the game is near the release whereas cyberpunk 2077 had a trailer in fucking 2013 and is coming out this year. They'll definitely release it but they still trying their best to make money off gta 5 online while they can.
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
I played outer worlds and didn’t think much of it tbh. The fact that obsidian is dead only compounds the fact that fallout will be east coast (Bethesda lore) exclusive for the foreseeable future. There’s a 9 out of 10 chance that they will fuck up a west coast fallout game
The difference between NV and outerworlds is insane. Godamm what i wouls give for another NV game. Fuck even Skyrim
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Reactions: Blackout.xl
time crisis, you can't consider yourself a gamer if you didn't played at it as a kid
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
That's just rockstar they don't release trailer untill the game is near the release whereas cyberpunk 2077 had a trailer in fucking 2013 and is coming out this year. They'll definitely release it but they still trying their best to make money off gta 5 online while they can.
I don’t doubt that gta 6 will come out. It probably will come out in the next 3 years. Which makes it a decade for a new game and an entire console generation without a new gta game (Xbox one and PS4 saw 0 new gta games. Only the gta 5 remaster. Gta 5 released on the 360 and ps3).

The fact that they’re milking the shit out of gta 5 before proceeding with anything major is just a testament to what I’m saying. They ruined gta online with micro transactions and made it unplayable
  • +1
Reactions: Patient A
The difference between NV and outerworlds is insane. Godamm what i wouls give for another NV game. Fuck even Skyrim
Although Obsidian is not the same anymore but budget also matters outerworlds is not even a AAA game. I think avowed the game they are making next will be a much better game.
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
Sounds like we had a very similar experience with vidya. We're very fortunate to have been the perfect age to enjoy the peak of vidya from BO2 to Destiny.
I stick to racing games and a few singleplayer games like Sekiro nowadays, no games get my interest like they did back then.
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
Sounds like we had a very similar experience with vidya. We're very fortunate to have been the perfect age to enjoy the peak of vidya from BO2 to Destiny.
I stick to racing games and a few singleplayer games like Sekiro nowadays, no games get my interest like they did back then.
I made This thread for u
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Reactions: Deleted member 5145
I don’t doubt that gta 6 will come out. It probably will come out in the next 3 years. Which makes it a decade for a new game and an entire console generation without a new gta game (Xbox one and PS4 saw 0 new gta games. Only the gta 5 remaster. Gta 5 released on the 360 and ps3).

The fact that they’re milking the shit out of gta 5 before proceeding with anything major is just a testament to what I’m saying. They ruined gta online with micro transactions and made it unplayable
True but I think there was a alot of effort put into red dead redemption 2 like the game was miles ahead of any game out there in terms of detail and open world. they began developing rdr2 after gta 5 and now are working on next gta.
  • +1
Reactions: Patient A and Blackout.xl
True but I think there was a alot of effort put into red dead redemption 2 like the game was miles ahead of any game out there in terms of detail and open world. they began developing rdr2 after gta 5 and now are working on next gta.
Rdr 2 story mode is good for sure. But from what I’ve heard and seen it’s online mode is shit. Missed potential ngl I had hope for that
Although Obsidian is not the same anymore but budget also matters outerworlds is not even a AAA game. I think avowed the game they are making next will be a much better game.
Look what i wrote. The entire senior staff were replaced with woke millenials. Half the game was muh capitalism bad muh sexism muh racism.

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Reactions: Deleted member 9771

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