Why? What did i do to you:lul: And what did she do to you JFL cant even have friends as an incel

And wtf is creepy about me except my creepshots.

Why do i sound like @Xangsane ? Why why why
leave these poor girls alone and stop making pictures of them so you can jack off to those chinks at home. These woman have familys and friends. Their innocent. Chinks are so innocent. Fuckers like you go to asia and fuck everything up
  • JFL
Reactions: LooksThinker and aspiringexcel
how can someone be so obsessed with asians
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
bro your weird as fuck, just stop talking to me.
Like im genuinely losing my .org aura if someone catches me having a convo with someone like you
Im easily one of the membors with most high effort threads and youre just a 2024cel, and i post to rep ratio mog u
leave these poor girls alone and stop making pictures of them so you can jack off to those chinks at home. These woman have familys and friends. Their innocent. Chinks are so innocent. Fuckers like you go to asia and fuck everything up
This is looksmax.org bitch we clown in this mothafucka better take your sensitive ass back to reddit
how can someone be so obsessed with asians
Whats wrong w that?
  • JFL
Reactions: iblamechico
Great thread as always. Enjoyable read. What's the story with ur foidbhai though? How did u meet her? I can't be such close friends with a foid without wanting to fuck tbh. You couldn't bring a male bhai instead?
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Whats wrong w that?
nothing it's just kind of weird how some of white people expect people to not race mix lol also how many asian countries have you went too?
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
Šta je ono jbt

Mtn obviously

I described chinks i saw already but i can describe each age group if u want me to

I already did in the post you dalit. :feelsree: However people that are GENETICALLY southern chink are on avg around 170-175cm but there is lots of people from different provinces i saw.

This tallfag i saw was around 192-194cm (the one w a jewish friend) is definitely genetically not a southern chink

What is wrong w my foidbhai and why am i a weirdo


Never.:lul: Id like to move there actually:p

Yes saar

I want to stay in shanghai for at least 10 days

Whos that dalit
arent southern chink zoomers 175-180
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
Great thread as always. Enjoyable read.
thanks bhai
What's the story with ur foidbhai though? How did u meet her?
We met on ig but knew eachother beforehand because we live in the same neighbourhood
I can't be such close friends with a foid without wanting to fuck tbh. You couldn't bring a male bhai instead?
Shes basically my only friend all my other friends are either aspies or people i met thru her:lul: Shes also a gigautist and a gigaNT at the same time so i can talk to her about anything
nothing it's just kind of weird how some of white people expect people to not race mix lol also how many asian countries have you went too?
Only china and singapore (but only the airport)
  • Hmm...
Reactions: iblamechico
Only china and singapore (but only the airport)
i have also went to china their visas last for 10 years for some reason i also went to japan because my girlfriend sponsored a visa for me (she's half jap) good experience do you go to these countries to explore or just for your obsession with asians
What about central, eastern, northern chinks?
U 593600322 1529511148fm 225app 113f JPEG
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: 天下第一, Deleted member 61531 and aspiringexcel
We will close the borders
No more gweilou on out land!!!!
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
How did shenzhen chinks compare to HK chinks? how did they compare to the chinks in chinkstralia? I thought chinkstralia was chang central
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
Entertaining thread, make sure to come visit me and the CPC in Beijing headquarters. I'll reward you with a 6'3 Chinese chang for one of your female friends.
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
Entertaining thread, make sure to come visit me and the CPC in Beijing headquarters. I'll reward you with a 6'3 Chinese chang for one of your female friends.
May you send this thread to Xi so he can reward me with an apartment in slums of Lujiazhui, Shanghai
Malnourished oldcels from Mao era dragging the numbers down heavily, add 5 cm to all the provinces except for maybe tibet and guangdong and its accurate.
Tales. Only reason theres lots of tallfags in HongKong is because of northerners migrating
i’ve already taken the gookpill :Comfy:
Yes saar
How did shenzhen chinks compare to HK chinks?
Theyre the same. The biggest mogger was a shanghaicel
how did they compare to the chinks in chinkstralia?
in australia i only saw a changlite which was my chad cousins friend
I thought chinkstralia was chang central
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  • Love it
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May you send this thread to Xi so he can reward me with an apartment in slums of Lujiazhui, Shanghai

Tales. Only reason theres lots of tallfags in HongKong is because of northerners migrating

Yes saar

Theyre the same. The biggest mogger was a shanghaicel

in australia i only saw a changlite which was my chad cousins friend

Thought shenzhen was northern/central han as fuk. In what way are the (mainland chink) men in chadstralia subhuman? Do the women there fog the ones in chinkstralia?
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
We will close the borders
No more gweilou on out land!!!!
do you think its possible to make it out the slums of southern china jade rock gambling
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  • JFL
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  • So Sad
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those videos are usually fake
NOOOOOOOOO, i mean mfers on .org just be straight up gambling and losing their life savings ($500 at most) idk whats worse would rather lose my money on a rock fr :feelsgood:
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
Thought shenzhen was northern/central han as fuk. In what way are the (mainland chink) men in chadstralia subhuman? Do the women there fog the ones in chinkstralia?
No its literally on the south of china. And yes both foids and men mog chinks in australia
BBC bait kao sto si meni govorio za threade sa 0 reacts :lul::lul::lul:
Utter JFL sljedeci thread "GEOMAXXUJEM U KINU KAO BBC"
do you think its possible to make it out the slums of southern china jade rock gambling

Making it out of the hood
NOOOOOOOOO, i mean mfers on .org just be straight up gambling and losing their life savings ($500 at most) idk whats worse would rather lose my money on a rock fr :feelsgood:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Lord Shadow, STEVE GAMING and hopecel
how old r u guys + why dont u make a move on her
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
do vlog of daily life
  • Love it
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how rich is ur family
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
how long were u in china
  • Love it
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Go to Tibet next time
you'll sperg out seeing them
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
Good thread
  • Love it
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Yup! Those are changs lol
  • +1
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What would you rate the average zoomer male and females in China, also do you think the people in northern china mogs southerns more or are they practically the same?
Also are Hans the main moggers in china?
As you all know already im the autist obssesed with NEAs (gooks, chinks and japs) aka THE GOOKOLOGIST of .org

Well i went to china with my dad and my foidbhai (read the thread about my cousin jumping my foidbhai for a backstory)

Now this thread will be an analysis of chinks and the average chink person, i met 2 stacies, 1 chang, 2 HTNs, one gigatallfag HTN and in Hong Kong in the slums of the K11 mall there was a ton of appealmaxxed mtbs

But lets start the tale from the start.
First we went to slums of Budapest because their flights are a lot cheaper than Zagreb. We got on our flight to Pudon, Shanghai:love::love: it was around 12h and from Shanghai to HongKong it was around 3 hours:love::love:

Also when we were caging our phones some ethnic that was going from Budapest to Auckland asked us to help him w something about time difference and we had small talk and told him were from Croatia. Since he looked like an aboriginal i asked him if hes a "New Zealand original":lul::lul:Turns out he was just a Filipinocel (of course)

On the first photo is the Stacy flight attendnat, on the 2nd photo my foidbhai is jestering, 3rd is a random foid in HongKong that had a shit ton of merch from the KPOP group EXO especially the member Suho:love: (Mirin another gookologist:feelsgah:), on the 4th are some snacks i thought are very intresting and on the 5th i tried to creepshot some dalit MTN hungarianthat tipped the stacy flight attendant

When we got to Shenzhen we slept and the next day we started exploring the slums of Shenzhen, i also met my dads chinkbhai Junxia and he helped me and my foidbhai install Wechat and VPN. Hes a LTN, betabuxxer and a shortcel unfortuneately but hes giganice. Also hes the only chink thats bald and under 75 that i saw. Brutal.:cry:

Also i would like everyone to visualize 2 balkancels roaming thru Shenzhen and giving random comments about everything such as "Jebote kolko copeuju amerikanci na looksmaxu kinezi uopce nisu tamni"
wtf americans on looksmax are coping so hard chinks arent dark at all
and autistically analyzing phenos the chinks around us had.

Overal most southern chinks had similar skincolor as an avg southern jewropean, some that were probably northern chinks were even more bleachmaxxed than my foidbhai who is gigapale. I heightmogged most men (had my lifts which bring me from 174cm to 185cm) by 5-10cm but around 20% heightmogged me. This is in Shenzhen and Hongkong tho so makes sense because southern chinks are shorter than northern.

On the 1st and 2nd photo u can see the durian we ate to looksmax. We ate it everyday, its not as disgusting as people say but the texture is horrible. On the 3rd photo u can see some Jap hairmasks we found in a random magical shop full of looksmaxing items while exploring, 4th photo 7/11 onigiri, then some cool buildings and we managed to find Bytedance the company that owns tiktok
8th photo is a random shop where the workers basically worshipped my foidbhai when she came to buy some shit, 9th photo matching hats me and my foidbhai bought, 10th Coco Park a random shopping mall we spent like 6 hours there and came there tomorrow again, malls in china are gigafun mirin chinks, 11th and 12th food we ate. 13th photo HTN tallcel that resembled gook actor Hwang Inyeop a lot so i creepshotted him. 14th goyslop, 15th my foidbhai jestermaxxing again, and then random pics

My foidbhai obviously SMVmogged me into oblivion, some ppl here rated her HTB-stacylite, but in China she has gigaskinny youthful collagenmaxxed exotic foid halo which was brutal:incel: She got free candy in starbucks from a HTN working there, one random mtn chink approached her to talk to her when we were walking (it was gigacagefuel how he ignored me and was just asking HER questions about where shes from blablabla). Also as i mentioned before in the Shu Uemura store they all flocked to offer to do her makeup before she even said she wants to buy anything. At least they gave me free Shu Uemura cleansing oil. However some little chinks were waving at us and looked very happy to see us and random police officers stopped us to talk to both of us and asked us if we are russian:cop:I usually hate all FEDs but those 2 were very friendly:ogre:

After a week in Shenzhen we went to slums of Hong Kong.

On the train from Shenzhen to Hongkong we saw a giga subhuman AMWF couple getting out on some random station 0land because the foid was fat my foidbhai said "Ova stanica je medvjed city... za medvjede":lul: ("This station is Bear city... for bears") it doesnt sound as funny when i type it out but it made my cage very violently people probably thought we were crazy because everyone else was silent except for us and my dad just didnt care what we were doing JFL. I wish i creepshotted those 2 subhumans. Also about AMWF and WMAF couples we saw 1 megasubhuman AMWF 1 stylemaxxed MTN AMWF and 1 subhuman WMAF couple

on the 1st photo is the train station in shenzhen + chink with bleached hair i liked his vibes, 2nd photo me and my foidbhai bought special edition Jap hagendazs ice cream:love::p, 3rd-8th mogger photos of slums of Hong Kong, 9th photo we went to the K11 mall and on the 10th we went to eat, 12th photo is my foidbhai SMVmogging me (go outside of the spoiler to read about that:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:) 13th-17th photos are again random photos + we tried to find jackie chan and bruce lee on the Hong Kong avenue of stars but we were too low IQ and retarded to do it😢, 18th photo 3 jewmaxxed foids, i felt extremely jealous of them and their lives. 19th photo chinks in a restaurant

About the 12th photo, some woman that had a camera saw me and my foidbhai trying to take photos on the balkony and offered to take photos of us, my photo turned out so fucking subhuman i immediately deleted it but my foidbhai of course looked good. That was the moment i felt gigainsecure and almost had a panic attack because of my subhumanity and my vacation almost got ruined.

However the thing that restored me was my foidbhai and me talking to a HTN-changlite tallcel and his bhais and his fat weird friend with a JEWISH tattoo on his neck asked for her wechat:lul::lul: At least GL people cant ever escape subhumans that are coming to crash their egos.
View attachment 3077401View attachment 3077402View attachment 3077403


Here are the creepshots from the airport + explainations😢 This was also the first time in my life i saw a chang:feelswow:Felt like a faggot because i got very exctited JFL

On the 1st and 2nd photo u can see some HTN tallcel bussinesman, 3rd looksmaxing items i really liked, 4th a random asian and white foid the white foid acted so retarded if anyone is intrested i can talk about those 2 more, 5th is them again, 6th and 7th is the chang flight attendant me and my foidbhai autistically analyzed him and creepshotted him together and later talked to him:lul::lul::lul:hes nice i almost feel sorry i creepshotted him and posted on dalits.org, 8th noodles, 9th is the flight attendant again, 10th is a hungarian geomaxxer that lives in Taiwan my dad talked to him when our flight from SHG to BUD got delayed it was gigacagefuel, mega over for him tho. Other photos is the stacy flight attendant she really resembled yuna from itzy


y no pictures 😡:feelsbadman:
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
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  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
This thread is an expression of low inhibition and undiagnosed autism, expressed through a lens of lookism and racism.
As you all know already im the autist obssesed with NEAs (gooks, chinks and japs) aka THE GOOKOLOGIST of .org

Well i went to china with my dad and my foidbhai (read the thread about my cousin jumping my foidbhai for a backstory)

Now this thread will be an analysis of chinks and the average chink person, i met 2 stacies, 1 chang, 2 HTNs, one gigatallfag HTN and in Hong Kong in the slums of the K11 mall there was a ton of appealmaxxed mtbs

But lets start the tale from the start.
First we went to slums of Budapest because their flights are a lot cheaper than Zagreb. We got on our flight to Pudon, Shanghai:love::love: it was around 12h and from Shanghai to HongKong it was around 3 hours:love::love:

Also when we were caging our phones some ethnic that was going from Budapest to Auckland asked us to help him w something about time difference and we had small talk and told him were from Croatia. Since he looked like an aboriginal i asked him if hes a "New Zealand original":lul::lul:Turns out he was just a Filipinocel (of course)

On the first photo is the Stacy flight attendnat, on the 2nd photo my foidbhai is jestering, 3rd is a random foid in HongKong that had a shit ton of merch from the KPOP group EXO especially the member Suho:love: (Mirin another gookologist:feelsgah:), on the 4th are some snacks i thought are very intresting and on the 5th i tried to creepshot some dalit MTN hungarianthat tipped the stacy flight attendant

When we got to Shenzhen we slept and the next day we started exploring the slums of Shenzhen, i also met my dads chinkbhai Junxia and he helped me and my foidbhai install Wechat and VPN. Hes a LTN, betabuxxer and a shortcel unfortuneately but hes giganice. Also hes the only chink thats bald and under 75 that i saw. Brutal.:cry:

Also i would like everyone to visualize 2 balkancels roaming thru Shenzhen and giving random comments about everything such as "Jebote kolko copeuju amerikanci na looksmaxu kinezi uopce nisu tamni"
wtf americans on looksmax are coping so hard chinks arent dark at all
and autistically analyzing phenos the chinks around us had.

Overal most southern chinks had similar skincolor as an avg southern jewropean, some that were probably northern chinks were even more bleachmaxxed than my foidbhai who is gigapale. I heightmogged most men (had my lifts which bring me from 174cm to 185cm) by 5-10cm but around 20% heightmogged me. This is in Shenzhen and Hongkong tho so makes sense because southern chinks are shorter than northern.

On the 1st and 2nd photo u can see the durian we ate to looksmax. We ate it everyday, its not as disgusting as people say but the texture is horrible. On the 3rd photo u can see some Jap hairmasks we found in a random magical shop full of looksmaxing items while exploring, 4th photo 7/11 onigiri, then some cool buildings and we managed to find Bytedance the company that owns tiktok
8th photo is a random shop where the workers basically worshipped my foidbhai when she came to buy some shit, 9th photo matching hats me and my foidbhai bought, 10th Coco Park a random shopping mall we spent like 6 hours there and came there tomorrow again, malls in china are gigafun mirin chinks, 11th and 12th food we ate. 13th photo HTN tallcel that resembled gook actor Hwang Inyeop a lot so i creepshotted him. 14th goyslop, 15th my foidbhai jestermaxxing again, and then random pics

My foidbhai obviously SMVmogged me into oblivion, some ppl here rated her HTB-stacylite, but in China she has gigaskinny youthful collagenmaxxed exotic foid halo which was brutal:incel: She got free candy in starbucks from a HTN working there, one random mtn chink approached her to talk to her when we were walking (it was gigacagefuel how he ignored me and was just asking HER questions about where shes from blablabla). Also as i mentioned before in the Shu Uemura store they all flocked to offer to do her makeup before she even said she wants to buy anything. At least they gave me free Shu Uemura cleansing oil. However some little chinks were waving at us and looked very happy to see us and random police officers stopped us to talk to both of us and asked us if we are russian:cop:I usually hate all FEDs but those 2 were very friendly:ogre:

After a week in Shenzhen we went to slums of Hong Kong.

On the train from Shenzhen to Hongkong we saw a giga subhuman AMWF couple getting out on some random station 0land because the foid was fat my foidbhai said "Ova stanica je medvjed city... za medvjede":lul: ("This station is Bear city... for bears") it doesnt sound as funny when i type it out but it made my cage very violently people probably thought we were crazy because everyone else was silent except for us and my dad just didnt care what we were doing JFL. I wish i creepshotted those 2 subhumans. Also about AMWF and WMAF couples we saw 1 megasubhuman AMWF 1 stylemaxxed MTN AMWF and 1 subhuman WMAF couple

on the 1st photo is the train station in shenzhen + chink with bleached hair i liked his vibes, 2nd photo me and my foidbhai bought special edition Jap hagendazs ice cream:love::p, 3rd-8th mogger photos of slums of Hong Kong, 9th photo we went to the K11 mall and on the 10th we went to eat, 12th photo is my foidbhai SMVmogging me (go outside of the spoiler to read about that:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:) 13th-17th photos are again random photos + we tried to find jackie chan and bruce lee on the Hong Kong avenue of stars but we were too low IQ and retarded to do it😢, 18th photo 3 jewmaxxed foids, i felt extremely jealous of them and their lives. 19th photo chinks in a restaurant

About the 12th photo, some woman that had a camera saw me and my foidbhai trying to take photos on the balkony and offered to take photos of us, my photo turned out so fucking subhuman i immediately deleted it but my foidbhai of course looked good. That was the moment i felt gigainsecure and almost had a panic attack because of my subhumanity and my vacation almost got ruined.

However the thing that restored me was my foidbhai and me talking to a HTN-changlite tallcel and his bhais and his fat weird friend with a JEWISH tattoo on his neck asked for her wechat:lul::lul: At least GL people cant ever escape subhumans that are coming to crash their egos.
View attachment 3077401View attachment 3077402View attachment 3077403


Here are the creepshots from the airport + explainations😢 This was also the first time in my life i saw a chang:feelswow:Felt like a faggot because i got very exctited JFL

On the 1st and 2nd photo u can see some HTN tallcel bussinesman, 3rd looksmaxing items i really liked, 4th a random asian and white foid the white foid acted so retarded if anyone is intrested i can talk about those 2 more, 5th is them again, 6th and 7th is the chang flight attendant me and my foidbhai autistically analyzed him and creepshotted him together and later talked to him:lul::lul::lul:hes nice i almost feel sorry i creepshotted him and posted on dalits.org, 8th noodles, 9th is the flight attendant again, 10th is a hungarian geomaxxer that lives in Taiwan my dad talked to him when our flight from SHG to BUD got delayed it was gigacagefuel, mega over for him tho. Other photos is the stacy flight attendant she really resembled yuna from itzy


I head hook land and I lose interest
  • JFL
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