Voice is criminally underrated (yes, another voice thread)

Let's perform a thought experiment:

Imagine there are two chads in the same room, and they both have the same face, height, frame/bone structure, skin color, hair etc. BUT:

one of them has a skinny body with no muscle and a top tier, deep, resonating voice like the guy in this vid:

(I'm just posting this video as an example of someone with a good voice, he is not a chad of course)

- the other one has the ideal amount of muscle mass that women find attractive but a high-pitched, effeminate voice
(I couldn't find a video of a man with a bad voice so you'll have to imagine it, if you find one let me know and I'll add it to the thread)

Remember that everything else about these two chads is the same, so it's basically: great voice with shit muscle mass versus great muscle mass with shit voice.
Now, my question is: which one do you think is gonna slay more?

Well, I think the chad with a great voice is gonna win, and IMO it makes sense since, as you know, women are more attracted to genetic traits that you can pass to your offspring (voice) compared to traits that won't be passed (muscle mass).

I posted this thread because I believe it's a shame that almost no one talks about the importance of voice (and how to improve it) in this forum when there are dozens of threads everyday about gymcelling and increasing muscle mass at any cost even with the risk of ruining your health (steroids).

What do you guys think? Do you agree with me when I say voice>muscle size or am I just coping? Let's discuss below.

Greg Doucette is a good example. Was expecting a action hero voice but he sounds like the kid in the back of the class who watches meme compilations
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you're so cute, lmao. you are nothing, but a soft bitch to me. keep embarassing yourself, manlet cuck. you have never bullied anyone in your entire life and you never will. you are a harmless selfhating vulnerable virgin to me. that is why my replies to you are 1 minute and you spend over 20 minutes crying and begging me for mercy.


I am literally making you spend your entire sunday on here crying for me like an abused tortured bitch, you friendless bullied virgin loser.

You are trying to be undisputed so hard. Kill yourself clown.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6400
I had a voice deeper than everyone i talked to at 14 (legit on xbox live people thought i was like 25 years old) and my chad friend has a high pitched voice. He easily gets more attention than me in a room, voicepill is overatted tbh. Once I'm actually attractive it will be a nice halo, rn im only 4.5PSL/8
My theory is that
face > height > dick size = frame = voice > muscles
but of course I may be wrong and this is just an autistic theory, you need everything in 2020
So how to voicemax?
There are many threads in the archives buddy boyo
My theory is that
face > height > dick size = frame = voice > muscles
but of course I may be wrong and this is just an autistic theory, you need everything in 2020

There are many threads in the archives buddy boyo
sounds right but voice is overrated
face>height>frame>dick size=voice>muscles

Just max everything theory is the best way to go about looksmaxxing because if you're good in every aspect its attractive, people think you got your shit together (which you don't lol)
sounds right but voice is overrated
face>height>frame>dick size=voice>muscles

Just max everything theory is the best way to go about looksmaxxing because if you're good in every aspect its attractive, people think you got your shit together (which you don't lol)
Exactly. You just ascended to my level.
You are trying to be undisputed so hard. Kill yourself clown.
stfo boneless faggot,this is simply og lookism style,im not trying to be anyone,legit kys
Fake as fuck jfl
  • WTF
Reactions: Julius
stfo boneless faggot,this is simply og lookism style,im not trying to be anyone,legit kys
Nobody event thinks you're funny, you are just a mentally disabled cringy autistic kid thinking he is cool by being a wannabe undisputed.
  • +1
Reactions: Julius
Nobody event thinks you're funny, you are just a mentally disabled cringy autistic kid thinking he is cool by being a wannabe undisputed.
who tf is that faggot,i dont even know what you're talking about kys autistic faggot

JoinedSep 26, 2018
Holy shit,dont you realize how fucking dumb you are ? You literally spent hours trying to trigger me and i did not read any word LMAO


Continue barking for me,i will not read a word
Writes posts begging for my attention

Says he doesn't care when i respond ?? ?
  • +1
Reactions: johncruz12345
Writes posts begging for my attention

Says he doesn't care when i respond ?? ?

Ratfaced ugly dolphin-eyed sloth
so you finally realized how much of a subhuman you are
Ratfaced ugly dolphin-eyed sloth
so you finally realized how much of a subhuman you are
I was just having a laugh at all of you obsessed with me, lmao.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6400
I was just having a laugh at all of you obsessed with me, lmao.
i had so much fun writing those posts tbh gotta thank you for that ngl
i had so much fun writing those posts tbh gotta thank you for that ngl
don't need to thank me for giving you the dopamine you never got in high school
don't need to thank me for giving you the dopamine you never got in high school
Said the high school virgin permarotter that literally looks like this:

i agree derek is past the ideal amount of muscularity and is headed into meatball territory

all I can say is that I see muscle SMV-deniers the same way astronauts see flat earthers.

I've personally seen the substantial difference that even just 8-10kg makes in terms of respect and attraction. and I'm quite sure that I wouldn't have seen the same difference if I simply had a few inches added onto my bideltoid and wrists.
That's because you were anorexic as fuck, despite your great frame you were literally top 1% in skinnyness :lul:
Most people with a good frame ain't that skinny
Alas this thread is about voice, we are going off-topic
Said the high school virgin permarotter that literally looks like this:

View attachment 564131
Virgin because there were no girls there. Also i look like that yeah, and there's nothing wrong with it. You've yet to show yourself for me to even consider your opinion.
Regardless, i had a great time with my boys in high school.
Virgin because there were no girls there. Also i look like that yeah, and there's nothing wrong with it. You've yet to show yourself for me to even consider your opinion.
Regardless, i had a great time with my boys in high school.

Virgin because there were no girls there(virgin cope). Also i look like that yeah, and there's nothing wrong with it(there is,kys)

You've yet to show yourself for me to even consider your opinion(you literally look like a soy emasculated virgin if you dont consider my opinion don't respond you fuckin moron)

Regardless, i had a great time with my boys in high school(said the friendless virgin on an online forum).
View attachment 564138
Virgin because there were no girls there(virgin cope). Also i look like that yeah, and there's nothing wrong with it(there is,kys)

You've yet to show yourself for me to even consider your opinion(you literally look like a soy emasculated virgin if you dont consider my opinion don't respond you fuckin moron)

Regardless, i had a great time with my boys in high school(said the friendless virgin on an online forum).
''virgin cope''
fuck you want me to do then? summon a girl out of thin air using witchcraft? bruh

''friendless'' i just talked with my 5-years long friend from school this morning, wbu?
i can't imagine what state of your life you must be in to think talking to an old good friend are tales

by the way i'm not from the usa, basements here are just concrete

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