(warning LONG) Instead of trying to re-create undergrad post-college JUST ACCEPT you messed up your life, and go on a NEW path!



Apr 27, 2021
For you lazy illiterate niggers:

TLD;R: Basically you messed up your life in undergrad by rushing to your dorm after class, gaming/watching mgtow/blackpill videos/failing to network etc. JUST ACCEPT you messed up your life, stop feverishly trying to live like a frat-stud post-college pursuing young college girls a decade younger than you. Just ACCEPT YOUR FATE that you will HAVE to (you have no choice pal!) settle for lower quality women (if you can get them) and put your energies into NEW pursuits that don't involve women etc.

JUST STOP, JUST STOP! Stop trying to feverishly shoe-horn your way into 19 year old social circles as a 30+ year old man! As Mexican-American youtuber HeedandSucceed says: "women are detectives and will QUICKLY figure your ass out" those white 19 year old hotties are not stupid they CAN TELL you are a 30+ year old virgin loser trying to get their little pink white pussy (women are smarter than we give credit. Fuck many foids even admit they act stupid to manipulate dopey men).

Instead JUST ADMIT you fucked up undergrad lemee give you a rundown of how you are SUPPOSED to do college PROPERLY.

1. You are supposed to major not in a tranny degree, but on the other hand don't major in autistic STEM subjects that separate you from women, are male dominated etc. Then you are supposed to NETWORK not be too neurotic about grades but just meet the RIGHT people who can shoe-horn you into the right job etc.

2. When you are freshman COME looksmaxxed (or at least make an effort). Go to LOTSA parties, (don't have to get laid but just meet a bunch of women). In classes put yourself in group projects with lotsa females. Talk/get to know them DO things after class with people (don't rush home to your dorm to fap/play vidya/watch blackpill) etc. They key is you have to FORM your social circle IN freshman year!

3. You have to do steps 1 and 2 TOGETHER at the SAME TIME! Don't invest just in girls (flunk out) and don't invest just in grades (and end up perma-incel). You MUST do these steps TOGETHER in the proper order. If you DEVIATE ANY BIT it is GAME FUCKING OVER!

Instead you WASTED the BEST OPPORTUNITY YOU WILL EVER GET IN YOUR LIFE to form relationships with hot 18-21 year old white girls! Instead of working hard, you slacked off, surfed the internet/went on incel/looksmaxx forums 20 hours a day, you hid in your bed, you watched mgtow videos all day thinking you were improving. Fast forward 4 years. Girls your age are getting married, moving to a new city, and kicking ass! (they are outta the market for you pal!) But don't think ya can be slick and date the 19 year old hotties. Again, "women are detectives and can QUICKLY figure your ass out!" -HeedandSucceed. They can TELL you are 30 (women KNOW looks and can guess age better than guys). They are thinking "WTF is this 30 year old doing? Didn't he have women in college? Why is he hitting on women a decade younger than him? SOMETHING IS WRONG with him if he couldn't get a relationship before 30") And that girl is right something IS FUCKING WRONG WITH YOU! (autism/bad genetics who knows! but she don't want to risk carrying a child with your defective ass!)

I KNOW I KNOW some of you will say: "hurr durr at 30 you can get college girls!" SURE that IS possible. HOWEVER their are caveats:

#1. A 30 year old man who gets college hotties has his SHIT TOGETHER (not starting at 29 but he had his shit together since 16!)

#2. That 30 year old man does not have to be a chad, but he PRIORITIZED socializing from 16-21. (did not spend years rotting on obscure incel forums and thinking he can recover from that at 25).

#3. the MOST IMPORTANT point. This man who can get hotties at 30 did NOT start at 30. He started at 16 PRIORITIZING looksmaxxing/PRIORITIZING interpersonal relationships. So this man is "riding the wave" he is not getting hotties because he is 30 but DESPITE him being 30. He has such a GOOD REPUTATION/SOCIAL PROOF among the ladies when he was younger that younger women will be willing to overlook his age because they KNEW he had a good social reputation when he was younger/hotter etc.

SO THIS BRINGS ME TO MY MOST IMPORTANT POINT! So ya fucked up ya life now what? Lets DISCUSS what REALISTIC SOLUTIONS you can do:

#1. Take time to GRIEVE/even CRY (literally) about your mistake. Its cucked but crymaxxing is actually HEALTHY (it releases built up cortisol stress etc).

#2. When you are ready and finished with step 1. GIVE UP ON getting a 19 year old its OVER! As HeedandSucceed says: "there are more days behind than ahead"

#3. Maybe just ACCEPT YOUR FATE and try to date some unattractive 30+ year old women for her personality. (on the side PAY for sex with 19 year old escorts but they are OFF THE TABLE for a relationship! Just have 2 girls on rotation. One that you use for emotional reasons ie a 30 year old hag and the 19 year old hottie you use solely for sex ie you have to CATEGORIZE you don't have the LUXURY to pick women who have all positive traits you have to mix/match/pay for other traits. Just don't tell the 30 year old hag!) You don't have pride anyway. And no one cares about your non-existent "pride" or that you had to betabux some 30 year old to get some poon. Just do what you have to do! (but on the other note don't act like copers who say: "i am winning at life now at 30. I now have 30 year old women who want to settle down wanting to talk with me when a decade ago they woulda wanted nothing to do with me"

#4. Kinda cucked but maybe cope with Christ-Insanity. Christianity is a very unique religion. Unlike Islam/Judaism which DEMANDS you be the strongest/richest/and best member of your race (Ashkenazi and Arab students are put under a TREMENDOUS amount of pressure in their culture to succeed unlike Christian students). Christianity is more forgiving: It goes along the lines of: "Its OK you fucked up your life, this life is ONLY A TEST and DOES NOT MATTER in the GRAND SCHEME of things just live out the rest of your days, then when you die Jesus will save you and REWARD you in heaven as long as you believe he died for you. You can keep fucking up, but Jesus will never stop loving you unconditionally" It is very BEAUTIFUL in a sense. (its a CUCKED religion don't get me wrong but notice Arab drug addicts/single moms/sex offenders and those on the LOWER rungs of society are not going to Moque but are going to AA meetings at CHURCH!) There is a SPECIFIC reason for this! These people are HATED in their native religions. Islam/Judaism is NOT forgiving to losers while Christ-Insanity is.

#5. Put your ego in your career and not in pussy (yeah I get it you can't really utilize your money for pussy but maybe instead of a high-end career in STEM pick a simple but somewhat "meaningful" job like IDK non-profit volunteering type of jobs. YES its CUCKED but you have to TRICK yourself into believing you helped others/made an impact. Sometimes you have to delusionmaxx for your own SANITY!

#6. PAY for sex! https://incels.is/threads/hard-to-s...ever-apply-it-to-other-things-in-life.308211/

#6. "get hobbies brah" I know lame but BEAR WITH ME. COPE in materialistic things. Eat nice food, get a nice-ish car, wear nice-ish clothes to TREAT yourself. (don't get in debt but buy with your own money). For me my hobbies are buying vintage transformers, oil painting, going on walks, keeping exotic pets, listening to brazilian funk music etc. Just EXPLORE OBSCURE autistic hobbies and GET INTO THEM! (even if you don't like them just treat them as exercise to keep your mental SANITY etc). Just say: "weather I want to or not I will play the guitar for 30 minutes a day just to keep my SANITY!"

#7. TRAVEL NOT for pussy but to try new foods, look at old buildings, get into history documentaries etc. (traveling while expensive is a good cope, it keeps you busy/sane/always learning and the foreign women don't really know or care if you are a loser back home. They just assume: "ah a quirky traveler" (I DON"T advise to date them because once you try to get into a relationship these women will FIGURE OUT that you are a loser back home! (again: "women are detectives they can figure your ass out!" -HeedandSucceed) Just travel FOR YOU etc.

-I spent all my ideas guys but lets BRAINSTORM of what guys can REALISTICALLY do instead of desperately trying to hook up with bots on tinder or shoehorn their way into social circles a decade younger then them where they are not wanted etc.
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  • +1
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: SharpOrange, med, micropp and 18 others
High IQ and mirin the effort.
Read it all and it is honestly helpful. However, it does not change the fact that you missed out on not only teenage love but also adult love.
And that, my friend, is brutal.
  • JFL
Reactions: Lanister
High IQ and mirin the effort.
Read it all and it is honestly helpful. However, it does not change the fact that you missed out on not only teenage love but also adult love.
And that, my friend, is brutal.
OFC. Its not optimal but this post is just meant as "damage control" or "making the best out of a shitty situation" Ya don't have to like your situation but YA GOTTA LIVE WITH IT! (ya have NO CHOICE pal!)

You can either act like a tranny ie live in delusion as you get older/older think you can shoehorn your way into social circles decades younger (just like how a tranny is a fat 40 year old balding jewish man who thinks he is a sexy Brazilian woman instagram model) OR ACCEPT reality and tailor your life based on the shitty outcomes you created but try to "live out your days" (if ya don't have the balls to rope)
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  • +1
  • JFL
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Mirin the effort how much time did it took to write all of this shit ?
Btw dnrd
  • JFL
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OFC. Its not optimal but this post is just meant as "damage control" or "making the best out of a shitty situation"

-ya don't have to like your situation but YA GOTTA LIVE WITH IT! (ya have NO CHOICE pal!)
That is right. It is what it is.
I do not think it will help me, JFL. I'm too below the bar.
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Mirin the effort how much time did it took to write all of this shit ?
Btw dnrd
read the TLD;R you lazy illiterate nigger!:feelsree::woke:
  • JFL
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You can definitely sleep with good looking 20-21's if you are 28-30, but after that it gets radically harder each year due to collagen losses in the face.

I had plenty of ONS with women who were barely 20 while I was 27. But I didn't select based on age, they just had nice bodies.

If you are 40+ it's just not worth trying anymore. But you can still do decent if you want to sport fuck 25-40+ year old women.

It's too hard to blend in with early 20s if you are 40.
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  • JFL
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You can definitely sleep with good looking 20-21's if you are 28-30, but after that it gets radically harder each year due to collagen losses in the face.

I had plenty of ONS with women who were barely 20 while I was 27. But I didn't select based on age, they just had nice bodies.

If you are 40+ it's just not worth trying anymore. But you can still do decent if you want to sport fuck 25-40+ year old women.

It's too hard to blend in with early 20s if you are 40.
I KNOW I KNOW some of you will say: "hurr durr at 30 you can get college girls!" SURE that IS possible. HOWEVER their are caveats:

#1. A 30 year old man who gets college hotties has his SHIT TOGETHER (not starting at 29 but he had his shit together since 16!)

#2. That 30 year old man does not have to be a chad, but he PRIORITIZED socializing from 16-21. (did not spend years rotting on obscure incel forums and thinking he can recover from that at 25).

#3. the MOST IMPORTANT point. This man who can get hotties at 30 did NOT start at 30. He started at 16 PRIORITIZING looksmaxxing/PRIORITIZING interpersonal relationships. So this man is "riding the wave" he is not getting hotties because he is 30 but DESPITE him being 30. He has such a GOOD REPUTATION/SOCIAL PROOF among the ladies when he was younger that younger women will be willing to overlook his age because they KNEW he had a good social reputation when he was younger/hotter etc.
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  • JFL
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Fuck off im never accepting it. Jb or death
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  • So Sad
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I KNOW I KNOW some of you will say: "hurr durr at 30 you can get college girls!" SURE that IS possible. HOWEVER their are caveats:

#1. A 30 year old man who gets college hotties has his SHIT TOGETHER (not starting at 29 but he had his shit together since 16!)

#2. That 30 year old man does not have to be a chad, but he PRIORITIZED socializing from 16-21. (did not spend years rotting on obscure incel forums and thinking he can recover from that at 25).

#3. the MOST IMPORTANT point. This man who can get hotties at 30 did NOT start at 30. He started at 16 PRIORITIZING looksmaxxing/PRIORITIZING interpersonal relationships. So this man is "riding the wave" he is not getting hotties because he is 30 but DESPITE him being 30. He has such a GOOD REPUTATION/SOCIAL PROOF among the ladies when he was younger that younger women will be willing to overlook his age because they KNEW he had a good social reputation when he was younger/hotter etc.
Nah, thanks to dating apps, all the 30 year old guy needs is several years of looksmaxing even if he is a total autist.

He will still get plenty of pussy from 21 year olds if he passes the facial threshold. He doesn't even need to socialize at frat houses clubs like in 2010.

Tinder chad 6

Before dating apps existed, everything you said would apply though.

That's all there is to it. Be facially good looking (if you can't achieve it naturally or through surgery, then it's over), be at 10-12% body fat, have at least a decent body. Does not need to be roided, but athletic is a minimum.

(Not having a good hairline will also be a death sentence- your hairline needs to be untouched, NW1 like in your early 20s)
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mtn cope. only mtns can run social circle game at uni and the relationship will burn after the becky realises she can sleep w chad. men look fine till 50 if they take care fo themselves and chad always wins,
  • Ugh..
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Nah, thanks to dating apps, all the 30 year old guy needs is several years of looksmaxing even if he is a total autist.

He will still get plenty of pussy from 21 year olds if he passes the facial threshold. He doesn't even need to socialize at frat houses clubs like in 2010.

View attachment 2084012

Before dating apps existed, everything you said would apply though.

That's all there is to it. Be facially good looking (if you can't achieve it naturally or through surgery, then it's over), be at 10-12% body fat, have at least a decent body. Does not need to be roided, but athletic is a minimum.

(Not having a good hairline will also be a death sentence- your hairline needs to be untouched, NW1 like in your early 20s)
I KNOW I KNOW some of you will say: "hurr durr at 30 you can get college girls!" SURE that IS possible. HOWEVER their are caveats:

#1. A 30 year old man who gets college hotties has his SHIT TOGETHER (not starting at 29 but he had his shit together since 16!)

#2. That 30 year old man does not have to be a chad, but he PRIORITIZED socializing from 16-21. (did not spend years rotting on obscure incel forums and thinking he can recover from that at 25).

#3. the MOST IMPORTANT point. This man who can get hotties at 30 did NOT start at 30. He started at 16 PRIORITIZING looksmaxxing/PRIORITIZING interpersonal relationships. So this man is "riding the wave" he is not getting hotties because he is 30 but DESPITE him being 30. He has such a GOOD REPUTATION/SOCIAL PROOF among the ladies when he was younger that younger women will be willing to overlook his age because they KNEW he had a good social reputation when he was younger/hotter etc.
mtn cope. only mtns can run social circle game at uni and the relationship will burn after the becky realises she can sleep w chad. men look fine till 50 if they take care fo themselves and chad always wins,
what crack are you smoking? NEVER seen IN MY LIFE a 40 year old with 20 year old. Fuck even 23 year old girls find 28 year old guys GROSS!

(celebs/jewish hollywood doesn't count)
Fuck off im never accepting it. Jb or death
you can get sex from JB (18 year olds) just won't get JB for free. you need to do it for payment!
what crack are you smoking? NEVER seen IN MY LIFE a 40 year old with 20 year old. Fuck even 23 year old girls find 28 year old guys GROSS!

(celebs/jewish hollywood doesn't count)
neither have I but thats cos most 40 yoo are bald fat or in a betabuxed ltr. im speaking purely in abstracto and the fact that amnesia at 34 is ordering JBs to his house like pizza leads enough credence to the fact that genes and face> Age (esp for men)
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Good post bhai.
Handshake Bros GIF
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neither have I but thats cos most 40 yoo are bald fat or in a betabuxed ltr. im speaking purely in abstracto
yes in THEORY I am not a fat hairy Italian guy who is a virgin at 26. I am a sexy Brazilian bikini instagram model! But IN REALITY I am the former!
and the fact that amnesia at 34 is ordering JBs to his house like pizza leads enough credence to the fact that genes and face> Age (esp for men)
Dude people LARP online all the time. RN I have a harem of 18 year old Brazilian virgins and I work on Wallstreet! tRuSt mE gUyS!

Besides if it is real @Amnesia is just paying for escorts etc.
  • JFL
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At what age can one post here and not get banned?
18, 16 or what?
I don't know maybe the youngest age should be 25. (the U.N considers "youth" to be between the liberal ages of 18-24 so to be liberal if you don't ascend by the time you are 25 then you can be on here. TBH 25 is too late but I will put in a liberal age range etc).

What do you think @everyone @all
I don't know maybe the youngest age should be 25. (the U.N considers "youth" to be between the liberal ages of 18-24 so to be liberal if you don't ascend by the time you are 25 then you can be on here. TBH 25 is too late but I will put in a liberal age range etc).

What do you think @everyone @all
After 25 go to incels.is
At 15, join looksmax.org

The autism is worth it.
  • +1
Reactions: Pikabro and banjojones
After 25 go to incels.is
At 15, join looksmax.org

The autism is worth it.
Yep shoulda done that. Went to incels.is in my youth instead of looksmaxx.org first!
  • +1
Reactions: Pikabro, RopeMaxxed and TeenAscender
Instead JUST ADMIT you fucked up undergrad lemee give you a rundown of how you are SUPPOSED to do college PROPERLY.

1. You are supposed to major not in a tranny degree, but on the other hand don't major in autistic STEM subjects that separate you from women, are male dominated etc. Then you are supposed to NETWORK not be too neurotic about grades but just meet the RIGHT people who can shoe-horn you into the right job etc.

2. When you are freshman COME looksmaxxed (or at least make an effort). Go to LOTSA parties, (don't have to get laid but just meet a bunch of women). In classes put yourself in group projects with lotsa females. Talk/get to know them DO things after class with people (don't rush home to your dorm to fap/play vidya/watch blackpill) etc. They key is you have to FORM your social circle IN freshman year!

3. You have to do steps 1 and 2 TOGETHER at the SAME TIME! Don't invest just in girls (flunk out) and don't invest just in grades (and end up perma-incel). You MUST do these steps TOGETHER in the proper order. If you DEVIATE ANY BIT it is GAME FUCKING OVER!

Instead you WASTED the BEST OPPORTUNITY YOU WILL EVER GET IN YOUR LIFE to form relationships with hot 18-21 year old white girls! Instead of working hard, you slacked off, surfed the internet/went on incel/looksmaxx forums 20 hours a day, you hid in your bed, you watched mgtow videos all day thinking you were improving. Fast forward 4 years. Girls your age are getting married, moving to a new city, and kicking ass! (they are outta the market for you pal!) But don't think ya can be slick and date the 19 year old hotties. Again, "women are detectives and can QUICKLY figure your ass out!" -HeedandSucceed. They can TELL you are 30 (women KNOW looks and can guess age better than guys). They are thinking "WTF is this 30 year old doing? Didn't he have women in college? Why is he hitting on women a decade younger than him? SOMETHING IS WRONG with him if he couldn't get a relationship before 30") And that girl is right something IS FUCKING WRONG WITH YOU! (autism/bad genetics who knows! but she don't want to risk carrying a child with your defective ass!)

I KNOW I KNOW some of you will say: "hurr durr at 30 you can get college girls!" SURE that IS possible. HOWEVER their are caveats:

#1. A 30 year old man who gets college hotties has his SHIT TOGETHER (not starting at 29 but he had his shit together since 16!)

#2. That 30 year old man does not have to be a chad, but he PRIORITIZED socializing from 16-21. (did not spend years rotting on obscure incel forums and thinking he can recover from that at 25).

#3. the MOST IMPORTANT point. This man who can get hotties at 30 did NOT start at 30. He started at 16 PRIORITIZING looksmaxxing/PRIORITIZING interpersonal relationships. So this man is "riding the wave" he is not getting hotties because he is 30 but DESPITE him being 30. He has such a GOOD REPUTATION/SOCIAL PROOF among the ladies when he was younger that younger women will be willing to overlook his age because they KNEW he had a good social reputation when he was younger/hotter etc.
Best part of the thread.
  • +1
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dnr I will ascend with 14 yo untouched stacy
  • JFL
Reactions: forevermirin and RopeMaxxed
For you lazy illiterate niggers:

TLD;R: Basically you messed up your life in undergrad by rushing to your dorm after class, gaming/watching mgtow/blackpill videos/failing to network etc. JUST ACCEPT you messed up your life, stop feverishly trying to live like a frat-stud post-college pursuing young college girls a decade younger than you. Just ACCEPT YOUR FATE that you will HAVE to (you have no choice pal!) settle for lower quality women (if you can get them) and put your energies into NEW pursuits that don't involve women etc.

JUST STOP, JUST STOP! Stop trying to feverishly shoe-horn your way into 19 year old social circles as a 30+ year old man! As Mexican-American youtuber HeedandSucceed says: "women are detectives and will QUICKLY figure your ass out" those white 19 year old hotties are not stupid they CAN TELL you are a 30+ year old virgin loser trying to get their little pink white pussy (women are smarter than we give credit. Fuck many foids even admit they act stupid to manipulate dopey men).

Instead JUST ADMIT you fucked up undergrad lemee give you a rundown of how you are SUPPOSED to do college PROPERLY.

1. You are supposed to major not in a tranny degree, but on the other hand don't major in autistic STEM subjects that separate you from women, are male dominated etc. Then you are supposed to NETWORK not be too neurotic about grades but just meet the RIGHT people who can shoe-horn you into the right job etc.

2. When you are freshman COME looksmaxxed (or at least make an effort). Go to LOTSA parties, (don't have to get laid but just meet a bunch of women). In classes put yourself in group projects with lotsa females. Talk/get to know them DO things after class with people (don't rush home to your dorm to fap/play vidya/watch blackpill) etc. They key is you have to FORM your social circle IN freshman year!

3. You have to do steps 1 and 2 TOGETHER at the SAME TIME! Don't invest just in girls (flunk out) and don't invest just in grades (and end up perma-incel). You MUST do these steps TOGETHER in the proper order. If you DEVIATE ANY BIT it is GAME FUCKING OVER!

Instead you WASTED the BEST OPPORTUNITY YOU WILL EVER GET IN YOUR LIFE to form relationships with hot 18-21 year old white girls! Instead of working hard, you slacked off, surfed the internet/went on incel/looksmaxx forums 20 hours a day, you hid in your bed, you watched mgtow videos all day thinking you were improving. Fast forward 4 years. Girls your age are getting married, moving to a new city, and kicking ass! (they are outta the market for you pal!) But don't think ya can be slick and date the 19 year old hotties. Again, "women are detectives and can QUICKLY figure your ass out!" -HeedandSucceed. They can TELL you are 30 (women KNOW looks and can guess age better than guys). They are thinking "WTF is this 30 year old doing? Didn't he have women in college? Why is he hitting on women a decade younger than him? SOMETHING IS WRONG with him if he couldn't get a relationship before 30") And that girl is right something IS FUCKING WRONG WITH YOU! (autism/bad genetics who knows! but she don't want to risk carrying a child with your defective ass!)

I KNOW I KNOW some of you will say: "hurr durr at 30 you can get college girls!" SURE that IS possible. HOWEVER their are caveats:

#1. A 30 year old man who gets college hotties has his SHIT TOGETHER (not starting at 29 but he had his shit together since 16!)

#2. That 30 year old man does not have to be a chad, but he PRIORITIZED socializing from 16-21. (did not spend years rotting on obscure incel forums and thinking he can recover from that at 25).

#3. the MOST IMPORTANT point. This man who can get hotties at 30 did NOT start at 30. He started at 16 PRIORITIZING looksmaxxing/PRIORITIZING interpersonal relationships. So this man is "riding the wave" he is not getting hotties because he is 30 but DESPITE him being 30. He has such a GOOD REPUTATION/SOCIAL PROOF among the ladies when he was younger that younger women will be willing to overlook his age because they KNEW he had a good social reputation when he was younger/hotter etc.

SO THIS BRINGS ME TO MY MOST IMPORTANT POINT! So ya fucked up ya life now what? Lets DISCUSS what REALISTIC SOLUTIONS you can do:

#1. Take time to GRIEVE/even CRY (literally) about your mistake. Its cucked but crymaxxing is actually HEALTHY (it releases built up cortisol stress etc).

#2. When you are ready and finished with step 1. GIVE UP ON getting a 19 year old its OVER! As HeedandSucceed says: "there are more days behind than ahead"

#3. Maybe just ACCEPT YOUR FATE and try to date some unattractive 30+ year old women for her personality. (on the side PAY for sex with 19 year old escorts but they are OFF THE TABLE for a relationship! Just have 2 girls on rotation. One that you use for emotional reasons ie a 30 year old hag and the 19 year old hottie you use solely for sex ie you have to CATEGORIZE you don't have the LUXURY to pick women who have all positive traits you have to mix/match/pay for other traits. Just don't tell the 30 year old hag!) You don't have pride anyway. And no one cares about your non-existent "pride" or that you had to betabux some 30 year old to get some poon. Just do what you have to do! (but on the other note don't act like copers who say: "i am winning at life now at 30. I now have 30 year old women who want to settle down wanting to talk with me when a decade ago they woulda wanted nothing to do with me"

#4. Kinda cucked but maybe cope with Christ-Insanity. Christianity is a very unique religion. Unlike Islam/Judaism which DEMANDS you be the strongest/richest/and best member of your race (Ashkenazi and Arab students are put under a TREMENDOUS amount of pressure in their culture to succeed unlike Christian students). Christianity is more forgiving: It goes along the lines of: "Its OK you fucked up your life, this life is ONLY A TEST and DOES NOT MATTER in the GRAND SCHEME of things just live out the rest of your days, then when you die Jesus will save you and REWARD you in heaven as long as you believe he died for you. You can keep fucking up, but Jesus will never stop loving you unconditionally" It is very BEAUTIFUL in a sense. (its a CUCKED religion don't get me wrong but notice Arab drug addicts/single moms/sex offenders and those on the LOWER rungs of society are not going to Moque but are going to AA meetings at CHURCH!) There is a SPECIFIC reason for this! These people are HATED in their native religions. Islam/Judaism is NOT forgiving to losers while Christ-Insanity is.

#5. Put your ego in your career and not in pussy (yeah I get it you can't really utilize your money for pussy but maybe instead of a high-end career in STEM pick a simple but somewhat "meaningful" job like IDK non-profit volunteering type of jobs. YES its CUCKED but you have to TRICK yourself into believing you helped others/made an impact. Sometimes you have to delusionmaxx for your own SANITY!

#6. PAY for sex! https://incels.is/threads/hard-to-s...ever-apply-it-to-other-things-in-life.308211/

#6. "get hobbies brah" I know lame but BEAR WITH ME. COPE in materialistic things. Eat nice food, get a nice-ish car, wear nice-ish clothes to TREAT yourself. (don't get in debt but buy with your own money). For me my hobbies are buying vintage transformers, oil painting, going on walks, keeping exotic pets, listening to brazilian funk music etc. Just EXPLORE OBSCURE autistic hobbies and GET INTO THEM! (even if you don't like them just treat them as exercise to keep your mental SANITY etc). Just say: "weather I want to or not I will play the guitar for 30 minutes a day just to keep my SANITY!"

#7. TRAVEL NOT for pussy but to try new foods, look at old buildings, get into history documentaries etc. (traveling while expensive is a good cope, it keeps you busy/sane/always learning and the foreign women don't really know or care if you are a loser back home. They just assume: "ah a quirky traveler" (I DON"T advise to date them because once you try to get into a relationship these women will FIGURE OUT that you are a loser back home! (again: "women are detectives they can figure your ass out!" -HeedandSucceed) Just travel FOR YOU etc.

-I spent all my ideas guys but lets BRAINSTORM of what guys can REALISTICALLY do instead of desperately trying to hook up with bots on tinder or shoehorn their way into social circles a decade younger then them where they are not wanted etc.
sophmore year and no social circle is it over and how do i fix. lloksmaxxed and imrpoved decently thho
sophmore year and no social circle is it over and how do i fix. lloksmaxxed and imrpoved decently thho
Dude try to join a club/charity or do a job with lotsa girls hurry up ur running outta time!
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You didn't mess up your life. Why is everyone so intent on following the default path? Yeah, at the time it would have fun to bang hot young women, but it's over. It's over for the people who did get to, too. The idea that you'd just be sitting around basking in the wonderful memories of all the pussy you got with a big smile on your face at 25 is pure fantasy. You'll never be satisfied. It's called dukkha and the Buddha realized this thousands of years ago.
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You didn't mess up your life. Why is everyone so intent on following the default path? Yeah, at the time it would have fun to bang hot young women, but it's over. It's over for the people who did get to, too. The idea that you'd just be sitting around basking in the wonderful memories of all the pussy you got with a big smile on your face at 25 is pure fantasy. You'll never be satisfied. It's called dukkha and the Buddha realized this thousands of years ago.
says the guy who fucked all the tight supple hotties :rolleyes: The point is that you have ZERO opportunities to get in relationships with hotties anymore. Just fat-ugly 30 year olds (all the young or rare hot 30 year olds get married FAST) All you are left with is the dregs. Sure I guess you could pay trashy ethnic whores for sex but it is not the same thing (and the ugly 30 year old that you manage to snag in a relationship will not allow you to have your fun with whores despite her whoring herself out to the frat house when she was in her youth etc).

Basically its just DOWNHILL. After 30, you just become some sexless 40 year old eunuch. At least if you had hot girls in your youth, sure you may settle for some old fattie but at LEAST you can cope with nostalgia/good memories you made as you put miracle grow on your lawn as a fat balding eunuch etc.
Another good cope is looking at how people live in the 3rd world (90% of the global population). They live miserable shit poverty lives, it's a good cope to compare yourself to them to get dopamine.

And also compare yourself to people in the past who had to go to war and die at 18, watch "All Quiet on the Western Front" and you'll feel better about your life.
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I KNOW I KNOW some of you will say: "hurr durr at 30 you can get college girls!" SURE that IS possible. HOWEVER their are caveats:

#1. A 30 year old man who gets college hotties has his SHIT TOGETHER (not starting at 29 but he had his shit together since 16!)

#2. That 30 year old man does not have to be a chad, but he PRIORITIZED socializing from 16-21. (did not spend years rotting on obscure incel forums and thinking he can recover from that at 25).

#3. the MOST IMPORTANT point. This man who can get hotties at 30 did NOT start at 30. He started at 16 PRIORITIZING looksmaxxing/PRIORITIZING interpersonal relationships. So this man is "riding the wave" he is not getting hotties because he is 30 but DESPITE him being 30. He has such a GOOD REPUTATION/SOCIAL PROOF among the ladies when he was younger that younger women will be willing to overlook his age because they KNEW he had a good social reputation when he was younger/hotter etc.

Nah, age and NT doesn't matter if your goodlooking. There are plenty of literal autists here like @Amnesia @Blackgymmax @Arborist and a few others who are older, didn't grow up as slayers, and still fuck prime women because they are attractive and use Tinder.

Tinder changed the game, a goodlooking 30 yr old autistic can agefraud to 24 and plow prime women.
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Nah, age and NT doesn't matter if your goodlooking. There are plenty of literal autists here like @Amnesia @Blackgymmax @Arborist and a few others who are older, didn't grow up as slayers, and still fuck prime women because they are attractive and use Tinder.

Tinder changed the game, a goodlooking 30 yr old autistic can agefraud to 24 and plow prime women.
the autistic musketeers.

I did quite well with women while I was growing up as well btw.
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Another good cope is looking at how people live in the 3rd world (90% of the global population). They live miserable shit poverty lives, it's a good cope to compare yourself to them to get dopamine.

And also compare yourself to people in the past who had to go to war and die at 18, watch "All Quiet on the Western Front" and you'll feel better about your life.
ehhh I think the whole 3rd world meme is overblown by the jewish media. Plus 3rd worlders get laid a lot more by prime women. I know hispanics who cut grass for a living who have young hotter gfs than we can ever get!
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Nah, age and NT doesn't matter if your goodlooking. There are plenty of literal autists here like @Amnesia @Blackgymmax @Arborist and a few others who are older, didn't grow up as slayers, and still fuck prime women because they are attractive and use Tinder.

Tinder changed the game, a goodlooking 30 yr old autistic can agefraud to 24 and plow prime women.
I KNOW I KNOW some of you will say: "hurr durr at 30 you can get college girls!" SURE that IS possible. HOWEVER their are caveats:

#1. A 30 year old man who gets college hotties has his SHIT TOGETHER (not starting at 29 but he had his shit together since 16!)

#2. That 30 year old man does not have to be a chad, but he PRIORITIZED socializing from 16-21. (did not spend years rotting on obscure incel forums and thinking he can recover from that at 25).

#3. the MOST IMPORTANT point. This man who can get hotties at 30 did NOT start at 30. He started at 16 PRIORITIZING looksmaxxing/PRIORITIZING interpersonal relationships. So this man is "riding the wave" he is not getting hotties because he is 30 but DESPITE him being 30. He has such a GOOD REPUTATION/SOCIAL PROOF among the ladies when he was younger that younger women will be willing to overlook his age because they KNEW he had a good social reputation when he was younger/hotter etc.
30 years old here, I still can get college girls, and the level is increasing as I'm looksmaxing

The most important thing is antiaging as maximum as possible
says the guy who fucked all the tight supple hotties :rolleyes: The point is that you have ZERO opportunities to get in relationships with hotties anymore. Just fat-ugly 30 year olds (all the young or rare hot 30 year olds get married FAST) All you are left with is the dregs. Sure I guess you could pay trashy ethnic whores for sex but it is not the same thing (and the ugly 30 year old that you manage to snag in a relationship will not allow you to have your fun with whores despite her whoring herself out to the frat house when she was in her youth etc).

Basically its just DOWNHILL. After 30, you just become some sexless 40 year old eunuch. At least if you had hot girls in your youth, sure you may settle for some old fattie but at LEAST you can cope with nostalgia/good memories you made as you put miracle grow on your lawn as a fat balding eunuch etc.
I'm not necessarily disagreeing with all of your points. I'm just saying that holding college years as the pinnacle of human experience is fucking dumb, especially after it's already over. I can understand being upset about missing out while it's happening. I totally agree that pussy should not be the be all end all of anyone's life. It's a need, yeah, but it's not the sole reason you should be living your life.
But you're also making it out to be way harder than it actually is to fuck young women, especially at 30, which is not that old at all. Not even because of Tinder. I don't know why everyone wants everything to be so black and white and absolute. There are 35 year old women who look younger than 25 year old women. There are 18 year old women who are into 40 year old men. It's not the norm it just shows that there's lots of grey area. Here's an analogy to illustrate my point. 99% of that goes up for auction sells for what it's worth. But I'm still able to make a living buying stuff at auction and then selling it for more than I bought it for. Just that little 1% is enough to make me wealthier than the average person.

at LEAST you can cope with nostalgia/good memories

No, this what I'm talking about. No one is coping with pleasant memories. No one except maybe 80 year olds is satisfied that they lived a good life. Memories are good for maybe jerking off too once in a while if you don't have access to porn. That's it.
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30 years old here, I still can get college girls, and the level is increasing as I'm looksmaxing

The most important thing is antiaging as maximum as possible
I had a college FWB when I was 35. She was like 21, not great looking, but not fat. I'm hideous and non-NT. I can barely talk to people unless I'm super drunk. I live with my parents.
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I KNOW I KNOW some of you will say: "hurr durr at 30 you can get college girls!" SURE that IS possible. HOWEVER their are caveats:

#1. A 30 year old man who gets college hotties has his SHIT TOGETHER (not starting at 29 but he had his shit together since 16!)

#2. That 30 year old man does not have to be a chad, but he PRIORITIZED socializing from 16-21. (did not spend years rotting on obscure incel forums and thinking he can recover from that at 25).

#3. the MOST IMPORTANT point. This man who can get hotties at 30 did NOT start at 30. He started at 16 PRIORITIZING looksmaxxing/PRIORITIZING interpersonal relationships. So this man is "riding the wave" he is not getting hotties because he is 30 but DESPITE him being 30. He has such a GOOD REPUTATION/SOCIAL PROOF among the ladies when he was younger that younger women will be willing to overlook his age because they KNEW he had a good social reputation when he was younger/hotter etc.

Bro do you have autism. You've copy-pasted this same paragraph 8 times instead of actually engaging with my points.
I had a college FWB when I was 35. She was like 21, not great looking, but not fat. I'm hideous and non-NT. I can barely talk to people unless I'm super drunk. I live with my parents.
Let me guess: your white and she's either black or asian?
It’s all a bout how young you look
Easier said than done. :feelsrope:
For you lazy illiterate niggers:

TLD;R: Basically you messed up your life in undergrad by rushing to your dorm after class, gaming/watching mgtow/blackpill videos/failing to network etc. JUST ACCEPT you messed up your life, stop feverishly trying to live like a frat-stud post-college pursuing young college girls a decade younger than you. Just ACCEPT YOUR FATE that you will HAVE to (you have no choice pal!) settle for lower quality women (if you can get them) and put your energies into NEW pursuits that don't involve women etc.

JUST STOP, JUST STOP! Stop trying to feverishly shoe-horn your way into 19 year old social circles as a 30+ year old man! As Mexican-American youtuber HeedandSucceed says: "women are detectives and will QUICKLY figure your ass out" those white 19 year old hotties are not stupid they CAN TELL you are a 30+ year old virgin loser trying to get their little pink white pussy (women are smarter than we give credit. Fuck many foids even admit they act stupid to manipulate dopey men).

Instead JUST ADMIT you fucked up undergrad lemee give you a rundown of how you are SUPPOSED to do college PROPERLY.

1. You are supposed to major not in a tranny degree, but on the other hand don't major in autistic STEM subjects that separate you from women, are male dominated etc. Then you are supposed to NETWORK not be too neurotic about grades but just meet the RIGHT people who can shoe-horn you into the right job etc.

2. When you are freshman COME looksmaxxed (or at least make an effort). Go to LOTSA parties, (don't have to get laid but just meet a bunch of women). In classes put yourself in group projects with lotsa females. Talk/get to know them DO things after class with people (don't rush home to your dorm to fap/play vidya/watch blackpill) etc. They key is you have to FORM your social circle IN freshman year!

3. You have to do steps 1 and 2 TOGETHER at the SAME TIME! Don't invest just in girls (flunk out) and don't invest just in grades (and end up perma-incel). You MUST do these steps TOGETHER in the proper order. If you DEVIATE ANY BIT it is GAME FUCKING OVER!

Instead you WASTED the BEST OPPORTUNITY YOU WILL EVER GET IN YOUR LIFE to form relationships with hot 18-21 year old white girls! Instead of working hard, you slacked off, surfed the internet/went on incel/looksmaxx forums 20 hours a day, you hid in your bed, you watched mgtow videos all day thinking you were improving. Fast forward 4 years. Girls your age are getting married, moving to a new city, and kicking ass! (they are outta the market for you pal!) But don't think ya can be slick and date the 19 year old hotties. Again, "women are detectives and can QUICKLY figure your ass out!" -HeedandSucceed. They can TELL you are 30 (women KNOW looks and can guess age better than guys). They are thinking "WTF is this 30 year old doing? Didn't he have women in college? Why is he hitting on women a decade younger than him? SOMETHING IS WRONG with him if he couldn't get a relationship before 30") And that girl is right something IS FUCKING WRONG WITH YOU! (autism/bad genetics who knows! but she don't want to risk carrying a child with your defective ass!)

I KNOW I KNOW some of you will say: "hurr durr at 30 you can get college girls!" SURE that IS possible. HOWEVER their are caveats:

#1. A 30 year old man who gets college hotties has his SHIT TOGETHER (not starting at 29 but he had his shit together since 16!)

#2. That 30 year old man does not have to be a chad, but he PRIORITIZED socializing from 16-21. (did not spend years rotting on obscure incel forums and thinking he can recover from that at 25).

#3. the MOST IMPORTANT point. This man who can get hotties at 30 did NOT start at 30. He started at 16 PRIORITIZING looksmaxxing/PRIORITIZING interpersonal relationships. So this man is "riding the wave" he is not getting hotties because he is 30 but DESPITE him being 30. He has such a GOOD REPUTATION/SOCIAL PROOF among the ladies when he was younger that younger women will be willing to overlook his age because they KNEW he had a good social reputation when he was younger/hotter etc.

SO THIS BRINGS ME TO MY MOST IMPORTANT POINT! So ya fucked up ya life now what? Lets DISCUSS what REALISTIC SOLUTIONS you can do:

#1. Take time to GRIEVE/even CRY (literally) about your mistake. Its cucked but crymaxxing is actually HEALTHY (it releases built up cortisol stress etc).

#2. When you are ready and finished with step 1. GIVE UP ON getting a 19 year old its OVER! As HeedandSucceed says: "there are more days behind than ahead"

#3. Maybe just ACCEPT YOUR FATE and try to date some unattractive 30+ year old women for her personality. (on the side PAY for sex with 19 year old escorts but they are OFF THE TABLE for a relationship! Just have 2 girls on rotation. One that you use for emotional reasons ie a 30 year old hag and the 19 year old hottie you use solely for sex ie you have to CATEGORIZE you don't have the LUXURY to pick women who have all positive traits you have to mix/match/pay for other traits. Just don't tell the 30 year old hag!) You don't have pride anyway. And no one cares about your non-existent "pride" or that you had to betabux some 30 year old to get some poon. Just do what you have to do! (but on the other note don't act like copers who say: "i am winning at life now at 30. I now have 30 year old women who want to settle down wanting to talk with me when a decade ago they woulda wanted nothing to do with me"

#4. Kinda cucked but maybe cope with Christ-Insanity. Christianity is a very unique religion. Unlike Islam/Judaism which DEMANDS you be the strongest/richest/and best member of your race (Ashkenazi and Arab students are put under a TREMENDOUS amount of pressure in their culture to succeed unlike Christian students). Christianity is more forgiving: It goes along the lines of: "Its OK you fucked up your life, this life is ONLY A TEST and DOES NOT MATTER in the GRAND SCHEME of things just live out the rest of your days, then when you die Jesus will save you and REWARD you in heaven as long as you believe he died for you. You can keep fucking up, but Jesus will never stop loving you unconditionally" It is very BEAUTIFUL in a sense. (its a CUCKED religion don't get me wrong but notice Arab drug addicts/single moms/sex offenders and those on the LOWER rungs of society are not going to Moque but are going to AA meetings at CHURCH!) There is a SPECIFIC reason for this! These people are HATED in their native religions. Islam/Judaism is NOT forgiving to losers while Christ-Insanity is.

#5. Put your ego in your career and not in pussy (yeah I get it you can't really utilize your money for pussy but maybe instead of a high-end career in STEM pick a simple but somewhat "meaningful" job like IDK non-profit volunteering type of jobs. YES its CUCKED but you have to TRICK yourself into believing you helped others/made an impact. Sometimes you have to delusionmaxx for your own SANITY!

#6. PAY for sex! https://incels.is/threads/hard-to-s...ever-apply-it-to-other-things-in-life.308211/

#6. "get hobbies brah" I know lame but BEAR WITH ME. COPE in materialistic things. Eat nice food, get a nice-ish car, wear nice-ish clothes to TREAT yourself. (don't get in debt but buy with your own money). For me my hobbies are buying vintage transformers, oil painting, going on walks, keeping exotic pets, listening to brazilian funk music etc. Just EXPLORE OBSCURE autistic hobbies and GET INTO THEM! (even if you don't like them just treat them as exercise to keep your mental SANITY etc). Just say: "weather I want to or not I will play the guitar for 30 minutes a day just to keep my SANITY!"

#7. TRAVEL NOT for pussy but to try new foods, look at old buildings, get into history documentaries etc. (traveling while expensive is a good cope, it keeps you busy/sane/always learning and the foreign women don't really know or care if you are a loser back home. They just assume: "ah a quirky traveler" (I DON"T advise to date them because once you try to get into a relationship these women will FIGURE OUT that you are a loser back home! (again: "women are detectives they can figure your ass out!" -HeedandSucceed) Just travel FOR YOU etc.

-I spent all my ideas guys but lets BRAINSTORM of what guys can REALISTICALLY do instead of desperately trying to hook up with bots on tinder or shoehorn their way into social circles a decade younger then them where they are not wanted etc.
im 20 theres still time?

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