Ways to push maxilla forward other than mewing?


Facepulling, can't to do this once I have my palate expander
Bro how does this work? And where did you find the pic? Wanna talk to that guy
FAGGA is an appliance that will only move the maxilla at the angle of your occlusal plane.
Image result for occlusal plane

As you can see in this image, both of the jaws are downward grown which make the occlusal plane angle not ideal for FAGGA. Here's why : FAGGA will only push the maxilla and jaws FORWARD, there will be NO upswing which is CRUCIAL to our quest to aesthetics.

Myobrace can be great for expanding the palate, and I've seen some people get forward growth of the mandible from it, but I have read that it may make your face look longer (same problem as FAGGA, I guess)

Palate expanders, like their name says, has the main goal of expanding your palate and will probably make your face, IPD and nose bridge slightly wider. You may not be able to use a face mask with those.

MSE, also known as Maxillary Skeletal Expander, is a type of MARPE (Mini-screw Assisted Rapid Palatal Expander) that is screwed DIRECTLY in your maxilla to allow fast expansion (fast in the means of getting 0.8mm expansion per week so you don't fuck up your sutures too much). While using it the Maxilla, Pre-Maxilla and Zygomatic Arch sutures will loosen, allowing extremely fast upswing results (you can get 2-3 mm of UPSWING in 2 months which is huge. For example, one's slightly hooked nose will become slightly upturned).

To get the upswing, you will need a FACEMASK and calibrate the angle to the one that gives the most forward and upward growth of the maxilla. Here's the board explaining the consequences of each angle :

Anything that gives Counter-Clockwise rotation of the maxillary complex should be good. The main thing is that you will need to use it 8-10 hours a day (you will probably still get results if you do it 5 days a week only, but IMO i would prefer to use it everyday), you will also need ANYTHING that involves accelerating bone remodeling like HGH, Peptides, K2. Absolutely anything that will make the bone remodeling faster is ideal. You could theorically get more than 10 millimeters of upswing, but it all depends to the orthodontist's plan, because this will obviously be considered as an orthodontic treatment and you will cost you quite a lot (unless you have benefits or some special healthcare plan).

If you doubt anything I have said, here's the studies :


ALL the CT Scans come from a 42-year-old male patient (oldcels, there's hope for your maxilla) GO CHECK THEM

Here's the table explaining the effect of the Facemask on the maxilla :


Here's some results on the main thread about it : https://looksmax.org/threads/is-mse...-as-le-fort-iii-alternative.16167/post-357477

And here is a study I found recently that show impressive results with only MSE (If you look at the before/after measurements, you can see that he got 6 mm wider cheekbones which would be the equivalent of 0.1 fwhr for an average midface length) : https://sci-hub.tw/10.1016/j.ajodo.2015.04.043

I will need some time, but there's already two threads on thegreatwork for the protocol.

Maxillary Skeletal Expander, see above.

@Extra Chromosome Come back bro, I miss your threads:feelsbadman:
mirin the high effort high iq reply
Imagine wasting time on this site with forward growth like that......
im a paleoanthropologist to be fair, but those are old photos where i was fat (above 15% body fat) post breakup lol
I know mewing is a first option when it comes to attaining a forward grown face due to the bones in your face being pushed forward also, which pushes against your skin and creates that chiseled model look. Is there any other methods that can be used to maybe speed up the mewing process, or ways to push forward the bones in your face increasing forward growth? At age 17 my faces bone growth potential is nearly over, alongside having braces for at least a year is going to negatively affect my forward growth. This shit is wack fr 😢. I understand my parents wanted what was best for me but this was not the way they had to go.
@thecel how u gave a like to a post saying mewing is the first option when it commes to gaining forward growth jfl

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