"We killed Jesus, we're proud of it!" shout Israeli settlers trespassing on Palestinian property



Dec 17, 2019
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Bunch of cowards. What can you expect from a people who wanted to kill the Messiah, Son of Mary (alayhi a salam/peace be upon them), one of the best human beings to ever put foot on earth by the permission of Allah.

Allah speaks about their supremacism in the Qur'an (interpretation of the meaning): Say, "O you who are Jews, if you claim that you are allies of Allah , excluding the [other] people, then wish for death, if you should be truthful."

Rather, they hide behind planes which almost reach space and nuclear weaponry, and kill children and elders and leave thousands homeless by their actions. 58 children died by the forces of shaitan in just one week.

Dancing while killing children and babies
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The Lord is laughing at them anyways, hell is awaiting for them
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Those twink jews arent threatening to anyone literally
Well, they didn't rope like Judas, XD.
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The brave Palestinian father who was protecting his kids in the second video i shared has died from a Zionist terrorist airstrike in the last hours
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They didn't really kill him
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And yet cuckservard Christians still worship these people jfl

2000 years and the Kike dogs have never changed tbh.

jews GIF
Saturday Night Live Snl GIF

And yet cuckservard Christians still worship these people jfl

The Jews did not kill Jesus. He died because of me and you. His blood was spilled because of our sin. Any real Christian would know that the Jews already asked that his blood be on the hands of themselves as well as their children. What does it matter that they reiterate something they said almost 2000 years ago? Should we stop loving them after they've said it 1000 times?
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Filthy scum, how dare they always play the eternal victim
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Bunch of cowards. What can you expect from a people who wanted to kill the Messiah, Son of Mary (alayhi a salam/peace be upon them), one of the best human beings to ever put foot on earth by the permission of Allah.

Allah speaks about their supremacism in the Qur'an (interpretation of the meaning): Say, "O you who are Jews, if you claim that you are allies of Allah , excluding the [other] people, then wish for death, if you should be truthful."

Rather, they hide behind planes which almost reach space and nuclear weaponry, and kill children and elders and leave thousands homeless by their actions. 58 children died by the forces of shaitan in just one week.

Dancing while killing children and babies
Are Azkhenazi Jews Semitic or not?
Ugh. Mooslums posing as Jews to incite Christians.
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  • Hmm...
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He was ethnically a jew and religiously a jew he existed before the establishment of Islam.
In Islam every prophet is considered a Muslim
Judaism and Christianity don’t exist in the Koran
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Ok what ever this aint a religious forum
Ok what ever this aint a religious forum
You’re the one who told me Jesus was a Muslim and so is Abraham, Moses etc
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inbred abominations
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Yes, in Islam all Prophets are considered Muslim. A Muslim is someone who worships and submits to God alone. Since the Prophets worshipped and submitted to God alone they are Muslim.
So does that mean a Christian and a Jew can be Muslim technically?
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So does that mean a Christian and a Jew can be Muslim technically?

A Christian is not a Muslim, he is a christian. Christianity has nothing to do with race.

A racial jew can be a Muslim and he has the same rights of brotherhood among Muslims like all Muslims, but a jew by religion is not a Muslim, since he adscribes to Judaism
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So does that mean a Christian and a Jew can be Muslim technically?
I'm not an expert on this issue and have to do more research but I believe that technically someone can be ethnically Jewish but religiously Muslim. However you can't be a religious Jew or Christian and a religious Muslim at the same time since neither Jews or Christians accept the Prophet Muhammad as a Prophet and neither accept the Quran as the literal word of God. Therefore they are not worshipping and submitting to God as they are refusing to accept his Prophet and his Message
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In Islam every prophet is considered a Muslim
Judaism and Christianity don’t exist in the Koran
He was ethnically a jew and religiously a jew he existed before the establishment of Islam.

Judaism and Christianity exist in the Qur'an.

We don't accept the claim that the Prophets (alayhim a salam/peace be upon them)
were adherents to the Jewish religion or the Christian religion, since we believe both are corrupted versions of the teachings of the Prophets and Messengers. We believe all of them were Muslims, but not in the sense that they pray 5 times a day and celebrated Ramadan (we know that they prayed their way and fasted, that they gave charity, but the prayers and Ramadan, Eid, etc we have today were established by Allah after the coming of the last Prophet, Muhammad)

As i said, muslim means "The one who submits to God"
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Judaism and Christianity exist in the Qur'an.

We don't accept the claim that the Prophets (alayhim a salam/peace be upon them)
were adherents to the Jewish religion or the Christian religion, since we believe both are corrupted versions of the teachings of the Prophets and Messengers. We believe all of them were Muslims, but not in the sense that they pray 5 times a day and celebrated Ramadan (we know that they prayed their way and fasted, that they gave charity, but the prayers and Ramadan, Eid, etc we have today were established by Allah after the coming of the last Prophet, Muhammad)

As i said, muslim means "The one who submits to God"
if you believe both are corrupted version of the teachings why is this said then? Sura 5:68 - ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord."

are you implying Allahs word is imperfect and can be corrupted, where found in the Qu’ran it says to stand fast by the law (old testament) and the Gospel (new testament) ?

if you believe both are corrupted version of the teachings why is this said then? Sura 5:68 - ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord."

are you implying Allahs word is imperfect and can be corrupted, where found in the Qu’ran it says to stand fast by the law (old testament) and the Gospel (new testament) ?

Have you read the entire verse? Do you know what the word translated as Torah and Gospel mean in Arabic?

The 'Tawrah' is the book revealed to Moses (alayhi a salam/peace be upon him) before it was corrupted, the 'Injeel' is the Gospel of Jesus (not the ones of Mark, John, Luke and Matthew. ¿Barnabas? ¿Thomas?). If you read the entire verse it is clesrly challenging them to believe in the pure revelation of God and no the corrupted one, and to follow the revealed Word of God (Qur'an)

Here the verse 5:68 (interpretation of the meaning)
Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “O People of the Book! You have nothing to stand on unless you observe the Torah (Tawrah in Arabic), the Gospel (Injeel in Arabic), and what has been revealed to you from your Lord.” And your Lord’s revelation to you ˹O Prophet˺ will only cause many of them to increase in wickedness and disbelief. So do not grieve for the people who disbelieve.

Allah also said that in the Qur'an Muhammad (alayhi a salat wa salam) was prophesied in the true Injeel (Gospel of Jesus), therefore, it means "follow that original revelation and join Islam"

Now answer me this: If the corrupted Torah which was revealed to Moses and that we have today is uncorrupted, why does it still reveal verses after the death of Moses?

Deuteronomy 34: 9-10
'Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to him and did what the LORD had commanded Moses.
Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face,'

According to the jewish tradition, the Torah was revealed to Moses (alayhi a salat wa salam), whereas this verse shows that some parts were added after his death, which goes against the jewish tradition.

Why in Jeremiah 8:8, Jeremiah condemns the people who changed the law of the Lord by their hands?
"'How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?'"

Also let's go to the New Testament we hsve today.

If Jesus (alayhi a salam) didn't have a revelation and it was only after several years of his death when John, Matthew, Luke and Mark wrote something about him, according to the consensus of every christian scholar, then why according to the bible, Jesus (alayhi a salam/peace be upon him) clearly mentions that he has a Gospel and orders to his companions that they should preach it to every creation?

Mark 16: 15
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation"

Which gospel is Jesus (alayhi a salam/peace be upon him) talking about? Suddenly when muslims started to use this verse the translations started to change the word "Gospel" for "Good News". We know that the works of the so called Gospels/New Testament that we have this day were several decades after the time of Jesus on earth and somehow this verse seems to be in conjunction with the islamic view that Jesus himself was revealed a Gospel which was the Word of God, and that somehow along the road it was changed and corrupted, meaning therefore that the texts we have nowadays have lost their status of "Word of God"

Also there are if i'm not mistaken several verses in which the Bible says that Jesus (alayhi a salam/peace be upon him) carried a physical gospel when he went to Galilee.

I have answered you, now answer me these.
Why does the Qur'an have a better understanding of history and even of the Old and New Testaments than every christian and jewish scholar before it? What was the Gospel Jesus carried? What was the Gospel he ordered to preach? Why Jeremiah confirms that the Torah was changed by scribes like the Qur'an says? (interpretation of the meaning): "Woe to those who write the book with their own hands in exchange for a small amount of money, woe to them by what their hands have written and Woe to them from what they were doing".
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Have you read the entire verse? Do you know what the word translated as Torah and Gospel mean in Arabic?

The 'Tawrah' is the book revealed to Moses (alayhi a salam/peace be upon him) before it was corrupted, the 'Injeel' is the Gospel of Jesus (not the ones of Mark, John, Luke and Matthew. ¿Barnabas? ¿Thomas?). If you read the entire verse it is clesrly challenging them to believe in the pure revelation of God and no the corrupted one, and to follow the revealed Word of God (Qur'an)

Here the verse 5:68 (interpretation of the meaning)
Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “O People of the Book! You have nothing to stand on unless you observe the Torah (Tawrah in Arabic), the Gospel (Injeel in Arabic), and what has been revealed to you from your Lord.” And your Lord’s revelation to you ˹O Prophet˺ will only cause many of them to increase in wickedness and disbelief. So do not grieve for the people who disbelieve.

Allah also said that in the Qur'an Muhammad (alayhi a salat wa salam) was prophesied in the true Injeel (Gospel of Jesus), therefore, it means "follow that original revelation and join Islam"

Now answer me this: If the corrupted Torah which was revealed to Moses and that we have today is uncorrupted, why does it still reveal verses after the death of Moses?

Deuteronomy 34: 9-10
'Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to him and did what the LORD had commanded Moses.
Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face,'

According to the jewish tradition, the Torah was revealed to Moses (alayhi a salat wa salam), whereas this verse shows that some parts were added after his death, which goes against the jewish tradition.

Why in Jeremiah 8:8, Jeremiah condemns the people who changed the law of the Lord by their hands?
"'How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?'"

Also let's go to the New Testament we hsve today.

If Jesus (alayhi a salam) didn't have a revelation and it was only after several years of his death when John, Matthew, Luke and Mark wrote something about him, according to the consensus of every christian scholar, then why according to the bible, Jesus (alayhi a salam/peace be upon him) clearly mentions that he has a Gospel and orders to his companions that they should preach it to every creation?

Mark 16: 15
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation"

Which gospel is Jesus (alayhi a salam/peace be upon him) talking about? Suddenly when muslims started to use this verse the translations started to change the word "Gospel" for "Good News". We know that the works of the so called Gospels/New Testament that we have this day were several decades after the time of Jesus on earth and somehow this verse seems to be in conjunction with the islamic view that Jesus himself was revealed a Gospel which was the Word of God, and that somehow along the road it was changed and corrupted, meaning therefore that the texts we have nowadays have lost their status of "Word of God"

Also there are if i'm not mistaken several verses in which the Bible says that Jesus (alayhi a salam/peace be upon him) carried a physical gospel when he went to Galilee.

I have answered you, now answer me these.
Why does the Qur'an have a better understanding of history and even of the Old and New Testaments than every christian and jewish scholar before it? What was the Gospel Jesus carried? What was the Gospel he ordered to preach? Why Jeremiah confirms that the Torah was changed by scribes like the Qur'an says? (interpretation of the meaning): "Woe to those who write the book with their own hands in exchange for a small amount of money, woe to them by what their hands have written and Woe to them from what they were doing".
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