We need to create a standard Looksmax diet

This is gonna be my last reply to you

Not all animals are on ketogenic diets, and humans use carbs for energy. We can however go in a state of ketosis and use our fat as fuel.

Our early ancestors ate plant based diets. It's only in our recent past that we were able to hunt efficiently enough to get an energy advantage out of meat, but our bodies haven't made any evolutionary adjustments to eat meat.

Our ancestors originated in Africa and there were plenty of plants available in the winter.

You get all the vitamins from a plant based diet nowadays with the exception of b12. The reason we aren't getting b12 nowadays is because b12 is made by bacteria which used to be very common in the ground and the water. Because we we clean and filter our water and food so much nowadays it doesn't contain b12 anymore. Btw you wouldn't be getting any b12 either if it wasn't for the farmers supplementing b12 to their animals. The only difference in the way you and I are getting the b12 nowadays is that I don't filter my supplement through an animal.

You get them in proper ration in the modern world. Foods like walnuts, chia seeds and flax seeds.
Bottom line is human are herbivores, everything in our physiology from our jaw, teeth, intestine, urine etc. is that of an herbivore.

The human body is made to cover large distances at relatively slow speed with a relatively low energy cost. This allowed us to cover great amount of lands in search for starches, fruits or other edible plants. We ate meat occasionally but hunting all in all was just not energy efficient. Carnivores require large amount of energy to run and that's why they are sleeping or resting for most of their times. That's also why carnivores usually eat about 1 meal per week and why they are able to consume such large amount of calories in one meal.

Please name me one evolutionary adjustment we made to consume meat.

being vegan has nothing to do with politics or being a liberal.

Damn we tagged teamed the shit out these fools. Good shit.
Or juuuust maybe you guys stop being lazy fucks and actually get into high intensity sports that are fun and competitive and if you don’t eat out on junkfood you get lean af easily without even trying
There is no standard optimal diet. there are objectively bad and good ones, but what is optimal differs from person to person
Not all animals are on ketogenic diets
Give me an example of an animal that's diet doesn't consist of 70-80% of fats
Our early ancestors ate plant based diets. It's only in our recent past that we were able to hunt efficiently enough to get an energy advantage out of meat, but our bodies haven't made any evolutionary adjustments to eat meat.
This is simply false information. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/foodfeatures/evolution-of-diet/ https://www.pnas.org/content/107/22/10002.full
Our ancestors originated in Africa and there were plenty of plants available in the winter.
the "out of africa" theory has been pretty much debunked. Also, africans still got most of their food from hunting wild animals, some foods from fruit, but no more than 40% Idk where you're getting this, but I remember all of this from school. You're not citing any sources in any of your messages.
You get all the vitamins from a plant based diet nowadays with the exception of b12.

50% of healthy adults can't convert beta-carotene to vitamin a at all, but most adults are not healthy, you also won't be able to convert it at all if you have a damaged gut, diabetes, low thyroid function, cholestasis, pancratic disorders, liver and gallbladder disease, exposure to alcohol, low-fat diets, certain medicines and toxins. This means 70-80% of all humans are not able to get vitamin a from plant foods at all. The 20-30% that are able to convert it can only convert 3% AS CITED IN MY SOURCES WHICH I DO PROVIDE TO YOU.

Most vegans follow a low-fat diet, this means they'll not be able to get almost ANY fat soluble vitamins.


Btw you wouldn't be getting any b12 either if it wasn't for the farmers supplementing b12 to their animals. The only difference in the way you and I are getting the b12 nowadays is that I don't filter my supplement through an animal.
This is just getting fucking ridiculous. Have you ever been or worked at a farm? Do you know what the animals are fed? The animals I eat, eat nothing but grass, they don't get any supplements. They get the b12 from the bacteria in the soil. This is just pure vegan misinformation and it's absolutely disgraceful.
You get them in proper ration in the modern world. Foods like walnuts, chia seeds and flax seeds.
You'd literally have to eat like 200grams of those seeds a day to get even close to the rda and they need to be prepared in a specific way which 99% of vegans don't do. Not even counting in all the anti nutrients.

https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/92/2/284/4597268 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9637947 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22332096 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5273852/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6053787/

Bottom line is human are herbivores, everything in our physiology from our jaw, teeth, intestine, urine etc. is that of an herbivore.

The human body is made to cover large distances at relatively slow speed with a relatively low energy cost. This allowed us to cover great amount of lands in search for starches, fruits or other edible plants. We ate meat occasionally but hunting all in all was just not energy efficient. Carnivores require large amount of energy to run and that's why they are sleeping or resting for most of their times. That's also why carnivores usually eat about 1 meal per week and why they are able to consume such large amount of calories in one meal.

As showed in the picture I already posted, you're lying.

Please name me one evolutionary adjustment we made to consume meat.
How about our digestive system for example?


Not even getting into all of these studies.

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The human body is made to cover large distances at relatively slow speed with a relatively low energy cost
??? the fuck lol, the human body is made to outrun its prey because of its high stamina. Every tool we've ever made in prehistoric times were all pretty much to hunt animals.

Humans are omnivores, we ate whatever, our stomachs are designed to digest whatever types of food. Our teeth clearly show this....
AlchoholDiet i lost 3 days in a week
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