We need to take back our world



Oct 24, 2020
As everybody and their mothers might have guessed by now the world is in a shitty state. While we're all in rat utopia obsessing over looks and general appearance the real solutions are on a much larger scale.

I often see around here the idea that incels have always existed and drawing the Stone Age and pre-agricultural periods as examples. Thus traditionalism is a cope per this foolproof logic.
To those who say it's a good thing then throw your electronics out of the window. Throw your looksmaxing stuff it didn't exist back then. Don't use running water.
Civilisation built all this because we were allowed to move past the Stone Age and enforce better, more efficient inter-individual relationships. Civilisation is based on monogamy, patriarchy and complex hierarchies.
Monogamy ensures that beta males, those deficient in genetic quality to breed in countless amounts, participate in society in exchange for a wife and offspring.
Patriarchy ensures that monogamy is enforced and that the the best decisions are taken because females can't take them. They're not meant for that.
There is such a thing as civilisational selection akin to natural selection, where maladaptive civilisation values are sooner or later weeded out.

Why do you think the west is being overtaken by (((parasites))) and more traditional populations? Selection. The West has become decadent and maladaptive to the harshness of reality and will soon pay the ultimate price. Western civilization is falling and is soon due to implode.

I don't know if it's yet too late for our civilization but I know there's things we can try and I will because it's the right thing to do. We don't all have the looks ; but a lot of us have the iq, and almost everybody in non-normie communities has the AWARENESS. If we all, each on our scale, did the best we could to change things it would be a matter of years.

Populations don't write history, active minorities within those do. Henceforth is a roadmap on how to best influence the world at your scale :

1) First of all optimise yourself. This includes looksmaxing especially as our society is very superficial currently.

2) Take control of your environment. Stop the ldar, I'll probably make a thread about this. While Peterson is clueless about certain things he's right when he tells you to clear your room. It's a mindset, you must progressively extend your area of influence. How do you want to influence major events if you can't influence your trash to find its way to a bin.

3) Amass knowledge. It has never been more true than today that battles are won by the one that has the best informations. I will prob make a thread about this, there's a lot to know about how the elites are formed and their history.

4) Fight in the shadows. Governments, presidents and other clowns are puppets constrained by the realities of power. Power is too dangerous today to be openly wielded and those who have it need to stay quiet to keep it. It means adopting a passivist political strategy, which is not passivity. Participating to riots and other stuff won't get us anywhere and it will surely get you into an unemployable status. Today's battles are declared and won in quiet spaces far from the public eye.

5) Build communities of like-minded people.

Everyone has its strengths ; whether you're a writer who writes stories to help people wake up or essays to tell the truth, or an ITcel who tries to climb the hierarchy into big corporations you're helping. I don't recommend wageslaving because there are better and more enjoyable ways to get influence but it's definitely not stupid if you can get high in the hierarchy.
There are three domains where most of the influence is concentrated : business (management), finance and IT. IT will gain a more prominent place in the future. There is a link between those three domains and this is where influence reaches a critical mass : consulting.
Due to the nature of today's corporations decision-takers want to get the benefits of a good decision but not the heat of a bad one. So they use consultants who tell them what to do and in return the manager who implements the decision gets the rewards without the risks. As a consultant you will be directly taking decisions, often times big ones, whether you're a financing consultant that conveniently finds proof that the corporation spends too much money on "diversity" or a consultant specialised in education who is tasked with reforming education in a whole country (as it happened in Poland), you have influence. On top of that, by being a consultant you're actually weaving a web of influence directly with decision-makers. You can't make overly drastic changes in a short time but every time you take a decision tilting the balance in the right direction ever so slightly you're helping. In a lot of hierarchies those at the top are usually detached from ideologies and ideas and are only interested in advancing their status. Whether you manipulate them or convince them doesn't matter as long as you can make them think they have something to gain from listening to you.

One at a time, we must infiltrate every single domain and exert our influence to stop this degeneracy.
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Dnrd, but agree with every word.
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Why change the west, when Is all about your GPA?
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Reactions: BigBoy, Deleted member 9779 and magnificentcel
Why did u post this here? You think any of these niggas Gon overthrow the Jews
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Reactions: Patient A, Lihito, BigBoy and 12 others
Dn rd but it's over so you just have to adapt nigguh and looksmax
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Reactions: SoyGune, Need2Ascend and Baldingman1998
Why did u post this here? You think any of these niggas Gon overthrow the Jews
Who knows it might give ideas to some. I expected the dn read but I hope some will at least say something intelligent :lul:
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Agreed but i dont think we can do much , jews are rich and higher iq .
20201201 103005
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Agreed but i dont think we can do much , jews are rich and higher iq .
View attachment 843434
We should still try, what else do you want to do? Ldar or be a mindless primitive pussy slayer, if that's even possible? Besides they're not as powerful as you think, they're very cunning however
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feel like this directly messaged to anybody who is white, which I am not (Hispanic).

but yeah I mostly agree. although simply being aware of this stuff is the most important thing we can do really.

beta males, those deficient in genetic quality to breed in countless amounts, participate in society in exchange for a wife and offspring.
We don't all have the looks ; but a lot of us have the iq, and almost everybody in non-normie communities has the AWARENESS
yes. although I feel there is a good amount of users who can 'ascend' in that way or already have in looks, they don't realize they have only done it on an individual level (one which is not reflective of everyone) and got lucky to even have this awareness in the first place.

Everyone has its strengths ; whether you're a writer who writes stories to help people wake up or essays to tell the truth
I feel like a lot of younger users still need to find their skills in life, their trade or whatever. most of us are hyper focused on looks because we know how much they influence. but i think it is slowly coming up for them there.
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feel like this directly messaged to anybody who is white, which I am not (Hispanic).
In a sense bc whites are probably most concerned with the state of western civilisation. But even an ethnic if aware knows without western civilisation they are fucked.

I feel like a lot of younger users still need to find their skills in life, their trade or whatever. most of us are hyper focused on looks because we know how much they influence. but i think it is slowly coming up for them there.
Yes when you're young (not that I'm old…) looks can seem more important than they are because well you don't have many skills aside from youthfulness

I advise all who can to try what I said and to aim for the positions I gave because it's meaningful and you will at least fight for something. But western civilisation might very well be doomed already, idk.
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1E669D75 F1BC 406E A299 5055A136F1B0
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Your post resonates a lot with my worldview, and it's always reshaping itself, ever-evolving, "ever-morphing", I could say, integrating from personal experiences, and readings from others (such as your post)...

I'll put a few notes off-the-cuff, very quickly, off the top of my head (may expand larger view in its own thread, so that it will be open to unforgiving judgement and bashing), expanding on your own post:

First, Where are we? And who are we perceiving ourselves to be, to ourselves, and to the external world?

"Wherever you go, there you are". Yes, many of us live in a delusion, of someone we are not, without acknowledging some principles of self-awareness, and we mostly overestimate our sphere of influence, and our individual impact on the world.

You're here, right now, browsing this forum in your mother's basement probably; you don't even do your own laundry I guess, so any secret, hidden idea, or delusion, of self-aggrandizing visions, of slaying pussy, once you get X surgery, or taking over the world,etc,... is already doomed.

Did you resist that Chocolate bar today? You didn't, most likely, because cope, and 20 grams carbs don't matter anyway, didn't even think about it, and X or Y reasons, that you may justify, by turning to the comfort and support of a whole online community, always here, somewhere, to share your views, and comfort you in your choices.

Plug off that shit; then have a look around: is your room clean? Ok. Next, are you able to sit in a chair in your room, without distractions, for ten minutes. Ten short minutes. How many impulses, and contradictory voices, are crossing through your mind, without you judging them, or intervening with your thoughts, in such a short span of time?

How can you find anyone, if not yourself, among that noise? How do you know which voice to listen to? How is it possible to live like this, never to have known the gift of a silent, quiet, mind and awareness?

To harbor, even in the slightest, secret ambitions of becoming more than what you are now, is then absolutely foolish. Failure to first practice radical self-honesty, at all costs, without having your Ego as the shield, is bound to come to a crash sooner or later

Then you'll be able to measure the gap, that separates who you want to be, from who you are now.

Quiet the mind; then, do you even notice your body, how it articulates with your mind and all?

You think your something-PSL features will do all the talking for you IRL?

Our interactions through the world, and others, are done through our moving, and expressing body. The body talks better than you.

At its extreme, mastery of Grace is the perfect expression of your mind, to the world, through your body language.

Believe me, I've seen a few people IRL that really MASTERED the use of their body, to be the most precise expression of their mind, in real-life situations.

May it be "Charisma", or something else, but such people could easily fraud a lack of PSL this way, with an impeccable mastery of their body, and how it conveys their message, to others.

Now, if you achieve a good initial degree of self-awareness, of yourself, your body, in relation to your environment, in the limited space and time that you're in, it's a good beginning. I am not sure I've even achieved that tbh.

Only then, can you fully turn your attention to the world, to see reality for what it's really is, without judgment and overly conceptualizing the reality of things.

Reality IS. It's not right, or wrong, or anything conceptually dividing, whatever has been planted in your mind since you're born.

People don't know what they are doing. Even the higher strates. They know about their functions to the world, they know how to fill a role, and inject whatever knowledge they have, into that image of themselves to the world, be it socially, professionally... Heck, many of us are even heavily fronting to our closest family, those people that are supposed to know yourself the most, and love yourself for who you are, or pretend to be.

(To be continued tbh, too lazy right now)
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Reactions: LastHopeForNorman, Deleted member 6403, Deleted member 9090 and 1 other person
Your post resonates a lot with my worldview, and it's always reshaping itself, ever-evolving, "ever-morphing", I could say, integrating from personal experiences, and readings from others (such as your post)...

I'll put a few notes off-the-cuff, very quickly, off the top of my head (may expand larger view in its own thread, so that it will be open to unforgiving judgement and bashing), expanding on your own post:

First, Where are we? And who are we perceiving ourselves to be, to ourselves, and to the external world?

"Wherever you go, there you are". Yes, many of us live in a delusion, of someone we are not, without acknowledging some principles of self-awareness, and we mostly overestimate our sphere of influence, and our individual impact on the world.

You're here, right now, browsing this forum in your mother's basement probably; you don't even do your own laundry I guess, so any secret, hidden idea, or delusion, of self-aggrandizing visions, of slaying pussy, once you get X surgery, or taking over the world,etc,... is already doomed.

Did you resist that Chocolate bar today? You didn't, most likely, because cope, and 20 grams carbs don't matter anyway, didn't even think about it, and X or Y reasons, that you may justify, by turning to the comfort and support of a whole online community, always here, somewhere, to share your views, and comfort you in your choices.

Plug off that shit; then have a look around: is your room clean? Ok. Next, are you able to sit in a chair in your room, without distractions, for ten minutes. Ten short minutes. How many impulses, and contradictory voices, are crossing through your mind, without you judging them, or intervening with your thoughts, in such a short span of time?

How can you find anyone, if not yourself, among that noise? How do you know which voice to listen to? How is it possible to live like this, never to have known the gift of a silent, quiet, mind and awareness?

To harbor, even in the slightest, secret ambitions of becoming more than what you are now, is then absolutely foolish. Failure to first practice radical self-honesty, at all costs, without having your Ego as the shield, is bound to come to a crash sooner or later

Then you'll be able to measure the gap, that separates who you want to be, from who you are now.

Quiet the mind; then, do you even notice your body, how it articulates with your mind and all?

You think your something-PSL features will do all the talking for you IRL?

Our interactions through the world, and others, are done through our moving, and expressing body. The body talks better than you.

At its extreme, mastery of Grace is the perfect expression of your mind, to the world, through your body language.

Believe me, I've seen a few people IRL that really MASTERED the use of their body, to be the most precise expression of their mind, in real-life situations.

May it be "Charisma", or something else, but such people could easily fraud a lack of PSL this way, with an impeccable mastery of their body, and how it conveys their message, to others.

Now, if you achieve a good initial degree of self-awareness, of yourself, your body, in relation to your environment, in the limited space and time that you're in, it's a good beginning. I am not sure I've even achieved that tbh.

Only then, can you fully turn your attention to the world, to see reality for what it's really is, without judgment and overly conceptualizing the reality of things.

Reality IS. It's not right, or wrong, or anything conceptually dividing, whatever has been planted in your mind since you're born.

People don't know what they are doing. Even the higher strates. They know about their functions to the world, they know how to fill a role, and inject whatever knowledge they have, into that image of themselves to the world, be it socially, professionally... Heck, many of us are even heavily fronting to our closest family, those people that are supposed to know yourself the most, and love yourself for who you are, or pretend to be.

(To be continued tbh, too lazy right now)
Thoughtful post so thanks for that buddy boyo. Was there supposed to be any structure to your notes? It feels like there is but not really at the same time :lul:.

I'd say regarding meditation, quieting the mind etc. It has many benefits of course, I'm on pause rn but I've been doing 15min everyday for 2years now. It's very helpful but I feel people who want to improve use meditation to cope whilst not doing what is much more pressing. Kinda like getting fillers when you need LF3. I know that for me personally, I need to write stories and also to actually get somewhere with my studies. I'm putting it off too much because I feel like it's useless. The system is powerful in making you feel alone, insufficient and powerless. It's party on purpose, but also because it's so complex and gargantuan.

Charisma is important too, I forgot to mention it but charisma and social skills are very important to be influential. Looks are one of the primary factor in charisma but once you're above average there are things you need to have otherwise it kills all charisma you could have. Personalitymaxxing is legit to an extent.
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Reactions: Lihito and Deleted member 9090
tbh incels always existed

some men were born as slaves and servants, they sometimes had wifes, but not always. They had to serve their masters and watch them fucking their wifes.

this world is just a shitty place overall, only thing I'm looking forward to is my death
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer, Deleted member 2968, itorroella9 and 1 other person
tbh incels always existed

some men were born as slaves and servants, they sometimes had wifes, but not always. They had to serve their masters and watch them fucking their wifes.

this world is just a shitty place overall, only thing I'm looking forward to is my death
Low T nihilism ngl
Flame me if you want but christian society and the Middle Ages were the only example we have of an almost perfect social order. Incels were monks and lived happily and served the community, now they just rot.
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baste and white pilled. gave u a follow OP
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monogamy is morally necessary but polygamy and polyamory would otherwise be/are better for the upper tier. cuckolding is hot if youre the one doing it
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monogamy is morally necessary but polygamy and polyamory would otherwise be/are better for the upper tier. cuckolding is hot if youre the one doing it
Yeah depends on your worldview I suppose. Even if I wasn't a believer I would much rather have a LTR than slay. Monogamy is necessary to build civilizations, it benefits everyone, yes the upper tier will probably fuck less and be kept in check by the mass of betas but they will in the end benefit as much as everybody from the advancements of civilization.
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Yeah depends on your worldview I suppose. Even if I wasn't a believer I would much rather have a LTR than slay. Monogamy is necessary to build civilizations, it benefits everyone, yes the upper tier will probably fuck less and be kept in check by the mass of betas but they will in the end benefit as much as everybody from the advancements of civilization.
If you ascribe to a pagan worldview then it’s possible to have ltr and slay simultaneously. Plus it’s eugenic, if you believe in that, and if you’re truly elite you can potentially thrive in the war torn low level of civilisation that polygamy brings.
As everybody and their mothers might have guessed by now the world is in a shitty state. While we're all in rat utopia obsessing over looks and general appearance the real solutions are on a much larger scale.

I often see around here the idea that incels have always existed and drawing the Stone Age and pre-agricultural periods as examples. Thus traditionalism is a cope per this foolproof logic.
To those who say it's a good thing then throw your electronics out of the window. Throw your looksmaxing stuff it didn't exist back then. Don't use running water.
Civilisation built all this because we were allowed to move past the Stone Age and enforce better, more efficient inter-individual relationships. Civilisation is based on monogamy, patriarchy and complex hierarchies.
Monogamy ensures that beta males, those deficient in genetic quality to breed in countless amounts, participate in society in exchange for a wife and offspring.
Patriarchy ensures that monogamy is enforced and that the the best decisions are taken because females can't take them. They're not meant for that.
There is such a thing as civilisational selection akin to natural selection, where maladaptive civilisation values are sooner or later weeded out.

Why do you think the west is being overtaken by (((parasites))) and more traditional populations? Selection. The West has become decadent and maladaptive to the harshness of reality and will soon pay the ultimate price. Western civilization is falling and is soon due to implode.

I don't know if it's yet too late for our civilization but I know there's things we can try and I will because it's the right thing to do. We don't all have the looks ; but a lot of us have the iq, and almost everybody in non-normie communities has the AWARENESS. If we all, each on our scale, did the best we could to change things it would be a matter of years.

Populations don't write history, active minorities within those do. Henceforth is a roadmap on how to best influence the world at your scale :

1) First of all optimise yourself. This includes looksmaxing especially as our society is very superficial currently.

2) Take control of your environment. Stop the ldar, I'll probably make a thread about this. While Peterson is clueless about certain things he's right when he tells you to clear your room. It's a mindset, you must progressively extend your area of influence. How do you want to influence major events if you can't influence your trash to find its way to a bin.

3) Amass knowledge. It has never been more true than today that battles are won by the one that has the best informations. I will prob make a thread about this, there's a lot to know about how the elites are formed and their history.

4) Fight in the shadows. Governments, presidents and other clowns are puppets constrained by the realities of power. Power is too dangerous today to be openly wielded and those who have it need to stay quiet to keep it. It means adopting a passivist political strategy, which is not passivity. Participating to riots and other stuff won't get us anywhere and it will surely get you into an unemployable status. Today's battles are declared and won in quiet spaces far from the public eye.

5) Build communities of like-minded people.

Everyone has its strengths ; whether you're a writer who writes stories to help people wake up or essays to tell the truth, or an ITcel who tries to climb the hierarchy into big corporations you're helping. I don't recommend wageslaving because there are better and more enjoyable ways to get influence but it's definitely not stupid if you can get high in the hierarchy.
There are three domains where most of the influence is concentrated : business (management), finance and IT. IT will gain a more prominent place in the future. There is a link between those three domains and this is where influence reaches a critical mass : consulting.
Due to the nature of today's corporations decision-takers want to get the benefits of a good decision but not the heat of a bad one. So they use consultants who tell them what to do and in return the manager who implements the decision gets the rewards without the risks. As a consultant you will be directly taking decisions, often times big ones, whether you're a financing consultant that conveniently finds proof that the corporation spends too much money on "diversity" or a consultant specialised in education who is tasked with reforming education in a whole country (as it happened in Poland), you have influence. On top of that, by being a consultant you're actually weaving a web of influence directly with decision-makers. You can't make overly drastic changes in a short time but every time you take a decision tilting the balance in the right direction ever so slightly you're helping. In a lot of hierarchies those at the top are usually detached from ideologies and ideas and are only interested in advancing their status. Whether you manipulate them or convince them doesn't matter as long as you can make them think they have something to gain from listening to you.

One at a time, we must infiltrate every single domain and exert our influence to stop this degeneracy.
God tier thread. Bookmarked. But how do i stay passively Active politicaly?
Your post resonates a lot with my worldview, and it's always reshaping itself, ever-evolving, "ever-morphing", I could say, integrating from personal experiences, and readings from others (such as your post)...

I'll put a few notes off-the-cuff, very quickly, off the top of my head (may expand larger view in its own thread, so that it will be open to unforgiving judgement and bashing), expanding on your own post:

First, Where are we? And who are we perceiving ourselves to be, to ourselves, and to the external world?

"Wherever you go, there you are". Yes, many of us live in a delusion, of someone we are not, without acknowledging some principles of self-awareness, and we mostly overestimate our sphere of influence, and our individual impact on the world.

You're here, right now, browsing this forum in your mother's basement probably; you don't even do your own laundry I guess, so any secret, hidden idea, or delusion, of self-aggrandizing visions, of slaying pussy, once you get X surgery, or taking over the world,etc,... is already doomed.

Did you resist that Chocolate bar today? You didn't, most likely, because cope, and 20 grams carbs don't matter anyway, didn't even think about it, and X or Y reasons, that you may justify, by turning to the comfort and support of a whole online community, always here, somewhere, to share your views, and comfort you in your choices.

Plug off that shit; then have a look around: is your room clean? Ok. Next, are you able to sit in a chair in your room, without distractions, for ten minutes. Ten short minutes. How many impulses, and contradictory voices, are crossing through your mind, without you judging them, or intervening with your thoughts, in such a short span of time?

How can you find anyone, if not yourself, among that noise? How do you know which voice to listen to? How is it possible to live like this, never to have known the gift of a silent, quiet, mind and awareness?

To harbor, even in the slightest, secret ambitions of becoming more than what you are now, is then absolutely foolish. Failure to first practice radical self-honesty, at all costs, without having your Ego as the shield, is bound to come to a crash sooner or later

Then you'll be able to measure the gap, that separates who you want to be, from who you are now.

Quiet the mind; then, do you even notice your body, how it articulates with your mind and all?

You think your something-PSL features will do all the talking for you IRL?

Our interactions through the world, and others, are done through our moving, and expressing body. The body talks better than you.

At its extreme, mastery of Grace is the perfect expression of your mind, to the world, through your body language.

Believe me, I've seen a few people IRL that really MASTERED the use of their body, to be the most precise expression of their mind, in real-life situations.

May it be "Charisma", or something else, but such people could easily fraud a lack of PSL this way, with an impeccable mastery of their body, and how it conveys their message, to others.

Now, if you achieve a good initial degree of self-awareness, of yourself, your body, in relation to your environment, in the limited space and time that you're in, it's a good beginning. I am not sure I've even achieved that tbh.

Only then, can you fully turn your attention to the world, to see reality for what it's really is, without judgment and overly conceptualizing the reality of things.

Reality IS. It's not right, or wrong, or anything conceptually dividing, whatever has been planted in your mind since you're born.

People don't know what they are doing. Even the higher strates. They know about their functions to the world, they know how to fill a role, and inject whatever knowledge they have, into that image of themselves to the world, be it socially, professionally... Heck, many of us are even heavily fronting to our closest family, those people that are supposed to know yourself the most, and love yourself for who you are, or pretend to be.

(To be continued tbh, too lazy right now)
Mirin philosophy. I followed you
What no pussy does to a man indeed

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