Western Indian Parents Are So Bad, It’s Practically Child Abuse



Dec 14, 2018
Indian parents in the USA are awful because of two reasons:

1) Ethnic Sons Living in White Dominated Society

Curries are often told to go back to their homeland because there is NO hope to get a gf when girls have white men as options. And it’s true. How can you compete as a curry against white guys? They have no shot. They are mocked, and as I like to say, that’s if they even have the privilege of their existence being acknowledged.

Sure their son might have a good career here in the West, but he’s just gonna go home to an empty apartment every night. Worthless.

2) Raise Their Sons to Be Nerds

Indian parents are the antithesis of what a parent who wants their kid to get laid should be.

Instead of playing sports like football, baseball, basketball, they have their kids do fucking spelling bees and play piano or some shit.

As I said in my ugly guy’s guide to getting laid, playing sports is ESSENTIAL to ascending. If you’re ugly you have to normiemaxx/statusmaxx as much as possible for a chance to get laid, and being on the high school team is the best way to do that.


Whoop-dee-doo, he spelled a bunch of words nobody uses. While that confetti falls on his head, his oneitis is moaning and pulling Chad’s hair.

What a shit life.

The irony that their parents worked their ass off to get to the USA so they could “provide a better life” for their kids, when in reality they just fucked them over.

This can apply to Asian parents as well tbh.
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if chad won a spelling bee, foids wouldnt think anything less of him

its all about looks, being on the sports team doesnt mean shit for your raw attractiveness
if chad won a spelling bee, foids wouldnt think anything less of him

its all about looks, being on the sports team doesnt mean shit for your raw attractiveness
I’m just saying that:
Being ugly and a top athlete at school > being ugly and doing chess club

You gotta agree with me there right?
India superpower 2050
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I’m just saying that:
Being ugly and a top athlete at school > being ugly and doing chess club

You gotta agree with me there right?
yeah true
but the reason most indian kids are incel is because of undesirable race
My parents are against me working out thinking I take to much time out of the day lifting, so I tell them I don’t but I still workout lol
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yeah true
but the reason most indian kids are incel is because of undesirable race
Agreed. Which is why point #1 I made is important. You cant live in places where the majority of people mog you.
As for sports, that’s just for maximizing your chances. You’ll probably still get outstayed by some unathletic pretty boy think, but you at least might get one or two girls.

My parents are against me working out thinking I take to much time out of the day lifting, so I tell them I don’t but I still workout lol
See. Shit parenting. Should be locked up for such garbage advice. You curry?
  • +1
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Agreed. Which is why point #1 I made is important. You cant live in places where the majority of people mog you.
As for sports, that’s just for maximizing your chances. You’ll probably still get outstayed by some unathletic pretty boy think, but you at least might get one or two girls.

See. Shit parenting. Should be locked up for such garbage advice. You curry?
Yes my parents also think certain sweets are high in protein 🤣
I had sports halo in my hs.
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I think all high achieving parents who practice a strict, overbearing parenting to make their kids nerds aka potential successful white collars but losers in the sexual market are basically abusers.
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