What age did you stop growing?

What age did you stop growing.

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May 19, 2019
Please answer in the name of science :)
Also youngcels don't answer since you could still be growing.
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I grew about an inch after 15.
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My 20 year old brother stopped growing at 17, Im still growing at 17 at 1-2 inches a year but only because Im heightmaxxing. If I wasn't taking GH Im 90% sure would have stopped growing
My 20 year old brother stopped growing at 17, Im still growing at 17 at 1-2 inches a year but only because Im heightmaxxing. If I wasn't taking GH Im 90% sure would have stopped growing
human growth hormone?
is it pharma?
human growth hormone?
is it pharma?
No its just a normal height stack (mk677, aromasin, other vitamins and sprinting everyday). Its pretty weak tbh but Im poor and don't want to risk side effects
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Manlets stop growing early usually and tall people grow longer till 18-21.
@inceletto you stopped at fucking 12? That's brutal, how tall are you?
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Manlets stop growing early usually and tall people grow longer till 18-21.
@inceletto you stopped at fucking 12? That's brutal, how tall are you?
imagine being an early bloomer and growing to 6'4 at 15 you'd mog everyone from the beginning jfl
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Most people stop growing at 16
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Most guys I've seen in high-school already reached their maximum height around 14. Some would grow an inch or two more until 16-18, and that was about it... I only know two guys out of about a hundred, who grew a lot, like 6-8 inches between 14 and 18.
I grew 1 cm since September and I'm 19
Maybe a little more, but idk
No hope for heightcels after 17 really... Just pullupmax and hangmaxx. Maybe aromatase inhibitors or something
if someone stops growing at 14 does it means their plates are closed or are they still open for a couple more years?
Main growing until I was 14 :/
if someone stops growing at 14 does it means their plates are closed or are they still open for a couple more years?
Closed plates. If your plates were open and you don't grow you probably have 0 IGF-1 and GH in your bloodstream jfl
Closed plates. If your plates were open and you don't grow you probably have 0 IGF-1 and GH in your bloodstream jfl
i wanted this not to be true. fuckity fuck
i wanted this not to be true. fuckity fuck
Yeah neither do I. Haven't grown in one and a half years, stuck at 171 cm morning height it's so over. I don't even have motivation to even do anything seeing how tall people get treated.
There's a dude who is 5'11 in my school (tall here) and he gets treated like some MM by girls despite being a solid 1.5 PSL points below me and some other dudes in my school.
Yeah neither do I. Haven't grown in one and a half years, stuck at 171 cm morning height it's so over. I don't even have motivation to even do anything seeing how tall people get treated.
how old??/
dont bro. people are doing some research here and there is still hope for us
Not really that's all just false hope tbh. Parents for sure won't let me get any peptides/hormones either, they don't get how life-sapping being short is.
Not really that's all just false hope tbh. Parents for sure won't let me get any peptides/hormones either, they don't get how life-sapping being short is.
Neither will mine. You have to moneymaxx and smuggle it into your house
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Please answer in the name of science :)
Also youngcels don't answer since you could still be growing.
It's strange, in my family.
Like height, I stopped growing at 16 orso already in height; was 6'2. While I seemed destined to go mogg my older brother whom turned out 6'4, and was at 16-17 like shorter then 6'feet.
I still grew in width after 16-17 but not height. I grew between 12 - 16 years old, like 5 incvhes per year in top years, the growth pains were intense. Sometimes I woke up at night from pians, my whole leg muscles went into full cramp mode, oh the pain.

My oldest brother kept growing in height even when he was 20. past 17 orso he kept adding yearly still like 3cm on average all the way up to 20-21.
It really makes a difference per person.
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At age 4
Neither will mine. You have to moneymaxx and smuggle it into your house
Did you ever have growing pains? I don't ever remember having them. Literally the "suffering from success" meme.

based on the poll her and everyone else experiences, most people stop growing at ages 14-16. maybe if we compare this to range of factors we can find some interesting developments to crucial factors in growth
Did you ever have growing pains? I don't ever remember having them. Literally the "suffering from success" meme.
i think i did and the last time i had it was 12/13. hopefully dna methylationmaxxing works out and i can grow. otherwise i'll fuck my body up experimenting with stem cells
Early bloomer 15 almost 16 and im still growing
Growth slowed down at 15 and grew inch from 15-16 and then another inch 16-17 and completely stopped (might’ve gained quarter inch or some shit but it’s negligible)
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this is why being an early bloomer is a death sentence

late blooming = gigachad
nah tbh early bloomer who grows super tall is the best.
late blooming is just good for the incels on here cos nobody gets woke at 11
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View attachment 414394
based on the poll her and everyone else experiences, most people stop growing at ages 14-16. maybe if we compare this to range of factors we can find some interesting developments to crucial factors in growth

i think i did and the last time i had it was 12/13. hopefully dna methylationmaxxing works out and i can grow. otherwise i'll fuck my body up experimenting with stem cells
how tall are you?
i am 5'7.5 but i am not a curry, so i mog you automatically?
i heightmog you but idk about everything else.
just wait till i am gigachadpreet tho
I didnt grow last 1,5 years until last weeks but its probably due to spine decompression from all the stretching I am doing
Growth slowed down at 15 and grew inch from 15-16 and then another inch 16-17 and completely stopped (might’ve gained quarter inch or some shit but it’s negligible)
How tall are you?
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15 due to AN

had i eaten properly i may have gone til 17 while still growing a bit
I voted 17 but i not sure if i am 100% finished but i might be.
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13, same as penis too I think.
I thought I had stopped growing at 20 but I measured myself again at 22 and was 1cm taller
5'8 jfl but curry genes so
btw ur growth plates are most likely not completely closed , many people still report gaining an inch after HGH use
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Love the broscience!
  • JFL
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Love the broscience!

JFL at "fully trust"ing a guy who believes in 10,000 dollar traditional chinese herbs that nobody has ever heard of, and JFL at believing that 6 people that post within minutes of each other aren't the same person LMAO.
If there's any broscience it's coming from you.
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View attachment 415797
JFL at "fully trust"ing a guy who believes in 10,000 dollar traditional chinese herbs that nobody has ever heard of, and JFL at believing that 6 people that post within minutes of each other aren't the same person LMAO.
If there's any broscience it's coming from you.
shut up with the ad hominem, what i believe is none of your business retard stop stalking me LMFAO
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