What can I do about this awful body which even chad cant get away with

You have the worst case of it I've ever seen on this website

Autism or non nt too? They seem to be correlated
Fr bro? I can never tell if this site is serious or not. Yes I'm officially diagnosed autistic.
Fr bro? I can never tell if this site is serious or not. Yes I'm officially diagnosed autistic.
That is very unfortunate you fit into the klinefelters category perfectly then.

Klinerfelters physically just means your hios ate wider than they should be

ur shit is competely even, ur hip fat lines up with your shoulers vertically

Rough man, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

You need height and face with klinefelters.

Your bodyweight distribution is playing the largest role though, all your fat is in your legs, losing weight will significantly improve your proportions.

Nothing can actually change the overall shape besides roids though. And they'll do it well, roids of course stimulate the shoulders and upper body primarily and would shape things up slightly

At the end of the day you'll always have klinefelters. If I was you I'd be on roids, but I am very knowledgeable about them, I'm sure you're not.

Research for a year, watch mpmd

Biologically klinefelters is the result of an chromosome (brutal) its a sex oriented chromosome so they aren't all retarded

But what this does is basically make you more of woman, less test, higher conversion to estrogen pressumanly, which is made worse because you're fat.

This caused your bones to develop in a more female manner

Are you also a timid lad?

Basically if you used test from the age of 14 you could've fixed it, so all you can do now is make up for it, too late to change your bone structure

but test might actually change you positively in every way

I'm on test rn long term and you need it a hell of a lot more than me
That is very unfortunate you fit into the klinefelters category perfectly then.

Klinerfelters physically just means your hios ate wider than they should be

ur shit is competely even, ur hip fat lines up with your shoulers vertically

Rough man, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

You need height and face with klinefelters.

Your bodyweight distribution is playing the largest role though, all your fat is in your legs, losing weight will significantly improve your proportions.

Nothing can actually change the overall shape besides roids though. And they'll do it well, roids of course stimulate the shoulders and upper body primarily and would shape things up slightly

At the end of the day you'll always have klinefelters. If I was you I'd be on roids, but I am very knowledgeable about them, I'm sure you're not.

Research for a year, watch mpmd

Biologically klinefelters is the result of an chromosome (brutal) its a sex oriented chromosome so they aren't all retarded

But what this does is basically make you more of woman, less test, higher conversion to estrogen pressumanly, which is made worse because you're fat.

This caused your bones to develop in a more female manner

Are you also a timid lad?

Basically if you used test from the age of 14 you could've fixed it, so all you can do now is make up for it, too late to change your bone structure

but test might actually change you positively in every way

I'm on test rn long term and you need it a hell of a lot more than me
Well my face is estrogen af I can send photos. Yeah I definitely don't feel big and often quite timid. My hands are very feminine and have no vascularity to them. I'm 6 ft but do have anterior pelvic tilt in my side view photo so I might be closer to 6 ft 1. But tbh I don't care about more height much with shitty bone structure like this. I also suffer from cellulite which is rare in men. I am very prone stretch marks as I lack testoserone. I'm assuming my IQ isn't very high because average for klinefelter is at least 85.
That is very unfortunate you fit into the klinefelters category perfectly then.

Klinerfelters physically just means your hios ate wider than they should be

ur shit is competely even, ur hip fat lines up with your shoulers vertically

Rough man, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

You need height and face with klinefelters.

Your bodyweight distribution is playing the largest role though, all your fat is in your legs, losing weight will significantly improve your proportions.

Nothing can actually change the overall shape besides roids though. And they'll do it well, roids of course stimulate the shoulders and upper body primarily and would shape things up slightly

At the end of the day you'll always have klinefelters. If I was you I'd be on roids, but I am very knowledgeable about them, I'm sure you're not.

Research for a year, watch mpmd

Biologically klinefelters is the result of an chromosome (brutal) its a sex oriented chromosome so they aren't all retarded

But what this does is basically make you more of woman, less test, higher conversion to estrogen pressumanly, which is made worse because you're fat.

This caused your bones to develop in a more female manner

Are you also a timid lad?

Basically if you used test from the age of 14 you could've fixed it, so all you can do now is make up for it, too late to change your bone structure

but test might actually change you positively in every way

I'm on test rn long term and you need it a hell of a
Hands btw


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Well my face is estrogen af I can send photos. Yeah I definitely don't feel big and often quite timid. My hands are very feminine and have no vascularity to them. I'm 6 ft but do have anterior pelvic tilt in my side view photo so I might be closer to 6 ft 1. But tbh I don't care about more height much with shitty bone structure like this. I also suffer from cellulite which is rare in men. I am very prone stretch marks as I lack testoserone. I'm assuming my IQ isn't very high because average for klinefelter is at least 85.
Cruel God. Hard to imagine it's possible for men like you to be religious.

Bro I'm 5"6. I'm htn atleast facially but brother you got height to use, fucking use it.

You need to capitalize on your size, if you can find a semi blackpilled doc, and you do really have low T, which is likely, then you could feasibly get trt as a teen

Prob one of the only ways it's possible

But yeah bro you need trt to change, you need test to fix your female hormonal balance

Are you an emotional person as well? Timid and a Cryer?

Genuinely this affliction sounds like it ruined your entire life and you had nothing you could do. A cruel fate

You need roids and trt baseline. Your face is estrogenic, your arms are fat as hell, you need better shoulder proportions, and it will improve your mind as well. Timid and autistic behavior is also likely to improve, I was the same way in the opposite facet, Timid little manlet until I started test, changed my work ethic and social capacity. You BIOLOGICALLY NEED MORE TEST, I just wanted to cheat in the gym and make my life easier.
  • +1
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Picture of me few years ago before binge eat still insecure but much better than now ffs
Ya your frame is bad combo thin shoulders wide hips. If you're face is really alright tho just get started on losing weight and building up your shoulders.
  • +1
Reactions: FaceAboveAll
Ya your frame is bad combo thin shoulders wide hips. If you're face is really alright tho just get started on losing weight and building up your shoulders.
Yeah I've never been gym in my life so never lifted. I'm also fat fuck who lives on fast food. Def not good combo tbh
Yeah I've never been gym in my life so never lifted. I'm also fat fuck who lives on fast food. Def not good combo tbh
With shoulders take it slow, especailly if you are completely sedentary you need to build up the small tendons which takes a lot longer than the muscle. Keep the weight low for any kind of flies and do some compound lifts for upper body to get your strength up. And literally don't train legs just run bro.
I need wider clavicles and smaller hips. This sucks badly and is the reason I am staying a virgin. I can't even walk out in public without feeling insecure af.
Try losing weight first fatso
Try losing weight first fatso
Yeah tbf I weigh a lot rn. Fat distribution are messed up so it could be exaggerating my wide hips tbh.
You dont have klines but you need to cycle something and live and breathe the gym
Ur a fucking faggot rope now
  • So Sad
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So much BS in this topic, it's crazy.

You gotta lose fat and gain muscle. That's it. You're just a fatass rn.

Stop sugars, stop sodas. Ever. Go to the gym 4 times a week, eat more proteins, sleep well. That's pretty much it.

And why tf wouldn't your shoulders grow? If you do what I'm telling you, and if you are disciplined, you can fix it easily. You'll lose the belly fat, and your shoulders will grow. Your back will grow too, because right now, you are literally shaped like an "A" as opposed to be shaped like a "V".

Anyways, I feel like I'm wasting my time helping you because you'll probably do none of that. If you really wanted to changed, you would have already started to do that instead of whining on internet.

And don't ever take steroids. It's a looksmin.
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: proxyy, FaceAboveAll and Big White Cuck
So much BS in this topic, it's crazy.

You gotta lose fat and gain muscle. That's it. You're just a fatass rn.

Stop sugars, stop sodas. Ever. Go to the gym 4 times a week, eat more proteins, sleep well. That's pretty much it.

And why tf wouldn't your shoulders grow? If you do what I'm telling you, and if you are disciplined, you can fix it easily. You'll lose the belly fat, and your shoulders will grow. Your back will grow too, because right now, you are literally shaped like an "A" as opposed to be shaped like a "V".

Anyways, I feel like I'm wasting my time helping you because you'll probably do none of that. If you really wanted to changed, you would have already started to do that instead of whining on internet.

And don't ever take steroids. It's a looksmin.
Yeah idk about steroids tbh. I wouldn't even know what I'm doing with that so I'm not even going to go there. Yeah I've never been lean tbh but now it's a lot worse so I gotta fix this. I haven't even tried with anything tbh just sat in my room and rot for the past few years so basically my fault for this.
And once that fails
Breedable hips to shoulder ratio
you got balls for posting this lmao
you got balls for posting this lmao
Yeah fast forward 2 years and hopefully this body will be a thing of the past. I store a lot of fat in my lower section.
everytime you are about to eat something just only eat half of it

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