What can I do to get a bigger frame that won't stunt my height growth?



Dec 30, 2020
I'm 13, 5'7, 130lbs. I want to get taller but also a wider frame. What foods and sports would you suggest to maximize my growth?

My parents are also bluepilled, they won't give me HGH and say I'm already tall despite 5'7 being turbomanlet height.

What should I eat for breakfast and what time should I go to sleep?
Also will lateral raises stunt my height growth?
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holy fuck is this a joke hahaha
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I'm 18 and your height :lul:
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No I'm ded srs
wtf... when I was 13 I was doing some stupid shit having fun. you're posting on an incel forum. over for your mental health. this is a larp anyway so I don't care
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  • WTF
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wtf... when I was 13 I was doing some stupid shit having fun. you're posting on an incel forum. over for your mental health. this is a larp anyway so I don't care
I want advice on what to do to maximise my height and frame, that is all.
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I want advice on what to do to maximise my height and frame, that is all.
well. the average 11 year old in 2020 height and frame mogs you. I would probably just ldar tbh. maybe invest in a high quality rope. in all seriousness, I was like 5'1 at 13, and just went around doing stupid shit not worrying about shit. I didn't even hit puberty yet. if this is serious, my condolences to your mental health
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I want advice on what to do to maximise my height and frame, that is all.
sleepmaxx, stop eating processed estrogenic foods and avoid sports like basketball or football. Bodybuilding and calisthenics are safe
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sleepmaxx, stop eating processed estrogenic foods and avoid sports like basketball or football. Bodybuilding and calisthenics are safe
What food would you recommend?
btw a fucking 13 year old is pretty much almost the same height and weight as me
how fucking brutal is this world
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btw a fucking 13 year old is pretty much almost the same height and weight as me
how fucking brutal is this world
a 13 year old already height mogs me JFL
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What food would you recommend?
Just eat healthy, also avoid using plastic things to drink or eat, these have hormonal disruptors that will close your growth plates prematurely
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Just eat healthy, also avoid using plastic things to drink or eat, these have hormonal disruptors that will close your growth plates prematurely
Do you think oats are good food for growth? I eat them a lot.
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sleepmaxx, stop eating processed estrogenic foods and avoid sports like basketball or football. Bodybuilding and calisthenics are safe
why avoid basketball and football nigger
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You are 13, you will grow up naturally, you are tall for your age, you should reach 6 feet by 15y.
Frame and useless at this age, focus on Sleepmaxxing, and avoid eating junk foods.
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it's a larp regardless
Also what's wrong with being aware that height and frame are important. Better than being unaware and becoming a manlet framelet.
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13 years old 5'7" and on looksmax.me .... JFL
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I hope it's a larp for your own good. then again, only a 13 year old could be this retarded
Also what's wrong with being aware that height and frame are important. Better than being unaware and becoming a manlet framelet.
you're 13(supposedly) and already using terms like blackpill manlet framelet. I'm convinced this is a larp because you talk exactly like how I would if I was larping. like I said, my condolences if it's not
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Not much you can do besides what the other users recommended. Just take care of yourself - eat healthy, sleep well and exercise.

And most importantly, get off this site before it poisons your mental health - if it hasn't already.
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Reactions: Globox and WadlowMaxxing
Not much you can do besides what the other users recommended. Just take care of yourself - eat healthy, sleep well and exercise.

And most importantly, get off this site before it poisons your mental health - if it hasn't already.
inject peptides for hgh gains thanks to that maybe you will grow taller and surely have better skin hair etc

Achwagandha for cortisol control and boosting T

Gymmaxing for test gains [ squats and deadlifts and weighted deadhangs for spinal decompresion ]

Vit D for test production
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mk 677 if srs
I hope it's a larp for your own good. then again, only a 13 year old could be this retarded

you're 13(supposedly) and already using terms like blackpill manlet framelet. I'm convinced this is a larp because you talk exactly like how I would if I was larping. like I said, my condolences if it's not
Maybe he has been lurking for a while. JFL i remember browsing this site since july, but i was too high inhib to make an account
mk 677 if srs

peptides are better becouse they dont suppres T and dont have sides , even when suprresion from mk677 is minimal
  • JFL
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing
I would kill to go back to being 13 years old. I would murder an entire village to go back before puberty.

Realize this is the most important part of your life. The next few years will feel slow as SHIT to you, but when you look back, they flew by. So what you do now matters so fucking much.

Workout, and eat healthy, do everything you can to make sure you grow as tall as you can. By the way you are just fine at your age with that height. You will probably be like 6'0" at the end.

Definitely learn to workout and don't be fat or skinny. Gain some muscle. And socialize at this age, realize that with girls it DOESNT FUCKING MATTER, at your age you have no idea how much smarter you will get as you get older, and you don't realize how stupid your young peers are as well. Remember I was 13 at one point in time and I WISH I COULD GO BACK with all the knowledge I know.

Everyone is retarded at age 13 so do yourself a favor and socialize, talk to girls, be low inhib, learn about how to function well around them, body language, how to talk to girls, etc. It's so fucking crucial that you do this at a young age.

But if your ugly you won't even be able to do these things at age 13. Figure out how to dress nicely, figure out how to get a nice workout routine, figure out how to eat healthy and then go talk to girls. You don't have to say anything special, just use it all as a learning experience. Even if you fuck up IT DOESNT MATTER, because the time after that will be better, since you learned from your mistakes.

I hope you don't end up like me, full of regret.
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  • JFL
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vitamin d and calcium are your best friends
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I would kill to go back to being 13 years old. I would murder an entire village to go back before puberty.

Realize this is the most important part of your life. The next few years will feel slow as SHIT to you, but when you look back, they flew by. So what you do now matters so fucking much.

Workout, and eat healthy, do everything you can to make sure you grow as tall as you can. By the way you are just fine at your age with that height. You will probably be like 6'0" at the end.

Definitely learn to workout and don't be fat or skinny. Gain some muscle. And socialize at this age, realize that with girls it DOESNT FUCKING MATTER, at your age you have no idea how much smarter you will get as you get older, and you don't realize how stupid your young peers are as well. Remember I was 13 at one point in time and I WISH I COULD GO BACK with all the knowledge I know.

Everyone is retarded at age 13 so do yourself a favor and socialize, talk to girls, be low inhib, learn about how to function well around them, body language, how to talk to girls, etc. It's so fucking crucial that you do this at a young age.

But if your ugly you won't even be able to do these things at age 13. Figure out how to dress nicely, figure out how to get a nice workout routine, figure out how to eat healthy and then go talk to girls. You don't have to say anything special, just use it all as a learning experience. Even if you fuck up IT DOESNT MATTER, because the time after that will be better, since you learned from your mistakes.

I hope you don't end up like me, full of regret.

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I would kill to go back to being 13 years old. I would murder an entire village to go back before puberty.

Realize this is the most important part of your life. The next few years will feel slow as SHIT to you, but when you look back, they flew by. So what you do now matters so fucking much.

Workout, and eat healthy, do everything you can to make sure you grow as tall as you can. By the way you are just fine at your age with that height. You will probably be like 6'0" at the end.

Definitely learn to workout and don't be fat or skinny. Gain some muscle. And socialize at this age, realize that with girls it DOESNT FUCKING MATTER, at your age you have no idea how much smarter you will get as you get older, and you don't realize how stupid your young peers are as well. Remember I was 13 at one point in time and I WISH I COULD GO BACK with all the knowledge I know.

Everyone is retarded at age 13 so do yourself a favor and socialize, talk to girls, be low inhib, learn about how to function well around them, body language, how to talk to girls, etc. It's so fucking crucial that you do this at a young age.

But if your ugly you won't even be able to do these things at age 13. Figure out how to dress nicely, figure out how to get a nice workout routine, figure out how to eat healthy and then go talk to girls. You don't have to say anything special, just use it all as a learning experience. Even if you fuck up IT DOESNT MATTER, because the time after that will be better, since you learned from your mistakes.

I hope you don't end up like me, full of regret.
Thanks a lot man, I will definitely try at school to be more social and low inhib. I know inceldom is very brutal so I won't take these times for granted.
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Reactions: LastHopeForNorman
over for your mental health if you are on an incel forum at 13
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by losing fat i mean never try eating at caloric deficit you need to eat good and sleep as much as you can at least until 15
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Thanks a lot man, I will definitely try at school to be more social and low inhib. I know inceldom is very brutal so I won't take these times for granted.
You need to change your mentality as well. You have ZERO CLUE how retarded everyone is at 13 years old. Since I know, if I went back in time I wouldn't take anyone seriously around me and I would have a much easier time talking to girls and being social. But it seems like the biggest fucking deal when you are 13 and never done it before. Literally if a girl is sitting next to you in class literally say ANYTHING. It doesn't have to be intelligent, funny, or anything. Just talk. Eventually you'll learn by yourself how to talk to girls just from conversing with them. The best way to get in a conversation with a girl is to ask her a random question. Just be like "hey what classes do YOU have?" and see if you have any classes together. From that point on you can keep asking other questions or answer hers. Just ask a random question it could be stupid as shit, you'll learn eventually how to get good at it.

Even better is when you start improving the way you look so that girls actually LIKE YOU, then when you talk to them it gets fun. Try it dude. I'm telling you at a young age being muscular is one of the greatest looksmaxxes as well as hair and fashion in school for status.
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Dont stress , literally cortisol inhibits gh so get the fuck out and have fun . Eat nutrient dense organic foods(especially fatty ones like salmon, beef) and do calisthenics outside in the sun . I know you will be tempted to eat shit like chips , cookies , pepsi... but you should really avoid them at least during puberty . Best supplements are d3, mk4 , calcium, potassium and magnesium
Thanks a lot man, I will definitely try at school to be more social and low inhib. I know inceldom is very brutal so I won't take these times for granted.

SLEAP is important . Sleep atleast 8 hours dont watch screens for 1 hour before sleep . Make your room dark as void or invest in SLEAP MASK . Dont eat before sleeping . Only drink water.

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Dont stress , literally cortisol inhibits gh so get the fuck out and have fun . Eat nutrient dense organic foods(especially fatty ones like salmon, beef) and do calisthenics outside in the sun . I know you will be tempted to eat shit like chips , cookies , pepsi... but you should really avoid them at least during puberty . Best supplements are d3, mk4 , calcium, potassium and magnesium
I don't plan on staying on this forum for long. I just want some advice, thanks a lot man.
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SLEAP is important . Sleep atleast 8 hours dont watch screens for 1 hour before sleep . Make your room dark as void or invest in SLEAP MASK . Dont eat before sleeping . Only drink water.

View attachment 899002
Will definitely take this into account. I eat before sleep and literally stare at the computer before bed. I'm going to stop today.
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Do you think oats are good food for growth? I eat them a lot.
Yeah OATS are one of the best carb sources
and have plenty of protein in them
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stop roasting him, the sooner the gets blackpilled the better. I'll be feeding my kids increasing blackpill doses from age 4. I'd kill to be 13 again. but preferably 8
  • JFL
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Do Reeves deadlift for framemaxing it stretch connective matter surrounding scapula.


Here is video about author of this exercise and his other methods.


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