What can I do to get a bigger frame that won't stunt my height growth?

Would this affect height growth?

Weightlifing stunt growth is myth . top weightlifters/powerlifters are short And normies look at them and say liFTing sTunt GRoWth but they simply are better built for lifting . Shorter limbs shorter RANGE OF MOTION so they lift more weight

Malnutrition and enviroment Have more impact on growth stunt.
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  • +1
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Are you fucking kidding me?
you are 5'7 at 13

I was 4'7 at your age, you are still gonna grow a lot..
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Weightlifing stunt growth is myth . top weightlifters/powerlifters are short And normies look at them and say liFTing sTunt GRoWth but they simply are better built for lifting . Shorter limbs shorter RANGE OF MOTION so they lift more weight

Malnutrition and enviroment Have more impact on growth stunt.
Are lateral raises good?
  • +1
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The best looksmax for you is diet and sleep + lifting weights tbh. Mk 677 and other peptides are the cherry on top.

Follow my diet and you will be forever thankful, i wish my mom had fed me my diet instead of some vegetarian diet.

Seriously follow it, like try to adhere to it even when your parents think its bull shit.

Good luck youngster ;)
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Are lateral raises good?
Yes research a full body workout routine on youtube. from some big channels to start out, if you become good with the lifts move on to PPL (push pull legs)
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you will be 6'4
  • Ugh..
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Are you fucking kidding me?
you are 5'7 at 13

I was 4'7 at your age, you are still gonna grow a lot..
It's the next generation. Seen 13 year olds that are 6 foot 2, it's just how it is.
just focus on a very healthy diet (big quantities of protein ) and lifestyle first, use supplements like 5000iu vitamin D3 AND 45mg K2 mk4 for bone growth , you dont need any exogenous stuff at that age bro trust me ... at the very least wait another year or 2 , and then start using peptides or hgh. you need to be as natural as possible at that age

theres still no exact answer whether lifting stunts growth , but in my personal experience it does not ..as long as you dont do > 75% bodyweight deadlifts.

also dont forget to do chest lifting too , pec's are kinda underrated to because big chest also play a role for a good looking frame

goodluck lil bro
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just focus on a very healthy diet (big quantities of protein ) and lifestyle first, use supplements like 5000iu vitamin D3 AND 45mg K2 mk4 for bone growth , you dont need any exogenous stuff at that age bro trust me ... at the very least wait another year or 2 , and then start using peptides or hgh. you need to be as natural as possible at that age

theres still no exact answer whether lifting stunts growth , but in my personal experience it does not ..as long as you dont do > 75% bodyweight deadlifts.

also dont forget to do chest lifting too , pec's are kinda underrated to because big chest also play a role for a good looking frame

goodluck lil bro
Thanks man, will definitely take this into account.
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5’7 is very tall for a 13 year old.
It's the next generation. Seen 13 year olds that are 6 foot 2, it's just how it is.
outliers. The average height doesn’t increase that much in one generation
I'm 13, 5'7, 130lbs. I want to get taller but also a wider frame. What foods and sports would you suggest to maximize my growth?

My parents are also bluepilled, they won't give me HGH and say I'm already tall despite 5'7 being turbomanlet height.

What should I eat for breakfast and what time should I go to sleep?
Also will lateral raises stunt my height growth?

Without taking any medications your only option is to exercises and hope things workout for the best. Sprints, swimming, high intensity basketball etc. You’re betting on your genes at the end of the day.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin and collagen peptides could also assist in providing your growth plates with more raw material to build bone from.
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Get money and buy HGH/peptides on the side and sportsmax, swimming is the best sport for frame gains.
Wait a couple years then blast peptides/HGH. Until then take lots of Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2 and protein. Do high intensity sports, like basketball or boxing. Also keep bf low to reduce aromatisation.
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Oh my fucking God...
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i was 5'7 at 13 and still 5'7 at 16

You are an estrogen factory my man tbh.

I always was kinda short and followed the line tbh, I definitely grew after 15 but doubt I am still growing now
Also, I am Portuguese myself, we are short. I'm atleast hoping to become 5 11.
Start injecting t asap
I was 5'8 your age, the same year I grew to 5'11 and at 14 11 days from 15 I'm 6'1

You'll be aight lil nigga
  • +1
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I'm 13, 5'7, 130lbs. I want to get taller but also a wider frame. What foods and sports would you suggest to maximize my growth?

My parents are also bluepilled, they won't give me HGH and say I'm already tall despite 5'7 being turbomanlet height.

What should I eat for breakfast and what time should I go to sleep?
Also will lateral raises stunt my height growth?

get the fuck off this website and go play sports and workout and focus on school and socializing then you will gain a wider frame and hold on to a pull up bar dont do pull ups just hang there it will make your forearms stronger and stretch you out to maximize your height thats all the advice you need now leave
if your 13 and stay on this website you will never succeed at anything and you will be a loser for the rest of your life
I would kill to go back to being 13 years old. I would murder an entire village to go back before puberty.

Realize this is the most important part of your life. The next few years will feel slow as SHIT to you, but when you look back, they flew by. So what you do now matters so fucking much.

Workout, and eat healthy, do everything you can to make sure you grow as tall as you can. By the way you are just fine at your age with that height. You will probably be like 6'0" at the end.

Definitely learn to workout and don't be fat or skinny. Gain some muscle. And socialize at this age, realize that with girls it DOESNT FUCKING MATTER, at your age you have no idea how much smarter you will get as you get older, and you don't realize how stupid your young peers are as well. Remember I was 13 at one point in time and I WISH I COULD GO BACK with all the knowledge I know.

Everyone is retarded at age 13 so do yourself a favor and socialize, talk to girls, be low inhib, learn about how to function well around them, body language, how to talk to girls, etc. It's so fucking crucial that you do this at a young age.

But if your ugly you won't even be able to do these things at age 13. Figure out how to dress nicely, figure out how to get a nice workout routine, figure out how to eat healthy and then go talk to girls. You don't have to say anything special, just use it all as a learning experience. Even if you fuck up IT DOESNT MATTER, because the time after that will be better, since you learned from your mistakes.

I hope you don't end up like me, full of regret.
Native's post here is the best.

Your growth spurt might be nearly done, nobody knows.
Wish i could go back to 13...
i'd have more hope for your height growth if you were shorter at 13 tbh

you're likely nearing the end unless u have very tall parents
i'd have more hope for your height growth if you were shorter at 13 tbh

you're likely nearing the end unless u have very tall parents
not really. My Dad is 6'1 and my Mom is around 5'5. It's not looking too good

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