What can I do to get the MAXIMUM gains out of one 12-week cycle of Test + Tbol (or anavar)?


Deleted member 10104

Oct 7, 2020
Basically I'm going to do a test run with a cycle.

I am going to test the effects on my hair, and if my hairline lowers at all I'm going to likely never do another cycle again. Thus, I need to maximize my gains hard AF this way.

I am getting my t level results back on Friday.

Already been lifting natty for several years, decent base, etc.

What are all the steps I should take aside from the obvious to maximize this one cycle? I normally get 200g of protein per day, should I get even more? Any supplements that will actually make a difference? Ideas for hair loss prevention?
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something like 1 year natty
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  • JFL
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definitely do var instead of tbol.
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Just make sure you get sufficient macro's mainly protein and fats. Test in doses above 200 can bloat, so stay away from carbs from the most part unless indirect. I have a friend who was running a 12 week 300mg cycle and he basically did a protein only version of keto and this dude is shredded to the bone.
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Just make sure you get sufficient macro's mainly protein and fats. Test in doses above 200 can bloat, so stay away from carbs from the most part unless indirect. I have a friend who was running a 12 week 300mg cycle and he basically did a protein only version of keto and this dude is shredded to the bone.
so he did 300mg/week? how did he split his dose up through out the week, or just 1 shot of 300mg per week?

definitely do var instead of tbol.
Sleep, and diet is really underrated. Listen to Stan Efferding and follow his diet
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so he did 300mg/week? how did he split his dose up through out the week, or just 1 shot of 300mg per week?

massively lower side effect and more gains per mg and better on lipids/liver
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so he did 300mg/week? how did he split his dose up through out the week, or just 1 shot of 300mg per week?


2 shots split 3 days apart. He also like you had been lifting for years already. Now he competes and has done other stuff but I remember him telling me he felt like he had energy for days.
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massively lower side effect and more gains per mg and better on lipids/liver
only thing is im worried about getting fake anavar that just ends up being winny which is trash tier for my goals
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only thing is im worried about getting fake anavar that just ends up being winny which is trash tier for my goals
that is the risk. winny worse than tbol so if ur unsure of quality just get the tbol i guess.
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Im doing a Test+Anavar cycle soon.
For hair RU+stemox in the morning Fin+minox at night (12 hours apart), ill mix in alfatradiol and fluridil EOD.
To make sure im not short on micronutrients, Animal Pak and Ultra Preventive X. Increase protein too, 1kg of meat a day.
Stretch, plyo and joint exercises 1-2 hours in the morning 5-6 days a week, to prevent injury and whatnot.
Cardio everyday, im onto athletics too though.
Then train like a beast in the afternoon. Pre workout meal/shake, workout shake and post workout meal/shake. Time most of your carbs for this meals around training.
If you start the cycle after a cut it's most likely optimal. Increase calories the same day you start the cycle.
Cycle compounds and ancillaries you should know already, ill get all i need before starting the cycle. You should look into frontloading and starting test only, then add oral after a couple weeks. Also get HGH and all the other non-steroidal compounds for optimal training. 8 Weeks better for a first cycle and start low on Testosterone to find your good spot, you can cycle more later on if you want to. You can use short acting test at the end to start PCT sooner or cut the cycle faster if you plateau.
Im also going to be injecting subq/superficial IM ED and hopefully not need an AI.

This is my current workout shake for a salbutamol+caffine 2 week cycle, some ingredients i just throw them in for convenience though, i take a bowl of protein+oats as preworkout and just eat normal food post workout:

15g EAAs
4g Beta-Alanine
5g citrulline
5g glutamine
200mg caffeine
250mg l-theanine
250mg DMAE
1,5g l-taurine
500mg ascorbic acid

This is another example of good workout shakes:
10-15g EAAs
5g Leucine
10g Glutamine
5-10g Creatine depending on the athlete
5g Citruline
3g Arginine
2-3g Beta Alanine
2-3g L-carnitine
2-3g electrolyte drink powder
During Workout
10-15g EAAs (for bigger guys, 20g)/ some guys add 10g BCAA
3-5g Creatine
3-10g Glutamine
15g Leucine
50g Vitargo/Dextrose
1tsp electrolyte drink powder
3-5g Creatine
3-10g Glutamine
40-50g Whey
50-75 Vitargo/Dextrose
1tsp electrolyte drink powder
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  • JFL
Reactions: LastHopeForNorman, Deleted member 7776 and Deleted member 10104
Im doing a Test+Anavar cycle soon.
For hair RU+stemox in the morning Fin+minox at night (12 hours apart), ill mix in alfatradiol and fluridil EOD.
To make sure im not short on micronutrients, Animal Pak and Ultra Preventive X. Increase protein too, 1kg of meat a day.
Stretch, plyo and joint exercises 1-2 hours in the morning 5-6 days a week, to prevent injury and whatnot.
Cardio everyday, im onto athletics too though.
Then train like a beast in the afternoon. Pre workout meal/shake, workout shake and post workout meal/shake. Time most of your carbs for this meals around training.
If you start the cycle after a cut it's most likely optimal. Increase calories the same day you start the cycle.
Cycle compounds and ancillaries you should know already, ill get all i need before starting the cycle. You should look into frontloading and starting test only, then add oral after a couple weeks. Also get HGH and all the other non-steroidal compounds for optimal training. 8 Weeks better for a first cycle and start low on Testosterone to find your good spot, you can cycle more later on if you want to. You can use short acting test at the end to start PCT sooner or cut the cycle faster if you plateau.
Im also going to be injecting subq/superficial IM ED and hopefully not need an AI.

This is my current workout shake for a salbutamol+caffine 2 week cycle, some ingredients i just throw them in for convenience though, i take a bowl of protein+oats as preworkout and just eat normal food post workout:

15g EAAs
4g Beta-Alanine
5g citrulline
5g glutamine
200mg caffeine
250mg l-theanine
250mg DMAE
1,5g l-taurine
500mg ascorbic acid

This is another example of good workout shakes:
10-15g EAAs
5g Leucine
10g Glutamine
5-10g Creatine depending on the athlete
5g Citruline
3g Arginine
2-3g Beta Alanine
2-3g L-carnitine
2-3g electrolyte drink powder
During Workout
10-15g EAAs (for bigger guys, 20g)/ some guys add 10g BCAA
3-5g Creatine
3-10g Glutamine
15g Leucine
50g Vitargo/Dextrose
1tsp electrolyte drink powder
3-5g Creatine
3-10g Glutamine
40-50g Whey
50-75 Vitargo/Dextrose
1tsp electrolyte drink powder

kevin mann this you?
  • JFL
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start w/ testosterone only for your first cycle

500mg a week of testosterone propionate for 16 weeks
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I would do just High Test. Its not like Var or Tbol will give you extra lean muscle tissue that you cant get from Test.

And you can always cut after cycle.
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If you’re worried about hair, maybe get on fin or dutasteride

Regular test is supposed to be the least damaging in terms of balding, but only if you take the above
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eat sufficient calories and sufficient training volume (around 15 sets that come within 2-3 reps of failure per muscle group weekly). I would definity due anavar with test rather than test alone, anabolics tend to have a synergic effect when used together
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Eat enough protein. Eat carbs before and after workouts. Sleep a ton. Stick to a gym program, be consistent. No alcohol/ drugs. Take multivitamins, fish oil. Drink gallon of water a day.

Look into DMAA preworkouts too.
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