What can I do to lose my virginity? M/22

unbelievable that even hookers are being picky these days, getting ghosted by hookers is brutal as fuck:feelswhy:
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Thanks for the response. I think my anxiety is my biggest issue. I always turn red and sometimes even without a reason, which makes even the simple "The weather is nice" talk awkward.
I'm not good looking either, with a face that looks quite grotesque, but not disgustingly ugly, but I don't think that's the reason I am virgin.
Back in school I felt like some girls were into me and 3 of them asked me out to go on dates, but I rejected them because I was in complete fear.
If that happened to you, then you most likely aren't as bad looking as you may think. Which is fine, I used to believe I was one of the ugliest human being alive, fr.

And yeah, I also had crippling anxiety. I couldn't even eat in front of someone and I'd have panic attacks. First time I went out with a girl I thought I was gonna die since my heart seemed like it'd jump out of my chest. I treated that with medication and exposure therapy.
If that happened to you, then you most likely aren't as bad looking as you may think. Which is fine, I used to believe I was one of the ugliest human being alive, fr.

And yeah, I also had crippling anxiety. I couldn't even eat in front of someone and I'd have panic attacks. First time I went out with a girl I thought I was gonna die since my heart seemed like it'd jump out of my chest. I treated that with medication and exposure therapy.
I'm trying to get Betablockers but my family doctor is trying to send me to a cardiologist... which would take 1,5 years to get the appointment.
I had two dates with two girls and it was awkward but the girls definitely liked me. But I really wasn't into them. I'm not trying to be a lookist POS myself, but there has to be some physical attraction
I'm trying to get Betablockers but my family doctor is trying to send me to a cardiologist... which would take 1,5 years to get the appointment.
I had two dates with two girls and it was awkward but the girls definitely liked me. But I really wasn't into them. I'm not trying to be a lookist POS myself, but there has to be some physical attraction
Hey op I have the same exact problem as you, where my face turns bright red if I'm ever in a socially anxious situation, like talking to foids.
Have you considered trying phenibut? Alot of users on here use it to stop them from feeling socially anxious while trying to nt max.
I know it's a nervous system blocker so it should work especially well on your blushing problem.
I don't know how easy it is to get it in Germany but you should be able to order some online
Hi, can you send me your pics in a pm
R*pe max if you're high T. One of the most life affirming actions you can take
yeah and spend the rest of your life getting butt fucked in jail
Hey op I have the same exact problem as you, where my face turns bright red if I'm ever in a socially anxious situation, like talking to foids.
Have you considered trying phenibut? Alot of users on here use it to stop them from feeling socially anxious while trying to nt max.
I know it's a nervous system blocker so it should work especially well on your blushing problem.
I don't know how easy it is to get it in Germany but you should be able to order some online
I've taken phenibut a couple of times. I like the effect it has the day after. I took it on an incel meeting once, felt anxious af, but the next day when I walked with a female classmate I was so fluent in my speech, I made confrontational jokes and felt so aggressive. Was quite nice. I also once took it on a date and the girl still mentioned my blushing, so nah it doesn't work for that issue unfortunately at least in doses where it doesn't make me feel tired
imagine needing a forum guide to learn how to do the most basic primal thing each and every one single one of your ancestors have accomplished for millions of years through war, famine, and disease. you live in the most abundant time of pussy in HUMAN HISTORY and still cant get laid. you deserve not to procreate because this is just plain sad
imagine needing a forum guide to learn how to do the most basic primal thing each and every one single one of your ancestors have accomplished for millions of years through war, famine, and disease. you live in the most abundant time of pussy in HUMAN HISTORY and still cant get laid. you deserve not to procreate because this is just plain sad
True. I won't procreate, no worries.

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