What country has the most attractive foids?

Almost nobody is norwooding in their teens, and girls in eastern europe don't care about long hair like girls in america do. short hair is not male gaze in eastern europe
The point is a about why there is the stereotype of EE women looking good while EE men look bad
To the observer that is not from EE, short hair doesn't look good because we are used to seeing men running hair halo game with skin fades and long hair on top
I'm not saying that EE women aren't attracted to EE men with short hair, but I do believe it would halo EE men to outside observers if they adopted more modern haitcuts (not that it matters to them)
In 2010, foids where I am from were fine with short hair since everyone had it but now if you don't have hair halo game as a normie you can't compete for young foids

As for norwooding in teens there was a Polish user on PSL years ago who was and there was a joke that some Polish men are born NW2 and have a hairline like Wayne Rooney did as a child. I have never been to Poland so I can't say if there is much truth to this or significant exaggeration
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For everyone on chads.org looking to find geomaxx in order to find stacy easier what countries are best for finding attractive foids?
Colombia, Brazil, Dominican Republic girls all fog hard af
Yea but if a avg/sub par man marries a hot foid,wouldn't the kid not be as attractive as from a chad and stacy, so thus end up being only somewhat more attractive.
Not sure maybe sons end up lookimg more like their fathers and daughters more like their mothers. I'm sure that's not a rule but could contribute a little bit.
Wesh t’es attardé oubien?😂😂💀
French chicks are basic af
yeah they're self-entitled and annoying to deal with overall,

BUT you can find pretty, more down-to-earth foids in more rural areas as well, you just gotta be looking for them a bit!
For everyone on chads.org looking to find geomaxx in order to find stacy easier what countries are best for finding attractive foids?
yeah they're self-entitled and annoying to deal with overall,

BUT you can find pretty, more down-to-earth foids in more rural areas as well, you just gotta be looking for them a bit!
That’s like hunting for the unicorn. It exists but you’ll never see them in your entire life.
Almost nobody is norwooding in their teens, and girls in eastern europe don't care about long hair like girls in america do. short hair is not male gaze in eastern europe
Hair obsession, and age obsession are American traits. Baltic foids seem to be open to older men more so then american foids.
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what countries are best for finding attractive foids?
The Netherlands

How is it possible that the women are incredibly good looking and the men are ogres I don't understand if
Because it's a retarded stereotype, Slav women aren't particuraly good-looking (at least not better-looking than women in Western Europe)

Slavic traits:
Facial growth pattern of Forward maxilla which leads to shorter ramus and shorter chin (good on women, mandible failo on men)
Wide/short faces (neotenous looking trait which is good on women, not ideal in men)

Polish men in particular seem to begin norwooding a noticeable amount in their teens so they lose some of their looks due to that and also wearing short haircuts that offer no halo since they are male gaze maxxed
You're trying to answer a question based on a false premise
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my height would not halo me there even with LL i'd just be slightly above average compared to white zoomers
Tbh I answered the question in the title, not the one in the body, I'm not suggesting you to geomaxx there, just wanted to say that imo Dutch women are the prettiest
For everyone on chads.org looking to find geomaxx in order to find stacy easier what countries are best for finding attractive foids?
Argentina. Imagine white european women but with street smartness and in many cases good religious values, but at the same time they're absolute whores with you.
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The Netherlands

Because it's a retarded stereotype, Slav women aren't particuraly good-looking (at least not better-looking than women in Western Europe)

You're trying to answer a question based on a false premise
Uhm. Even Dutch guys considerer Dutch girls ugly. It's a known stereotype beyond even needing to mention it.
Saying otherwise is cope to oblivion. Im really restraining myself to use laughing emojis here. The men look good but they are very low T.
I think only English women look worse than Dutch girls.
Uhm. Even Dutch guys considerer Dutch girls ugly. It's a known stereotype beyond even needing to mention it.
Saying otherwise is cope to oblivion. Im really restraining myself to use laughing emojis here. The men look good but they are very low T.
I think only English women look worse than Dutch girls.
Aren't dutch girls also supposed to be really tall? Another feature that is pretty gross for girls, short and cute pheno mogs
Aren't dutch girls also supposed to be really tall? Another feature that is pretty gross for girls, short and cute pheno mogs
They're tall which I consider good but they have ridiculously large upperbodies. It's like a barrel. No hourglass whatsoever. They have the figure of a 40/50 year old when they're 20. Their faces also are very Ogre.
Uhm. Even Dutch guys considerer Dutch girls ugly. It's a known stereotype beyond even needing to mention it.
Saying otherwise is cope to oblivion. Im really restraining myself to use laughing emojis here. The men look good but they are very low T.
I think only English women look worse than Dutch girls.
I know you disagree, we've had the same conversation 100 times. But I still think Dutch women are underrated af
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I know you disagree, we've had the same conversation 100 times. But I still think Dutch women are underrated af
Okay then please explain to me what you find attractive about them. For me it's like hearing someone likes heavy metal because it's calming or they enjoy eating dogshit because of the smell and texture.
Anyone that mentions eastern european subhumans, was dropped as a child.
In my opinion, Ethiopia. But I'm never going to go there.

Honestly, a lot of men need to spend less time chasing the 9/10 stacies and instead going for 6/10 beckies who will probably have a better personality. Ignore the blonde. A better question is which country has the best foids for either long-term relationships or for easily hooking up. It certainly ain't gonna be a country full of stacylites.
Being French, I can assure Belgium 20 years ago was the place with the most beautiful women I've ever seen.
I've never seen any other better place in that respect.
Otherwise, France and Northern European countries.
But women were much better good-looking decades ago.
I heard canada
There Are some absolute angelic stacies here in Finland
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