what have u learned ?



Oct 16, 2023
in the past minute
in the past hour
in the past day
in the past week
in the past month
in the past year
in the past decade
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Kroker, arabcelxxx, slavicpsycho and 5 others
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  • So Sad
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer and Youㅤ
i don't even know what i don't know/ i don't remember what i did know/ i don't know what i thought i knew but didn't
in the past minute
ive learned @PeakIncels learned nothing
in the past hour
ive learned that gateway program about binaural beats to induce brain frequency then learn to control it at will
in the past day
ive learned that monotheism might be worse than polytheism due to being blasphemous to the denied Gods and if analogous to stock market then the tyranny of One is worse deal for the worshipper . ive learned Ra material law of one is infinity is a single continuum of a single thought . ive learned that the cassiopaeans channeled thru ouija board are from sensing frequencies with two humans . ive learned that life is not separate from non life its just we perceive this due to relatability bias . consciousness exists everywhere . ive learned that meditation and prayers increase the utilized freewill cuz u are influencing the unwilled mind thru actions and karmic habits

in the past week
ive learned :
Old Norse mythology viewed fate as determined by the 3 Norns with the exception of other beings or deities using Seidr (weaving fate), which Odinn would use (Seidr was viewed as antimanly). In fact, the prophecy of Ragnarok was viewed as bound to happen, where the long winter would end Gods and man alike. Despite this idea of fate, their perspective rather than being pessimistic was to choose to embrace their fate rather than fight it and to be worthy of honor after death. They viewed magic as a normal part of life, and could be described reductively as working with their consciousness to give meaning to things. They viewed society and themselves not as separate from nature. Instead they had the concepts of Innangard vs Utangard (controlled and choatic). There was 4 concepts of Self: Hamr, Hugr, Fylgja, and Hamingja. Hamr is body or form, Hugr is pretty much the mind, Fylgja (Fylgjur plural) is an animal that represents part of the person’s character, and Hamingja is luck that can be inherited. They did not have much of an idea of an afterlife. Óðr is a unique concept that can describe a variety of things, like poetic inspiration, battle frenzy, scholarly success, or insanity (seen as being controlled by someone else). Óðr is wrote to be able to be gained from the Mead of Poetry, which Odinn can give to mortals. (He got it from seducing Gunnlod) The cosmos was from the abyss of Ginnungagap between land of fire Muspelheim, and land of elemental ice, Niflheim after the giant Ymir was slain by Odinn and brothers and his corpse used to form the land. They interpreted a lot of meaning from dreams. The death of Baldur: Baldur felt bad so Odinn disguised as a female to go to consult with a seeress. He found Baldur would meet his doom. Baldur was Odinn and Frigg’s son, and Frigg made every object have an oath not to harm Baldur to try to save him. Except Loki asked Frigg and found that except for the mistletoe. So he made it into a spear into a mistletoe and tricked a blind God into throwing it to kill Baldur.

and ive learned time is a constant shift in reality. ive learned we would not know if time went backward. ive learned that we would not know if consciousness was transfered. ive learned that if we could switch selves with someone else we could change our fate . ive learned that i want to shift to a reality where magic dominates fear, but ive learned that when other people feel bad we should be grateful because they feel the bad feelings for us. ive learned that i am split between good and evil because of my split racial Ego . ive learned that evil forces destroy people by getting into their Ego and locking up their soul , which is coordinated for an alien agenda. ive learned war is about deception and thats why since we are in war the world is a clown world. ive learned worlds are more powerful than u and therefore seek u when reality shifting . ive learned that channeling could be due to being very keen at seeing a pattern that others dont know is there allowing u to gain new insight.
in the past month
ive learned that college is cope and gives me trauma. ive learned that quitting job didnt make my life feel much better but also i dont care about shekels. ive made a very long notes on investing but not sharing it here. ive learned that to find key to solve anti ageing must look to either embryogenesis and youth factors. field work is underrated and lab mice overrated. ive added a lot to my anti ageing notes and developed a backup plan for lifemaxxing.
in the past year
ive learned not to talk to foids. ive learned that u should not do highschool or move to a special one. ive learned what its like being in a ward. it taught me how quickly i got used to a new life and how reversion to normal is depressing for me. ive learned what its like going to therapy and ive learned its all about drugs to lessen IQ. ive learned jewpill. ive learned why white superiority is the best thing in the world. ive learned clenching is the best looksmax.
in the past decade
ive learned that im not alone in my mental illness. ive learned that im not alone in my trauma. ive learned that i was homosexual due to a conspiracy and programming to make me a certain but also learned how to become straight. ive learned that i should not be too afraid to do things even if they seem scary. ive learned i dont need friends but also not to be high inhib socially. ive learned that i have no connection to my family and thats okay.
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  • Woah
Reactions: Kroker, slavicpsycho, ryuken and 3 others
ive learned that i was homosexual due to a conspiracy and programming to make me a certain but also learned how to become straight.
before mods ban me i said WAS

before puberty , its due to some people showing me videos of trannies at night , and sexual trauma

now i am straight . i was homosexual against my will . they gave me certain parasites in vaccines when i was young, i found they do this from a user on another website on the internet as an experiment.
  • So Sad
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: truthhurts, Schizotypalcel and 5'7 zoomer
EXTRA challenge : what have u learned in the past second?

ive learned that to learn in the past second u cant learn in EVERY past second but (hypothetically) CAN increase the frequencies of seconds u do learn in the past second (took more than asecond to type this but i thought of it in a second)
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Reactions: truthhurts
in the past minute
in the past hour
in the past day
in the past week
in the past month
in the past year
in the past decade
holy overthinking jfl
  • Hmm...
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  • JFL
Reactions: truthhurts
ur not mvp lil bro
can u help me ?

i need help on how to channel freewill into chooseing ur thoughts rather than merely useing freewill to act on thoughts

and how to predict the next thought (thru pattern recognition ?) AND POTENTIALLY intervene to modify the thought before it emerges

and how to tell where thoughts are coming from? like a map of their voyage to ur consciousness

and to measure thoughts per second and how many thoughts can be semiconscious at once
  • +1
Reactions: truthhurts and twinkceluwu
can u help me ?

i need help on how to channel freewill into chooseing ur thoughts rather than merely useing freewill to act on thoughts

and how to predict the next thought (thru pattern recognition ?) AND POTENTIALLY intervene to modify the thought before it emerges

and how to tell where thoughts are coming from? like a map of their voyage to ur consciousness

and to measure thoughts per second and how many thoughts can be semiconscious at once
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: truthhurts and Youㅤ
Need to make money for surgeries :ogre:
  • So Sad
Reactions: Youㅤ
bro take this seriously

u know none of ur thoughts are own , they all foreign , like different agendas/occult , aliens , parasites , spirits , godforms, future beings , etc

so we need to know whose thoughts are actually getting to us
  • +1
Reactions: twinkceluwu
Need to make money for surgeries :ogre:
same , i "need" to but i dont care to. i wanna leave this world anyway and thinking about shekel doesnt help me in the present moment
  • +1
Reactions: truthhurts
bro take this seriously

u know none of ur thoughts are own , they all foreign , like different agendas/occult , aliens , parasites , spirits , godforms, future beings , etc

so we need to know whose thoughts are actually getting to us
as i said. adaptation. adapt to the environment and you will understand yourself more.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Youㅤ
same , i "need" to but i dont care to. i wanna leave this world anyway and thinking about shekel doesnt help me in the present moment
If ur depression is due to looks, then surgeries are the solution to that, atleast in my opinion, but ur mental health is already fuxked up due to negative reinforcement and shit
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Youㅤ
as i said. adaptation. adapt to the environment and you will understand yourself more.
change the environment is better. adapt to the environment -> LGBT goyslave supporting vaccines and white genocide
  • +1
Reactions: twinkceluwu
change the environment is better. adapt to the environment -> LGBT goyslave supporting vaccines and white genocide
if you fear the immoral you cant learn
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Youㅤ
If ur depression is due to looks, then surgeries are the solution to that, atleast in my opinion, but ur mental health is already fuxked up due to negative reinforcement and shit
depression is not the root problem . looks is not the root problem . WRONGNESS in the world is. this is too fundamental so u should learn to REALITY SHIFT
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Reactions: truthhurts
i recently learned that blackpill is cope
and i learned like 3 months ago that everything leads back to tyrone
  • JFL
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Pattern recognition
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Pattern recognition
too keen in this and u become schizophrenic seeing patterns no one else does and getting paranoid when theres a coincidence of words
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Reactions: slavicpsycho
kill sluts kill sluts kill sluts most important thing ive learned


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Reactions: slavicpsycho
kill sluts kill sluts kill sluts most important thing ive learned


every single based person on the internet i learn something from, whether soyience or philosophy , always white male. only white male can be based

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