dude you're jawfrauding in EVERY PIC. You have your neck craned in every single pic and you're purposefully aligning your lips. Your molars are not touching. Anyone with eyeballs can see this
yeah im posing in most of the pics but that's just what I have saved my dood, I would send pic rn but im bloated from bulk + PEDS. most likely I still mog u nonetheless tho :) And that wasn't even the point of the thread. the point is, I look an infinity number of times better now than 3 years ago.
looks good

all the haters in this thread are obviously jealous, imagine being on a looksmax website and spamming dnrd when people are talking about their ascension

lol at this forum
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  • JFL
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looks good

all the haters in this thread are obviously jealous, imagine being on a looksmax website and spamming dnrd when people are talking about their ascension

lol at this forum
yeah im posing in most of the pics but that's just what I have saved my dood, I would send pic rn but im bloated from bulk + PEDS. most likely I still mog u nonetheless tho :) And that wasn't even the point of the thread. the point is, I look an infinity number of times better now than 3 years ago.

yeah im posing in most of the pics but that's just what I have saved my dood, I would send pic rn but im bloated from bulk + PEDS. most likely I still mog u nonetheless tho :) And that wasn't even the point of the thread. the point is, I look an infinity number of times better now than 3 years ago.
Yeah bro you improved due to puberty, taking PEDs at 19 (jfl, rip ur endogenous test production), and jawfrauding ur ass off in every single pic. And u don't mog me lol, we're actually a bit similar looking (middle eastern brudders xDD) I'm taller but ur eye color is definitely great. Either way congrats on reaching your goals, if you're happy that's all that matters
Yeah bro you improved due to puberty, taking PEDs at 19 (jfl, rip ur endogenous test production), and jawfrauding ur ass off in every single pic. And u don't mog me lol, we're actually a bit similar looking (middle eastern brudders xDD) I'm taller but ur eye color is definitely great. Either way congrats on reaching your goals, if you're happy that's all that matters
send pic
Jfl thats you after 3 months of test?
  • JFL
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Since people asked me to do it, I will do a quick guide on everything I did to go from skinny virgin nerd to demigod pussy slayer

From this:

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To this:

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Firstly I wanna say that I did not do any kind of surgeries or anything of that kind. The before pictures are from 15-16 years old and the after pics are 18-19 years old
I did most of the maxing in 1.5-2 years time.

So how did it all start.

The before person was big big gamer. I used to play WoW maybe 10 hours everyday after school. I didn't eat properly. I didn't do any sports. I didn't go to the gym. I was just sitting In my room playing wow all day. I used to be pretty high rated, at one time I was top 300 in 3v3 in europe. I later sold my account on blazing boost.
One day I discovered Zyzz, he was who made me start going to the gym and quit playing wow.
This was the biggest step for me, quitting wow and probably why I am who I am today.

So step 1. Stop sitting on the fucking computer, go out socialize and get a fucking gym membership.

I started going to the gym, not know wtf I was doing. I did a massive massive bulk with mutant mass gainer shake and eating everything I could get my hands on, I went from 55kg to 75kg, but as u can see in the last before pic, I started to get very fat, and my skin got BAD af from all the shakes. I had big red bumps on my skin.

I went to a skin doc and he put me on accurate for over a year. At this time my confidence was at an all time low, I was fat, and didn't really have that much muscle and my skin was extremely bad. I was also a semi mouth breather. This is something I stopped doing at 16.

After 1 year of accurate my skin got a lot better and I was about 17 at that time. Thats when things started to change
I went and got myself a personal trainer. a cheap one, he put me on a diet, cuz I wanted to lose fat and look better.
I went from 75kg to about 67 but much leaner. I also started going to get a tan pretty often, as u can see in before pics im pale.
Especially after 1 year on accutane I didn't get sun for LONG.

I also started growing some beard just for the lol, that later turned out to be the best decision I made.

So to sum up what I was doing at this point: Drop body fat, get a tan, go to the gym, stop mouthbreathing, stop sitting infant of a computer screen and go out and become better at talking with people and stop being and insecure pussy bitch. Go to the barber and get a GOOD fade haircut every 2 weeks, grow a little stubble beard, chew gum all the time everyday for better jaw, idk if it helped or not, fix skin, go out more and get new better friends. I stopped plucking my eyebrows like a homo. Low Sodium. Start wearing more black, since I look best in black.
Im telling u, if ur at 15% and u think u look like shit, go to 10%. U will be amazed by the results...

I got very cocky and super douchy.

This is something that usually happens to people that go from looking subhuman to looking like slayers in a short period of time, u either become a cocky douchebag or u are still humble af. U can guess what happened to me

At this time im 18yo, im pretty skinny after the cut, but I looked very handsome. I wanted to gain back some mass tho, so I started bulking again, but I was too afraid to end up looking like I did 1.5 years ago, so I went on "maintain" for 1 year, and didn't gain much muscle. It was in the middle of the maintaining period. I was 18.5 years old and I went to get my sleeve done. I always wanted a tattoo, I knew it would look sick on me, and Im not the type that regrets so I went and did it, my dad hated me for it for a week but fuck it, it was worth it, everyone was mirin even my dad he was jelly af. I went to an multi award winning Japanese tattooer and got myself a top tier Japanese black and white sleeve, its not done yet...

So corona hit and its graduation, im still a skinny bitch but with a good face. at 19 years old

I was about 68kgs. I needed to bulk. I had gotten a good face, I had the tats, good skin but I needed mass. I also started wearing green contact lenses. They are not that different from normal eye color, but its just a small tint on it for fun.

So that's when I started my bulk, I did my a 3 month bulk with a little bit of Test Cyp and ended up at 82kgs. I was huge compared to before, and people were mirin, I had a beard so it wasn't that bad. You can see the two mirror selfies, One is at 68kgs one is at 80+kgs, angle is bit different but I gained so much mass.
That makes me to where I am rn.

I just started my 2nd cycle, a proper one, with Sust Mast and Dbol, im gonna be huge, I have only been at 13% body fat max. My goal now is to gain 10 kgs of muscle and be at 10% bf. when im 22 im going to look insane.

so basically to sum up all

Stop playing wow and start leveling up IRL instead
Barber and see what hairstyle fits me the best.
Lenses instead of glasses
Facial hair and pluck eyebrows correctly
Low sodium
Fix Posture
Breath with nose
Fix style and see what looks the best on me (personally black)
Get more friends, I litterealy went from a nobody to the most popular dude in my school and got invited to all parties, no joke even tho a lot of people hated me since I filmed my teacher under the skirt and got arrested jfl that's for another day lol.
stop being a school nerd.
Start working out properly and hard
Take good pictures
Download tinder

i have done everything I can do except surgery.

What im working on now, is my fucking porn addiction, I went deep into the porn sites and fucked my dopamine shit, im recovering from it, a lot of girls I couldn't get it up with bcuz of that
I would have slay count of 40 instead of 15 I swear if I wasn't insecure about that

The best biggest decision I made was to stop being a little crybaby bitch and doing whatever the fuck I wanted to. I wanted to get a full sleeve for 6k at 18, I did it. I wanted to take steroids at 19 did it. I wanted to become popular I did what it took to be it. To truly LooksMax u need to do whatever u feel is the right choice and don't think too hard about it. I litterealy did not care what I got tattooed on my whole arm, I went it and told him I want something aesthetic af and Idc a single bit what the meaning behind it is. I didn't see my tattoo before he put it on me.
Im not going to care what happens in 50 years, what if I die when im 31.
anyways peace stop asking me what I did to LooksMax now lol.

@Hopelessmofoker @dachad @DunSorbus @Face is everything
How many times a week you do your eyebrows? I got to constantly do them or else I look like shit
Jfl thats you after 3 months of test?
I went up 10 kgs after my first cycle. my legs gained like 6 cm, arms 2.5 cm
id say it was pretty solid, idk what pic ur referring to
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ahha yeah it sucks but its a blesssing to have thick ones
I have to pass it with a clipper for tapers once week, or else it becomes bushy anyways. That and a clipper through once a month
I wish i had the balls to get tattoos. I want sleeves too i like them but family would kill me
I wish i had the balls to get tattoos. I want sleeves too i like them but family would kill me
i tought the same.
But i just did it, and my dad was mad af for a while, but he is fine with it now
  • +1
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Good on the gym progress

Jumped on test too early imo
Yeah I did, but I dont care, had problems with EQ Too so I said fuck it brah
I mean it’s all good esp since u seem not to be prone to androgenic alopecia but just keep ur bloods in check

I would hold the Mas & Dbol for now tho esp if u haven’t hit the 1k club yet
I mean it’s all good esp since u seem not to be prone to androgenic alopecia but just keep ur bloods in check

I would hold the Mas & Dbol for now tho esp if u haven’t hit the 1k club yet
1k what? 1k fucks?
Good on the gym progress

Jumped on test too early imo
Whats the best point to start Test?

I trained 1 1/2 years but stopped 6months ago but i want to blast when the gmys open
Whats the best point to start Test?

I trained 1 1/2 years but stopped 6months ago but i want to blast when the gmys open
there is no best point. but a good point is when u are ready for it. I would say, when u are training properly. ur form is very good, u have train maybe 3 years. You know how to diet properly. and u basically know what u are doing in the gym and outside, so that u get the most out of ur cycles, so that u won't need many. that's my take.
  • +1
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there is no best point. but a good point is when u are ready for it. I would say, when u are training properly. ur form is very good, u have train maybe 3 years. You know how to diet properly. and u basically know what u are doing in the gym and outside, so that u get the most out of ur cycles, so that u won't need many. that's my take.
I see. Problem is i want to have a slayer body as fast as possible, im mid twenties already thats my problem
I see. Problem is i want to have a slayer body as fast as possible, im mid twenties already thats my problem
Yeah I understand, I am 19 and I started, but I've been training since about 15 and I also have hired personal trainers and read a lot about training and dieting online
Make sure u are not fucking around in the gym and that u are actually training properly, a lot of ppl think they know what they are doing but in reality they don't. Also make sure u are eating properly, and then read up on all the side effect and how to counter them
when u feel like u are ready, grab a needle and shoot urself in the ass
  • +1
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Yeah I understand, I am 19 and I started, but I've been training since about 15 and I also have hired personal trainers and read a lot about training and dieting online
Make sure u are not fucking around in the gym and that u are actually training properly, a lot of ppl think they know what they are doing but in reality they don't. Also make sure u are eating properly, and then read up on all the side effect and how to counter them
when u feel like u are ready, grab a needle and shoot urself in the ass
Ok ty. You are lucky man for looksmaxxing so early. I gave a shit when i was 15-19.

How long did it take to inject yourself the first time? I mean needle in ass
Ok ty. You are lucky man for looksmaxxing so early. I gave a shit when i was 15-19.

How long did it take to inject yourself the first time? I mean needle in ass
how do u mean? like how long I waited until I started? or how long it takes to pick up the syringe fill it and stick it?
  • +1
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how do u mean? like how long I waited until I started? or how long it takes to pick up the syringe fill it and stick it?
No no i mean how did you overcome the fear of needling yourself? If other needle me its no problem but doing it myself i think i need to push through
No no i mean how did you overcome the fear of needling yourself? If other needle me its no problem but doing it myself i think i need to push through
first time I was shaking and I was nervous af
there are two types of people when it comes to injecting for the first time,
the ones that were extremely nervous
and the ones that lied about not being nervous
I used to spend like 5 mins first time, but it gets a lot easier with time, now I do it in no time.
Also, get 25 gauge 1 inch needle for injecting, U can use those in the glute if ur not obese they are not bad at all
  • +1
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will test cypriol accelerate balding

i hate being a natty

will test cypriol accelerate balding

i hate being a natty

most steroids cause balding
But they don't make u bald out of nowhere, only if u are prone to balding.
It basically just accelerates ur balding, so if u were meant to be completely bald by 40, u might be by 30 instead
for me hair is not a problem in my family, my grandma is 95 and still has colored hair, and my hair is super thick.
and what if I go bald. Ill just stay super low bf, and good face/bone structure and just rock a couple more tattoos and just badboymax
  • +1
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most steroids cause balding
But they don't make u bald out of nowhere, only if u are prone to balding.
It basically just accelerates ur balding, so if u were meant to be completely bald by 40, u might be by 30 instead
for me hair is not a problem in my family, my grandma is 95 and still has colored hair, and my hair is super thick.
and what if I go bald. Ill just stay super low bf, and good face/bone structure and just rock a couple more tattoos and just badboymax
will test cypriol accelerate balding

i hate being a natty

You can and should use finasterid or RU58841 while roiding so you keep your hair. I think 1mg fin and 350mg test is hairsafe
  • +1
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you look like a manwhore :feelsohh: you like eating pussy or what
pussy slave?
Yeah, I eat it then fuck it good
I also make them come without coming myself, i fuck with their heads making them think their pussy isnt good enough so that next time she jumps on this dick even harder to make me come meanwhile ur still an incel virgin
stay mad u basement larper dont even respond
  • JFL
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Yeah, I eat it then fuck it good
I also make them come without coming myself, i fuck with their heads making them think their pussy isnt good enough so that next time she jumps on this dick even harder to make me come meanwhile ur still an incel virgin
stay mad u basement larper dont even respond
im sorry, didn't realize I totally obliterated u with that response, maybe that was too harsh, my bad... @Perma Virgin 666
im sorry, didn't realize I totally obliterated u with that response, maybe that was too harsh, my bad... @Perma Virgin 666
what. you only confirmed you're a pussy eater. maybe eat your moms pussy too? :feelsohh:
you addicted to pussy juice, right
look at you mogging these mole rats
mirin indeed
Hair tbh would be 2 PSL without that hair
  • JFL
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It’s just genetics bro you were destined to be goodlooking
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Keep barking on my thread bitch
do you only eat pussy or suck cock too? just look at your duck lips :feelskek:
you should be tied down and have grannies sit on your face so you can eat their pussies all day :feelsohh:


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Whats the best point to start Test?

I trained 1 1/2 years but stopped 6months ago but i want to blast when the gmys open
not really a time issue. typically u need to make sure u have a good understanding of diet and training, specifically what training routine works for u. I already told dude you shuoldnt consider heavy duty anabolics until u hit 1000 lbs on three major compound lifts. It is by no means a very imprssive milestone, but it does separate serious lifters from the casual gym rat and most ppl wont get to it without a proper excercise routine and good nutrition.

more importantly tho u need to do your research on each of these drugs before taking them. for 80% of serious lifters (let alone the avg person) working out is a phase that they move on from by their 30s. So idk if its really worth fukin up ur HPTA for a couple years of looking aesthetic

like honestly if OP said he wasn natty with the pics he posted i would be mildly impressed so I understand why ppl are loling @ his test cyp gains. props to him for putting in the work regardless and idk his genetic potential so cant knock him but still. way too fuckin early imo
  • +1
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its black and gray neo oriental sleeve. Japanese style. Hannya, Snake and Peyonne flowers and waves, not done yet tho, still got some left, fill in the empty spots and inside the arm.
Hvor mye kostet det totalt?
Update on cycle, at 84kgs now, bloated as hell, but stronger than ever, going to start cut in 4 weeeks
Why so many likes? Redpill post, he always had good genes
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To be honest, this post a huge source of inspiration for me. I have tried gymmaxxing for a long time but never had the guts to take steroids to get there, now I am considering it more and more since I have the worst genetics ever and don't want to finish gymmaxxing in my late 20s or in my 30s.

How much money did the steroids cost and how do you afford it? Do you have a job on the side to make enough money to fund all of this?

And, where do you buy your steroids from? A website or someone you met at the gym?
Why so many likes? Redpill post, he always had good genes
This is not genetics, this is the proof that steroidmaxxing is legit, that it's better than being natural. He said so himself. He didn't look better after years of being natural and only started to get compliments after he started injecting steroids.
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