What is biggest death sentence

What is biggest death sentence

  • 0.51 ESR

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Long mid face. Having a high fwhr is the most common trait of all gl people along with jaw.

I thought ES Ratio the more the better was the deal. Is .50 bad?
No, high ES means either your skull is too narrow or your eyes are too far apart.
Chads == Tyrones in my post. If you really think girls care about a Chad having a license you’re delusional.

I never said that.

Your evidence is also anecdotal saying there are no Chads without a license.

I do not rely on any anecdotal evidence here. This is nto where I am coming from here. You are the one who, for some reasons, know a lot of Chads and half of them are unable to drive, according to your own statement.
Of course Chad can do whatever he wants. That should be common knowledge by now but once again Chad with a driver licence and a car beats a Chad without it. Same goes for an incel. An incel with a driver licence beats an incel without it. Of course that does not mean that he will slay. Nobody here claimed such thing to begin with. But he will ive an overall better life.

In the end it is an appeal to Chad because you can bring it up whenever you want. Chad can get away with killing people. Chad can get away with being actually retarded. Chad can get away with being poor... Still, a Chad who is not poor will beats a Chad who is actually poor. This is basically what I am saying here. I am not saying that an incel with a driver licence and a car can go out and slay. That would be a retarded thing to say.

We can turn this argument into cold hard facts by making a chadfish on tinder and putting “my license is suspended so you will need to drive” in the bio. See how many girls care.

You are misinterpreting my point here. It is not about that and similar experiments already exist. Like I said, Chad can get away with almost anything. I will also say it again, regardless if he is Chad or not, he is an absolute cuck for allowing a female to drive him around. Also, your experiment suggest that he had a driver licence but not anymore. Imagine you are unable to drive in the first place. I will still stand to this statement until I die. Female driving is an atrocity which needs to be banned as fast as possible.

Do you personally have a license?

I wish I could drive but I cannot. I was so bad, that the driving teacher told me to do driving simulation first. I could not even get behind of driving simulation, even after 10 lessons. For me, driving is everything. If I could choose between a female or the ability to drive, I would go for the ability to drive without any second thoughts.
Putting Chads in quotes to show that I'm simply referring to them as chads when they aren't.

I was actually referring to this part though:

If you really think girls care about a Chad having a license you’re delusional.

And I never said that nor did I imply it.

I also do not know if they are literal Chads or not. But most likely they are because they can get away with almost anything. I mean, I cannot verify nor falsify it. But we both know the truth and I already gave an elaborated input to this which you ignored for some reason:
Of course Chad can do whatever he wants. That should be common knowledge by now
Chad can get away with killing people. Chad can get away with being actually retarded. Chad can get away with being poor...
biggest death sentences
being curry
being dark/darker skinned instead of being light/lighter skinned
being short
having a recessed face
being bold
I was actually referring to this part though:

And I never said that nor did I imply it.

I also do not know if they are literal Chads or not. But most likely they are because they can get away with almost anything. I mean, I cannot verify nor falsify it. But we both know the truth and I already gave an elaborated input to this which you ignored for some reason:
They aren't literal Chads. They are closer to high tier normies by PSL standards but thugmaxxed. Minimum wage job, no car, no license, no promising future, but still manage to get tons of low class attractive women. Bottom line is that how you look is all that matters.

Guys who cope with not having a license are the same guys who cope with not having their own place. It doesn't hinder you in the slightest until a girl is interested and wants to go somewhere or to your place, which wouldn't be happening if you're on this forum anyways. It's not like you're going to get a car and girls will be attracted to you more.
Bottom line is that how you look is all that matters.

Yes, I already said that:
Of course Chad can do whatever he wants.

Guys who cope with not having a license are the same guys who cope with not having their own place.

Once again, it is not about that and it seems like that you did not really read what I am saying here.

It's not like you're going to get a car and girls will be attracted to you more.

I already said that:
I am not saying that an incel with a driver licence and a car can go out and slay. That would be a retarded thing to say.
Yes, I already said that:

Once again, it is not about that and it seems like that you did not really read what I am saying here.

I already said that:
So what exactly were you trying to say?
So what exactly were you trying to say?

Here, go again:

I do not rely on any anecdotal evidence here. This is not where I am coming from here. You are the one who, for some reasons, know a lot of Chads and half of them are unable to drive, according to your own statement.
Of course Chad can do whatever he wants. That should be common knowledge by now but once again Chad with a driver licence and a car beats a Chad without it. Same goes for an incel. An incel with a driver licence beats an incel without it. Of course that does not mean that he will slay. Nobody here claimed such thing to begin with. But he will ive an overall better life.

In the end it is an appeal to Chad because you can bring it up whenever you want. Chad can get away with killing people. Chad can get away with being actually retarded. Chad can get away with being poor... Still, a Chad who is not poor will beats a Chad who is actually poor. This is basically what I am saying here. I am not saying that an incel with a driver licence and a car can go out and slay. That would be a retarded thing to say.

You are misinterpreting my point here. It is not about that and similar experiments already exist. Like I said, Chad can get away with almost anything. I will also say it again, regardless if he is Chad or not, he is an absolute cuck for allowing a female to drive him around. Also, your experiment suggest that he had a driver licence but not anymore. Imagine you are unable to drive in the first place. I will still stand to this statement until I die. Female driving is an atrocity which needs to be banned as fast as possible.

I wish I could drive but I cannot. I was so bad, that the driving teacher told me to do driving simulation first. I could not even get behind of driving simulation, even after 10 lessons. For me, driving is everything. If I could choose between a female or the ability to drive, I would go for the ability to drive without any second thoughts.
  • +1
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A short chin is universally a death sentence.
  • +1
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Wtf is that retarded ass poll. You know David Gandy actually has a 0.51 ES ratio right?
Long midface
Downward growth
Dolichocephalic skull
Round orbitals with high set supras
Low cheekbones
Those 5 really fucked you up.
Tom Cruuse and Johnny Depp have low set cheek bones and slay
Wtf is that retarded ass poll. You know David Gandy actually has a 0.51 ES ratio right?
No death sentence exist realistically.
Hexum had nct
Gandy had i think 0.51 esr
Justin Bieber has a tiny skull and Pitt/Cruise has small ones
Hemsworth had low esr of like 0.43 and so does depp
Leo has the most disgusting ramus ever i puke every time i see it but he still mogs

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