What is considered a slayer bodycount for men in mid twenties?

What is considered a slayer bodycount for men in mid twenties?

  • Under 10

    Votes: 8 6.9%
  • 10-20

    Votes: 22 19.0%
  • 20-30

    Votes: 25 21.6%
  • 30-40

    Votes: 11 9.5%
  • 40-50

    Votes: 13 11.2%
  • 50-75

    Votes: 15 12.9%
  • 75-100

    Votes: 10 8.6%
  • 100+

    Votes: 28 24.1%

  • Total voters
it doesn't matter you don't have a large pool of girls to choose from
your friends have friends as well. and guess what? friends of your friends have friends as well. this is how you slay in your friendship circle.
if you had access to htbs and up you wouldn't touch mid girls, i don't need to slay a new girl everytime, i can just call back one that i already sexed.
tales from rural indian villages
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker
your friends have friends as well. and guess what? your friends of friends have friends as well. this is how you slay in your friendship circle.

tales from rural indian villages
Bro you're bragging about slaying some mid Becky from your social circle lol fuck off
I could have slaycount of hundreds if i Slayed mid beckies
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  • JFL
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10+. Slaying is mostly all about motivation an energy. You can be an ugly uggo but if you willing to go every day and approach, even with rejection rate close to 99% you are inevitably going to rack dozens lays.
Even here most users would be able to get 20+ easily if they atleast had a desire to approach and mental fortitute to withstand rejections. But most have female brain wiring - seeking ltr with stacy, which is...fine but definetely requres more efforts in terms of social status and mental health.
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I was popular on a social media platform called 'hyves' during the emo rage here, had thousands of friends, there were also large meet ups at my local station almost bi-weekly.

pulled off the look extremely well.
Are you currently in a relationship?
10+. Slaying is mostly all about motivation an energy. You can be an ugly uggo but if you willing to go every day and approach, even with rejection rate close to 99% you are inevitably going to rack dozens lays.
Even here most users would be able to get 20+ easily if they atleast had a desire to approach and mental fortitute to withstand rejections. But most have female brain wiring - seeking ltr with stacy, which is...fine but definetely requres more efforts in terms of social status and mental health.
I think 10 is low, prob like 40+
2 girls guessed i had 27-30 girls when i asked them to guess

jfl only fucked 1. is that slayer tier at 23?
Men and women are on slightly different timelines.
Assuming the girls are MTB-Stacylite
Too hard to quantify since the jump between MTB and stacylite is too high but I’d say 75+ with at least 25% being HTB+ and 60% being MTB at the very minimum.
14 women is an average of 2 per year from 18th birthday to 25th birthday.
10+. Slaying is mostly all about motivation an energy. You can be an ugly uggo but if you willing to go every day and approach, even with rejection rate close to 99% you are inevitably going to rack dozens lays.
Even here most users would be able to get 20+ easily if they atleast had a desire to approach and mental fortitute to withstand rejections. But most have female brain wiring - seeking ltr with stacy, which is...fine but definetely requres more efforts in terms of social status and mental health.
This is more accurate … most will get high body count when their life revolves around it (I did) but the trick is that your life shouldn’t revolve around it in the first place. Optimal is developing a lifestyle where women are pulled in to you instead of dedicating time and energy to procuring them.
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And I will add that quality matters more than quantity. Who is more impressive? A guy that in one year had 3-4 FWB stacylites or hot body HTBs, or a guy that fucked 40 average body MTB-HTB. You know the answer.

The validation you feel walking down the street by the hand of a stacylite+ can't compare to fucking dozens of beckies than worship you.
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If you consistently pull and slay every weekend then you're a slayer
  • +1
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50 minimum

Also it needs to be without condom. You gotta ejaculate inside the girls vagina for it to count

If you used a condom you didnt properly fornicate

//Thomas DOM
just collect babies and STDs theory
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2268
had more girls a week than that when I was younger, figured everyone else was doing the same since I was just an awkward emo kid.
Former emo kid checking in, but subhuman though.
  • So Sad
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JFL at people voting 10-20 is a slayer body count at 25
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And I will add that quality matters more than quantity. Who is more impressive? A guy that in one year had 3-4 FWB stacylites or hot body HTBs, or a guy that fucked 40 average body MTB-HTB. You know the answer.

The validation you feel walking down the street by the hand of a stacylite+ can't compare to fucking dozens of beckies than worship you.
What if that stacylite+ didn't give a shit about you and is only there for your resources?
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Lay counts are, by and large, a fairly naive way of measuring attractiveness.
This is for two reasons -

First, everyone overestimates the attractiveness level of the girls they fuck when competition is involved. Most of the men who partake in this type of thing (trying to fuck as many girls as possible for the sake of bragging about a high bodycount) generally always think most of their lays are average to above-average. Generally, this is simply not the case.

Secondly, not everyone lives in the right place / has the right mentality for achieving a high body count. As other users here have mentioned, getting laid frequently requires effort - you have to meet new girls constantly, and most sluts only gravitate around places like clubs. A 10/10 Gigachad living in the countryside who only fucks his highschool sweetheart isn't less attractive than a 7/10 Chadlite that fucks a different fatass every weekend just because they have vastly different bodycounts - nor does bodycount alone make you desirable.

In other words, you're better off forgetting about this dick-measuring contest entirely. I guarantee nobody really cares about how many girls you've had sex with, it's only a way to seek self-validation by means of external confirmation measured in cold hard numbers. This mostly happens to men who feel like they have something to prove; very attractive men are generally not concerned with keeping count or seeking to inflate their laycount by any means necessary, they just live and have sex with the girls they genuinely like whenever it feels right.
Well, I’m mid 20s and 300-400, so triple digits minimum unironically
In this day of age, you are already a slayer if you lost your virginity.
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i went from 0 at 26 to 100+ at 27.
What if that stacylite+ didn't give a shit about you and is only there for your resources?
and THIS is what happens when retards here think that they can shackle a woman with a contract to pass their genes; the kids will be chads
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I used to cope with number but unfortunately, most quality men, chads, have low lay count and happy ltr with high quality women

ITs mediocre gymmaxed htn manlets who are high on lay count mostly

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