What is the evolutionary reason for prettyboys?



Aug 5, 2021
What is the evolutionary reason modern women especially young teens simp so much for prettyboys. Shouldn‘t their feminine face traits signal low t and their low bodyfat low muscle bodies signal weakness? I am not advocating for masculinity copers but what is the reason that women (mostly teens) prefer these feminine guys aside maybe birth control and current culture trends(masculinity =bad)
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fisherian runaway selection theory
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  • JFL
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Pretty boys just look the best at that age, Chad won't peak until 25. If you put them in a room with a 25 year old Chad and a high school pretty boy 9 times out of 10 they pic the Chad
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  • JFL
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Also maybe it's to incentivize inner-tribe incest with similar aged borthers/cousins?
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indicators of trust, youth and health such as:
  1. long, full hair
  2. smooth, collagen dense skin
  3. bright coloured eyes
  4. lean body
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Pretty boys just look the best at that age, Chad won't peak until 25. If you put them in a room with a 25 year old Chad and a high school pretty boy 9 times out of 10 they pic the Chad
Chads peak in their mid twenties
indicators of trust, youth and health such as:
  1. long, full hair
  2. smooth, collagen dense skin
  3. bright coloured eyes
  4. lean body
brown eyes are better for prettyboys idiot
  • JFL
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brown eyes are better for prettyboys idiot
when did i mention eye colour retard i said bright any eyes can be bright like bright brown eyes
if you are that low iq just kys faggot also blue and green eyes mog
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  • JFL
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good health + good pheno + good bone structure + prettyboys are lean but with decent muscle mass.
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prettyboys are basically chads who are not full developed yet
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What is the evolutionary reason modern women especially young teens simp so much for prettyboys. Shouldn‘t their feminine face traits signal low t and their low bodyfat low muscle bodies signal weakness? I am not advocating for masculinity copers but what is the reason that women (mostly teens) prefer these feminine guys aside maybe birth control and current culture trends(masculinity =bad)
Women choose prettyboys because they have high trust faces, which makes them better partners evolutionarily. A high t chad is more likely to pump and dump a woman.
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JFL at believing in le evolution
  • JFL
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JFL at believing in le evolution
Yep, agreed..

I believe only in @Klaus Schwab and his vision. Big Brother always there for me
  • JFL
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No evolutionary reason, Estrogen + microplastics have turned the men into soyboys.
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Depends on what you mean by prettyboy, but generally high health indicators + dimorphism.
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What is the evolutionary reason modern women especially young teens simp so much for prettyboys. Shouldn‘t their feminine face traits signal low t and their low bodyfat low muscle bodies signal weakness? I am not advocating for masculinity copers but what is the reason that women (mostly teens) prefer these feminine guys aside maybe birth control and current culture trends(masculinity =bad)
Prettyboys have attractive featues which are evolutionary. Being a twink isn't ideal but you can still slay if your face is good. All that matters is how good your face looks, no matter the niche that you are appealing to
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How so. Which trait is being selected for that is latter disregarded by older women?
It's as simple as this: beauty is the most solid marker of good genetic material, beauty is also correlated with IQ which is another strong genetic quality marker which helped european people evolved to a harsh yet stable darwinian ecology (k-selected/group selected) survive. Therefore it is natural that if IQ has been selected for, beauty has also been selected for due to the correlation to other things that would have helped you survive in a stable yet harsh darwinian ecology
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What is the evolutionary reason modern women especially young teens simp so much for prettyboys. Shouldn‘t their feminine face traits signal low t and their low bodyfat low muscle bodies signal weakness? I am not advocating for masculinity copers but what is the reason that women (mostly teens) prefer these feminine guys aside maybe birth control and current culture trends(masculinity =bad)
this is why this forum is retarded
people confuse femininity with youth and health and masculinity with age and maturity
a pretty boy is just a young guy with chad features, good health, good skin, these same pretty boys grow up with gigachad male gaze look in their 40s look at sean opry for example

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  • Hmm...
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When the male hunters go for the long hunts and because of lack of women they bring some prettyboys with them

The hunters

The prettyboys
2689085 B6242A34 F059 49C8 8E02 A1B025AA8C71
  • JFL
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Jfl @ evolutionary reason for that

Girls like things that are nice to look at,just like guys.End of question
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Also maybe it's to incentivize inner-tribe incest with similar aged borthers/cousins?
You guys are actually fucking insane LMFAOO
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"evolutionary reason"
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So-called prettyboys aren’t feminine. Youthful does not equal feminine.
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Reactions: thegiganigga, MSEinvestigator, GymCelNeckPill and 1 other person
a pretty boy is just a young guy with chad features, good health, good skin, these same pretty boys grow up with gigachad male gaze look in their 40s look at sean opry for example

Not always
When the male hunters go for the long hunts and because of lack of women they bring some prettyboys with them
how the prettyboys reproduce if they're getting buttfucked by hunters ?
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  • JFL
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Overly masc man produces overly masc daughter

A balance of both feminine and masculine features leads to being able to reproduce both failrly good looking son and daughter

Also men can pull of feminine looks better than a women can pull of a masculine look
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Reactions: thegiganigga, HarrierDuBois, othersitedown and 1 other person
indicators of trust, youth and health such as:
  1. long, full hair
  2. smooth, collagen dense skin
  3. bright coloured eyes
  4. lean body
Mero mero mellow
My theory on why girls like prettyboys in the modern era consists of the status and money pill. Prettyboys have that "high-class" look to them like pale, clear skin, and a toned body. Think about it when is the last time you've seen a poor and ethnic prettyboy?
Jfl @ evolutionary reason for that

Girls like things that are nice to look at,just like guys.End of question
Just say your iq is below 100

Muh is nice because it’s just nice no reason for it :feelsuhh: :feelsuhh: :feelsuhh: :feelsuhh: :feelsuhh: :feelsuhh: :feelsuhh:
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Evolutionary psychology is retarded
Overly masc man produces overly masc daughter

A balance of both feminine and masculine features leads to being able to reproduce both failrly good looking son and daughter

Also men can pull of feminine looks better than a women can pull of a masculine look

If men choose feminine women and women choose masculine women, it will create dimorphism.

My sister was feminine and I'm masc.
What is the evolutionary reason modern women especially young teens simp so much for prettyboys. Shouldn‘t their feminine face traits signal low t and their low bodyfat low muscle bodies signal weakness? I am not advocating for masculinity copers but what is the reason that women (mostly teens) prefer these feminine guys aside maybe birth control and current culture trends(masculinity =bad)

It's modern society where everyone is protected by society, men don't challenge and fight each other and safety comes first.

Also women are bisexual.

Have a violent, brutal, dangerous and high stress environment, females will immediately choose what's advantageous; tall, strong, aggressive protectors.
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they can be used as faux females, to cook, clean and have sex with.
look up Lamarckian inheritance
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What is the evolutionary reason modern women especially young teens simp so much for prettyboys. Shouldn‘t their feminine face traits signal low t and their low bodyfat low muscle bodies signal weakness? I am not advocating for masculinity copers but what is the reason that women (mostly teens) prefer these feminine guys aside maybe birth control and current culture trends(masculinity =bad)
as the time goes by, the need for size and menacing features decreased a lot, look at us, we live in cities protected from animals, a percentage of people have guns, water for most of us
so we evolved to be more social, more trustworthy, essentially more cooperative, as qoves mentioned, a prettyboy face has a lot of archetypical characteristics like:
NW0 Hairline and Thick hair= Youth and Health (low dimorphism, high neotony, not talking about the hair)
thick brows and eyelashes=youth, Health and proper vitamins intake (protection from dust and contaminators)
bright eyes=youth and health
good pheno=status, perceived intelligence and conventional aesthetics (yes, blue eyes will always be seen as atracttive they're unique, it should be water)
good soft tissue=aesthetics
neotonous harmonic forward grown bone structure=aesthetics, youth and health
tall and slim bodies=yeah, stature is a survival advantage more than a mating one, but still, i think that it means a higher calorie intake, an overall easier to maintain low bodyfat, showcasing aesthetic insertions
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Evolutionarily, more men died from disease than something like combat. Good health was paramount. It wasn't all about "mogging" 24/7.

That being said, a lot of "prettyboys" are just GL men with more flamboyant styling.
  • JFL
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Overly masc man produces overly masc daughter

A balance of both feminine and masculine features leads to being able to reproduce both failrly good looking son and daughter

Also men can pull of feminine looks better than a women can pull of a masculine look
This is the one in the thread that's most on the mark. Reproduction involves a man and a woman, and an ugly daughter will doom your genetic line as well.
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Attraction stems from evolutionary psychology. Traits that are attractive are so because they indicate good genetic quality; what is genetic quality? Things that make it easier for the human species to triumph in nature; women prefer the men who display certain specific characteristics because evolution equipped their brain with the neural patterns that lead them to pass on those traits.

Now let's have a look at two specimens.
Ogre: 6'5, Wide and powerful frame, High Bodyfat, Unattractive Face.
Prettyboy: 6'0, Slender and lean frame, Low Bodyfat, Attractive Face.

What do those specimens signify? Ogre's size and strength makes him good at lifting heavy things and fighting smaller male specimens. However, do you think early humans really needed all that? No. You can't fight a bear no matter how strong you are. You can't get your family food by beating up other human males, not on the long run. Prettyboy's physique allows him to hunt, run, swim and chase prey. His face signifies good breathing, strong healthy teeth, a lack of imbalance in his genetic makeup.

You can see why women prefer the latter. It's not about who beats up who. It's about what the two men's appearance signifies from an evolutionary standpoint, and in evolution, it is not the STRONG who succeed, it is the ADAPTABLE. Humankind's strength does not lie in brute force because we simply have not evolved that way.
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Female widowbirds select for males with long tails even though longer tails decrease their chances for survival. It's the same in humans. Women don't care about shit like fighting ability. They care about what looks good.

prettyboys are the male cuttlefish larping as female.
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prettyboys aren't more feminine than the standard soycuck incel or nerd. in fact, less
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as the time goes by, the need for size and menacing features decreased a lot, look at us, we live in cities protected from animals, a percentage of people have guns, water for most of us
so we evolved to be more social, more trustworthy, essentially more cooperative, as qoves mentioned, a prettyboy face has a lot of archetypical characteristics like:
NW0 Hairline and Thick hair= Youth and Health (low dimorphism, high neotony, not talking about the hair)
thick brows and eyelashes=youth, Health and proper vitamins intake (protection from dust and contaminators)
bright eyes=youth and health
good pheno=status, perceived intelligence and conventional aesthetics (yes, blue eyes will always be seen as atracttive they're unique, it should be water)
good soft tissue=aesthetics
neotonous harmonic forward grown bone structure=aesthetics, youth and health
tall and slim bodies=yeah, stature is a survival advantage more than a mating one, but still, i think that it means a higher calorie intake, an overall easier to maintain low bodyfat, showcasing aesthetic insertions
You can have both though
What is the evolutionary reason modern women especially young teens simp so much for prettyboys. Shouldn‘t their feminine face traits signal low t and their low bodyfat low muscle bodies signal weakness? I am not advocating for masculinity copers but what is the reason that women (mostly teens) prefer these feminine guys aside maybe birth control and current culture trends(masculinity =bad)
i haven't looked into this but generally they look young while having a great bone structure while looking/being young. the prominence of tiktok in western culture combined with the very young audience creates an inflated perception to society. troughout time teenagers were never prevalent in "culture" but over the last few decades the internet shifted the focus on younger and younger people.

Usually People who are currently attractive also used to be prettyboys (Dicaprio, Johnny Depp among others).
The reason why its suddenly so prevalent is that usually people dont get worshipped for looks out of nowhere. They have achieved something to be famous and known in the general public in the first place (actors, singers). The only example i can think i can think of of someone who is famous for looks is the Walmart guy alex and even that was a fad.

People who achieved something to become famous generally are older when they reach mainstream fame (meaning not under 25).
People that got famous for being just good looking most often only got famous in their respective niche.

Now what do you get when you combine nearly all western teenagers, a huge platform for short videos (which can be equally "enjoyed" by people speaking different videos due to its mostly speechless content" dominated by teenagers, and an algorithm able to detect attractiveness?
other teenagers rising to the top merely for looking good.

in conclusion what we view as attractive didnt change, what the majority of a system/platform/society likes always succeeds the most.

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