What is the point of life after college?

You just think this because you don't have enough money.
There a ton of poojeets and ricecels earning 6 figures who rot in incel communities, muh money can't fix everything
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There a ton of poojeets and ricecels earning 6 figures who rot in incel communities, muh money can't fix everything
like i said, they're either retarded or depressed, and i'll ad terrible at budgeting too
just don't be depressed cause ur incel broo :soy::soy::soy:
didn't say that. didn't imply depression was something easy to fix. was talking to OP specifically, who is having trouble seeing the point in living. if that's your mentality then you're either depressed, retarded, or don't have enough money. since he didn't say anything about being depressed, i suggested he make more money. it's also good to know that it's depression causing life to seem pointless and not that life is inherently pointless and uninteresting.
Every day is the same, I just keep getting older. I work with mostly males and the females I do work with I cant ask out anyway since they could report me. Any attractive female I see out in public im too old for. I could pass for younger but as soon as they know my real age they will be turned off. All I can hope for is an old use up whore. My chances of getting an 18-22 year old virgin are near 0.
life was never good for 99 percent of people
in the past they coped with the afterlife
just do crazy shit in your freetime to break the monotony of the average existence
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It's what it is, human prime is very short. I still remember how many times people told me to enjoy these years and that by staying at home I was wasting my best time in life. I thought they were just joking, I kep telling to myself that I'm still a teenager and that life will get so much better in some years. Little did I know that I would keep religiously telling that, until the moment came and I finally realized that my life is almost over and it will only get worse and worse.
At what moment ?? Why did u believe that ur life eill get better ?? Like face wont chaneg, i my case i spent 2 years to try everything to grow taller ans luckily i grew 14 cm
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At what moment ?? Why did u believe that ur life eill get better ?? Like face wont chaneg, i my case i spent 2 years to try everything to grow taller ans luckily i grew 14 cm
I was coping with puberty

At what age you grew 14 cm?
17 to 19 @Debetro from 173 to 187 , i wont complain ever in life if
I was coping with puberty

At what age you grew 14 cm?
I reach 194-195 cm
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