What is your Height? [Polll]

What is your Height?

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here's how to test if you're tall:

1. stand up
2. put your hands in the air
3. do you reach the ceiling?

a: yes -> congratulation, you're not a manlet
b: no - > you're a manlet
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  • So Sad
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Most female models are 178/5'10 and no more than that. Assuming only 1% of women are 6'0 and higher, only about 20% of these women will be sexually appealing (That is, no giant childs (women generally stop growing right after their first menstruation, no +30yo, no ugly, no married...)

178cm/5'10 + 10cm/5'' heels = 185/6'1 (Unless the heels have a platform she won't gain the whole height the heels give, usually is ~2cm less)
185/6'1 + 3cm of shoes = 188/6'2 (unless you two are going somewhere where she'll be wearing heels but for some stupid reason you'll go barefoot...?!?!)

You're still taller than her despite her using a giant heel, tall women, in general, don't even use heels, and when they use are ~3inches heels.

6'1 is safe af, unless you care for those 0.002 of women
You should mog the girl by 10+cm when she's wearing 10cm heels to look more dominant :feelshehe:
here's how to test if you're tall:

1. stand up
2. put your hands in the air
3. do you reach the ceiling?

a: yes -> congratulation, you're not a manlet
b: no - > you're a manlet

Life starts at 8'5+
here's how to test if you're tall:

1. stand up
2. put your hands in the air
3. do you reach the ceiling?

a: yes -> congratulation, you're not a manlet
b: no - > you're a manlet
bro my ceiling is 3.5m in the air
Life starts at 8'5+
20190728 214638

keep crying for me
just become a jew bro

Nephilim weren't Jews. they were either descendants of Angels and humans or fallen Angels depending on different Biblical interpretations.
Nephilim weren't Jews. they were either descendants of Angels and humans or fallen Angels depending on different Biblical interpretations.
according to (((them)))
Cope. most foids are short they can't differentiate 6'1 from 6'2.
Yea but only if you are alone.If your 6 ft 1 and are out with your 6 ft 3 buddy they're gonna notice
i love the contrast between

6'1" = "manlet"
6'2" = "titan"

thats a really powerful inch of difference
6'1 and 6'2 are the perfect height actually all studies show that 6'1 is perceived as perfect height for a man even women said that i dont know where you guys from i have bunch of friends that are 6'5+++ and trust me they have so many disadvantages a lot of women are afraid to even go and talk to them becouse their more intimidating to lanky doesnt look good its hard to pack muscle you need to eat like a horse to have good body also its difficult to kiss and .... see all studies they and all forums show that 6'1 is best height 6'0 and 6'2 second best and then 5'11 6'3 third place you need to think about everything when you 6'5 its hard to be in a plain seat car bus all ot of dissadvanteges ... myself i studied height and i would go anything taler than a very weak 6'3 percectly 6'1.5 to 6'2
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6'1 and 6'2 are the perfect height actually all studies show that 6'1 is perceived as perfect height for a man even women said that i dont know where you guys from i have bunch of friends that are 6'5+++ and trust me they have so many disadvantages a lot of women are afraid to even go and talk to them becouse their more intimidating to lanky does look good its hard to pack muscle you need to eat like a horse to have good body also its difficult tu kiss and .... see all studies they and all forums show that 6'1 is best height 6'0 anf 6'2 second best and then 5'11 6'3 third place you need to think about everything when you 6'5 its hard to by in a plain seat car bus all ot of dissadvanteges ... myself i studied height and i would go anything taler than a very weak 6'3 percectly 6'1.5 to 6'2

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6'1 and 6'2 are the perfect height actually all studies show that 6'1 is perceived as perfect height for a man even women said that i dont know where you guys from i have bunch of friends that are 6'5+++ and trust me they have so many disadvantages a lot of women are afraid to even go and talk to them becouse their more intimidating to lanky does look good its hard to pack muscle you need to eat like a horse to have good body also its difficult tu kiss and .... see all studies they and all forums show that 6'1 is best height 6'0 anf 6'2 second best and then 5'11 6'3 third place you need to think about everything when you 6'5 its hard to by in a plain seat car bus all ot of dissadvanteges ... myself i studied height and i would go anything taler than a very weak 6'3 percectly 6'1.5 to 6'2
what a bunch of cope jfl

if u had the chance u'd be 6'5" over 6'1" stop kidding yourself
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6'1 and 6'2 are the perfect height actually all studies show that 6'1 is perceived as perfect height for a man even women said that i dont know where you guys from i have bunch of friends that are 6'5+++ and trust me they have so many disadvantages a lot of women are afraid to even go and talk to them becouse their more intimidating to lanky doesnt look good its hard to pack muscle you need to eat like a horse to have good body also its difficult to kiss and .... see all studies they and all forums show that 6'1 is best height 6'0 and 6'2 second best and then 5'11 6'3 third place you need to think about everything when you 6'5 its hard to be in a plain seat car bus all ot of dissadvanteges ... myself i studied height and i would go anything taler than a very weak 6'3 percectly 6'1.5 to 6'2

Thats BS
Height doesn’t mean anything. Period.
Height is the most important thing after face and if you don't believe this in 2019 where internet exists and women discriminate, wish death and whatnot upon short men on social media posts daily, then you are seriously retarded. Also, your face doesn't really matter if you are under 5'5 because no woman will take you seriously and no man will ever respect you unless you are a fucking president like Putin or some shit.
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what a bunch of cope jfl

if u had the chance u'd be 6'5" over 6'1" stop kidding yourself
If i would have a chance i would pick strong 6'2 i thinked about it becouse at 6'2 you are taller than most of females so thats it im good i can have female companion she can be 6'0 and i will be good what inportant to have good kissing level and as i said all my friend even say that 6'1 6'2 is about perfect right on google perfect man height go to forims and count u will sure see the results were 6'1 6'2 is 60% perceived ideal by population and 6'4 6'5 and up is like 5% and no kidding why whe fuk tall lads wear flat shoes they dont want to be taller becouse its getting to the spot were it is disadvantage
Height is the most important thing after face and if you don't believe this in 2019 where internet exists and women discriminate, wish death and whatnot upon short men on social media posts daily, then you are seriously retarded. Also, your face doesn't really matter if you are under 5'5 because no woman will take you seriously and no man will ever respect you unless you are a fucking president like Putin or some shit.
I’m 6’2” and have only been with 12 women... height is cope
  • JFL
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I would say height is not that importantant if you are taller than women thats important most important thing is face for sure you dont need to be that tall to be honest theres alot of guys that are short and have very beautiful women around them there a formula perfect heigh between man and women is 5inches so average women in my country is around 5'6 so if you are 6'0 you are good also there is smaller dating market but also women like 5'3 so that means yout good if you are 5'9 dont worry guys just find the right partner i would go max for 2inches different from my height so if she puts heals and i put shoes we are about same height which looks like super couple
i'm gonna be a 6'2/6'3 titan when i grow up boys
It seems that many of this forum are five foot eight inches and five foot eleven inches: I'm doing some research and would like to know how tall the group of five foot eight inches was at about fifteen and sixteen, so any information would be helpful, because experience-based research is better
70% of the forum are manlets tier.
fuck i need another 2cm of hieght to be 6'2
6'1.5 so what should i choose?
>height is cope
t. tallfag whos height was never a problem
5'6 is turbo manlet. Moneymaxx or death
  • WTF
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Is there anyone shorter than 5'3??
The poll results are remarkably believable. Wow
Everyone frauding so I'm claiming 6’2 ngl
putting 5'8 and 6'1 into the same category jfl
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You’re all COPING. What matters is go MGTOW
5"8 to 6"1 is not fair to be at same bracket
5"8 is manlet while 6"1 is good height
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