What kind of improvements to eye region can be made?



Jun 25, 2022
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Screejohot 1

want to improve my whole orbital region, but not sure how brow movement could improve, especially with forehead/temple area. note that nasal bone skews to right side of face a bit effecting orbital globe. also curious if anything around there can be identified in why my profile/obliques look so different. brow+nose+cheek bone significant difference? also have been looking into infra-orbital implants. last pic illustrates asymmetry well, potentially eyes at different heights/depths.
I mean there is some general advice I could give. For instance your brows have a lot of height and curvature. They would probably benefit from being straighter and less high. Also they’re pretty high set and don’t really extend to the center of your face. All of that gives you a more round pudgy eye area. You would also benefit from more defined lashes, but they’re already pretty good from what I see.

As with everything though, it’s all about facial harmony. Your eye area could be bad on its own but be perfect for your entire face, so I can’t really make any definitive statements without seeing the entire face.

Also the eye area is probably the hardest to change, and even with surgery you can’t really expect too too much ascension like with jaw surgery.
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Straighter eyebrows that are less high + something for your ptosis would help your eyes a lot IMO. Best if you send a full face pic to see how your eyes match your other features.
supraorbital rim implants for augmentation and lowering the inferior level of the supras
supraorbital rim implants for augmentation and lowering the inferior level of the supras
do you have any links to supraorbital implants? I haven't been able to find many results on google, but I figured that + infraorbital might be a good path. trying to understand how that would align with a potential bimax too.

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