What kind of Muslim women are the most degenerate?

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Non of them, you aren't a muslim if you aren't praying 5 times daily, and the women who do pray like this are never degenerate, you know they are very serious in their deen. So I dont understand thus thread, Islam is a religion, muslims can range from berber, asians, balkan, indians, africans, sea etc.
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Non of them, you aren't a muslim if you aren't praying 5 times daily, and the women who do pray like this are never degenerate, you know they are very serious in their deen. So I dont understand thus thread, Islam is a religion, muslims can range from berber, asians, balkan, indians, africans, sea etc.
send bwc
  • JFL
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Islamically you aren't sinning from thoughts, even if you sent a huge dick to the most religious muslim women, she would get aroused in her head potentially, but she would never act on it. Islam as a religion is much stronger then Christianity, the way its taught and such. You know im a muslim btw right?
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Islamically you aren't sinning from thoughts, even if you sent a huge dick to the most religious muslim women, she would get aroused in her head potentially, but she would never act on it. Islam as a religion is much stronger then Christianity, the way its taught and such. You know im a muslim btw right?
really? Have you reaeranged any muslim women with ur bwc
  • JFL
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really? Have you reaeranged any muslim women with ur bwc
my girlfriend is muslim, all the girls i have flirted irl have been muslim, because im muslim myself and in the same community jfl
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my girlfriend is muslim, all the girls i have flirted irl have been muslim, because im muslim myself and in the same community jfl
whats ur ethnicity if u dont mind?
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is that white? what are ur stats?

The more attractive the muslim foid the more degenerate (the more white passing). Not even islam and fear of burning in hell will stop these foids from getting tempted by male attention. They are forced to hold in their sexual urges and hormones when with parents, once they get a hint of freedom from their parents they go berserk (some even have already snuck out of the house and engage in activities or secretly date). The 1st gen immigratns where parents are unaware of the social dynamics/structure of the west will take advantage of their parents ignorance and slut it out. Beyond 1st gen immigrants, parents tend to become more liberal and the foids just turn into your typical western degen foid. They are propositioned with so much chad/ethnichads/tyrones cawk that they can't settle for traditional life style until they are in their late 20s or 30s and or when they have no options if they haven't become your typical western degenerate foid (tats, high body count, coal burning, single mom, etc)
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@Xangsane @TRUE_CEL @SecularIslamist
tag other Muslim cels
North African and West Asian by far. Then some South Asians here and there. Africans are the least degenerate.
The more attractive the muslim foid the more degenerate (the more white passing). Not even islam and fear of burning in hell will stop these foids from getting tempted by male attention. They are forced to hold in their sexual urges and hormones when with parents, once they get a hint of freedom from their parents they go berserk (some even have already snuck out of the house and engage in activities or secretly date). The 1st gen immigratns where parents are unaware of the social dynamics/structure of the west will take advantage of their parents ignorance and slut it out. Beyond 1st gen immigrants, parents tend to become more liberal and the foids just turn into your typical western degen foid. They are propositioned with so much chad/ethnichads/tyrones cawk that they can't settle for traditional life style until they are in their late 20s or 30s and or when they have no options if they haven't become your typical western degenerate foid (tats, high body count, coal burning, single mom, etc)
Nah not true. I knew a white-passing hijabi (blue eyes, brown hair, light skin) and she wasn’t a degenerate at all. She had a good upbringing. I saw her outside sometimes and she never looked at men and kept her distance. She was truly HQNP in every sense of the word. She ended up marrying someone from her own country.
Where are Pakistan on this spectrum. I agree that degeneracy increases any examples of degeneracy you have seen in the least degenerate group?
Depends. It's always hard to classify a country with hundreds of millions. But in my experience they are not slutty. Sure there are some pakistani sluts but they tend to be a small minority. Obviously I'm cities they're likely to be bigger sluts than villages and western born Pakistan is in newer born generations more likely to be so too.
Are they slutty?
I was going to put Bosnians because I mentioned Turks. Honestly yes they kind of are, but Bosnians I dont think experienced western liberalism that caused them to secularise it was socialism.
Nah not true. I knew a white-passing hijabi (blue eyes, brown hair, light skin) and she wasn’t a degenerate at all. She had a good upbringing. I saw her outside sometimes and she never looked at men and kept her distance. She was truly HQNP in every sense of the word. She ended up marrying someone from her own country.
we're talking in typical strict muslim country with average foids being on the darker side. She likely was bosnian. Another typical white muslims would be Albanians and Turks but they are known for not being so stric and degen foids.
Notice how the "whiter" ethnicities have the most degenerate women.

However, I met a Surinamese Muslim foid who dated a black guy at my uni.
Surinamese are Caribbean and you expect to not date blacks?
sunni muslim women

they are jihadis most of them and are far worse than jihadi men
in norway its the pakistani, morrocan and afghan women that are the sluttiest. While the iraqis, syrians and somalis are the least
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in norway its the pakistani, morrocan and afghan women that are the sluttiest. While the iraqis, syrians and somalis are the least
Describe the paki woman in norway
Describe the paki woman in norway
Some are halal and waiting for marriage, and some are larping as halal while they have bfs/fuck dudes at the side, and the smaller group are actual hoes. Most muslim foids arent as hoes as the hapas and nordics here but still got handfuls of body count on them
Least - Afghan, Somalis, Indians, gulf Arabs,
My nigga

It's facts.
dnrd any relpy other than Seculars but sluttiest is easily South Asians moving to the West.
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Cope. The slutty ones are the western ones and they aren’t common either.

That's what I said verbaitam. Among muslim women, South Asian western ones are easily the sluttiest.

Source: I got asked out by a Paki JB a few months ago. BBCcels stay winning.

I declined because I don't fuck with JB
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That's what I said verbaitam. Among muslim women, South Asian western ones are easily the sluttiest.

Source: I got asked out by a Paki JB a few months ago. BBCcels stay winning.

I declined because I don't fuck with JB
You would have lost anyway because South Asian women are ugly. And perhaps you suffer from being a nigger which renders you illiterate but you said “once they move to the west” which implies first gens.
  • So Sad
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perhaps you suffer from being a nigger
No need to be so rude bhai, I'm already suffering from Black tax :feelswhy:

And yea
“once they move to the west” which implies first gens.

I am iliterate mb. Western born, not ones who immigrated to the west. Islamic women in general immigrating to the west tend to be HQNP, at least from my experience.
  • JFL
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No need to be so rude bhai, I'm already suffering from Black tax :feelswhy:

And yea

I am iliterate mb. Western born, not ones who immigrated to the west. Islamic women in general immigrating to the west tend to be HQNP, at least from my experience.
I thought since you were using a slur that I could too. 😩 My bad then.

And yeah that’s why I was surprised you said that because first gens are usually HQNP. Not always though since there’s always exceptions. Like that chick from Saudi Arabia who fled the country through Thailand and ended up in Canada and became a ghetto whore. 😂
I thought since you were using a slur that I could too. 😩 My bad then.

And yeah that’s why I was surprised you said that because first gens are usually HQNP. Not always though since there’s always exceptions. Like that chick from Saudi Arabia who fled the country through Thailand and ended up in Canada and became a ghetto whore. 😂

Paki is a slur? I hear the 2nd/3rd gen Indians/Pakistanis here say it all the time, and when I use it to refer to their peoples they have shown no issue / complained it's racist.

Maybe a regional thing. The word Paki isn't used often either way though, it hasn't become the "nigga" of Brown people JFL
Like that chick from Saudi Arabia who fled the country through Thailand and ended up in Canada
Paki is a slur? I hear the 2nd/3rd gen Indians/Pakistanis here say it all the time, and when I use it to refer to their peoples they have shown no issue / complained it's racist.

Maybe a regional thing. The word Paki isn't used often either way though, it hasn't become the "nigga" of Brown people JFL
Yeah it’s the same as nigger actually. I don’t mind either unless it’s some idiot says slurs are bad and then they use one themselves.
You need to be West African. I was told she liked black guys due to Netflix. Now lemme tell you but I don’t see any East Africans on Netflix. Unless you’re West African-passing, then it can work.
  • So Sad
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it’s the same as nigger actually.

idk the accounts on here but could you ping the South Asian users to confirm this? That's actually crazy I be calling niggas paki like no tomorrow.
You need to be West African. I was told she liked black guys due to Netflix. Now lemme tell you but I don’t see any East Africans on Netflix. Unless you’re West African-passing, then it can work.

SUIFUEL. Only east african on netlfix is Abduwali Muse JFL

look at me threat GIF
Most - Iranian, Lebanese, Turks, Tunisians

Least - Afghan, Somalis, Indians, gulf Arabs,

They will all become more progressively degenerate.
So basically, the whiter the more degenerate
  • JFL
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most: Turkish, Nafri
Least: Chechen

idk the accounts on here but could you ping the South Asian users to confirm this? That's actually crazy I be calling niggas paki like no tomorrow.

SUIFUEL. Only east african on netlfix is Abduwali Muse JFL

look at me threat GIF
Don’t worry you can keep saying it but you can’t be mad and call me racist when I say nigger. No need to ping here’s a wiki article. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paki_(slur)

Lmfao yes that’s exactly what I had in my mind but I didn’t know which movie that was and if it was on Netflix.
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So basically, the whiter the more degenerate
jfl turks, iranians and lebanese are barely muslim. All are degen cum dumpsters made for white cock. Nafris like tunisians, moroccs etc are more bbc and curries are usually with both. Somalis, syrians and iraqis however i almost never hear stories about them despite them being one of the bigger ethnic populations in Norway

This scenario is applied to Canada but at 10x the rate. From your own Wikipedia article.
It is nowhere near "nigger" in terms of relative offensiveness. Maybe being 27+ makes you oldcel relatively speaking, since among all my Pakistani peers they are comfortable around the word.

Of course this could also be a regional thing. In my school of 1000+ people, there are approximately 8 white students. Everyone else is Indian or Pakistani. Maybe that leads to the normalization of the term.
Lmfao yes that’s exactly what I had in my mind but I didn’t know which movie that was and if it was on Netflix.

They made the Somali dude look like a child predator in the cover 😭
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jfl turks, iranians and lebanese are barely muslim. All are degen cum dumpsters made for white cock. Nafris like tunisians, moroccs etc are more bbc and curries are usually with both. Somalis, syrians and iraqis however i almost never hear stories about them despite them being one of the bigger ethnic populations in Norway
View attachment 2182312
This scenario is applied to Canada but at 10x the rate. From your own Wikipedia article.
It is nowhere near "nigger" in terms of relative offensiveness. Maybe being 27+ makes you oldcel relatively speaking, since among all my Pakistani peers they are comfortable around the word.

Of course this could also be a regional thing. In my school of 1000+ people, there are approximately 8 white students. Everyone else is Indian or Pakistani. Maybe that leads to the normalization of the term.


They made the Somali dude look like a child predator in the cover 😭
Nigger is only regarded as more offensive because many people know about it. The other one isn’t known outside of the UK and Canada but regardless they are both as bad if you think slurs are bad. And you mean Pakistani, the actual shortened form is even shorter. Younger generations didn’t have to deal with discrimination like their elders so that’s why you got blacks going around calling each other niggas or niggers. Same goes for other groups of people. Younger generations are usually retarded so you shouldn’t take them as the standard for what is okay and what isn’t okay.

That movie doesn’t seem to be well-known but I could be wrong. Maybe it got famous due to that one scene? Sometimes there are shitty movies made famous due to a single iconic scene. Perhaps this is the case for that movie as well.
my avi will forever be virgin until i nut inside her create beautiful half central asian and half east asian kids😍
She’s already been deflowered by BTS.
She’s already been deflowered by BTS.
i will knock down these kpop twinks into oblivion, east asian foids belong to central asian dicks
  • JFL
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Nigger is only regarded as more offensive because many people know about it. The other one isn’t known outside of the UK and Canada but regardless they are both as bad if you think slurs are bad. And you mean Pakistani, the actual shortened form is even shorter. Younger generations didn’t have to deal with discrimination like their elders so that’s why you got blacks going around calling each other niggas or niggers. Same goes for other groups of people. Younger generations are usually retarded so you shouldn’t take them as the standard for what is okay and what isn’t okay.

That movie doesn’t seem to be well-known but I could be wrong. Maybe it got famous due to that one scene? Sometimes there are shitty movies made famous due to a single iconic scene. Perhaps this is the case for that movie as well.

I won't be saying Paki anymore then, over for racismaxxers such as myself.

And you'll stop saying nigger, right bhai?
  • JFL
Reactions: Michael Myers
So basically, the whiter the more degenerate
Tbh those people lived under extremely secular governments and they started social and cultural programs to weaternise their society. Them mogging other people may play a role, but I doubt it plays a massive role and more gives them an advantage in being degenerate rather than a cause. Some curries (mostly men) turn their back on religion want to be degenerate but they are rejected. Soon they realize it's their ethnicity and not religion preventing them from being degenerate JFL.

Also Chechens are not degenerate at all despite being white/white-passing.
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